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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw, use life from both in the g 7 and both the ukraine with long term security deals may soleski use at the summit in italy, signing for events with the us central pad to 7 lead is also going to fund a few planes find with the profits of pros in rush and asset. right. design as a you've called, upholds hungry is bad or the assisted suicide projecting a terminally ill match with that assigned to the timing of the use of the day. brian, to not seen it as incentive. gibbs general approval to the president's controversial
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plans to shop the economy back to line at this stage set for euro 2024. we lived with a huge security operation here in germany. keep millions of football fed sites the i've been visible and welcome. you probably just president flooded me savanski as joined world leaders of the g 7, somebody and easily. this is meeting is said to focus on global conflict. countries have reported the agreed on the terms of a $50000000000.00 loan, so ukraine, backed by the prophets from $300000000000.00 euros in frozen russian assets. ukraine is also expected to assign a 10 year by natural security deal with the us to train its own forces, as well as in agreement with japan for long term support. this outlining the suits
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on the table is always private. as to georgia and bologna said she expected concrete results from the talks by the lady and will be, i mean, so then we all talk about the common. i tries you answer distortion with ukraine in the middle east drop. and we will start with the work by japan to create a solid and reliable supply chain. we, like i said, but we will discuss which is probably the most complex challenge of all the time. the arrival of artificial intelligence, you need clearly with the idea of taking advantage of the opportunity, governing the risks that go over it. and then we will go back and look at the importance of giving our attention to the in the pacific. see if you go hope and he get is at the summit for us. president soleski has arrived. it's what can he expect from the media? so before then, savanski is set foot into a body, go and not the hotel about the g. 7 summit is taking place, he said he's expecting very important steps,
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very important help for ukraine. and indeed, the g 7 decided to hand out a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine, secure to buy a code letter that is basically the, the russian assets are frozen in belgium and the proceeds from that is so he will get a lot of money in one chunk at the end of this year in ukraine, badly needs this money to survive the next winter to buy munition. and there's also more money in at stake it to renovate or to boost up the energy sector, which is patchy hit by a russian a tax in the recent months. and deb, it'll be also the signatures, i'm the new treaties with japan into us to make the help for ukraine more sustainable fall even as long as 10 years. and us diplomats say this is also to make this help. trump prove, in case that donald trump, the republican,
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and i mean the returns to the white house in the fall, that you cannot you destroy from the ukraine, help so easily. so this is the ultimate to make it more stable for your training and will plan to. and that also means that g 7 is preparing for longer war between russia and ukraine. and ben can you explain to us what the signals maloney is trying to send by welcoming her guests in a luxury village in southern this lake or the arriving populace. the government of utility wants to present it any at its best. and mrs. bologna, georgia, maloney who just won the european elections here in italy and had picked the ball go ignites you. i cannot see a luxury or tell it herself. it's one of your favorites and she wants to present that to the lead us. actually, it's a fake village, it looks like an ode of hulu and vintage, but it was only built 20 years ago. so,
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but it is a very renowned luxury, the result, very exclusive. it's also used by of popstars like madonna, to celebrate her birthdays and melodious as a business to the right venue for this kind of meeting. and she also tested the very nice pool has of you telling me to report this also follows balloons, right wing allies getting a significant boost in the you elections, which you mention what static does he have among other world leaders at the summit? because she has a lot of self esteem and self consider confidence here. she said her says i'm the only one who won actually all the other european leaders like fonts and lucky amount of a my call from fronts and the german leader will f shows they all last was the governing parties in these are repeating elections. and the, there's a bridge, prime minister is basically the elaine dot pcs link lane ducks,
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are you standing at elections in july? so she said, i'm the one who can boost the agenda and to take things really forward. and she's also trying to form an u. a and allies and coalitions in the european union node to fulfill the promises she gave to the italian constituencies like migration issues and also a new partnership with africa. how senior you are paying corresponding band. you get at the g 7 as you are being called as human rights has ruled against the lawsuit of a terminally ill man is seeking the right to die in hungry. daniel cause i has an incurable disease of the central nervous system. he sued his government last year, but the cold found hungry is bad on use in asia, didn't preach the european convention on human rights dw met cause i ahead of
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today's verdict. mm hm. and i can't do anything independently anymore. man, dress and dress the drink or turnover in bed was a less makes daniels live honda day by day. his diagnosis with another system, disease shocked him. he often thinks about the active life he wants hunt. one of his passions was the japanese motion loc digits to in this video, he was fighting for the brown belt. he used to work as a constitutional lawyer and does a renowned x, but he regularly gave t v interviews on human rights issues. nowadays, he is a mentally active, but he's decided to fight to make assisted suicide, legal and hungry in the media and also in front of the court. he argues the a last is extremely humiliating. as the last stage of the disease practically
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leaves the past and in the budget to the state, without any possibility of conscious activity or communication. when it comes to no longer being able to communicate with my loved ones. it's a feeling of confinement and without any meaning, and therefore, without any dignity who, who the hero, the flight to. this is what they call him in the hon gary and press. his example started a new debate about assisted suicide, in whom gary and public disclose me. it's great that you've moved so many people, but it's not that a significant pos of the political elite remain silent. that's just why he took his case to the european court of human rights serving the hon,
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gary in state for the 1st hiring. in november 2023. he was still able to travel to strasburg. he gave the 1st arguments in his case. he knows the quote, well, he used to work there in the early 2, thousands looking applicant. i am the 1st thing, this dark stage of 5. how many people like me bang face for me is on a temporary range for their funeral. daniels, brother, peter has always been close to his brother. he says he'd be ready to help with the assisted suicide if daniel wanted it. and it will lead though, so that it doesn't cost quite quite we don't feel like we're miserable. carter always sitting in the corner and crying, because danny is terminally ill and also because there's always something to do, let me the moment my case distracts us from the drama we experience every day. and
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as i see uh, a forklift start over, daniel helps with his case. he can also help others. steve foster is a specialist in your opinion, human rights, little, explain the quotes, judgment, a more detail, a little thing. we have to look back to a case cool. pretty and the united kingdom, which is 20 years ago. and in that case, the european court held that each stage had a barrier of discretion as to whether they allowances to dying or not. so the principle is that the for state wants to introduce assisted time. they can do that without reaching the hurricane convention, provided there a sufficient, safe, dodge. but they are being cold today. recognized the vast majority of states in the council of europe, and in fact, the world wide, and also allowed assistant dying. they were still model and ethical concerns about it. and so the european cultures, given the hungry that mileage units,
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appreciation that lots you have to scratch you in your allowing them to continue assisting a band. all assisted tie provides you if there's not a breach his his basic rights is explained with courses that he's being subject to, to uh, in humane treatment because he can't have access to assisted time. but the european court is recognized in these cases that he like others, will have access to power to the tab and to humane treatment at the end of the lights. so i think what you're being coaches done here is retain the stages, quote, but it does leave rather an odd situation where if, if you are living in a state which has introduced assisted dying, then that is perfect a little full provide you. there are safeguards against abuse,
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but it does give this discretion to other members other member states to continue the bat. and obviously that doesn't help our applicant in this particular case. a few other stories making news, the south. the european union's top court has find hungry, 200000000 euros. continuing to break the blogs, asylum rules. the judges said, budapest would be find another 1000000 euros a day until the comply to do this. i'm gary and prime minister. it's a whole bunch is called the judgment outrages and unacceptable. what your test, let's say, hold is that voted overwhelmingly to bring us on the decision to give either mosque or $56000000000.00 pay package. he claimed on x musk indicated the number of votes in favor of restoring his pay had passed the necessary threshold. full results are expected. later. hundreds of people have been forced out of the homes
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by flooding and southern and central too late. of the days of intense rain, the government has declared a state of emergency in several regions. full cost is a projecting even more heavy rain and strong winds in the coming gates. action team has said it is not really past president how the amenities, controversial economic reforms, the package james to slash government spending and privatized public companies. it's part of his pledge to shock odds and seen his economy out of its west crisis into decades about the prospect of granting him sweeping powers to slash social programs and then act out the changes as spot huge demonstrations in the capital. a scale succeeds on the streets of one 0 save as protest is classed with police and set fire to cause opposition. little make cause join. the protests of pepper sprayed and dragged away like many of the demonstrations here. they see
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the new legislation could shrink. benefits like pensions, we can wear cuz rights and sight of a big corporation. that may have been on this low attacks. all work cause and origin. tina, i'm a retired teacher and i do not want to be the last generation of retirees in my family. i want my sister who is a doctor to be able to retire my niece, who is a student, and my daughters, who are professionals, and who will not be able to retire if the pension package pauses today. that is the they believe the bill over extends the president's power? no, no, no, no, we can defend, he's not 0. he's waiting for us to set everything on fire these month things he's on them for. that's why i think he's crazy. it's not like that these guys, things he owns everything that he can change everything. no. the rights outside congress reflect the divide on the inside,
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the bill was deadlocked. 36 to 36 until the vice president broke the time. she said, you go to those who voted in favor, shows change, or we have all those sort of tempe today. we saw a to watch and tina's and b o. now, so one violent argentine is that sets cause i'm sorry, i do that through starting use that us and that to face the exercise of democracy. another argentina passes the work cuz we're waiting with deep pain and sacrifice to the vote to be respected each subsidies the seal, etc, said they if the house approves the new modifications, military can claim his 1st legislative victory since taking office in december a christopher silva, teeny is a senior fellow for latin america as a think tank. chatham house, he gave me an overview of the results. well, it's a dramatic reform is your report indicated. malay is clearly trying to address some
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of the basic structural issues and challenges in, in, in the argentine economy of the lead to the levels of inflation we're seeing and to lead to the drugs on economic growth on what the package to us. first of all, as, as the report indicated was really sweeping powers to cut pensions to reduce government spending, to reduce government subsidies. and also to increase the incentives for international investment in the country as well as lower the threshold for income tax you just before the previous government left off is eliminated income tax for the working class, which was a, i guess, a smart political move. it didn't work for them uh, electronically and certainly doesn't work. i can honestly. so that's what's on the table right now. these are, you know, it is a threat to many of the unions. they're a threat to pensioners all but the truth is, believes popularity right now. it's still about 50 percent. so despite what we're saying is this reaction violent reaction, some cases to these um, changes. and even if you will, that, that sort of division within the congress over this. and we're among the provincial
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governors. this is a dramatic perform. it really fundamentally little challenge the, the argentine economy in the ways it's emerged over the last couple of decades. so is this a case of bad medicine that the identity is just i want to take it is that medicine has probably been passed through a very polarized congress. but we'll have, you know, like any bad medicine is going to have some really dramatic side effects. cutting subsidies, for example, cutting government spending, especially in some provinces in the interior of the country where more than 50 percent of the population lives on some form of government subsidy or some form of government jobs. it's going to have a serious effect and it took, basically, this omnibus package you will see is it now goes back to the lower house of congress to be passed law by law. it took its dramatic re shaping. but it is not just, you know, painful medicine is also one. that is, it is really going to challenge a lot of the, the factors or powers they would say in argentina that have been controlling the
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economy, controlling the economics for decades. you've even almost a century now. how do you think the developments in argentina could affect the region? yeah, the 1st of all there's, there's a problem that issue of the malays personality and his desire to weigh in oftentimes. and personalised expands with other presidents that has, i think, really weakened his, his diplomatic pull within the region. but it, within sort of more with his neighbors. argentine is part of miracle. sure. the southern town trading block that includes brazil your why and, and pair of why this will provoke a series of changes. it will probably lead to some temper or at least defining the economic wrote that will affect brazil's exports to argentina and basically, or to choose one of brazil's largest export markets. it will likely also affect other countries economic relations with the, the economy. but the truth is that,
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you know, or just, you know, for a long time has been sort of the sick, but follow of america short. so this is really an effort to try to renew the economy. but again, it's going to be a very long haul because it does really represent a challenge to the traditional way that the arch trying economy is function for a long time. and people have benefited course of a 17, a from chatham house training in there on the w. thank you. thank you. tensions have been rising on the korean peninsula with the north and south turning to psychological warfare. for the 1st time in his soul is begun glaring at the film gang propaganda threw loudspeakers on the boat. a. it's in response to north korea, sending across hundreds of balloons filled with waste. if other escalation this week, the south korean military, it says its soldiers, 5 warning shots off the north korean troops. briefly across the board of south korean soldiers stand god,
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their attention focused suddenly on the north. the people here were on the edge of the sunday skirmish at the border, even if the military says this was not a serious attempt to enter the cell. we got to give them that the north korean military immediately moved north. after our warning broadcasts and warning shots, we believe that they did not intend to invade. but despite the reassuring woods relations between the 2, korea's r at the lowest and use tensions up in ratcheting up in recent weeks of the appeal in yang sent hundreds of rubbish built balloons across the board to many of the balloons was said to be filled with excrement that in turn led the south to restart, broadcasting, propaganda, and cape off across the border. reinstalling racks of speakers pointing towards the north. now, sol accuse is beyond yang of rebuilding its own. loud speak is near at the militarized zone. speakers that had previously been removed degree is have
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a long history of blasting each other with propaganda. the use of massive stacks of speak is goes back more than half a century a deal, so both sides agreed to stop using them in 2018. their effectiveness has recently been questioned and many see the re introduction as largely symbolic balloons purchased as in the south send to the north have proven to be much more effective. they devices are often quite high tech and they can reach deep inside north korean territory. these operations have sparked fury and beyond yang. this week, the sister of north korean leader kim jong own, issued a warning to the south. came your showing said it would face you count direction if it does not stop active offense from sending the balloons and continues that out, speak it broadcasts as you of the to the time it is only deepening the divisions
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between soul and p on yang and remains just one of the seemingly calculus obstacles on the road to peace to the korean peninsula. a fleet of russian worship. so taking part of military exercises in the caribbean, it's seen as a public projection of strength of flagship frigate cover in russian and cuban flags. sailed into have on ebay to a very welcome reception. by its long time ally, a russian worship sales and to have on the bay in cuba greeted by a 21 common salute. the cuban government says the visits as part of the historic friendship between the 2 countries. forces from russia and cuba, a taking pulse and joint military exercises in the caribbean. and the
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arrival of the naval vessels drew have on a residence to the hub, pro menard's name pursued. i'm impressed because i have never seen a ship of that size so close up that on the way. then there's some money to let you know. let's just, hopefully this is not the beginning of something unpleasant. well, for humanity, i live alone money because we're the ones in the middle. we're the ones who pay the highest price. any complex of miles or look, conflict of the united states law is a 150 kilometers to the know us officials say they are monitoring the russian ships and the visit does not pose a threat to the us. but the drills are being viewed as a russian show of strength in response to west and support the ukraine. the visiting russian warships to cuba are vladimir putin's way reminding president biden that moscow can challenge washington and its own sphere of influence. to this
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deal, political alignment has echoes of the cold war, but unlike the 1st cold war, the cubans are drawn to moscow now not by any ideological affinity, but by economic necessity. cuba is in a desperate economic situation, and russia is the only country that has been willing to provide significant help. just as it did during the soviet here, cuba has been on the us embargo. so for 60 years, i said meeting with cuba as for administer, rushes for administer said a lot for of cooled for the sanctions on cuba to be lifted. the countdowns on to the european football championships, franco month, this time of year 2024. with the lights and the laser showed for an audience of about 15000 germany face and scotland in the opening match in munich, this friday scottish fans, they have already started getting into the new hosting. the toner is, is
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a massive security challenge with threats ranging from terrorism to hooligan violets. to take off for the euros is just hours away. the action here has been in full swing for months. it's the security in the center for the tournaments, staffed by police officers from all 24 participating countries. post germany has tried to balance informing the public of potential threats without spoiling the excitements, easy to it's not a security situation as tents. this applies to cyber security, as well as, as long as terrorism in other areas. however, i can also say that there are currently no concrete indications of a threat and connection with the euro. but many germans still concerns. a recent survey indicates almost half the population fewer a possible attack during the urals security expert, say, the greatest potential threats is currently post by the lennox state offshoot. i s
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k p. the tara group is putting out propaganda like this one. calling for a tex on german football stadiums, a felix norma from the cult about the foundation specializes in counterterrorism measures. he says radicalized individuals may be the hardest for it to detroit. they can easily buy a light bathroom, for example, a nice but also a gum. and with that, they can execute such an attack and it's very hot for security or forward to use to prevent that, but also to money toward the dangerous, such as those post by hooligans or cyber attacks. also part of security precautions, whole stadium stuff, multiple layers of security and are considered to be safe places, but defend zones. temporary sites were up to 12000000 people, a likely targets 22000 police officers under cover agents, drones and rolled locates of public security plants. and for months all german voters have been subject to increased controls to identify and stop potential bad
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excess, 100 percent. secuity is never possible, but i think that politicians as well as secuity of forest can work pretty much really good together. as we've seen for the last couple of weeks and months. and so we have time for the next down the
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to the paris 2020 is supposed to be a cultural event based on milton by hundreds of the homeless people are being taken out of the city by the powers assigned to been comp be allowed to thomas the glamorous image being in big games for stage project at the expense of the course. focused on your next on d. w. get ready for breast taking island
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discoveries, immediate gmc, the extraordinary place, pleasure and relaxation. witness stories that won't delight to census and guest insider tips from long time local experience, the greek island, and the many faces of their beauty. in 45 minutes on d, w, the enjoying disease and kind of take a look. this out tv highlights me every week. email inbox subscribe now is the staff can be used across different jo, this is the real challenge. it softens, needs to be an incredibly scarce way. the heck
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booming business is onto real new deal. i was just green, blushing. watch now on the hello and welcome to focus on europe with me live show. europe has decided people across the continent voted for a new european parliament, send a ride parties retained their majority. while the far right gained ground. in france, the elections have led to a major shake up since the far right national riley won the election and not to president my cause party. he chose to called for a snap elementary elections to be held end of june, and the beginning of july,
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before the.


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