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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching due to the news coming to you live from berlin, protests, rage and argentina as the senate gets overall approval to president. javier malays a controversial performance. police clash with crowns outside congress, where lawmakers narrowly pass the bill. also coming up on our hezbollah fires, a massive garage brock has from lab and on into northern israel. the militants are vowing to intensify. attacks accusing israel of assassinating a top commander. and with the stage set for euro 2024, we take a look at the security operation here in germany to keep millions of fans safe.
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the i'm glad richardson welcome argentina's cns has narrowly past presidents. javier malays controversial economic reform bill. the package institute slash and government spending and privatize public companies. it is part of the latest pledge to shock argentina's economy out of its worst crisis into decades by the prospect of granting him sweeping powers to slash social programs and to enact other changes . his marks huge demonstrations in the capital k of succeeds on the streets of one 0 save is protest is clashed with police and set fire to cause opposition. little make cause joining the power tests for good purpose, sprayed and dragged away like many of the demonstrations. yes. i said the new
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legislation could shrink benefits like pensions, we can wear cuz rights and sight of a big corporation. that may have been on this low a tax all work cause and origin. tina, i'm a retired teacher and i do not want to be the last generation of retirees in my family. i want my sister who is a doctor to be able to retire my niece, who is a student and my daughters, who are professionals. and who will not be able to retire if the pension package pauses today, that is the they believe the bill over extends the president's power? no, no, no, no, no, we can be seen. he's not narrow. he's waiting for us to set everything on fire this month. think he's unimpaired. that's why i say he's crazy. it's not like that these guys, things he owns everything that he can change everything. know the rights outside congress reflect the divide on the inside. the bill was deadlocked, 36 to 36 until the vice president broke the tie. she said,
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i hope there's the vote in favor shows change or we have all those sort of can be today. we still have to watch and tina's and video now though one violent argentina, that sets cause i'm showing out all that through stern use at us, and that to face the exercise of democracy and another argentina class as to why. cuz we're waiting with deep pain and sacrifice for the vote to be respected. you saturday, the seal, etc, said the it's the level house approves the new modifications, military can claim his 1st legislative to victory since taking office in december dw, is correspondence. alejandro is, are both seo and went outside us, told us more about the reform plan and what exactly is in it as well. they built in goods, a cute, the regulations of the identity and agency i called, i mean in good tax reform and that it reduces the taxes for other people. i also
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increases for some workers in goods, also a tax amnesty and are also a redeem that promotes a big investment from a big companies that invest more than $200000000.00 a day will receive a benefits like that scott's. and then they will eliminate it for them. the customs on exchange controls that exist in argentina, the people in protesting that the street some of the in and out by in, in the way there's a 29 people arrested. and then there's also police repression for the people a, uh, a fred of it, they seeing all the time, the same song in the country is not for sale. they are against this investment to redeem because they said that a forwarding companies would take all day and that's what other resources like, or gas 9, or you like lithium and a for
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a 40 companies. and they also against labor reform be said that these reform includes a, make it easier for the state and for the private company to lay off employees. and they are against also the pension reform, because they don't know a big, we could get a medium and pension when they get all the 100 robust. here with the latest from argentina, they're now us secretary of state antony blinking, says a mazda has proposed changes to a us back ceasefire deal with as well. he said, well, that, well, some of the demands were workable. others were not wrapping up his middle east. tor blinking insisted that a deal to end the war and gaza was still possible. meanwhile, lebanon's iran backed hezbollah militia has fired a huge barrage of rockets into northern israel. there were no immediate reports of casualties. the group says it was in response to to the killing of a senior commander and, and his rarely airstrikes the. the funeral of the most senior hezbollah figured
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killed since october polyps, samuel de la was known within hezbollah as hodge of utah live. and perhaps the clearest indication of a status on the battlefield during the funeral procession and a route about to retaliate before. and there's a lot of i know there's going to be our response to the martyrdom of abu talent people. and we will increase our operation is an intensity for us, what quantity and quality waiting see on the battlefield. a israel says the strike on a has ball. a command and control center took out albuterol or in response launched one of his heaviest rocket attacks on northern israel. and it already escalating clashes across the 11 on israel border. since october strikes have killed 25 people on the is really side, including 10 civilians. and over $400.00 people in lebanon,
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including more than 70 civilians, the latest casualty, public utility worker and the 11 east town if knock were killed and it is really drone strike, it sort of resolved. if it was one of the guys who was persistent and patient through the american, he was a good person. so he didn't want to leave the town. the us is calling for the escalation. while us secretary of state anthony, blinking, said a gods are deal would also help lower israel lab and on tensions. now there's no doubt in my mind that the, the best way also to empower a diplomatic solution to the north webinar is a resolution of the conflict and guys getting the ceasefire. that will take a tremendous amount of pressure out of the system. possibilities have forced more
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than a 150000 people on both sides of the border to flee their homes. resolution lincoln says these to also ensure their safe return home. let's get across to our correspondent tanya kramer and jerusalem for more tanya, has the law has a valid to intensify? it's a tax along the 11 on israel border. what kind of response? why might we see from israel as well? we could see more intense costs for the attacks we've been seeing this. and recent recent, as you just said, has below, has threatened to of, to the killing of this high ranking compound, or does it will intensify or widen it's attacks. and what is a boring here in israel is that those attacks on hezbollah are going deeper inside the country, like on wednesday beach heard air rates are and screwing up and off in type periods, which is on the see of got it in other places. and this has been, uh, you know,
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going on this gradual into intensification of a across of board as strikes. and also of course is very retired of getting deeper insight and they've been on now what could that mean? i mean, either we will be seeing a diplomatic, a solution that is being worked on also for months already. but it's very openly discussed here that one's defensive in the war, and garza is coming to an end. you could see an escalation on the northern border that could be actually an offensive in liberal, non from israel. and that is because it's in the report as well. have you seen that? you know, tens of thousands of his varies, have been displaced since october 7, when those costs for the tax started and is $1.00 house to change this reality in some ways when you go up north, for the towns and bigger towns. even though kenyatta mona that goes towns,
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people have left them. and this is of course, something that is my, i cannot accept in the long term. so tonya, looking at just a briefly, at that goal of a cease fire deal attempt, lincoln has said the us is supporting that it would also help lower israel lab and on attentions. do we know how close is real and how most are to actually accepting the plan slicing? nobody can answer that question right now in this a ceasefire deal that would also see the release of hostages is really hanging in the balance anyways. heard from you a secretary of state blinking, he said the changes were made known, the official responds by hand us so we have to wait and see how those sites will be, you know, coming together on that or know what this is pretty much unclear how both sides for the moving forward. tanya, thank you for that update. that's our correspondent, tanya kramer. we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines. the u. n. is warning that the numbers of 4 simply displaced
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people around the world have reached a new record high of 120000000. it was the 12th here in a row that the u. when's refugee agency saw an increase? some 10800000 people were forced from their homes in war torn sudan in 2023 alone. firefighters have been trying to put out a massive blaze at an oil refinery in northern iraq. it started overnight and one of its storage facilities and quickly spread across the site. the cause of the fire was not immediately clear so far. there are no reports of injuries and russian warships have been taking part in military drills in the caribbean. that some c as a projection of strength as tensions grow over western support for ukraine. they were seen sailing into port in cuba on wednesday. and the count down to the european football championship has officially forgotten. so
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the frankfurt march, the start of euro 2024, with a lights and the laser sho, germany's financial capital will host 5 games next week. and before that, germany faces scotland in the opening match in unix, this friday and scottish fans there have already started getting in the mood but there is a lot more going on behind. the scenes here to hosting the tournament is a massive security challenge with possible threats ranging from terrorism to hooligan violence. a reporter visited the security nerve center for euro 2024. kick off for the euros is just hours away. the action here has been in full swing for months. it's the security in the center for the tournaments, staffed by police officers from all 24 participating countries. post germany, it has tried to balance informing the public of potential threats without spoiling
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the excitements, easy to it's not a security situation as the tense. this applies to cyber security, as well as, as long as terrorism in other areas. however, i can also say that there are currently no concrete indications of a threat and connection but the euro but many germans still concerns. a recent survey indicates almost half the population fear a possible attack during the urals security experts say the greatest potential threats is currently post by the islamic state of shoot i s k p. the turbo group is putting out propaganda like this one. calling for a tex on job and football stadiums, the phoenix norma from the color of the foundation specializes in counterterrorism measures. he says radicalized individuals may be the hardest for it to detroit. they can easily buy a light bathroom, for example, a nice but also a gum. and with that they can execute such an attack and it's very hard for security or forward to use to prevent that. but also tamani towards the dangerous
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such as those post by hooligans or cyber attacks are also part of security precautions. post stadium stuff, multiple layers of security and are considered to be safe places. but fans zones temporary sites will up to 12000000 people, a likely targets 22000 police offices under cover agents. drones and rolled locates a public security plants. and for months all german boulders have been subject to increased controls to identify and stop potential bad excess, 100 percent. secuity is never possible, but i think that politicians as well as security of 4 was, can work pretty much really good to to get us. we seen for the last couple of weeks and months, but now it will be put to the test as fence and play us gather, hoping for a safe and fun some of football for all. and that is your news update at this hour . don't forget for more you can always go to our website and dw dock. com or we're
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also social media or handle there is at z w news for me and the whole team. thank you so much for watching the they were brought together by chance and they roots in the early ninety's on independence, free woman, and the mother of 10, in a strict patriot to make it may not us to obtain doors has been of saving the lives of hottie on who doors has ever since the.


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