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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, you know, it was coming to live from berlin. the g 7, it moves closer to a deal to fund ukraine using russian money. g 7 leaders wants to back cubes, fight for survival, with billions of dollars from frozen russian assets. we will hear from our correspondent f, a g 7 summit in italy, also coming off protests, rage, and argentina as the senate gifts overall approvals of president javier emulates controversial plans to shop the economy. back to life the
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. i'm quite richardson. thank you very much for joining us. world leaders have arrived in italy for the annual g 7 summit. this year summit set to focus on global conflicts. g 7 leaders have reportedly agreed on the terms of 850000000000 dollar loan to ukraine, backed by the prophets from 300, a 1000000000 euros are frozen russian assets. ukrainian president will let him. there's a lensky says he will also sign security agreements with the us and japan for summit. and c, w, a senior european correspondence at band regard has been following that g 7 summit for us. and he told us a little bit more about what leaders there have planned. but some of the sources tell us that the g 7 has agreed to take out a $50000000000.00 us dollar loan. this money should then be handed over in one chunk to ukraine, to use it for the fight against the russia, russia,
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and the collateral for that loan will be the russian proceed. the proceeds from the russian assets are frozen most in belgium, and the loan to then be paid back over the years. it was a different code, a technical discussion. this is always in the make already in the making for a year now. but now it's done, and it go a lot. demantzy lensky, the president of ukraine, will be here at the summit in the afternoon. he will get this in the pledge, and then he will also sign up by letter of agreement. this us present joe biden about the security and more help in the coming he is. this is designed to make the help for you creating both sustainable and even trump proof if it happens that donald trump wins the presidency again in the united states and comes back into the white house. and did you send them to all to us? china, 2 sides is ukraine now and not support the russian aggression anymore. and the
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united states issue and use sanctions against chinese companies that are helping russia to itself. so plenty of had at this time, that's now italian prime minister george at maloney, of course, hosting after she herself getting a significant boost in last weekend. you will actions what kind of standing does she have among the other world? leaders were attending the streets up in summits the georgia maloney, the her todd, right. prime minister of italy is said about has surface lots of self esteem. i am the only mind that one actually the elections among the european leaders in front and germany that he does last the elections a little bit. we can now and in great britain in the prime minister, standing in the elections. so she's the only one really strong here and she was to show to the world how strong that government is and, and she's also presenting her in a very lush, luxurious hotel, is excluded,
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and very exclusive. so she will, if she will show it any of her dispatch, she says, well, thank you so much for reporting that sir. corresponding to badge regard in a very italy now more than 2 years into russia as a full scale invasion. ukrainian troops are dug in for a long war of attrition. and the next generation is also getting ready to go these ami and e. so if went to visit one group of young ukrainians were practicing the basic skills that they will need to defend their country. bali and they have taken the commander distributes rifles to the separate tactical group replicates. that is troops here only teenagers. so i'm not even that old yet. this is an after school club for the kids have shut the teeth, couldn't western ukraine. they need 3 times a week to prepare for life and the country up was it that i took a junior sergeant and an air defense unit is the only adult here. she found that
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the program in 2015 with funding from donations grants and the local government of the senior after russia launched its full scale invasion in 2022. the clubs activities took on a new urgency. but elaina says her mission is bigger than just training future soldiers. so when you accept today, you want to invest the maximum and bringing up this generation. morrison, because the future depends on the beautiful she always de correctly understand who they are, who you think that they are citizens of ukraine, yet they are needed here that they can develop the country on was what was the only then will there be a future here and like you well in the next mostly as a supervisor, as the older kids teach, the younger ones, hard military skills, like how to assemble a real kalashnikov when they use wouldn't rifles for the drills, but there's no playing around. they are fully aware that their life may some day depend on this training the enforced discipline and relish difficult
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conditions like a brief down poor, the drench has the field today. the 16 year old and yellow is one that the younger kids look up to go. both his parents serve in the military and he's committed to doing the same. another full authority allows whether i'm ready to go and fight on the front line in the hot spot. i think so. yes, for one thing, because this is my duty as a citizen of ukraine, so you know, i've dang, basic skills get that will help me my training in the future. positive and obviously helped me push the enemy out of our control. the reporter to the has the most recently, at 12 step on is the 2nd youngest one, the group put him up. he hopes to take a different route, which is the name simply be by you think you'd ever want to be a soldier. that's too much. i have no idea what's wrong with that. know what are some of which anything can happen this long. but if i want to study for a civilian job, there are hundreds of youth groups like this and ukraine, and that number has grown significantly since the full scale invasion. that's
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according to the youth and sports ministry, which provides direct financial support to the larger ones. in the last 2 years, the ministry held conferences for youth groups across the country that involved 74000 young people on 5 dual credit and his ordinary now in ukraine, it's a time of internal reflection. look at my and some days notice i haven't. so rethinking the question of how to raise their children, but also that they are citizens of an independent and capable country to show up on the other one is the last night from was 9th grade in the years. after 2 hours of exercises, spirits are high. but the walls are covered with sobering reminders of the war. these young men are graduates of the programs who have died on the front lines. several other graduates are still there friday, a. but as of all you, you, i worry check you for the when we chat, i know they can immediately go online and read my messages, what you're talking about. but i'm always checking the messages to see if they've
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read what i sent me, whether they've been online, whether everyone is there and they don't all answer right away. see you. but if they read the messages, then everything is fine on this. but the send all that out as the change back into their civilian clothes, members of the separate tactical group are just kids. once again, some of them still have 5 or 6 years before they become adults and have to make adult decisions. for others. that milestone is just a few months away. moving on to a different story and argentina's son that has narrowly past present. javier malays controversial economic reform bill. the package aims to slash government spending and privatized public companies. it is part of malays pledged to shock argentina's economy out of its worst crisis into decades bought the prospect of granting him sweeping powers to slash social programs and enact other changes has sparked huge demonstrations in the capital. a child succeeds on the streets of what else i have
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is purchased, is clashed with police and set fire to cause opposition. little make cause join. the protests of pepper sprayed and dragged away like many of the demonstrations here. they see the new legislation could shrink benefits like pensions. we can work his rights and save a big corporation. that may have been on this low a tax all work cause and origin. tina, i'm a retired teacher and i do not want to be the last generation of retirees in my family. i want my sister who is a doctor to be able to retire my niece, who is a student and my daughters, who are professionals. and who will not be able to retire if the pension package pauses today, they believe the bill over extends the president's power? no, no, no, no, we can defend. he's not 0. he's waiting for us to set everything on fire. these
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month thinks he's a name for that's why i say he's crazy. it's not like that. these guys, things he owns everything that he can change everything. know the rights outside congress reflect the divide on the inside. the bill was deadlocked. 36 to 36 until the vice president wrote the tie. she said you go to those who voted in favor, chose change, or we have all those sort of tempe today. we saw a too large and tina's and v o. now, so one violent argentine is that sets cause i'm sorry, i do that through starting use it us and that to face the exercise of democracy. another argentina passes the work cuz we're wasting was deep pain and sacrifice to the vote to be respected e subsidy b c o. okay, cetera. say if the house approves the new modifications, military can claim his 1st. let's just have to victory since taking office in december. and we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines
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. the u. n. is warnings that the numbers of a forcibly displaced people around the world have reached a new record high of 120000000. it was the 12th year in a row that the new wednes refugee agency saw an increase. some 10800000 people were forced from their homes in war torn sudan in 2023 alone in the us embassy and create it says around 40 of its citizens, perished in a fire in the quite a city of men golf. the place at tor 3 building housing for and workers on wednesday kills at least 9 others to human rights groups have frequently raised concerns over living conditions for migrant labors and the gulf states on. for 100, firefighters have been trying to put out a mass of blaze and an oil refinery in northern iraq. it started overnight in a storage facility and spread quickly across the site. the cause of the fire was not immediately clear. according to local media,
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several people have been injured and the european court of human rights has a ruled against a terminally ill on gary and mans lawsuit seeking the right to die daniel car side who has a less and insurable disease. the central nervous system suit the hungarian government last year. no. the court found hungry ban on you finish. i didn't reach the european convention on human rights through it's the war in gaza. now when do us secretary of state antony blinkin says, how moss has proposed changes to the us back cease fire deal with israel. he said that while some of the demands were workable, others were not wrapping up his middle east tour blanket insisted that a deal was still possible after 9 months of war and caused by many palestinians and israelis are desperately hoping for the fighting stop. here is what some have been saying, but ultimately, i mean these negotiations so frustrated us. oh, my little daughter doesn't sleep. my mother wants to go back. we want to go back.
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we have boats, we a psychologically tired. why is that no resolution? why can't this be so we are not toys in the hundreds of sons or daughters or families with kills nothing. i have no is it can with tired pulled understanding of the church every day. there's a choice and then there's no experiences. no, we want a solution and we want to have time to our homes, yet we're tired of this life sleeping in the streets, searching for war to the lives of stuff taken. we want a solution that fixes all of these problems and we want to defend all the suffering we haven't during, during this whole village of how we are. they have the same feeling, but they've been since i guess the beginning, like to be sort of a few months to save these incentives. so they said you all last year. did that
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to gain some carriage call and building sees. this is going to the vote. they also use one of the, on the 20 or stages, at least, you know that the retail then we need to sell the wall and have a ceasefire. ok, let's have it. i think that's the only way that there's going to be a deal of stuff that's going to be an up external pressure, especially something i've said putting pressure up. but we have to get to a deal and they've read the president that just has to be released as soon as possible. so how close are israel and come us to accepting the us box plan will t w's, tanya kramer and jerusalem filled us and as well, i think it's really difficult to see where that actually stand right down. we're getting all these different statements and it's difficult also to see how when the close of those gaps, everybody is talking about. now we heard from the secretary of state and new blinking that i had submitted. it's responds, it's official, responds to this proposal. if they have made some changes according to the media,
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just egypt and cutoff. so um, but they're still saying they're committed to work on a solution. we heard from us statement. they actually have said that they had only made a minor amendments that was quoted in the reuters reports quarters and unnamed senior . i'm us official is saying that for example, they want to do a list of over a 100 a posting and present is that a husband is very day, is that it should be then exchanged for the hostages. something that was not in the document according to this source, but in a more broad a statement. i'm also said that they have actually reacted positively to all the proposals. and then sister, of course, on the full withdrawal of is when the forces from gauze are also to see a, a policy to permanent ceasefire. these have been the main sticking points all along, but i'm us is also saying that statement that's actually is well that has rejected
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this opponent a ceasefire that they have not been clearly advocating for this proposal. so we have to wait and see how that will overcome those obstacles. but of course time is critical for the hostages for the hostages, but also of course, for the people in gaza with a war continuing the in full force. tanya, thank you for that update. that is our correspond, it's tanya kramer and jerusalem to and turning to the caribbean, where a fleece of russian workshops have been participating in military exercises. it is seen as a public projection of strength, a flagship forget covered in russian and cuban flags. sailed into havana bay to a very welcome perception from its long time ally, ally, the ships are expected to pay a visit to another close friend venezuela. a russian worship sales and to have on the bay in cuba greeted by
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a 21 common salute. the cuban government says the visits as part of the historic friendship between the 2 countries. forces from russia and cuba taking part in joint minute tree exercises in the caribbean. on the arrival of the naval vessels for you have found a residence to the hall that from an odd name pursued. i'm impressed because i have never seen a ship of that size so close up that on the way. then there's some money to let you know. let's just, hopefully this is not the beginning of something unpleasant with humanity. i live alone money because we're the ones in the middle. we're the ones who pay the highest price, any complex or mile or look, conflict of the united states lies a 150 kilometers to the know us officials say they are monitoring the russian ships and the visit does not pose
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a threat to the us. but the drills are being viewed as a russian show of strength in response to weston support, the ukraine of the visiting russian warships to cuba. our vladimir putin's way reminding president biden that moscow can challenge washington and its own sphere of influence. to this deal, political alignment has echoes of the cold war, but unlike the 1st cold war, the cubans are drawn to moscow now not by any ideological affinity, but by economic necessity. cuba is in a desperate economic situation, and russia is the only country that has been willing to provide significant help. just as it did during the soviet your cuba has been on the us embargo for over 60 years. as a meeting with cuba, as for administer, rushes for administer said a lot for all of called for the sanctions on cuba to be lifted. and here,
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some international headlines that we're also following for you today. a french citizen who was imprisoned in iran has arrived back in france. movie our know was arrested in september of 2020 to $1.00 security charge as well. backpacking in the country and sentenced to 5 years in jail. french president and 91 my client urge to run to release the 3 other incarcerated french citizens. hundreds of people have been forced out of their homes by flooding and southern and central sheila, the government has declared a state of emergency in several regions. after days of intense rain and forecasters are predicting get more heavy rainfall and strong winds in the coming days. tesla shareholders have voted to give a preliminary up re approval to e. one must 56. a $1000000000.00 pay package by a wide margin must himself has claimed on x. and he indicated that the number of votes in favor of restoring his pay had surpassed the necessary threshold. the full
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results are expected later today. and disorders in denmark have recalled 3 types of south korean instant noodles, over at the risk of quote, acute poisoning officials said they were so spicy, they could be a health hazard. the manufacturer said their noodles are exported worldwide and this was the 1st time a recall had ever been ordered. and the count down to the european football championship has officially begun frankfurt market. the start of euro 2024, with a light and laser show for an audience of about 15000 people. germany's financial capital will host 5 games next week, but before that, germany faces scotland and the opening match in new next this friday. and as you can see, scottish fans there have already started getting in the mood but there is,
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of course, a lot more going on behind the scenes hosting the tournament is a massive security challenge with threats ranging from terrorism to hooligan violence. our reporter has more of the security preparations for euro 2024. to take off for the euros is just hours away. the action here has been in full swing for months. it's the security in the center for the tournaments, staffed by police officers from all 24 participating countries. post germany has tried to balance informing the public of potential threats without spoiling the excitements, easy to it's not a security situation as tents. this applies to cyber security, as well as, as long as terrorism in other areas. however, i can also say that there are currently no concrete indications of a threat and connection with the euro. but many germans still concerns. a recent survey indicates almost half the population fewer a possible attack during the urals security expert, say,
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the greatest potential threats is currently post by the lennox state offshoot. i s k p. the tara group is putting out propaganda like this one. calling for a tex on german football stadiums, a felix norma from the college, out of nowhere foundation specializes in counterterrorism measures. he says radicalized individuals may be the hardest for it to detroit. they can easily buy a light bathroom, for example, a nice but also a gum. and with that, they can execute such an attack and it's very hot for security or forward to use to prevent that, but also to money toward the dangerous, such as those post by hooligans or cyber attacks. also part of security precautions, post stadium stuff, multiple layers of security and are considered to be safe places. but fans zones temporary sites will up to 12000000 people, a likely targets 22000 police officers under cover agents. drones and road locates a public security plants and for months all german voters have been subject to
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increased controls to identify and stop potential bad excess, 100 percent. secuity is never possible. um, but i think that um politicians as well a secuity of forest can work pretty much really good together as we seen for the last couple of weeks and months. but now it will be put to the test as fence and play us gather, hoping for a safe and fun some of the football football. and we have the w security correspondent, thomas barrow in the studio for more on this. thomas given everything that we've just heard there, how worried our germans about this threat? so germans were to at least some germans, according to surveys that have been published ahead of the beginning of the tournament one. so the, for example, stress that are on half of germans, well worried about a possible attack on notice. they say that a majority are actually planning to watch the games at home and not go to the funds on, but i wouldn't describe this as a generalized threat among the population. i would say it's more of
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a to raise awareness about the possible risks and also about the need to strike a balance between enjoying the matches, enjoying the ide must be on the one hand. and on the other hand, it's not taking unnecessary risks. okay, so somewhat on heightened alert, but just to put this into perspective for us there's, there's always some security risks around big events like this, right. is the threat here in germany now bigger than it has been in previous years . it's been described by security officials as abstractly high. and what that essentially means is that if they haven't had at least any indications, at least from what they've said publicly of concrete threats during the event. but the situation still remains tense and there are potential practice. they are monitoring and this has to do specifically with an international context that undoubtedly plays a role on german securities. other warring cause of the may contribute to polarize asian invited colonization here in the country, the war and ukraine that may contribute to, for example, of cyber attacks coming from russia. and then separate threats is also
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a potential. is the mist correct? and that the focus of authorities, or at least the main concern of from authorities, is the potential for load attack us targeting funds being in the stadium or in the funds on. so there are multiple scenarios that authorities are following very closely to try and prevent any attack, any danger to face european football championship. it tell us a little bit more there. i mean, we've heard a little bit already, but what exactly is germany doing to try and keep people say from these, these many different sources of threats. there's a whole strategy around the euros which begins actually with international police corporations with which continues that the german borders with control checks with continues also in the stadiums, with heightened checks, also checks for example, to prevent thrown attacks. and then one of the main focus of attention as we heard and report is on the funds owens, that's a little bit more difficult to control. then let's say the people who go into the stadiums. so they're searching the different layers that'll thought is that
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considering and one important one is obviously not only german authorities are looking very seriously at potential threats. it's also something that they're focusing very carefully with international partners, with police officers from other countries around the world. thank you so much for bring this up to speed there. that's our security correspondence. thomas barrow to and here's a quick reminder for you of the top stories we are following. a g 7 summit is underway and it'll lead but the ongoing war and ukraine set to dominate the agenda . leaders are expected to finalize on age package for kids to be funded from frozen russian assets and police and protesters of clashed and argentina after the senate approved so called shock economic reforms. the new laws would give preston heavier emulates we things powers to cut the social programs and enact other changes. and that is your needs update office hours. stay tuned up for a short break is the so india, with a look at eating invasive state species and other potential solutions to 8
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destructive ecological threats featured for that. and thank you so much for watching the,
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the, the mosquito play given them by the insects spread life threatening diseases. if the city is hazing backwards biodegradable trucks, they truck the females and destroyed their offspring. the i've seen the re, housing towels or india next
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on d. w. powers 2020. it's supposed to be a colorful event, but they are not invited to. hundreds of homeless people are being taken out from the city by the powers assigned to them can't be allowed to thomas the glamorous image being in big games. each project at the expense of the course focused on europe. in 60 minutes on d, w. the name is the calls back. say thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. it seems, would it be nosy?
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bad, like good, everyone to ok. so to be cheering into a microphone, sorry, check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back the who likes uninvited guests while not me, and i am sure you would warranty the. hello and welcome. i am so have to go through body and you all watching equally much like us. nature also finds these uninvited guests quite unpleasant. they disturb the balance of things, and i also attached to our equal system. so in today's episode, let's try to find out how to deal with these uninvited guests in the best way possible. let's start with the tiny asked. most annoying infects that no one likes .


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