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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw news live from berlin's anger and argentina as lawmakers prepared to vote on sweeping economic reforms. thousands protest against the president malays plans spending comes a correspondent and point us our as, as the latest also coming up has ball. our reins. rockets on, northern israel is rarely military says more than $200.00 projectiles were launched from lebanon. his boss says it's in response to israel assassinating one of its top commanders. plus the stage is set for euro 2024 from the
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light shows too excited. fans posts germany, pull out all the stops ahead of kick off this weekend, the david lab. it's good to have you with us. argentina, senate is set to vote on president javier malays, economic reforms that would slash government spending and paved the way for some public companies to be privatized. the bill is part of the last campaign promise to overhaul argentina's, economy. thousands of protesters rallied outside congress and windows. i raise a head of the debate. many of them threw stones and molotov cocktails at police and fired back with water cannons and tear gas. the legislation has already passed the lower chamber. always government says the measures are necessary to revive the country's economy. a made a massive inflation. right as
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a poverty for the reforms face this opposition from unions and human rights groups . here's what some of the protesters had to say. unfortunately, the president is doing things wrong. i want everyone including the you to realize that things are going badly. what has to happen today is that the law must not be passed that they have children. i have grandchildren, the economy, education, unemployment for my children is in danger. and that's why i have come to this demonstration. it gets the future a, with all our children. that's why we have to be here making an effort to prevent the law from being signed to double your correspondent alejandro robust to and when us i raise with more on those proposed reforms that have sparks to protest. well they building boots a huge, they're really good ations,
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also the identity of these agencies in good tax reform and that it reduces the taxes for other people. i also increases for some workers and 18 goods also uh tax um this the and also uh regina that promotes a big investment from a big companies that invest more than $200000000.00 a day will receive a benefits like that scott's. and then they will eliminate it and then the customs on exchange controls that exist in argentina. and it also includes labor already formed on up as a report that is now it'd be debated, designate and as we just saw, the big protests against the bill. well, i mean for ordinary people in argentina, if the bill is past as well, the people in the scene of the street some of the very the buyer. and the way
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there's a many 9 people arrested. and there's also fundies refreshing for the people in fred of and they seeing all the time the same song in the country is notes for so they are against this investment to redeem because they said that a forwarding company would take all the resources that i call gas 9 every like lithium and a for a foreign companies. and they also against neighboring form, the say, database and reform quote, a make it easier for the state and for the private company to lay off employees. and there is also the face of a record because they don't know if they could get a meeting with tension when they get old. and argentina, of course, has some, some pretty big economic issues. malay campaigned, on a promise to fix them is that he wants to fix the economy starting with this reform . how is the market's been reacting as well during the last days
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a when there was. busy the news about that a band seeing all these bill and the market has reacted with a positively it, it stops bones and that they saw the increases increased. and the about it when they have a button use us about a box in the market that has the reactive in a bad way. we're in a bones stokes and best offer. busy and when the sedate approve this bill issue of the market, we were reacting would weigh about a do you think that they say reform is necessary, but not sufficient to recover the economic way. it is from argentina and continue to reject it. the market would say that the government has no to go there and the ability maybe the economy, it was thing it dropped
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a 100 robust sale in board. oh cyrus, thanks so much. thank you very much. a flare up of violence on israel's northern border is fueling fears of a wider war in the middle east. lebanon's iran backed, has balaam alicia has fired its largest barrage. yet more than 200 rockets and 10 northern israel. the groups as it was in response to the killing of one of its senior commanders and is really air strike on tuesday, as well as considered a terrorist organization by germany the us and several sony arab countries. the funeral of the most senior has fall off bigger killed since october polyps. samuel de la was known within hezbollah as hodge who told him and perhaps the clearest indication of his status on the battlefield during the funeral procession and be route about to retaliate. the fall and there's
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a lot of i know there's going to be our response to the martyrdom of abu talent people. we will increase our operation is an intensity for us, what quantity and quality waiting see on the battlefield. a israel says the strike on a has bullet command and control center took out albuterol or and response bullet launched one of its heaviest rocket attacks on northern israel. and mit already escalating clashes across the web and on israel border. since october strikes of killed $25.00 people on the is rarely side, including 10 civilians. and over $400.00 people in lebanon, including more than 70 civilians. the latest casualty, public utility worker and the 11 east town. if knock were killed and it is really drone strike, it sort of can resolve. there was one of the guys who was persistent and patient
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through the american. he was a good person. so he didn't want to leave the town. the us is calling for d escalation. while us secretary of state anthony, blinking said a gods are deal would also help lower israel lab and on tensions. now there's no doubt in my mind that the, the best way also to empower a diplomatic solution to the north webinar is a resolution of the conflict and guys getting the ceasefire. that will take a tremendous amount of pressure out of the system. hostilities have forced more than a 150000 people on both sides of the border to flee their homes. resolution lincoln says these to also ensure their safe return home. let's take a quick look now at some other stories making news around the world. a mass of
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blaze is tearing through an oil refinery in northern erac. around a dozen firefighting teams are working to bring the flames under control. the cause of the fire was not immediately clear so far. there are no reports of injuries. russian worships, have been participating in military exercises in the caribbean. they were seen sailing into the cube and port of havana on wednesday. us military experts say the vessels may also stop in venezuela. another long time ally of russia, ukraine's president will let him use a lensky, has met with crowned prints. mohammad been so mine and saudi arabia. so once he called the meeting, meaningful and energetic ukrainian leaders on a diplomatic tour to drum up support ahead of a piece summit this weekend. while the european union is trying to put the brakes on cheap electric cars from china, the blocks threatening to slap chinese carmakers with additional tear ups as high as 38 percent. this isn't reaction to china. whitening is reached on the global
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electric vehicle markets. chinese brands have been expanding abroad is mostly due to lower prices, like the e u. m a u. s. accused aging of a legally subsidizing chinese manufacturers. and the chinese government fired back saying the you wasn't playing by the rules. gigi, if i'm with you, the anti substitute investigation is a classic case of protectionism. it goes against the principles of market economy and international trade rules. it undermine sign that you cannot make and trade cooperation as well as the ability of the global all the production and supply chain. it will ultimately harm europe's own interest. so you don't. yeah, we so i would also send the lead. a brussel correspond at rosie birch, or it has more than what the use trying to do with these parents. frank russell says this is simply all about fair competition. so the idea that businesses, producers compete on the market. and if one has
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a better idea or becomes more efficient, they will garner more customers. but that idea of a level playing field would be disruptive if one company or one set of companies was getting an unfair advantage or a helping hand, particularly from a government that's but the european commission is a suspect. suspected was happening with chinese electric vehicle producers that were, that they were being on fairly subsidized by the chinese government and very for being able to under caught european producers. they therefore launched investigation into those suspicions a few months ago. and officials briefing us here in brussels of told us they discovered what they called a subsidies across the entire supply chase, where that was tax exemptions grants, access to critical role materials, etc. so therefore they've decided to move forward with these provisional targets which could come in in a few weeks and less of the solution is probably between china and the european commission in the meantime. so brussels basically says, this is all about re balancing unfair competition. china, on the other hand,
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such as the naked act of protectionism, and the account balance of the europeans football championship has officially begun frankfurt and march the start of euro 2024, with a light and laser show for an audience of about 15000 people. germany's financial capital will host 5 games next week before that germany face of scotland and the opening match in munich, this friday. and scottish fans there have already been getting in the mood but a lot more is going on behind the scenes hosting the tournament is a massive security challenge with threats of terrorism to hooligan violence. our reporter visits the security nerve center for euro 2020 for chico for the euros is just our way the action here has been in full swing for months. it's the secure team, the center for the tournaments,
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staffed by police officers from all 24 participating countries. post germany has tried to balance informing the public of potential threats without spoiling the excitements these, these are the charges, the tendency to suffice. i live here in the as well as the other area. however, i cannot say either i currently know can i the indication of a threat and connection with the wrong with the over. but many germans still concerns. a recent survey indicates almost half the population fear a possible attack during the urals security experts say the greatest potential threats is currently post by the islamic state offshoot. i s k p. the tara group is putting out propaganda like this one. calling for a tex on german football stadiums, a felix norma from the color of the automobile foundation specializes in counterterrorism measures. he says radicalized individuals may be the hardest for it to be to. they can easily buy a light bathroom, for example, a nice but also
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a gum. and with that they can execute such an attack and it's very hard for security or forward to use to prevent that. but also tamani tore it off of dangerous, such as those post by hooligans or cyber attacks. also part of security precautions, post stadium stuff, multiple layers of security and are considered to be safe places. but fans zones temporary sites will up to 12000000 people, a likely targets 22000 police officers under cover agents. drones and road locates of public security plants. and for months all german boulders have been subject to increased controls to identify and stop potential bed act us 100 percent. secuity is never possible. um, but i think that um politicians as well as secuity of 4 was can work pretty much really good to to get us. we seen for the last couple of weeks and months, but now it will be put to the test as fence and play us gather, hoping for
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a safe and fun some of football for while you're all up to date, but keep it here on dw up next a documentary about one of the best blind soccer players there in germany for me and the whole team here in berlin. thanks for watching. bye for now, the, the coming 0 st. excel's 3 trans paper. stories is not kinda items that feed us complex doors. sometimes when he saw efficient chips in search of the settlement for 3 generations, one, jenny starts july 7th on d w. this is ali john packed.


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