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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 14, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, you watch and it'll be you news coming to live from berlin. fresh backing for ukraine from the us and his allies. presidents will let him years lensky and joe biden sign a long term security agreement. and the g 7 leaders agree to fund ukraine using frozen russian assets, unlocking billions of dollars. also coming up on our show, dw follows and a lead unit task with defending ukraine's waterways as they contend with mines. drones and equipment shortages and anticipation bills and just hours ahead of the euro. 2024 open or after several disappointing tournaments. coasts,
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germany are hoping for a strong start against scotland the i'm sorry richardson. thank you so much for joining us. the us and ukraine have signed a 10 year bilateral security agreement on the sidelines of the g 7 summit in italy, ukrainian president. we'll let them years the landscape said the password protect not just his country, but the world from russian aggression. g. 7 leaders also backed a multi 1000000000 dollar deal to use frozen russian assets to help you crank the strength and its defenses. and pay for reconstruction. need is that the weld 7 involves democracies and the european union sorted out and emergency power shoot for ukraine on day one of the g. 7 leaders summit in italy day a good lead to use the interest generated by rushes. central bank funds that have
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been frozen in european banks to create to $50000000000.00 loan facility, full ukraine so but yeah, we're not talking about the confiscation of these. i sent that at the interest of a cruise over time. they sample statement, not our finance minister. so now what can you off the mechanisms? one does the sun cloud of size, it is a key assigned to the russian president. these is also, if he cannot simply sit, this meant to out his comments. hope that he will be able to win this walk in there because of physical problems in some countries that are currently supporting your trains. and he won't. ukraine's president allowed him is lensky was invited to attend the 3 day summit. he signed a 10 year security agreement with united states, which includes greater intelligence, sharon, we didn't treat training weapons manufacturing. our goal is to transfer you
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grange, credible defense in deterrence capabilities for the long term. a lasting piece for ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to deter future aggression. any time in the future, savanski calls the agreement historic and hates. it will secure ukraine's place in nato. the issue of the to is covered through the text of the room. you see the sports, you raise future huge massive media and recognizes that ours use a bridge to produce major matters. you of the g 7 lead as a standing firm against russia now, but it's not clear how united they will be. if nato as big as back to the us gets a new president. one who is not so willing to support ukraine
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was good across the key of enter, correspondent and economy for the very latest make. we heard president zalinski, they're calling this security agreement with the us historic can use that was in concrete terms how this will help ukraine. well, that as you heard savanski the in the piece, he was going this a bridge to full later membership. this is not the same thing as a cost on security guarantee from the us. if you creating some time in the future, were to be attacked again by russia. the disagreement sets out a mechanism for security consultations with the us side. there is no requirement that the us come to you cranes 8 as the case with nato allies, there is tool called training of getting ukraine's only to make their standards improving and developing ukraine's defense production base. so that can produce more of its own weapons and become less dependent on foreign support as well. so a tool of reform and why does sense getting governance to
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a state where ukraine's also able to act more nimbly and more effectively. so lots of nice promises an attempt to trying to, i'm just gonna add port corporation we've seen between the us. i mean, grading last few years and something more institutional, something more long term that what it was to try to look into to restrictions. even ones like a true sense of trumpet ministration that are likely to be less than through exactly about sorting you credit. but it is not something that you can kind of rely on. i think it was a real attempt to, to get away from that kind of activity that we saw at last is native summit in vilnius weapons. let's keep, was very disappointed was briefing was going on, which i complaining about not getting a road that's an agent membership. there's a lot of angle between western capital's and key of over that very public split. this is an attempt to kind of smooth over here, but i think it's important to recognize when are the radians also team on the to membership. back in the ninety's, they gave up the nuclear weapons that they had inherited from the soviet union, under guarantees from the us, from russia, from the u. k. in other countries that if you can, which be attacked, that they would be supported in the territorial integrity,
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the silver and to you will be protected. those guarantees proved to be pretty much useless and they are seen from key if there anything that can really secure this cups issue to is pull nature membership, sometimes down the line. indeed, nick, let's talk for a moment about that agreement with a g 7 summit to lend you paying 50000000000 dollars using interest on frozen russian assets. what exactly will this go toward? what will ukraine be able to spend the money on? so there are lots of details that we still don't understand. that seems to be a lot of technical negotiation still ahead till the interview between different countries because of total. most of this, frozen russian cache is in europe, not in united states and european countries. all very wide this they were to go and confiscate, save this money rather than just taking the interest that that would damage the attractiveness therapy in banking system. so that could be lots of legal problems down the line. initially it had seemed like the ukraine would just get those that interest me a 3 so 1000000000 euros of dollars every year,
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rather than this lump sum, which will now be taken as a loan. and that paid back with the interest so that you can get some more money in a hurry. what is going to be spent on? we don't know yet that had been told that it would be restricted to rebuilding efforts but us. so it is now saying that this could also be used for a minute for spending just to give you a sense of the scale. this cash at ukraine is you're not receiving any problem, is 50000000000 euros by the you of a full years of this. if it really turns out to be a workable model, would be the same amount of cash in one year that it had, you know, expected from the e u of a full. so this really is a big deal for ukraine disability to pay as bills next. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. that is an economy for us and kids now at least military units play a crucial part in defending ukraine's waterfront lines, such as those along the new pro river and of the black sea. and it's more complicated than defending the front on land as it requires specialist skills and equipment. dw is currently nationwide joined one day for unit during training,
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as they were ambushed by a russian drone. with a low to high, the boat was off of the shop village. this will take hold of us. a russian throne is threatening us. and if it's just in front of us, what started as an exercise has become now a serious situation. the 3rd way of tracking the drone, we have to move the russians know how important piece training sessions are to ukraine's forces. ukraine has a nearly 600 kilometer water of water that needs to be defended against the russian aggression. this is why, especially units like this one are crucial for ukraine's military. despite this being a training exercise conditions to simulate the real case scenario. and given the fact that the countries of war are real attached can happen anytime they know why they are a target. naval special forces units are tasked with defending ukraine's water
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borders or c on the 1st. and mostly the russian fleet could defend box thousands of troops anywhere along the coast line. but if we don't have the appropriate weapons and personnel, they, the russians could occupied the cities like odessa. what the good thing you quite know from the blacks a little more to citizen children. and one of our strategic routes passed through the see was we are we, we can't win the ball without access to the black sea, but we have to keep control of this region. one of the shipping, the control and theater here on of the unit also includes diverse risk. their lives in walters, littered with my boots on this to day. but i will just because i should put the we divers, need to better equipment. you can do text mines and minimize underwater time in enemy territory who wants to adjust, but it for an inspection means are only short range requiring close proximity to
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the enemy. it was beautifully done this before the duels for longer under water travel, to avoid putting our boats at risk not body, so we'd spend better selection them through the lawyer. some of these men were involved in liberating snake island. i'm to fight for my you pull. one told us he survived the mine fields only to be caught by the russians. and this is all a day as the russians knew everything about me. a rank found the position and unit is just that somebody is a village and we were treated specially subjected to torture. always i realize that as a new shaw, our enemy has no humanity, myers on the mercy. in my own. i return to the i was determined to fight again, and if it was no way of knowing the human body can withstand incredible things. and then we're going to get a chance. these men are young, committed to an extremely motivated, but they say they are not enough. so there's always something in the,
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in order to change the course of this large scale war is taking so much more effort is needed and we'll have to be some leadership of our country globbed in such as, for example. and that was a new law and mobilization largest and nothing is there, not enough people. and we have losses and that was the time no longer talking about our troops. only uncle is about the infantry and he's telling me that we have lost his thought. it, these men might be the sharp tip of the ukrainian armed forces, yet they worry that without more and better weapons and smoke people behind them, all this could be in vain. we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines. american journalist, evident garcia, ventricles stange, trial, and russia for espionage. the wall street journal reporter was in the country reporting on ukraine when he was arrested in march last year and accused of spying for the c. i. a. he and his publication have denied the charges, which the white house says have 0 credibility authorities in honduras,
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i have destroyed over 5 tons of cocaine seized and an anti drug operation. earlier this year, a team of military police set fire to the narcotics in a field outside the home door and capital tegucigalpa. the public prosecutor's office said most of the hall had been found in the caribbean. c. to and bureau 2024 football championship takes off just hours from now in unit with hosts, germany facing scotland. the german national team has disappointed in recent tournaments, but fans are hoping that their home advantage and recent good form will take them all the way to the final and the coming weeks. thousands of fence gather towards gemini at an open training session. it's exciting bills around the country ahead of 02024 goes on is going to reach the guy. so let's see here. germany is generally going through the end, thinking about tournaments and how much bits. yes, even more so one's on home soil. it was a fine, so we have
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a great responsibility for the mood in the country over the next few weeks. and then next, and i go home and of course we want to make sure performances on the field and we have a positive impact. uh, the gun system, especially after the last few tournaments systems, but the thing that's into a new, the close who stepped back from the national team in 2021 is back playing for gemini and as viewed as one of the key to gets to his team the 6th time attempting to the gwinnett is known to be a mentor for more experienced players like programs, goods, or what others. both are playing the 1st it's investment. so in the minutes beyond that, you see this be the idea. we have a lot of players who haven't played it to people who are missing, let alone a home tournament, and us into those adults you own. and these are special situations. i think it's always important to give them a certain amount of support and security and with your behavior on hand off the pitch rate and also have fundamental health implants that is this one. so at the end of the day, there's no guns. we need enough players to function in order to be successful. can
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use be like defaults. and yet i'm a flexible both gemini is defense, and detective recently improved part of a to keep the money and know it has made mistakes and the reason, friend lease. but the message from his team is one of the unity and support this is always on the display of these posts. we all know that we're very spoiled in this position. that we have a certain class of choices on the and the man who is a player who else is go out and standing correspond with and gives every team incredible support for on this on them. see them on self closing bonds includes a gift. jimmy looked like they on the way to becoming you will open a scene despite the number of young players. they'll be hoping for an easy winning the opening game against government and friday evening, and successful some of football on home territory. and that is your needs update at
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this hour. stay tuned for business. coming up next with a look at the problems with pesticides. i'm quite richardson, thank you so much for watching. the the, the green space innovation. green trim the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carrier is subscribe to the center every friday, subscribe to plan. it's a synthetic pesticides, the points most to the environment with our industrial food system as a dependent on the use of piece talk.


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