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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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so it could be a health, as the manufacturer says, the noodles are at spoke of worldwide and this was the 1st time a refill had ever been over a big the big profits behind handful pesticides from the w business. after a short break. i'll be back next off with mobile, keeps your updates, innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carrier is subscribed to this channel. every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a synthetic pesticides. the points most to the environment. it's our industrial food systems, the dependent on the use of these toxic chemicals. we design,
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plans and prompts systems so that they can compete with nature at the expense of nature. the good news is as a result, if we have something tricky, pesticide producing companies make billions in sales unless each keeps industrial food system some place. for the absence scandals put some companies say they are working to make products that are more sustainable. so how damaging austin septic pesticide and to what extent we really need them to survive on says coming up in this episode of transforming business. picking the pack joy one a to time is backbreaking work and especially when this evidence of unwelcome visitors seats along here. so when you can see it hits, brown is fees of the feeding tunnel. it's a very small cabbage flies that cut up less than a through here. it doesn't look nice indeed. any additional questions on the, the service issue and also these past some of those are a problem for all pharma. the petite. kimberly,
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here at cola no comics vegetable co operative base. they are like sake and germany . well, insects can attack the plants causing damage and even making the vegetables on sellable left to grow, which choke of space and some lights given cropped, less chance to thrice when an invasion without fungicides and products like that, it would be very difficult to grow fruit. we would need a lot more people in agriculture to do this by hints if we wanted to do completely without it, move in with all the concepts, sufficient line going up this farm workers don't use invested chemical pesticides. instead they rely on biological emmanuel alternatives like plowing for introducing natural predators. it's more work, the pharma jacob, including us thinks that has to be an end to industrial agriculture. may i think you can see the impact of this for most economic activity that we've been practicing since the 1940s in the extinction of species worldwide. it. com. keep on like this or vital game kind of. it's
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a growing perspective here in germany. people are becoming ever more skeptical of synthetic pesticides. organic farming has grown from covering 2.9 percent of land to 1999 to just on to 10 percent in 2022. the crop protection industry has continued to grow to an estimated value of around $78700000000.00 in 2022. according to market intelligence agency, s and p global. the top consume is pesticides worldwide. a brazil family and the lead followed in distance seconds by the usa and then indonesia, argentina, and china performance in those countries space the growing problem. when you use one herbicides in lodge moans, the likelihood that you find resistance against that is increasing. that's biased head of sustainability mathias bounding and he should know bias leading pesticide round up contains gleiss to say one of the most widely,
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this type of sites in the world tolerances are building up over time against all of the herbicides and use meat palm. i'm around a weed closing, have like components sleeping fields across the us and resistance multiple her besides including glass to state a biased, corrupt science research laboratories and frank foot. the company is developing a new pest decide to come by the suite until the room, once the plans that have become persistent to current, the sites. they spray weeds with tests, components using cameras to collect data or on their impact. the results as a new weed killer, a castle in the targets unwanted plants that are full ready image from the ground. technology is essential by a scientist say, using artificial intelligence and a new approach. they cool kropke, they've been able to narrow down molecules, but specifically target the weights and the to say for, for use of the environment. and it's able to, for example, slow down the roles fall, killed the plant altogether. why is that important?
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every spring, when a farmer kind of comes out and so kind of puts new seats in the ground, those seats competes with the existing plants was weeds. the new hope besides this ongoing, a long term study to discover any risks as part of the eventual registration process. the famine, yes, as by a con, rule out all negative impacts associated with pesticides. while it will have negative impacts for a sampling bio diversity because it is designed to destroy plans, for example, some insects are feeding. now flowing has the same negative impact. so a lot what is being said about life assert, and the negative impact on biodiversity is true, but it's equally true for flowing. but it's the sixpence tonight. so that's one of the major drawbacks to synthetic pesticides. say critics, what are those impacts?
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one of the most commonly known is the impact on fees and other insects vital and pull anything. some of our crops around $1.10 b and butterfly species is threatened with extinction in europe. according to e, figures with pesticides among the causes, pesticides also degrade into soil humming organisms that keep us healthy, like us ones. and to be told, they can stay, that's the use and impact the soils ability to absorb carbon dioxide. then this water pesticides can run of fields and due to water sources, even making it into the ocean, poisoning, fish and wildlife. but it's not only pesticides that, of course, and the damage experts say industrial agriculture in general is taking a huge, told us by diversity. basically producing deadlines. guy p a is a conservation biologist. at itis, the germans sent us an integrative by it of us to research. and the us said home
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health center for environmental research. so the current modem production is extremely efficient by producing a lot much more than we need in fact. but we are losing everything with it. we're losing the farmers, we're losing nature, we're losing soil and we're poisoning the consumers in the water. and that means that we really have to find solutions to vision, turns even more the production without losing the capacity to produce enough food for a growing population. in 2022, the european commission adopted a proposal for new regulation with a wide targets to reduce by 50 percent the use of risk of chemical pesticides. by 2030, it was positive plants to reduce the environmental footprint of the ease food system and to help mitigate the economic losses that the sustainable use regulation as it was cold with scrapped of to being able to down with a service. blaming lobbying from pesticide produces the final proposal became so
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weak that many political groups or on the left and progressive they sold this is worse than the know that we have. so we cannot let this past. nina holland does a research on campaign at n g o corporate to europe as of a tree which tracks business lobbying in europe. they were conveniently ends and ironically helped by external circumstances like the cold with crisis and the war by russia and ukraine. that basically fueled and you wrestle rick of saying we cons absolutely become to reduce the use of these substances right now. because of for security globally switched from syngenta is the biggest player in the pesticide market, followed by german companies, buy a and b, a ss us based pull teva, and indian some u. p l. the between 20202022
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the company, spent 40400000 euros along with crop protection in agricultural lobbying groups. lobbying against you policies, including the proposal and another 15000000 in 2023. basically what they were fighting for was their own profits that goes with a 50 percent reduction target, their profit to would have gone down to chesapeake as well. another major setback for campaign is, was the re approval of controversial cub aside like to say within the u. the pesticides is the main ingredient and round up a way to collect debt by a to cobra when it bowed to us, our group chemical company, monsanto. in 2018 of the world health organization has categorized, like the site is probably customer genic to human. although by a maintains it's safe and the easy to europe and food safety authorities that it's time to know critical areas of concern. european union has the most trick way of improving pesticides in the process is the silicon valley of regulation. if
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something is even safe enough to be approved by process, we can assume it's a but not everyone is convinced. the commodities has ceiling. we as an organization of work in the defense of human rights, and in that field of human rights, we work for the rights of food, the right to land, the right to health and the right to the environment. that it's on the suddenly that it to me, i'm in maria who's safe and i'm still is a human rights lawyer at the center for legal and social studies of origin tina. along with several of the n g o's, the center has filed a complaint with the organization for economic cooperation and development theory cd against bias business practices in south america. i did want to watch the maximum, it's based on a model of maximum profitability, but they're trying to do it to so the largest area of land that's possible without farmers but directly through machines using genetically modified seats. but the
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package of poisons that includes glasses say, so that the land can do more and more. but it is land that keeps degrading so that no other things can be planted there, interrupting the supports and metal. according to the organizations largely based in south america, on average, more than 50 percent of the agricultural land in argentina for sale, parkway and bolivia is cultivated with soy beans. many genetically modified to withstand the effects of life the site used to kill the surrounding weeds. they all accuse it as a result, people in the region suffer from poisoning and serious diseases. the water sources can no longer be used and the thousands of packed as far as to being cut down to make waves the sleeping plantations threatening local animals implants. these are the direct consequences of the agricultural model promoted by the multinational. some european based agra chemical companies also continue to sell pesticide spans in the you in south america and beyond pesticides containing power. quite
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a weed killer manufactured by syngenta link to parkinson's disease that has been banned in the you since 2007 for example. and actually seeing the 2nd most widely used type of site in the us. it cannot be that, that you hold still such double standards that it allows corporations to produce inside to in your products it has long band in order to export. it's around the world to countries like from ukraine to ship now to south africa, to brazil, and do incredible harm to people, communities, and to the environment at large. which so many health and environmental drawbacks associated with synthetic pesticides. the question is, do we need them to minister for life doing acro, chemical, since soft of sick? well for, for industrial farming production is rocketed in the decades. the followed, but it's devastating populations of bees and the other pollinators destroyed soil
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and contaminated water. a new generation of pesticides, like those being developed by a cut off for some solution, but only if it comes with a change in the way and quantity the pesticides a used which bounding us as the complete plants to promote. and so we are absolutely unstable for us, and we also investment this electric hyphen which will change the wage for protection is applied drones, would apply it on the spot early on and not in a broad scale across all the fields. still stomachs, but say it doesn't go far enough and that's an entire overall if the funding system is needed to take away the reliance on chemicals, the current model of production is actually forcing us to use pesticides you can do without. so farmers are becoming more more dependent on pesticides because the larger the field is, the more sensitive it is to the tax. if you have large amount of corn and then you'll be attacked by whatever is that,
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that attacking core and the same goes for potatoes, etc. so you cannot really avoid pesticides without a more complicated solution. up, you will get it co operative in like 6. what because of packing boxes to send out to the 1400 subscribers to the scheme. at 35 hectic salon just relatively small. when compared with some conventional firms, but there were plans for the cooperative and sustainable model to move and double it size. some of the, some of these the who evolved before him and we haven't extinction of species that was unprecedented before human successes. and i believe that this equal system would continue to break down into k, and that life will become difficult for us sooner or later. if we don't try to move in the right direction. and kind of, if you would like, i think we can achieve an incredible amount to agriculture because our great culture uses and requires so much land worldwide. and i believe it would actually make a huge difference when it comes to bite of sd and climate change. so you might
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a lot, i'm, i'm good. what do you think? should we be relying on synthetic pesticides to grow of crops or looking for alternatives? let us know and the comments below the a search and support for file right. policies in the european elections are sent tramos across the continent. not more powerful than those who's in paris and berlin for the policies of both leaders for trunk by far right opponents. i guess this week is sandra, got the outgoing member of the european parliament in president macros when they saw this list, how risky is macros? decision to coal snap elections in front? and when he resigned it for fall, right, with the majority center i've got so you're welcome to come pick some thank you for revising or you're looking. you was this morning while i mean.


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