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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news of life in berlin. the g 7 summit closes with a focus on ukraine. in the draft declaration, the group of leading industrialized nations takes aim at restaurant. and those countries supporting it's worked in ukraine dw, follow it was interviewed a task with defending ukraine's waterways as of a contain with mines, drones and equipment shortages. nato leader discuss coordinating military aid for ukraine meetings in brussels and look to change the charge informal us lead structure for weapons delivery to more formal responsibilities under the alliance's
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control and anticipation bills ahead of the euro. 2024 open after several disappointing tournaments. host, germany hoping for a strong story against the in one greetings, 12 years around the world, unlike little okay, g 7 members meeting in italy or working out their final declaration as the group takes aim at russia and countries like china enabling moscow's war in ukraine. leaders of 7 leading industrialized nations and the european union yesterday agreed on a 50000000000 year alone for ukraine. this will be financed from the interest on frozen russian assets. the summit continues today with pope francis expected as one of the guest is our chief political correspondent,
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nina honda is in bowery at the summit for us need. the pope francis has come to bari and visit the g 7 today. what do you expect this agenda will be? oh, that is definitely a fast. it's not like the pope a pays at every one of the annual. some it's that the lead is of those most important. the western democracies have every year. so it's a fast hope funds as well as invited by the host of this event, italian prime minister, georgia maloney herself, she's a devout catholic. so she insisted he come and on his agenda is in the attendance of the working session on a i energy africa and the mediterranean. so challenges when it comes to dealing with regular migration, for example, will be something where i'm sure that the pope also has a few words to say to his audience that of course he's not the political figure, but the, the, the fact that georgia maloney has invited him also is
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a reminder that there's very skilled and embrace of multilateralism. here on this international stage, georgia maloney stands for quite some controversial policies, very conservative. so for example, there was a plan to have the right to abortion in the draft community k of the g 7 in the we're hearing of that was a no go for georgia maloney that she just wouldn't have it in that for her family consist of mother or father and a child or 2, and the there is no such thing as abortion, that can be considered legal according to the italian prime minister. we understand this morning, g 7 leaders discuss migration issues. what more can you tell us? of the g 7 also this time around invited other countries to attend the sessions and they do stress the fact that more international cooperation is needed to tackle the challenges,
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but also sees the opportunities that come from migration. so this needs to be done in coordination between the more developed and the less developed countries. also those imagine economies and migration is something where you can get everybody behind the table. everybody's concerned by this question. just how do you fight the root causes of irregular migration, but also how do you open up safer and more secure pathways for a legal migration. and that is something that was apparently a fruitful discussion. that's what we're hearing from this session. and these discussions will have to continue because of course it's putting a lot of governments around the world under a lot of pressure. the w's chief, political correspondent. nina, how does that involve even anything seem elite military units play a crucial part in defending ukraine's waterfront lines. such as those along the need for a river. and the black sea is more complicated than defending the front on land and
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requires specialist skills and equipment. dw scheduling a to more joined one naval unit during training, as they were ambushed by a rushing drunk. with a little hide the boat was this a foster village this about take covers a russian throne is threatening us. and if it's just in front of us, what started as an exercise has become now a serious situation. so we're tracking the we have to move to the restaurants, know how important piece training sessions are to ukraine's forces. ukraine has a nearly 600 kilometer water of order that needs to be defended against the russian aggression. this is why, especially units like this one are crucial for ukraine's military. despite this being a training exercise conditions to simulate the real case scenario. and given the
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fact that the countries of war are real attached can happen anytime these ukrainian soldiers are putting themselves into a difficult situation. so they can react instinctively as a team without making a sound lazy. if it's the most difficult thing is saving the wounded, evacuating them, and delivering them to a medical facility on the enemy, drone and aviation threats, they will cover the evacuating someone and then a caustic environment is the worst case scenario for the squadron. this naval special forces unit has to be able to do that as much more as part of its job defending ukraine's water borders or c. on the 1st, the mostly pieces of russian fleet could descend box thousands of troops anywhere along the coast line. but i dig where we don't have appropriate weapons and pets, and now they could occupying the city. spect odessa to odessa, cuts in ukraine off from the black sea. okay. and then they will,
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they will do no strategic routes. so hoss 3, the see the position inflexion was we con dwindle without access to the black sea. best with the children, the homework we have to keep control of this region control. and the theater here on of the unit also includes diverse risk, their lives in walters, later with mites was not, not whole, but that the roof with lead generation is a challenge because of which i do, we often go in for us to check the box and match the coast and part of the land area and along with the detect enemy observation posts which are avoid detection is going to ship, but they've not been since lots of each location and job is near you have enough to cross your convenience overall. we divers need better equipment, lots of tech mines, but it will minimize underwater time in enemy territory. young bishop, when the current detection means are only short range for the requiring close proximity to the enemy war, we need tools for longer underwater travel to avoid putting our boats at risk sites
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. and them through the, with this would allow us to operate 10 to 15 kilometers from the enemy's shore on the do not be of much of the film at navigating their way through mines when they get to shore is also crucial. some of these men were involved in liberating snake island, and the fight for me are you pull. one told us he survived the mine fields, only to be caught by the russians move alternator to bologna. and this is all a, with a category for many months. we saw the russians knew everything about me and all my rank position in unit. that's the one that says all in another will assure you. i think because of this we were treated specially subjected to torture. always. that doesn't mean shaw. i realize our enemy has no humanity or mercy in my know y'all, when i returned, i was determined to fight again because no knowing the human body can withstand incredible things and what they were getting at a chain. and now he's fighting again,
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back with his unit. so these men are young, committed, and extremely motivated. but they say they are not enough. they need the intervening name and the same way. i think it's impossible to change the course of the war with these tasks alone, me, but they've not, nothing will do to change the course of this large scale war of a much more effort is needed from the leadership of our country. these of clothing need to getting more example, a new law and mobilization. i know, i just don't know. people have nobody's economic are not enough people. we have lots of solid and that was such, i know i'm no longer talking about our troops only about the infantry. we have lots of sort about it. these men might be the sharp tip of the ukrainian armed forces. yet the worry that without more and better weapons at the more people behind them all this could be in v. nato defense ministers are meeting to discuss formerly taking over the coordination of
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military aid to ukraine. members of the trans atlantic alliance are meeting at nato headquarters in brussels. currently support for ukraine is being organized through an informal u. s. led group. a new proposal would formalize those responsibilities under nato's control. defense spending is also expected to be on the agenda. more on there's no meeting now from dw corresponded. terry schultz in brussels. the terri, this new mission represents a shift where for the 1st time, nato would officially take the lead in facilitating military a to ukraine. why does the alliance want to do this? us? that's right. michaels, nato would take the lead in some aspects of getting a to ukraine as we understand it. and the proposal is right now, being discussed by ministers, the meeting is not yet over. we understand that the ukraine defense contact group, which is led by the united states, which would still lead in coming up with the pleasures in pushing countries to,
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to give anything they can spare to ukraine. and that is a group of not just the, the 32 nato allies, but also some 20 other countries that want to help you print. now, what would pass over to nato resorted the process of getting these pledges to ukraine. i a to often the security general says this was his proposal that countries are making pleasures and then the items never arrive. they don't have a way to get there. it's proves too difficult for one country to do by itself. so nato would tap into its networks and actually transports the assistance to ukraine . and the other thing that would come along with this proposal is account ability. nato would actually follow up on what countries said they were going to give you frame and make sure that house or their risk for nato in taking over the coordination of military aid to ukraine. or what we're more than 2 years into the war and nato doesn't do anything without calculating such things. and so the alliance has decided that it can do this without appearing to be taking part
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directly on the war. now that won't stop moscow for, from saying that nato is now taking an active part in the war. and i'm sure those comments will be coming today. as soon as the agreement on the proposal is made, but need to still insist that there will be no nato boots on the ground, that this is simply facilitating a that would be going anywhere. anyway, it's not nato assets and you know, doesn't have a military stock piles itself to send to ukraine. so this is just a coordinating role, but again, that won't stop the gremlins. stay with us, terry. we'll be back back with you in a moment, but let's look ahead for a moment to the washington summit in july. another significant issue will be reevaluate, re evaluating how much nato governments spend on defense given russia's regression . the current target is 2 percent of g d p, but many countries acknowledge that's not enough. estonia already spends more than 3 percent and defense minister on
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o pepco is among the leaders demanding others boost their budgets to let's have a listen. it is very important that we acknowledge that the, the financing at the moment needs to be increased and we do not have enough funds and then the money in defense. and we do believe that 2 percent is not enough . and we need to go further from here as the president has been that the maybe we should think from to point 5 percent this don't you easy investing? good. 3.4 this year and i end up coming to you. it is more than 2 percent. clearly the sco noon defense minister is asking for a higher spending from all the members of nato. but is this realistic? unfortunately, probably not at this time. you don't even have all of the allies spending the 2 percent now and that's been a 10 year goal. and it expires this year. so nato has already said it's going to
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come up with a new proposal on, on what defense spending by g. d. p should be at the nato summit in july. and the proposal actually has come up to 3 percent. a lot of people and including presidential candidate donald trump are suggesting 3 percent should be the target spending rate right now for nato allies. but again, as i say, some countries are spending just over one percent, even 10 years into this promise to spend 2 percent. so they may well be able to come up with some language that says they'll aim to move towards spending more, but uh, as forgetting countries to do it. that's been again a decade long battle that nato hasn't finally won. indeed dw correspondent terry schultz in brussels. many thanks. let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world at this hour. south africa is paused for its 1st coalition government since the end of apartheid . 30 years ago. it follows a major upset in recent elections where the guarantee lost its majority. the
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parties holding talked with opposition parties to form a coalition which president sewer around the post is expected to head the bodies of indian nationalist who died in a fire in 2 ways have arrived in the indian city of coaching. on wednesday, a blaze swept through a building that housed for and workers into a at least 45 in the nationals were killed. and more than 50 injured. the is where the army says it killed 2 people during a bring in the occupied westbank. it said soldiers around a house in the town of come back to you and exchange. fire with gunman inside palestinian medical authorities said is really troops also killed a 3rd person nearby. the thousands of brazilians slipped through the streets to protest or controversial bill being debated in congress. the law if passed would equate abortion with homicide. women who terminate
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a pregnancy after 22 weeks could face jail sentences of up to 20 years, including cases of rape. in truly heavy rains have killed at least one person damage thousands of homes. authorities close some schools and urge people to limit their movements. whether scientists say the cause is a cold front, accompanied by an atmosphere of river, an air current containing huge amounts of moisture. one of the world's largest religious gatherings has begun in saudi arabia. this year, over one and a half 1000000 muslims gather in mca for the harsh pilgrimage, but with extreme she now a health concern authorities are trying to lighten the impact by installing air conditioning and other metrics. and following a saudi royal decree to host 2000 palestinian pilgrims, the government has warned against what it calls political activity of
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the worship has got the cub. julio, trying in islam that saudi arabia's grand mosque. hundreds of thousands of travel tier from all over the world for the annual hodge pilgrimage. and this year some pilgrims extending the press to fellow muslims and garza. i hope out of finding it every day i have the means to in gaza. the ongoing need prevents most citizens from being able to leave the territory and travel to america. and i've had them number and we would deprived of hodge because the crossing is closed and because of the war and destruction we were unable to leave. and every time we try to,
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they tell us that the crossing is closed. and so we have stuck here deprived us of every thing. so i mean, how do we prevent it from performing? how should we, the people from gaza strip are the only ones in the whole world who are prevented? this is not supposed to happen. the rough crossing is the only possible extent from the gaza strip. there is no other way out. a lot of the causes borders to israel, enclosed and movement across the rough across thing to egypt. heavily restricted because ends will be mocking these holy days at home and praying for an end to the conflict. a quick look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. a memorial service is being held in the german city of manheim, for a murdered local police officer. 2 weeks ago, a man with a knife attack protesters and police and an anti is lum demonstration. the officer died from his injured. the 25 year old attacker was an african refugees who entered
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germany as a minor in 2013, but was denied asylum. american journalists, evan goose corvette will stand trial in russia for espionage. the wall street journal reporter was in the country reporting on ukraine when he was arrested in march last year and accused of spying for the c. i. a, he and his publication have denied the charges, which the white house says has 0 credibility. authorities in honduras have destroyed over 5 tons of cocaine seized in anti drug operations. earlier this year, a team of military police set fire to the narcotics in a field outside the home during capital t goes to golf on. the public prosecutor's office said most of the hall had been found in the caribbean. c, as well. the excitement is growing in anticipation of the opening of the european football championships here in germany. the countdown has begun for the kick off in
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munich with scotland playing the host nation. scottish fans are readying themselves for with a match with germany by piping in their pride elsewhere in the country, including in the capital berlin fans get ready for the 4 week long football fast as the you of 2024 competition gets underway. but there is something of a shadow over the host team. after 3 disappointing tournaments, germany is head coach julian not goes month, is aiming for a better performance. this time around. german fans are hoping the home advantage will help thousands of friends gather to what's gemini. it's an open training session. it's exciting bills around the country ahead of the euro. 2024 goes on is going to reach because the only issue a germany is generally do the thinking about tournaments and how much bit seattle even more. so one's on home soil. it was a sense that we have
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a great responsibility for the mood in the country over the next few weeks, and then next and the role. and of course, we want to make sure performances on the fields and we'll have a positive impact. uh, the gun system, especially after the last few tournaments systems, but the thing that's into a new course who stepped back from the national team in 2021 is back playing for gemini and as viewed as one of the key to gets to his team. the 6 time attempting to be gwinnett is known to be a mentor for more experienced players like programs, goods, or what others. both are playing the 1st it's investment. so in the minutes the, on the, to finish the by the, we have a lot of players who haven't played a tournament before. i'm just when let alone a home tournament and us and because on those adults you own and these are special situations, i think it's always important to give them a certain amount of support and security. and with your behavior on a hand to austin pitch, that also had fundamental sales in plots that is on. so at the end of the day, we need enough players to function in order to be successful. could news be like
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defaults, and yet i'm i flexible. both gelani's defense and detective recently improved part of a to keep the money and know it has made mistakes and the reason friend lease. but the message from his team is one of the unity and supports for some of those other the 3 of these up because we all know that we're very soiled in this position. that we have a certain class of choices on the and the man who is a player who else is go out and standing correspond with and gives every team incredible support for on this on them to months of glorious. and the funds include kind of get jimmy looked like the on the way to becoming you will open a scene despite the number of young players. they'll be hoping for an easy winning the opening game against government and friday evening. and the successful some of football on home territory or joining me in the studio to
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talk about this sort of you a 2024 is head, go floors from dw sports echo. let's talk about the house. of course. what or germany's trance is that the tournament? well, you, you, you are usually expect the hosts to have home advantage. but with your, with germany has been tricky in the past recent years, really and since 2018, the walk up in 2018 germany have really been under performing at the last 3 major tournaments. so they don't really enjoy the fence support that they use during the past. however, jeremy do have a good mix, as we just saw on that report of really young, talented players like them. and we'll see all the info and that's an experience. older players. 20 course my lawyer told us move the old, the old old 3 players won. the 2014 woke up back then. and so these are players that a pretty bad experience. they know how to win this big tournaments. what's going to be deciding though is the opening match tonight? again, scotland on paper, it looks like it could be an easy match, but uh, you can,
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you should never underestimate any of your rivals really. yeah. and what's got mind that could be that maybe they can pretty much have a surprise of their sleep. but if everything goes according to plan, germany should be able to win this match and build them that momentum, really and get this hands on the emotional, i think quotient on the scottish side for sure. what teams do you have your eyes on? well, i'm not much of a gambler, but if you look at the bedding houses, they are mentioning that friends in england are the favorites really for this match for, for this yours. and it's really not hard to see why. if you think about friends, just the they made the final in the last world cup 2022 and they just last against argentina and penalties. and it's the same thing with england. they reach the final over the last year, i was losing again and penalties against italy this time. and it will be those, those 2 teams are definitely the favorites. uh at this of this years. it's been a really long wait for this tournament. how big of party do we expect from germany?
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well, ever since the tournament had was given due to germany to host the people were comparing or have been comparing dis, tournaments if it can live up to the expectations. the 2006 world cup, which was an amazing party here. great success. not exactly because of the football, but because of the atmosphere that it created in the country. it was a very relaxed atmosphere, international people coming to germany and showing a new face to jeremy where it was that it really changed the image of the country. so a lot of people are trying to think of could live up to that. we live in different ties now, politically, economically and german society is quite polarized now. so if football can't really unite the country the way that back in 2006 is found to be seen, but uh the football has to show the results. first dw is a heck of floors, many, many thanks is always echo. and ahead of that opening game between germany and scotland on friday, one scottish fan has walked within 15,
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a 100 kilometers from glasgow to germany, correct ferguson received the heroes welcome. as an advice in the next main square marine plots, he was greeted with tears in features by hundreds of scottish fans who are in town for the tournament. craig travelled solo to 6 countries to raise money for a mens mental health charity based in scotland. after $41.00 days of walking, he says he's looking forward to you guess it's a cold beer. he's also hoping someone will get in a ticket to friday night's game a and a reminder of our top story, this our, the g 7 summit is drawing to a close in italy with a focus on ukraine. it agreed on a 50000000000 euro loan for the country and his draft declaration. the group of leading industrialized nations took aim at russia in those countries supporting its
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war in ukraine. we landed there up next to the point, discusses the war in ukraine and asked if europe can defend itself. that's after the break. i'm like the look to thanks for watching and bye for now. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, to the points. strong opinions, clear position or international perspective. many areas in eastern ukraine, our influence in the midst of the war presence of landscapes asking for financial aid and more weapons. germany pledges help put wants to avoid an escalation of the
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war. on to the point we ask between here and the parents and europe defend itself to the point. taking next on d, w, gape ready for breast taking island discoveries, immediate gmc, the extraordinary places of leisure and relaxation. witness stories that won't the life of census and guest insider tips from long time locals experience the greek island and the many faces of their beauty. in 45 minutes on d w, the asked about why does this? because now i'm lisa and to the new host,
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to join us for an exciting inspiration and everything in between moses a video and audio production by d w. i hope that you will tune in destroyed cities, power plants and critical infrastructure. many areas in eastern ukraine are in ruins and an end to the russian aggression is nowhere in sight. in the midst of the war, ukrainian presidents, a lot immersive landscape lobbying for help to rebuild his country, is asking germany for age, but also for more weapons. german chancellor or actually it's, it's promising further support, but wants to avoid an escalation of the conflict. germany and nato however, must be ready to resist the work of things go wrong. on to the point we ask between


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