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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from, but in the g 7, both those ukraine with long term security deals thought of me. so let's key is that the summit in easily to sign agreements with the us and japan. g 7 lead is also they want to fund ukraine to find the profits of pros and rush and assets. loud speakers, leaflets and balloons of north and south korea. raising attentions with cross for the psychological will fit with the state set for euro 2024. we look at the huge security operation here in germany. keep millions of football fed say the
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i've been fizzle and welcome ukraine's president bloody made. savanski has joined world leaders at the g 7 summit in italy. this is meeting and said to focus on global conflict. countries have reportedly agreed on the terms of a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine, backed by the prophets from $300000000000.00 euros in frozen russian assets. ukraine is also expected to assign a 10 year biological security deal with the us to train its own forces, as well as an agreement with japan for long term support. outlining the issues easily as payment as the judge of a lady said she expected concrete results from the talks by the lady and will be i mean, so then we all talk about the comment tries. yes. it's starting with ukraine in the mid least jump and we will start with the work by japan to create solid and
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reliable supply chain. we like it, but we will discuss which is probably the most complex challenge of all the time. the arrival of artificial intelligence, you need clearly with the idea of taking advantage of the opportunity, governing the risks that go over it. and then we will go back and look at the importance of giving our attention to the in the pacific. see if you go, how senior a european correspond to bands we get, is that the summit? i asked him, what presidents lensky could expect from the median step before the incident skis, set foot into a body, go it, not the hotel it about the g 7. summit is taking place, he said he's expecting very important steps, very important help for ukraine. and indeed, the g 7 decided to hand out a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine to secure the bike or letter that is basically the the russian assets are frozen in belgium. and the proceeds from
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that is so he will get a lot of money in one chunk at the end of this year in the ukraine, badly needs this money to survive the next winter to buy munition. and there's also more money in at stake to renovate or to boost up the energy sector, which is badly hit by a russian a tax in the recent months. and that will be also the signatures. i'm the new treaties with japan into us to make the help for ukraine, most sustainable fall, even as long as 10 years. and us diplomats say, this is also to make this help. trump prove, in case that donald trump, the republican, and i mean the returns to the white house in the fall, that you cannot, you destroy from the ukraine, help so easily. so this is the ultimate to make it more stable for your training and will plan to. and that also means that g 7 is preparing for longer war between
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russia and ukraine. and ben can you explain to us what the signals maloney is trying to send by welcoming her guests in a luxury village in southern easily or the arriving populace. the government of utility wants to present it any at its best. misses bologna, georgia, maloney who just won the european elections here in italy and had picked the ball go ignites you. i cannot see a luxury or tell it herself. it's one of your favorites and she wants to present that to the lead us. actually it's a fake village. it looks like an ode of hooligan village, but it was only built 20 years ago. so, but it is a very renowned luxury, the result, very exclusive. it's also used by of popstars like madonna, to celebrate her birthdays and melodious as a business to the right venue for this kind of meeting. and she also tested the
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very nice pool has of you telling me to report this also follows balloons, right wing allies getting a significant boost in the elections, which you mentioned, what static does he have among other well leaders at the summit because she has a lot of self esteem. and so if considered confidence here, she said her says i'm the only one who won actually all the other european leaders like fonts and like the amount of a my call from frauds. and the german leader will f shows they all last was the governing parties in these are repeating elections. and the, there's a bridge prime minister is basically the lane ducky, he's ling lame ducks. are you standing at elections in july? so she said, i'm the one who can boost the agenda and to take things really full of it. and she's also trying to form a new a and yeah, allies and coalitions in the european union node to fulfill the promises she gave
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to the italian constituencies like migration issues and also a new partnership with africa. how senior european correspondent band, he gets at the g 7 to some of the other stories making use. now the european union's top court has find hungry, 200000000 euros for continuing to break the blocks asylum rules. the judge and said for the past would be find another 1000000 euros a day until it complied. gary in private, this civic old one has called the judgment outrages and other acceptable. what you'll find find his have been trying to put out a massive blaze at an oil refinery in northern iraq, stunted over night in a storage facility, and quickly sprayed across the side. the cause of the fine was not immediately clear. according to local media, several people, for instance, hundreds of people are being forced down they homes by flooding in southern and
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central g. like. after days of intense rain, the government has declared a state of emergency in several regions. full cost is a predicting even more heavy rain and strong winds in the coming gates. argentina's senate has naturally passed president harvey, emily's controversial economic reforms. the package james to slash government spending and privatized public companies. it's part of his place to shop cods and team is economy out of its worst crisis into decades with the prospect of granting him sweeping powers to slash social programs and enact other changes as spot huge demonstrations. a scale succeeds on the streets of one 0 save is protest is classed with police and set fire to cause opposition. little make cause join. the protests of pepper sprayed and dragged away like many of the
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demonstrations here. they see the new legislation can shrink. benefits like pensions, we can work as rights and save a big corporation. that may have been on this low attacks or work cause and origin . tina, i'm a retired teacher and i do not want to be the last generation of retirees. in my family. i want my sister who is a doctor to be able to retire my niece, who is a student, and my daughters, who are professionals, and who will not be able to retire if the pension package pauses today. that is the they believe the bill over extends the president's power? no, no, no, no, we can be seen. he's not 0. he's waiting for us to set everything on fire these month things. he's an m pur. uh, that's why i say he's crazy. it's not like that these guy thinks he owns everything that he can change everything. no. the rights outside congress reflect the divide on the inside, the bill was deadlocked. 36 to 36 until the vice president broke the time. she said,
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you go to those who voted in favor, shows change, or we have all those sort of can be today. we saw a to watch and tina's and video now. so one violent argentine is it sets cause i'm sorry, i do that through starting use it us. and that to face the exercise of democracy. another argentina, thoughts as to why, cuz we're waiting with deep pain and sacrifice to the vote to be respected. you saturday, the seal, etc, said they. if the house approves the new modifications, military can claim his 1st legislative victory since taking office in december. its tensions continue to rise on the korean peninsula with the north and south. turning to psychological bull fan, sol has begun blaring and deeply on young propaganda or again through loud speakers on the border. it's in response to north korea, sending across hundreds of balloons filled with waste. in a further escalation,
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this week, the south korean military says its soldiers. 5 warning shots off the north korean troops, basically cross the border. south korean soldiers stand god. their attention focused suddenly on the north, people here on the edge of the sunday skirmish at the border. even if the military says this was not a serious attempt to enter the cell. we got given that the north korean military immediately moved north after our warning broadcasts and warning shots, we believe that they did not intend to invade. but despite the reassuring woods relations between the 2, korea's r at the lowest and use tensions up in ratcheting up in recent weeks of to p on yang, sent hundreds of rubbish, field balloons across the border. many of the balloons was said to be filled with excrement. that in turn led the south to restart, broadcasting, propaganda,
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and cape off across the border, reinstalling racks of speakers pointing towards the north. now, sol, accuse this young gang of rebuilding its own loud speak is near at the militarized zone. speak instead of previously being removed degree is have a long history of blasting each other with propaganda. the use of massive stacks of speak is goes back more than half a century a deal, so both sides agreed to stop using them in 2018. their effectiveness has recently been questioned and many see the re introduction as lots really symbolic. the balloons purchase this in the south send to the north have proven to be much more effective. they devices are often quite high tech and they can reach deep inside north korean territory. these operations have sparked fury and beyond yang. this week, the sister of north korean leader kim jong on issued
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a warning to the south. came your joan said it would facing you count direction if it does not stop active effects from sending the balloons and continues throughout speaking broadcast. the tit for tat is only deepening the divisions between sold and p own yang and remains just one of the seemingly calculus obstacles on the road to piece to the korean peninsula. the count down is on to the european football championships, 5 foot months. this done 02024 with a life and laser. so for an audience of about 15000 people, germany say scotland in the opening match in munich, this friday, scottish fans, they have already started getting into the mood hosting the tournament is a massive security operation. with threats ranging from hooligan violence to terrorism, to take off for the euros is just hours away. the action here has been in full
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swing for months. it's the security in the center for the tournaments, staffed by police officers from all 24 participating countries. post germany, it has tried to balance informing the public of potential threats without spoiling the excitements, easy to it's not a security situation as tents. this applies to cyber security, as well as, as long as terrorism in other areas. however, i can also say that there are currently no concrete indications of a threat and connection with the euro. but many germans still concerns. a recent survey indicates almost half the population fear a possible attack during the urals security experts say the greatest potential threats is currently post by the islamic state offshoot. i s k p. the turbo group is putting out propaganda like this one. calling for a tex on german football stadiums, a felix norma from the college, out of nowhere foundation specializes in counterterrorism measures. he says
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radicalized individuals may be the hardest for it to detroit. they can easily buy a light bathroom, for example, a nice but also a gum. and with that, they can execute such an attack and it's very hot for security or for tease to prevent that, but also to money toward the dangerous, such as those post by hooligans or cyber attacks. also part of security precautions, post stadium stuff, multiple layers of security and are considered to be safe places, but defend zones. temporary sites were up to 12000000 people. a likely target's $22000.00 police officers under cover agents drones and rolled locates of public security plants. and for months all german boulders have been subject to increased controls to identify and stop potential bed act. us 100 percent. security is never possible, but i think that politicians as well as secuity or for his ken works pretty much really good together as we've seen for the last couple of weeks and months. but now
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it will be put to the test as fence and play us gather, hoping for a safe and fun, some of the football football of a mixed out document fate takes you island hopping through greece. i'll see you next down the you'll see about the video that goes in the media and legal law. give a lot done, but again, i will stop into that and i'll give you the order is, are you able to order that up? joe made any, a dog coloring key, more people than ever in search of a drum you ever use minute, they can t method the godaddy. how do you find out about on the story and from icons the .


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