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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the life of roland, this is dw news tonight is realism also still far away from a cease fire? the militant group has propose changes to the us back plan. secretary of state anthony blinking says that some of the changes are workable, so he says are unacceptable. also coming up here in argentina as lawmakers prepared to vote on the president's proposed economic reforms. protesters are demanding that the senate rejects javier malays planned spending cuts and the us slaps the sanctions on. a politician from all dover, accused of trying to steer for a country away from the reach of the european union and into the hands of the kremlin. plus the trade dispute between china and europe in high gear,
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the new slapping appeared, import tariffs on chinese electric cars basing thing that is, protection is the i bring golf that i was watching on cbs in the united states. and to all of you around the world, welcome some are workable, some are unacceptable. that is how the us is top diplomat is describing the changes . how mos wants to a propos, true steel with israel, of the details of mazda is proposed. amendments are a known tonight. what is clear? neither is real nor how mos, which is classified by many countries as a terrorist organization. have publicly committed to the plan. secretary of state, they have to be blinking. that wasn't guitar wednesday, lobbying for the proposals. on monday, the un security council endorsed the plan calling on both is real and time off to
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enact it immediately with no conditions but fighting. continue with causes health ministry, which is also controlled by him off saying another 14 people were killed and it's really attacks on wednesday. i was speaking at a press conference in doha, blinking, addressed those amendments that are solved by a mouse. a mouse has proposed numerous changes to the proposal that was on the table. we discussed those changes last night with different colleagues. and today with the prime minister. some of the changes are workable. some are not, but in the days ahead we're going to continue to push on an urgent basis with our partners with cutter, with egypt, to try to close the steel. because we know it's in the interest of israelis, palestinians, region. indeed the entire world. and we all agree that the deal
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has to be grounded in principles of the ceasefire proposal that the entire international community supports. the author responded, rebecca rivers is in jerusalem. she has more on the response to what from us wants to change late last night. we got would that have, must have given their official response so that they had handed that to the negotiate has the guitar and egyptian negotiators. and they were, in fact, amendments put into that deal that they didn't accept the deal that was on the table comp launch. uh now apparently those negotiate is a now mulling over these amendments as, as a, as is the u. s. we don't know how much detail as to what her mouse has, has put in what the amendments entail. but we do know that they're along the lines of they put in a timeline for a permanent safe spot, and they are standing by the claim. but they'll only enter into a deal that has that mechanism for a permanent sci fi built in and more,
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more structured. now, the spokesman said that this was a cli reaffirmation of our commitment to sci fi, and they said the response was responsible, serious and positive. that isn't how it's being said on the other side. israel saying that this is an outright rejection by him us. but how must clearly saying that they are willing and open to negotiate, but that they weren't happy with the plan. so they'll certainly be disappointment from the us and others definitely from the families of the hostages, who, who are waiting to see their loved ones returned. but at the moment, uh, it caught really the same as a surprise, as we've known, who must have been saying all along that they wouldn't enter into any deal that didn't have that mechanism for a permanent safe boss. that was rebecca reed is reporting via from jerusalem. a flare up of violence on israel's northern border is fueling for years of a wider war. lebanon is iran backed, hezbollah militia is fired, more than $200.00 rockets into northern is realty group says it's
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a response to the killing of one of it. senior commanders buying is really air strike on tuesday. hezbollah is considered a terrorist organization by the us, germany and several sunni arab countries. the funeral of the most senior has fall off bigger killed since october polyps. samuel de la was known within hezbollah as hodge who told him, and perhaps the clearest indication of his status on the battlefield during the funeral procession and be rude about to retaliate. before he goes on and there's a lot of i know there's going to be our response to the martyrdom of abu talent people. we will increase our operation is an intensity for us, what quantity and quality waiting see on the battlefield. a israel says the strike on a has bullet command and control center took out albuterol or in response. bullet launched one of its heaviest rocket attacks on northern israel. and mit already escalating
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clashes across the 11 on israel border. since october strikes of killed 25 people on the is rarely side, including 10 civilians and over 400 people, 11 on including more than 70 civilians. the latest casualty, public utility worker and the 11 east town if knock were killed and it is really drone strike sort of gun was one of the guys who was persistent and patient american. he was a good person, so he didn't want to leave the town. the u. s. this calling for the escalation, while us secretary of state anthony blinking set a gauze a deal would also help lower is real 11 on pensions. now there's no doubt in my mind that the, the best way also to empower
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a diplomatic solution to the north webinar is a resolution of the conflict and guys getting the ceasefire. that will take a tremendous amount of pressure out of the system. possibilities have forced more than a 150000 people on both sides of the border to flee their homes. resolution lincoln says needs to also ensure their safe return home. in general is val exciting and he's in northern. he is real. he told me more about what's going on near the lebanese border. 215 rockets were fired from south and the wonder to what the, the story didn't look in communities that in the military sites here a, from what we understand, there are no casualties, but lots of damage. what's called the as the you can see here on the screen, fire broke out in many areas in be a little bit lower than the upper delete olsen type barriers area that haven't even heard sirens before. since that it looked over 8 windows. so this started here,
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so what we're seeing here is a clear escalation. this is coming up the destination yesterday. apparently a top commander uh, was, uh, so apparently he was actually killed. a man is ready the air strike a meg drew by himself in the lab. and on the among good the along with some of the 3 other top of official. so that was apparently a very important meeting for his beloved senior leaders there and the, all of them were killed. that's why we're seeing this escalation here. and we've been saying escalation escalation for the past few weeks. now we can start school, think this a war. and although that were still officially a place, the below the, the threshold of a work that was general is falling, studying their reporting from near the is real, living on the border back here in europe at germany's military means more soldiers on wednesday, defense minister boris. the story is outlined a new plan to increase the number of recruits in the countries armed forces. and
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it's not only germany, more european countries are taking steps to strengthen their armed forces. following rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. germany ended compulsory conscription 13 years ago, ever since then. it has struggled to recruit new soldiers. is the german defense minister has a simple go to page the number of soldiers instead. so, according to all international military experts, it must be assumed that russia will be capable. i want to stress capable to attack a native state or a neighboring statement, a tabulated from 2029 on once i left the bus stop. also guys. currently, the german army consist of some 180000 soldiers, victorious ones this number to grow to at least 200000. according to the new plans, every 18 year old in germany, men and women will be sent to questionnaire filling us in will be compulsory for young man was initially not for women. some 400000 young germans will be contacted
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this way. as of those share who expressed interest would be advised that the physical examinations up to $10000.00 new recruits will be identified every year. they would serve a 6 month basic military service with the option of signing up for 23 months. but there were some concerns. i think it will be a big challenge. so the beginning to finds the capabilities of training, personal training installations to train all these people. i think everybody is agreeing. but if you want to organize the defense of germany and on a territory that we need to hire capacity and a half, we have to reorganize and we have to go with this loan in the hard way to achieve the goals we want to achieve. the story is, pun, still, have to be discussed and the 3 partially coalition government before they can become law for the liberal f t p policy in particular, it's vice of the germany system will be voluntary and not compulsory. like in
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scandinavia we have one conflict. it's also clear to us that we shouldn't let things slip into a swedish model. we'll keep this in mind as we look at the plans in detail when they're available in writing for the majority of german support, the reintroduction of some form of conscription among the generations. that will be effected opinion is divided thanks for so i think i wouldn't do it stinks my can simply because i think you can get to know lots of people that i think is just something different. and i think it's also an experience that you're trying to get to the wise someone come and stick to a certain extent, rob, say, 10 year olds of the opportunity to think, what do i actually want to do? where can i do something good. and we'll kind of just go to student. uh, it's been fine because may have the opinion that this is something that's simply encroaches on people who has no rights. and that's generally a mistake mind and filled out. the new funds would not require changing the constitution. and would therefore not require a 2 thirds majority in parliament. so once the government parties have agreed on
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the details, conscription light can become law most likely before the federal elections in 2025 . argentina is any president is trying to keep his campaign promised to cut the government spending. the senate is debating a major bill. bit forward by president heavier malay as part of his sweeping plans to overall the economy. thousands of protesters rarely the outside congress. importance hours ahead of the debate today, the legislation is past the lower chamber, but it faces an uphill battle to pass the senate. the economic administrative and tax reforms are seen as key to the president's success. they faced stiff opposition from trade unions and human rights groups. so here's what some of the protesters are say. unfortunately, the president is doing things wrong. i want everyone including the you to realize that things are going badly. what has to happen today is that the law must not be passed by. they have children,
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i have grandchildren, the economy, education, unemployment for my children is in danger. and that's why i have come to this demonstration. it gets the future with all our children. that's why we have to be here making an effort to prevent the law from being signed. alright, or corresponded. alejandro. we're both c o is it? when as our, as for us l. a 100. if you could walk us through the made elements of president malays reform bill. yes, this bill includes a huge the regulations, a tax reforms that really uses that's for rich people. this the same times increase this rate. that's just for a sum workers a. it includes l, so i'm this deep and uh, redeem that was a big amendments or a big companies. and that invest more than $200000000.00 in for
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these companies with a way to reduce taxes and also customs on exchange controls that exist in argentina . they bill also includes labor reform, the pension reform, the now is being discussed, designate in a 100. we know that not everyone likes this bill. what will it mean or what would it mean for ordinary argentinians if this bill is approved as well? the people of the there is that is protesting that the street is seeing the same song all the time. the country is not for sale. they think that they, this a redeem for big investments will give it to a forwarding company, is the natural resources of martin t 9, including only gas and mine, the re and lead him. and they also, uh, fred, a labor farm there,
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right in the labor rights. they think that it will be easier for the private companies on, for the states, a, for the state to layoff more employees, dad. and they are laying it in nowadays. and they know i would a nowadays, and they are of course afraid of the patient reform, which a retention they would get when they get all the president wants to, as he says, fix this economy. starting with this reform, we know that almost nothing happens in the country without us dollars. so i'm wondering how have the stock markets, how have they been reacting to history for or well, during the last days a, the market a how that's how to react. it's a positive lead with a stocks, bonds, and base. so rights is when a there was news about advancing of the bill on a house reacted negatively in which every news all is said, thoughts and with
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a right, a stops, bones and base or holes in the market. and the government expect a dis, a know to be approved, and they think that these are necessary a, but not a sufficient condition to recover the items to us economy. and if the dates are rejected, of course, the government would not show that it has a governmental entity on maybe the economy will drop even more to be or is alejandro robust seo and board as r s on an argentinian economy in transition. alejandro. thank you. thank you very much. here are some of the other stories. now. they're making headlines around the world, ukraine's president, the building and zalinski has met with crown prince mohammad been selma in saudi arabia. so lensky called the meeting meaningful and energetic ukrainian leaders on a diplomatic tour to drum up support. ahead of a p summit. this weekend,
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kosovo has marked the 25th anniversary of its liberation with a military parade in the capital pristina. in 1999, a nato bombing campaign caused serbian forces to withdraw from the territory which had been a province of serbia. that ended a 15 month conflict between serbian forces and ethnic albanian coast of on separatists. at least 49 people have died after a fire tour through a multi story building in kuwait. blaze less dozens of others injured in the southern district of monk, gulf. many foreign workers live in that area, but the nationalities of the people who died. that information is not yet clear. the members of france's conservative republicans party say that they have ousted their leader eric field after he pledged to make a deal with the far right national rally. fealty insisting that he still has his job. now for its president macro and said that he called snap elections to stop the
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rise of the far right parties in his country. both fresh and worship as have been participating and military exercises in the caribbean. they were seen sailing into the cuban port of havana on wednesday, with military experts say the vessels may also stop in venezuela. another long time ally of russia. european union member states are currently discussing whether to open a session negotiations with the ukraine and moved over. and the european commission announced last week that both countries have met the necessary requirements to begin these talks. however, the process is far from straightforward. in moldova, pro kremlin parties are actively working to prevent the country from joining the european union. today the united states imposed sanctions on one of the is the governor of an autonomous region dw reporter to shay.
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gosh shim adult ski, travel to this area, and has more on why she's staging a fight with the pro e u. mall duban government to the protesters on loud and clear outside the course in case you know, the capital of more dover. they came to support her, give ginia good. so the governor of got goes yeah. and now tunnel most of region within moldova. she's accused of the legal party financing the state to prosecute our claims. she personally transported money from russia to moved off for a crime in bucks party, which was the nice the allegation i am on trial because i am the governor. good, go see a today we're being punished and tried for having a different opinion, but wanting peace. we want to be friends with the russian federation and with other countries you have doing a good, so is russia's life in moldova,
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she regularly travelers to most co even meet with vladimir putin. russian troops are already in moldova. and to separate this trustees to the east of the country. now russia is quoting a goes, you know, told them in the south of mold over the country, which is between human but romania as war torn your brain human a goes. yeah. russia is employed itself. power and money by a goose's pro russian party, popular or victory, was one last year's elections thanks to support from populous founder fugitive molded on all the gar, either i'm sure you don't sure will sent us to 15 years in prison for stealing a 1000000000 us dollars. from the mold of and banking system. this almost put the country to bankruptcy in 2014, but shores on the run. he's now residing in moscow,
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and his influence over and will build on politics, continues from a distance. the europe in the union is war, and russia is a trusted partner and offers protection from all and i'm is, was a no took over t. we say no to using us for war in the interest of others. we are an independent state, essentially decided bar ourselves. we shall eradicate evil european spirits from our country. russia can count on some sympathy the guide, those people are ready to take minority as most to speak, russian like the rest of the which primarily speaks romania. russia recently promised to pay out an equivalent of hundreds and months to pensioners, for some means, almost doubling the pension. see from a guy, russia is helping us. they said they'll be adding to our pensions for the next year . and we're grateful, especially by my justice,
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but she wants to give us money and people are saying it's, does she money? it's all money, not dutchy. money of the holders. one does conflict with the central government is costing a goes to a more than to help is worth considering the for the customers, the conflict searches, hitch of us will even go gaza because only because suddenly our autonomy is no installation diplomatically and they cannot make lea a root canal make indicated there so deplorable investment. so decreasing budgets, revenue subject crazy and some companies have left the autonomy off the market goes as governor is showing no sign of bucking down and describe it for most of us direction is far from favor showing the is offering an expensive electric cars and europe is about to put the brakes on that. the european commission has threatened to drastically increased import tariffs on chinese e cars. and showing these carmakers could face duties as high as 38 percent.
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european union is reacting to china whitening its reach in global electric vehicle markets. chinese brands have been expanding abroad mostly due to their lower prices . both the you and the united states are choosing beijing of a legally subsidizing chinese, although manufacturer. the chinese government is accusing the you of protection is i gigi, if i'm the anti substitute investigation is a classic case of protectionism. it goes against the principles of market economy and international trade rules. it undermine sign that you, you cannot make and trade cooperation as well as the ability of the global all the production and supply chain. it will ultimately harm europe's own interest. so you don't. yeah, we saw quite a brussels corresponded rosie birch ard, has more on what the was trying to do with these terrorists. brand russell says this is simply all about fair competition. so the idea that businesses,
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producers compete on the market. and if one has a better idea or becomes more efficient, they will garner more customers. but that idea of a level playing field would be disruptive if one company or one set of companies was getting an unfair advantage or a helping hand, particularly from a government that's but the european commission is a suspect. suspected was happening with chinese electric vehicle producers that were, that they were being on fairly subsidized by the chinese government. and therefore being able to under caught european producers. they therefore launched investigation into those suspicions a few months ago. and officials briefing us here in brussels of told us that they discovered what they called a subsidies across the entire supply chase, where that was tax exemptions grants, access to critical role materials, etc. so therefore they've decided to move forward with these provisional terrace, which could come in, in a few weeks of less than a solution is fine between china and the european commission in the meantime. so brussels basically says, this is all about re balancing unfair competition. china,
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on the other hand, such as the naked act of protectionism, that was what was the bridge, are there be 40 from brussels? brazil is home to the world's biggest wetland. and that wetland is on fire. the pants and all region which is about the size of england is prone to wild fires during dry seasons, but this year the wildfire season has started earlier and it's much more intense environmental this morning that if more is not done, nearly all of the wetlands will be gone in a few decades. a pencil should be flooded right now. instead, it's burning the fires in this wetland have increased tenfold compared to last year . the intensity of a mix, residents, i'm certain about the future. any comment? feel sadness when i see the destruction? no sadness to see essentially like bisk i'm doing and
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so much life ends in these claims. this wetland is home to wild life, like alligators, jaguars, and, and teachers. they're also breezing grounds for nearly 4000000 title owned by farmers like jose, who rely on ranching for income. the fires threatened not only his health but also his livelihood. so that's what we're trying to think. i've got to do the other side of the base. so that they have a better chance of surviving the day. so move in the way the fire is growing. it could still set on them london level by investigate home via the blazes are spreading more quickly this year due to low rainfall. the hot, dry conditions along with strong winds are making it harder for firefighters to put them out. stories once the situation under control before the real wildfire season
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begins in july, you're watching dw names after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day to night, a possible truce in gaza and the changes that tomas wants to see will be right back . the
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discover the new life stories, the exciting adventures and the inspirational ideas, the documentary, the info on d w. the,
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the, the 3 green innovations, super green and the super green chain, the holy gray off electron mobility and green revolution. global. so listen to all kinds of problems to fix or is i'm trying to tell the rest of those channels . we've got new videos every friday, tried to plan. it's a becoming 0 cent excel's 3 tons. people have asked stories out for me. i did say she didn't know flu napartine. let's say you went to here which kind items are feed us complex doors to have 5, each kind of mean destroyed supplies and she is pulling up this term sense of the sofa chip. no. because as far as overboard to check the cooking
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shows, 3 generations. one, jenny starts july 7th on d. w. it seems that a plan for peace between israel and some us would finally be a plan that all science could agree upon you as president by announced the proposal that he said he is released at 1st suggested there was unprecedented international support. the plan getting the green light from the un security council on monday, it was up to home office which had been sending signals that were promising until they worked in the past 24 hours. and boss has proposed changes to the plan some that the us secretary of state today labeled unacceptable 9 months into this war. both sides are where they've always been, far apart. i bridge off in berlin. this is the day i.


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