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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the you watch indeed of the news coming to you live from berlin. fresh backing for ukraine from the us and us allies, presidents of all letting their zalinski and joe biden sign a long term security agreement. s g 7. leaders agree to fund ukraine using frozen russian assets, unlocking billions of dollars. also coming up on the show. a new political chapter begins in south africa after a major offset in the recent parliamentary elections de establish parties negotiate to formal government and choose a new president and anticipation bills ahead of the year of 2024 opener after several disappointing tournaments, posts germany are holding for a strong start against scotland
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the . i'm quite richardson, thanks so much for joining us. the us and ukraine have signed a 10 year bilateral security agreement on the sidelines of the g. 7 summit is lea ukrainian president followed him years landscape, said the pact would protect and not just his country, but the world from russian aggression. g 7 leaders also backed a multi 1000000000 dollar deal to use the interest from frozen russian assets to help ukraine strength and its defenses and pay for reconstruction. the need is that the weld 7 involves democracies and the european union sorted out and emergency power shoot for ukraine. on day one of the g 7 leaders summit in italy. they agreed to use the interest generated by russia's central bank funds
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that have been frozen in european banks to create to $50000000000.00 loan facility, full ukraine. nobody. yeah, we're not talking about the confiscation of these. i sent that at the interest of a cruise over time. they sample statement, not our finance minister. so now what can you off the mechanisms? one does the same cloud of size. it is a key assigned to the russian president. these is also, if he cannot simply sit this meta out his car and hope that he will be able to win this walk in there because of physical problems in some countries that are currently supporting your trains and he won't let them ukraine's president below them is lensky was invited to attend the 3 day summit. he signed a 10 year security agreement with united states, which includes greater intelligence, sharing, military training, weapons manufacturing. our goal is to transfer ukraine's credible
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defense in deterrence capabilities for the long term. a lasting peace for ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to deter future aggression. any time in the future, savanski calls the agreement historic and hates. it will secure ukraine's place in nato. the issue of the to is covered through the tax on the agreement is steve supports you raise future huge matters to me and recognizes that ours is a bridge to produce major matters. you of the g 7 lead as a standing firm against russia now, but it's not clear how united they will be. if nato as big as back to the us gets a new president, one who is not so willing to support ukraine. earlier i
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spoke to our correspondent and economy and care of, and i asked him how this security agreement will help you create what. but as you heard savanski the in the piece, he was going this a bridge to full later membership. this is not the same thing. as a cost on security guarantee from the us, if you creating some time in the future, were to be attacked again by russia. the disagreement sets out a mechanism for security consultations with the us side. there is no requirement that the us come to ukraine's 8 as the case with nato allies. there is still falls, training of getting ukraine's elements in nature, standards, improving and developing ukraine's defense production base. so that can produce more of its own weapons and become less dependent on foreign support as well. so a tool of reform and a wide sense getting governance to a state where ukraine is also able to act more nimbly and more effectively. so lots of nice promises an attempt to try and to and just got add port corporation. we
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seem between the us timing grading last 2 years and something more secure. so something more long term that would also try to look in the future and instructions and even ones like advertising comes with ministration that are likely to be less than to exactly about sorting ukraine. but it is not something that you can kind of rely on this thing. there's a real attempt here to get away from the kind of hack community that we saw at last is nature summit in vilnius weapons. last, he was very disappointed was briefing was going on switzer complaining about not getting a road back today to membership. there's a lot of hangup between west and capitols and cuba over that very public split. this is an attempt to kind of smooth over here, but i think it's important to recognize why the premiums are so keen on they to membership back in the ninety's. they gave up the nuclear weapons that they had inherited from the soviet union on the guarantees from the us, from russia, from the u. k. in other countries that the few crane would be attacked, that they would be supported in the territorial integrity, the silver and fee will be protected. those guarantees proved to be pretty much useless, and they are seen from to you have there anything that can really secure this comes
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issue to escalate your membership sometime down the line? indeed, nick, let's talk for a moment about that agreement with the g 7 summit to lend you paying $50000000000.00 using interest on frozen russian assets. what exactly will this go toward? what will you can be able to spend the money on? so there are lots of details. glad that we still don't understand. that seems to be a lot of technical negotiation still ahead till the interview between different countries because of total. most of this frozen russian cache isn't you're not in united states and european countries all very wide this, they were to go and confiscate say this money rather than just taking the interest that that would damage the attractiveness therapy in banking system. so that could be lots of legal problems down the line. initially it had seemed like the ukraine would just get those that interest, you know, 3 so 1000000000 euros of dollars every year, rather than this lump sum, which will now be taken as a loan. and that paid back with the interest so that you can get some more money in
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a hurry. what is going to be spent on? we don't know yet that had been told that it would be restricted to rebuilding efforts, but us source is now saying that this could also be used for military spending. just to give you a sense of the scale of his cash at ukraine is now receiving his improvements, 50000000000 euros by the u. of a full years of this. if it really turns out to be a workable model, would be the same amount of cash in one year that they had, you know, expected from the you of a full. so this really is a big deal for ukraine disability to pay his bills. next. thank you. so much for bringing us up to speed there. that is an economy for us in cuba. now it leads military units play a crucial part in defending ukraine's waterfront lines, such as those lump any pro river in the black sea. and that is more complex, a to the defending the front on the land. it requires a specialist skills and the equipment. you know, these car, the national, are joined one naval unit during their training as they were ambushed by a russian drone with a low to high up. the boat was off the village. this covers
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a russian drone is threatening us and it's just in front of us. what started as an exercise has become now a serious situation. so a 3rd way of tracking the drone. we have to move the russians know how important piece training sessions are to ukraine's forces. ukraine has a nearly 600 kilometer water of order that needs to be defended against the russian aggression. this is why, especially units like this one are crucial for ukraine's military. despite this being a training exercise conditions to simulate the real case scenarios. and given the fact that the countries of war are real attach can happen anytime they know why they are a target. naval special forces units are tasked with defending ukraine, slaughter, borders, or c on the 1st of most of the russian fleet. could dis inbox,
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thousands of troops anywhere along the coast line. by the way, if we don't have the appropriate weapons and personnel, they, the russians could, occupies the cities like odessa. what the good thing you quite know from the black sea, the motor citizen, the total amount of our strategic routes passed through the sea was when we come when the ball without access to the black sea. but we have to keep control of this region. one of the people, the control and the theater here on of the unit also includes diverse risk, their lives in walters, littered with my son this to day. but i didn't want this because i should put 3, we divers need better equipment. you can do text mines and minimize underwater time in enemy territory who wants to just split it for a detection means are only short range requiring close proximity to the enemy. it was beautifully done this before the duels for longer under water travel to avoid putting our boats at risk not by suv,
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spend better selection them through the with the some of these men were involved in liberating snake island. i'm to fight for my, you po. one told us he survived the mine fields only to be caught by the russians. and this is all a day as the russians knew everything about me. a rang for the position and unity just, that's what use of this isn't that we were treated specially subjected to torture? always i realized that as a new show, our enemy has no humanity, myers on the mercy. in my own, i returned to the i was determined to fight again and stuff and there's no way of knowing the human body can withstand incredible things and they move in the direction. these men are young, committed to an extremely motivated, but they say they are not enough to the thoughts of doing things in order to change the course of this large scale war is to keep much, much more effort is needed and will have to be some leadership of our country club in such as for example, i think that was
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a new law and mobilization. i just don't think i know is there not enough people? why do we have losses and that was the time no longer talking about our troops. only uncle about the infantry, and he's telling me that we have lost his thought. it. these man might be the sharp tip of the ukrainian armed forces. yet they worry that without more and better weapons, more people behind them, all this could be in vain. let's bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines. these rarely army size. it killed 2 people during a raid in the occupied westbank. it said soldiers surround to the house in the town of cup of tea and exchanged fire with gunmen inside palestinian medical authorities . that is really troops also killed a 3rd person nearby. thousands of brazilians took to the streets to protest a controversial bill being debated in congress. the law is passed. would equate abortion with homicide. women who terminate a pregnancy after 22 weeks could face trail sentences of up to 20 years,
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including in cases of rape, a memorial services being held in the german city of mannheim for a murder, a local police officer. 2 weeks ago, a man with a knife, a tax protesters and police at an anti islam demonstration. the officer died from his injuries. the 25 year old attacker was an african refugees who entered germany as a minor in 2013 was denied asylum. polk, or south africa's newly elected parliament has met to choose the country's next president, while makers are being sworn in at a ceremony in cape town. last month's elections saw south africa's former rolling party, the african national congress or and c suffer a major drop in seats. it has been negotiating with other parties to form a government. so serial remo posts as expected to be re elected as president under a deal between his amc party and the 2nd largest party. the democratic alliance of
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this is the 1st time the amc has not healthy political majority since the end of apartheid. as many politicians are now welcoming a new chapter in south africa's governance, i'm expecting to see that we're going to have most significant in the parliament. i'm expecting to see that you're going to see a more robust parliament with fixing that be going to start to see change. we're going to start to see the kind of reforms that will bring change into south africa . every voice must be good. now portfolio. we run to every situation with a single political party. what have the majority in the portfolio committees say full, we will have good discussions to ensure that old voice is also heard through the portfolio committees to ensure that we get the best major selection and decisions. so it's very important that all 40 take on parties that are presented in front of me. it's just for me to, to keep things are definitely going and make sure that this has nothing and people, i'm not even convinced in any way. we can squabble about other things. but let the
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wheels of the states continue to around so that the people's lives can functions of go live to our correspondent diane hawk, or she's in cape town at the convention center where parliament is sitting by an members of parliament being sworn in right now. i understand uh, can you tell us a little bit about the procedure and when we can expect to have a vote on presidents as well, in this case uh today. um, the procedure is more of a mattress and then it is a sprint members of parliament occurring to you on a short break after the swearing in process. and then they'll be going into the real work of today, which will be electing the public representatives. now the 3 elections that are meant to happen today are the election of the speaker, parliament, the deputy speaker, and the election of the president of the country. so quite a lot of important business still expected to unfold here today. and it could be quite a lengthly setting as a result of that's key or also expecting the amc to form
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a government of national unity with other opposition parties. can you tell us a little bit more about what we know so far? absolutely. the government of national unity is the big buys word for today to see how these parties that i've been negotiating over the past few days have been able to reach an agreement. now that we understand that the amc of the democratic alliance will form the quote of the government of national unity. the democratic alliance is the uh, 2nd largest party in this parliament and has been a long standing opposition party to the an seats. in fact, during the election campaign period, they will come painting to say south africa from the amc, but they put those election a fights behind them and, and seemingly now have found a way to move forward with the lead is of the a and c agreeing on some principles of how the government of national unity will
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move forward, as well as potential positions. and those agreements will see the outcomes of them unfolding yet today when the votes take place. and of course, going forward in the political discourse of the next few years. when the parties, you know, put forward new deflation, as well as vote on other key issues here in parliament. and what about the serial rental pose a very well known figure on the international stage? is he likely to get another term as president he is likely to get another tim of parliament um as president, excuse me, as long as that government of national unity agreement holds. you know, with the amc and the democratic alliance, if they both agree to vote on from a post as the president we understand is also not an agreement about having one of the senior upon them into positions of going to be a member. and then i'm a post that is likely to return for us to contempt. of course it is going to be
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quite a difference to can to them as con, paid to the previous one because of the a and see not having an odd right majority. and also having to have a frenzy relationship with as a parties who they were previously, you know, in, in, in conflict with o, o, a position parties. so, so we'll see a little bit later when that votes unfold. definitely an interesting and different period here in south africa with the amc i, you know, i expected to retain that presidency, but under some very different terms. okay. indeed, it is. thank you so much for your reporting. there is our corresponding diane hawker in a cape town and one of the world's largest religious gatherings is getting underway and saudi arabia this year, over one and a half 1000000 muslims gather in mecca for the hodge pilgrimage, but with extreme heat. now a health concern authorities are trying to lighten the impact by installing air conditioning and other measures and following
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a saudi royal decree to hosted 2000 palestinian pilgrims. the government has warned against what it calls political activity worship has got the cub, julio, trying in islam, but saudi arabia's grand mosque. hundreds of thousands of travelled here from all over the world for the annual hodge pilgrimage. and this year some pilgrims extending the press to fellow muslims in gaza. the i hope outside a, a every day i what happening here in gaza. the ongoing need prevents most citizens from being able to leave the territory and travel to america. and i've had a member,
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we would deprived of hodge because the crossing is closed and because of the war and destruction we were unable to leave. and every time we try to, they tell us that the crossing is closed. and so we have stuck here deprived us of everything on one side of it. how do we prevented from performing? how should we the people from gaza strip are the only ones in the whole world who are prevented. this is not supposed to happen. the ref crossing is the only possible extent from the gaza strip. there's no other way out. a lot of the causes borders to israel, enclosed and movement across the rest, the crusting to egypt heavily restricted cause and this will be mocking these holy days at home. and praying for an end to the conflict. turning out to some other news and excitement is growing in anticipation of the opening of the european football championships here in germany. so that to kick off
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a new neck with scotland playing the hosts. scottish fans have been preparing for the match piping in their pride as their team gets ready to take on germany and fans elsewhere in the country, including in the capital. berlin are also waiting for the weeks long euro 2024 to get underway. but there has been something of a shadow over the host to after 3 disappointing tournaments of germany's head coach unit now goes, man is aiming for a better performance. this time around. all fans are hoping the home advantage will help them thousands of friends together towards germany at an open training session . it's exciting built around the country. ahead of 02024 goes on is going to reach the guy. so when say to germany is generally going through the end, thinking about tournaments, not much bit seattle even more so ones on home. so it was a sense that we have a great responsibility for the mood in the country over the next few weeks. and
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then next, and the role and of course we want to make sure our performances on the field will have a positive impact. uh the gun system, especially after the last few tournament systems. but to i don't think that's into a new, of course, who stepped back from the national team in 2021 is back playing for gemini, and as viewed as one of the key to gets to his team the 6th time attempting to the gwinnett is known to be a mentor for more experienced players like program visits or what others. both are playing the 1st it's investment. so in the minutes beyond that you see this be the idea. we have a lot of players who haven't played it to people who are missing. let alone a home tournament and us into those adults you own and these are special situations . i think it's always important to give them a certain amount of support and security and with your behavior on a hand off the pitch rate and also have fundamental health in plots. that is this one. so at the end of the day, there's no guns. we need enough players to function in order to be successful. can use be like defaults. and yet i'm, i flexible. both gelani's defense and detective recently improved part of
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a to keep the money and know it has made mistakes and the reason, friend lease. but the message from his team is one of the unity and support this is always on the display of these posts. we all know that we're very spoiled in this position. that we have a certain class of choices on the and the man who is a player who else is go out and standing correspond with and gives every team incredible support for on this on the sheet i'm on self closing bonds includes a gift. jimmy looked like the on the way to becoming you will open a scene despite the number of young players. they'll be hoping for an easy winning the opening game against government and friday evening. it was successful, some of football on home territory. and joining me here in the studio to talk about the start of euro 2024, we have heckled flores from dw sports haggard. let's start with the host. what do
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you think? germany's chances are this year? well, usually you would think that the host will have that home advantage, right? you would imagine that they will be one of the favorites, but with germany, it's kind of tricky right now and it's been so in the past couple years, it's been quite tricky for them as a team has been under performing since the 2018 woke up. so it's been 3 big tournaments that germany have not really excelled and they've lost that support that they used to enjoy back in the day from, from the offense. but what jeremy does half as we just saw in that report, is a mix of young tons of players. like to mind we'll see all a and so and that's along with experienced players and older players like 20 calls to miss miller. and i know, yeah, those 3 players were part of the 2014 squad. that one the world cup. so they, they do have the quality, they know what it takes to win a big tournaments. so maybe that that will be able to, to help them out. the opening match would really be the deciding factor really again, scotland tonight. um, that's just, uh, it will really set the tone. and if germany can get a positive result,
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then they can build on that, get the support from the fans. and then we can see them probably get far if they do that, there's so much pressure on them that in this opening match to take things off to a good start. aside from germany, are there any teams that you have your island in this tournament? what i'm not much of a down there really. what have you looked at the bidding houses? they are considering germany a but i'm only the top 3, but along with them or even better on our friends in england, really. and it's not hard to see why am you friends being uh, a final is of the last woke up. not really losing losing on penalties against argentina. and france have been a producing world class players a year after year counting my pay, who will be, he's just $25.00. really. he's quite a young player, but he's one pretty much almost everything with friends and he will be captain in front of this tournament. and he's missing a year, the year of the year, a title, so you can expect him to be motivated for this. also england. they reach the last final of the last term of the, the euros in 2021. and
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a lot of the players that were part of that squad will be taking part of this tournament. so they will have something to they will want to show the world, but they're made out of. so those are the 2 big favorites for as in english, as well as germany, as mentions, of course is not just the games, right? it's also the on the ons, this has been such a long time coming so many people waiting. how big of a party do you think we're going to see here in germany? well, you got to take a look back at the last uh major ment football tournament in germany, which was the 2006 woke up which was a great success. it was a great party and it wasn't really a great success for germany in the sense of winning the title. but, and that's kind of like the memory that's in a lot of people's minds in the country. it was finally remembered. it's finally remembered as a great, great party, great tournaments, and it was mainly because, you know, there was great weather back then. um, the football was great and there was a very relaxed atmosphere and it really united the country ever since germany were given the height, the, the rights to host this tournaments in 2024. there's been comparisons,
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couldn't live up to the expectations of that term, ends in 2006. we live in different times now, politically, economically, especially in germany. it's a poor i society nowadays. so if football can't really unite the country, it's down to see, but you can only see that uh as long as the football. right. and if they can get the results, as mentioned. okay, talking about even more pressure building up on the german national team. i go thank you so much for breaking that down for us. that is echo flores from w sports . and just before we go, we can bring you a reminder of the top story we've been following for you. the presidents, joe biden, and for a lot of years, the landscape have signed a 10 year security agreement designed to bolster ukraine's defenses. it came after g 7. leaders agreed to use the interest from hundreds of billions of dollars in frozen russian assets to help ukraine purchase weaponry. there you have it, you are up to date states you for conflicts on with him, sebastian coming up after
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a short break. or of course there's more online to the doc. com or we're on social media c, w. now i'm quite richardson. thank you so much for watching the
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inside of the conflict. so aside june, support for fall, right? coffee is in the european elections. tend to try most across the continents. my guess is we get some drug costs. how's going members? the european parliament in president calls when a science less risky, is macros decision to coal, small collections in front part of the conflict? no. on the d. w to the point. strong opinions, clear positions. international perspective. many areas in eastern ukraine are
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influenced in the midst of the war presence of landscapes asking for financial aid and more weapons. germany pledges help put wants to avoid an escalation of the war . on to the point we ask between you and the parents and europe defend itself to the point. taking in 16 minutes on d w. the data brought together by chance and they roots in the early nineties, on independence, free woman, and the mother of 10, in a strict patriarch. to make elaina assess team to test and observing the lines latavia and hit dorsey's ever since. the
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a wasted life. is this katia and her daughter's thoughts? june 22nd on d. w. a surgeon support for fall write policies in the european elections for cent tramos across the continent. not more powerful than those who is in paris and berlin for the policies of both leaders for trunk by far right opponents. my guess is we cassandra of, let's see. i was going member of the european parliament in president macros. renaissance list. how risky is macros? decision to close map elections in front and when he resigned it for fall right, with the majority center i've got to you're welcome to come pick some thank you.


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