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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the deputy news line from the refresh back and for ukraine, the from the us and its allies, presidents of automated. so that gives you a bind sign of biological security agreement. as the 7 leaders increase of funds, you trans defense for the proceeds of frozen and russian assets are looking for millions of dollars for arms purchases and rebuilding infrastructure. also on the program, european colts of human rights of host, congress bound on assisted suicide and the check. terminally elements wished to the side, the timing of his own and his germany gets ready to host the euro 2024 . tomorrow we looked at the cube security operation,
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taking millions of full funds. say the i'm feel, gail. welcome to the program today many ukrainians. the thing is a starting point in that country struggle to defend itself after the us and its allies, offered the keys, substantial new support. president set joe biden and fill out the means. lensky signed a 10 year by natural security agreement, designed to impulse that ukraine's defenses. the documents also it gives washington's backing for ukraine's eventual membership of nato. it happens that during i got the job for 7, submitting italy when latest the 1st 7 industrialized countries back to deal to use interests and hundreds of billions of dollars in 1st impression assets to help you train a purchase reference. well, the us presidents that the agreement should,
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would have his country. i'm to help you frame defend itself of the longer to present zaleski and i have just now signed that agreement between the united states and retrain. our goal is to transfer ukraine's credible defense in deterrence. capabilities for the long term, a lasting piece for ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to deter future aggression. any time in the future. united states kind of help ensure your crank can do both. not by sending american troops to find ukraine, but by providing weapons and ammunition. expanded intelligence sharing continue to train, brave ukrainian troops, had braces in europe in the united states. and has the interoperability between our militaries in line with nato standards investigated ukraine's defense industrial base. so in time, in time, that gives, apply their own weapons and munitions, or presidents landscapes cost price. the day you described it as
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a bridge to nato membership that will protect not just ukraine, but the world from russian aggression. date is a truly historic day. and we have signed the strongest agreement between ukraine and the us since our independence. and this is in agreements on security and does, on the protection of human life. this is an agreement on corporation and does on all our nations will become stronger. this is an agreement on steps to guarantee sustainable peace, and therefore it benefits ever long in the world because the russian war against you create either a real, real global script. i thank you very much mister president for your letter shaped which is reflected in particular and disagreement. and in your
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years of support where you create this last city correspondent banter. re good to is at the summit in it's late and tell me more about today's announcements. but the main point for ukraine is of course, the united states is engaging in a long term commitment to you at the u. s. as in for the long haul. this agreement over last for at least 10 years. and it includes for the 1st time, also the build up and delivery of really defense capabilities and aircraft beyond the f. 16, even more modern aircraft than that. and also the build up of the defense industries in ukraine that is able to produce the ottomans ukraine needs to defend itself, to strike back of the russian aggression and, and joe biden, to you as president stressed that this is assigned to moscow to the ruler and most
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com let me be a pretend that the rest is not a stand back or big down and can not be weighted out by right by russia. the result of the rest is 2 very strong and the cube, the deal is also a pos inching closer to natal membership for ukraine. and as you know, your credit is applying for this membership for a long time. now in nature promised to take that ukraine into the airlines and that's one point, but this is maybe another step. we have a native summit in washington in july. there will not be an invitation actually to join, but this is now engine close. and the security of room is that not only done by the us also was friends in germany and other g 7 members. these christmas already there . so altogether, it may be a historic day for ukraine. ok, long term commitments isn't really a turning point in this conflict. with,
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with russia, but this is of course how to say if this actually is the turning point, but it's, it is one of the many pieces of the puzzle you need. because now the 8 for ukraine, the financial aid submitted through ages is more sustainable. and more planned to bill also for kids. and also if you take into account the $50000000000.00 loan, that the g 7 is giving to your credit now. so there's more a certainty for ukraine that they will not be left alone. that the rest is really committed and if the midterm revise this is changing anything on the ground right now. i don't think so. but in the long haul, this will actually change many things for, for, for the ukraine defense against russia. all right, thanks very much. our bands re gets through yet g 7 summit is to be thank so much
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and then your pin code of human rights as ruled against the lawsuit of a tub. and the man was thinking the rights to die in hungry. daniel costs has asked them incurable disease and the central nervous system. he'd be gotten his legal action against his government last year. but today the court found congress bound on youth and asia does not breaks the european convention on human rights. the w mcdaniel ahead of today's verdict. mm hm. i can't do anything independently anymore. and directors and dress the drink. all turnover in bed was a less makes daniels live honda day by day. his diagnosis with the know the system disease shocked him. he often thinks about the active life he wants hunt. one of his passions was the japanese motion loc digits to. in this video,
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he was fighting for the brown belt. and he used to work as a constitutional lawyer and does a renowned x, but he regularly gave t v interviews on human rights issues. nowadays, he is only mentally active, but he's decided to fight to make assisted suicide, legal and hungry in the media. and also in front of the quote, he argues that a less is extremely humiliating. as the last stage of the disease practically leaves the past and in the budget to to of state. without any possibility of conscious activity or communication. when it comes to no longer being able to communicate with my loved ones, it's a feeling of confinement and without any meaning. and therefore, without any dignity who, who the hair of the flight to. this is what they call him in the hon gary and press . his example started a new debate about assisted suicide in hm,
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gary and public schools. and it's great to to move so many people. but it's not that a significant pos of the political elite remain silent. that's just why he took his case to the european court of human rights. living the home gary in state for the 1st hiring in november 2023. he was still able to travel to strasburg. he gave the 1st arguments in his case. he knows the court well. he used to work them in the early, 2, thousands looking after. i am not 0 the room for this in this dark stage of 5. how many people like me bang base for me is are on a temporary range for their funeral,
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or daniel's brother, peter has always been close to his brother. he says he'd be ready to help with the assisted suicide. if daniel wanted it and it will legal and then it doesn't cost quite quite, we don't feel like we're miserable. carter always sitting in the corner and crying . because danny is terminally ill because there's always something to do. let me the one in my case, it distracts us from the drama we experience every day. and as i see uh, a forklift start over. daniel helps with his case. he can also help others. but as we heard that daniel costs, i've lost his case up to stevie multi liked his in public law at the university of cambridge. and she told me about the way the courts takes into account how contentious this issue is in different jurisdictions. yes, absolutely. and that's something that the court reiterated. it noted that there is a growing or emerging trend towards legalizing some forms of assistance in dying
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and particular assisted suicide. but also emphasize that still the majority of states within the council of europe and the states of the convention do not permit assistance in dying. and as a result, that court being a supranational court needs to give a wide area of discretion or a wide margin of appreciation to states to determine how they would like to control or regulate end of life practices. and that's why we have situations in which some countries such as belgium and the netherlands permit assistance in dying in quite broad ways. and other countries such as england go hungry, continued to prohibit assistance and dying completely stuff to stevie boston. now the count down to the football championships is on hosts germany 5, scotland and the opening match in munich. tim, on a german national team put in some last minute training and that based in the value i go into the tournament showing improvement after i'm in difference 2023 beaten in
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full matches this year. hosting the tournament is a massive security challenge by john nate, with threats ranging from oregon violence to terrorism. kick off for the euros is just our way the action here has been in full swing for months. it's the security in the center for the tournaments, staffed by police officers from all 24 participating countries. post germany has tried to balance informing the public of potential threats without spoiling the excitements. is it? yeah, it's not a security situation as tents. this applies to cyber security, as well as, as long as terrorism in other areas. however, i can also say that there are currently no concrete indications of a threat and connection with the euro. but many germans still concerns. a recent survey indicates almost half the population fewer a possible attack during the urals security experts say the greatest potential threats is currently post by the islamic state of shoot i s k p. the turbo group is
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putting out propaganda like this one. calling for a tex on job and football stadiums, the phoenix norma from the color of the other noble foundation specializes in counterterrorism measures. he says radicalized individuals may be the hardest for it to detroit. they can easily buy a light bathroom, for example, a nice but also a gum. and with that, they can execute such an attack and it's very hot for secuity or for tease, to prevent that, but also to money toward the dangerous, such as those post by hooligans or cyber. the takes also part of security precautions. post stadium set for multiple layers of security and are considered to be safe places, but defend zones. temporary sites were up to 12000000 people, a likely targets 22000 police officers under cover agents. drones and road locates a public security plants and for months all german boulders have been subject to
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increased controls to identify and stop potential bed act. us 100 percent. security is never possible. but i think that politicians as well as security of forest can work pretty much really good together as we've seen for the last couple of weeks and months. but now it will be put to the test as fence and play us gather, hoping for a safe and fun some of football for the head of that open game between germany and scotland on friday. well, i'm just going through sean has what, what of a 1500 kilometers from glasgow to germany, craig ferguson received a heroes. the welcome letter you arrived in munich. my square body of the class was presented with chairs and b is by hundreds of studies. funds are in town for the totems, craig time. so those are 6 countries to raise money for a mens mental health challenges faced in scotland. after $41.00 days of walking, he says he's looking forward to a cold beer. there's also hoping someone will find him
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a ticket for friday night's game the. 6 it's, it's your up to date and we'll, we'll use at the top of the, our next on the w documentary takes you island talking to greece. good. the, the coming 0, st. excel's 3 trans people. stories each kind items that feed us complex doors. sometimes when he saw a voltage chip possession of the 3 generations, one to any thoughts, july 7th on dw, the the .


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