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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the way you can use life from the land. the g 7 bolsters ukraine with long term security deals. letting me savanski is at the summit in italy to sign agreements with you with 10 japan. g 7. lead is also wanting funds, ukraine's fight with the prophets of prose and russian assets and riots. united states as the senate gives general approval to president malays controversial plans to shock the economy. back to life the
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i've been visible and welcome wildly. those have arrived in italy for the g 7 summit. this is meeting is sent to focus on global conflict. lead, as a proponent, they agreed on the terms of a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine, backed by the prophets from $300000000000.00 euros in frozen russian assets. depending on president florida, mister lensky says he will also sign up to a 10 year by lach role security deal with the us to try and ukrainian on forces, as well as an agreement with japan for long term support. outlining the issues on the table is at least 5 minutes to judge of a lovely said she expected concrete results from the talks, a lady, and we'll get into that. we don't talk about the comment. i tries to us it's dosing with ukraine in the mid least jump and we will start with the work by japan to create a solid and reliable supply chain. we like i said,
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but we will discuss which is probably the most complex challenge of our time. the arrival of all the deficient, intelligent janetta clearly with the idea of taking advantage of the opportunity and doubling the risks that go over it. and then we will go back and look at the importance of giving our attention to the in the pacific. let's see if you go to w's. chief political correspondent, nina has a, is as a summers she has more on how g 7 lead is aimed to boost support for you quite as well. one of the strongest message that the leaders of those 7 most industrialized countries definitely want to send from this summit is that they stand by ukraine side and that they are trying to support it in the long term. and it's 5 to again stressing aggression. and one way to do that is to solidify if you want and financial support of ukraine. so make it less dependent on changes in governments in a particular country. say if another
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u. s. president was to be selected and chosen by the electorate. that then what would that mean for the support of ukraine? all these risks they want to get out of the way they want to give you kind of a big chunk of money. we're hearing some $50000000000.00 euros with a loan that they would take out, and the interest would be paid. and by winful profits from those pros and russian assets that exist in those 7 countries. then a presidency lensky from ukraine is going to attend the summit as well, is going to sign the last 2 of those long term security agreements with g 7 countries. so the us in japan, all the others have already signed those 10 year security agreements with ukraine. and that is a milestone for the country as well. that says it needs to have flexibility now, but it also needs to be able to look into the future and know that is always done by the side. we sylvia tell you in 5 minutes to day and welcoming a guess in
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a luxury village in southern easily can you give us a bit of a sense about the place where the tops are taking place a lot like not see a is definitely a luxury is place and a judge, a maloney, probably chose the place for 2 reasons. one, it does. so it's really from its best side. and she is of course, the host of the, an international one of the most high ranking meetings that there are around the world. so of course he wants to present it to the other. but the other reason is very simple. you can also have very good security, and that's just as important when you're dealing with high ranking guess like the u . s. president of the ukranian president. and this follows maloney's right wing allies getting a significant boost and then you will actions. what standing does he have among other world leaders of the summit? yeah, the elections last week. definitely. so lots of losses for many governments and
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within the european union, if you take the examples of france and germany, the governments that the policies definitely lost and georgia maloney after the elections came out and presented himself as one that essentially one there's election. so there is a lot of table and 4 high political table, and at the moment on the european union stage, she is presenting herself as a mediator who has the support of from all countries. she says, she's also extending a hand to the global south when she says that she wants to change the relationship between european union countries and countries in africa. and what with them unable i to i level now where she stands politically. of course, there's a bit of doubt when it comes to her domestic politics where she is pursuing a very conservative pos and roots like boston for example. or the, the,
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the, the idea is that she has of the traditional family is something that more liberal countries within the european union dues. the skeptically using a has a reporting from the g 7. now some of the other stories making news today, hundreds of people have been forced down to the homes by flooding in southern and central to light of the days of intense rain. the government has declared a state of emergency in several regions. full costs of protecting even more heavy rain and strong winds in the coming tags. find, find his have been trying to put out a massive blaze at an oil refinery in northern iraq. it started overnight in a storage facility and quickly sprayed across the side. the cause of the fire was not immediately clear. according to local media, several people were injured. united nations ones, the number of forcibly displaced people around the world has reached the new hire of 120000000. it was the 12th here in a rogue that,
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that you ins refugee agency report of rights in both ones. the dad alone, close to 11000000 people before from the homeless last year. european union stop court says find hungry, 200000000 euros for continuing to break the blogs asylum rules. despite the prior rulings, the judge's said, budapest would be find another 1000000 euros a day until a complied, gary, in private as civic. the old one is called the judgment outrages and unacceptable. i didn't seem to say that has not really passed president hobby and malays controversial economic reforms. the package james to slash government spending and privatize public companies is part of his page. the shock argentine is economy of it's west crisis into decades. but the prospect of granting him sweeping powers to slash social programs and an act of the changes has spot huge demonstrations in the capital. k, o succeeds on the streets of what else i have is
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a protest is clashed with police and set fire to cause opposition. little make cause join. the protests of pepper sprayed and dragged away like many of the demonstrations here. they see the new legislation could shrink benefits like pensions. we can work as rights and save a big corporation. that may have been on this low attacks or work cause and origin . tina, i'm a retired teacher and i do not want to be the last generation of retirees in my family. i want my sister who is a doctor to be able to retire my niece, who is a student and my daughters, who are professionals. and who will not be able to retire if the pension package pauses today, that is the they believe the bill over extends the president's power? no, no, no, no, we can be seen. he's not 0. he's waiting for us to set everything on fire these
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month things. he's an m pur. uh that's why i say he's crazy. it's not like that. these guys, things he owns everything that he can change everything. no. the rights outside congress reflect the divide on the inside. the bill was deadlocked, 36 to 36 until the vice president broke the time. she said you go to those who voted in favor, shows change, or we have all those sort of can be today. we saw a to watch and tina's and video now, so one violent argentine is that sets cause i'm sure you do that through star and use it us. and that to face the exercise of democracy. another argentina because as to why, cuz we're waiting with deep pain and sacrifice for the vote to be respected. you saturday, the seal, etc said there is the level house approves the new modifications, military can claim his 1st legislative victory since taking office in december. as i told to christopher 17, he is a senior fellow for latin america,
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the think tank chatham house. he gave me an overview of the results. well, it's a dramatic reform is your report indicated, malay is clearly trying to address some of the basic structural issues and challenges in, in into the argentine economy of it led to the levels of inflation we're saying and to lead to the drugs on economic growth on what the package to us 1st of all, as, as the report indicated, was really sweeping powers to cut tensions, to reduce government spending, to reduce government subsidies. and also to increase the incentives for international investment in the country. as well as lower the threshold for income tax you just before the previous government left off is eliminated income tax for the working class, which was a, i guess, a smart political move. it didn't work for them uh, electronically and certainly doesn't work. i can honestly, so this was on the table right now. these are, you know, it is a threat to many of the unions. they're
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a threat to pensioners all but the truth is, believes popularity right now. it's still about 50 percent. so despite what we're seeing is this reaction violent reaction, some cases to these um, changes and even if you will that, that sort of division within the congress over this. and among the provincial governors, this is a dramatic perform the really fundamentally little challenge, the, the argentine economy in the ways it's emerged over the last couple of decades. so is this a case of bad medicine that the identity is just i want to take it is the medicine has probably been passed through a very polarized congress. but we'll have, you know, like any bad medicine is going to have some really dramatic side effects. cutting subsidies, for example, cutting government spending, especially in some provinces in the interior of the country where more than 50 percent of the population lives on some form of government subsidy or some form of government jobs. it's going to have a serious effect and it took, basically, this omnibus package you will see is it now goes back to the lower house of
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congress to be passed law by law. it took it sort of dramatic re shaping. but it is not just, you know, painful medicine is also one. that is, it is really going to challenge a lot of the, the factors or powers they would say in argentina that have been controlling the economy, controlling economics for decades. you've even almost a century now. how do you think the developments in argentina could affect the region or? yeah, the 1st of all there's, there's a problem that issue of the malays personality and his desire to weigh and often times and personalised expands with other presidents that has, i think, really weakened his, his diplomatic pull within the region. but it within sort of more which is neighbors. argentine is part of miracle shore, the southern town trading block that includes brazil your why and, and pair of why. and this will provoke a series of changes. it will probably lead to some temper or at least defining the
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economic growth that will affect brazil's exports to argentina and basically, or to choose one of brazil's largest export markets. it will likely also affect other countries economic relations with the, the economy. but the truth is that, you know, or just, you know, for a long time has been sort of the sick, but follow of america short. so this is really an effort to try to renew the economy. but again, it's going to be a very long haul because it does really represent a challenge to the traditional way that the arch trying economy is function for a long time. and people have benefited christopher 17, a from chatham house training in there on the w. thank you. thank you. looking at some other world news now. the european court of human rights has ruled against a totally ill hung gary, a man's lawsuit, seeking the right to die, diagnose the costs i use as a, as an incurable disease of the central nervous system suit the hungarian government
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last year. and the court found hungry is bad on use. that agent didn't reach the european convention on human rights bureau for as a frenchman, imprisoned in a run has arrived back in france. we, i know, was arrested in september 2022, one security charges won't backpacking incentives to 5 years in jail. french president, the memo my call has urged t ron to release 3 other incarcerated french citizens. tesla shareholders, the voted overwhelmingly to re offend their decision to give it almost a $56000000000.00 pay package. that's what he claimed on x mosque indicated the number of votes in favor of restoring his pay had surpassed the necessary threshold . the full results are expected later today at a thought losing denmark have recalled 3 types of self, 3 an instant noodles of the risk of acute poisoning officials said they were so
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spicy, it could be a health hazard. the manufacturer said the noodles are exported worldwide and this was the 1st time a refill had ever been over a big the big profit spied harmful pesticides from dw business after a short break. i'll be back next now with mobile innovation . green the green revolution global. so listen to a lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to the subscribe to plan is a synthetic pesticides, the poisonous to the environment as our industrial food system is. the dependent on the use of peace talks.


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