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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news wind from berlin. the g 7 summit closes with a focus on ukraine. in the draft declaration, the group of leading industrialized nations takes name, ad rupture. and those countries reporting it's more in ukraine. and for the interest of patient bills ahead of the year 2024 opener after several disappointing tournaments host germany, hoping for a strong start against government. the
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unlike look, who knows to have you with us. the leaders of 7 leading industrialized nations who are meeting in italy for a 2nd day or working out their final declaration as the group takes aim at russia and countries enabling moscow's war. and you create a draft communicate seen by news agencies called on china to stop sending dual use materials to russia, such as weapon components and equipment used by russians. defense sector. the draft statement is also said to include a val, that g 7 nations will back ukraine for as long as it takes in a further show of support for keith. a day earlier, the group agreed on a 50000000000 year alone for ukraine finance funding interest, unfrozen russian assets. russia's president vladimir putin has reacted angrily to the development in italy. here some of what he said is that, but the model is it is just less than countries of those boxes, russians, assets,
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and foreign exchange reserves with you. now, vast thinking about how to provide at least some legal basis in order to finally appropriate them to go towards the store business loan. but despite all the trickery sect is still staffed and will not go unpunished yesterday. and so there was done as we heard g 7 leaders also took aim at chinese backing for rushes, war machine in their draft statement, which comes hot on the heels of a fresh round of us sanctions on russia to stop aging from doing business with moscow. the draft statement also blasted china on a range of other subjects. let's break it all down with data abuse, china analysts. clifford coon and clifford, the g 7 statement on china is pre top saying that he will take measures against all actors in china who materially support rushes war machine. what does this mean for the china, russia relationship or right now,
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a china is hitting the west into key areas and sitting around security. i'm assuming it on trade. and these are 2 major issues. and the rest of china relationship is where these 2 issues overlap. and so the response we're seeing is to is to address both these issues using the tools at the west has in terms of sanctions in terms of tar ups which it's been introducing. we, as you mentioned to us as just show up and it's, it's sanctions banking sanctions. and we're all seen the european union doing the same on for electric vehicles because china is shipping so many electric vehicles to, to europe that they're worried about that. so at the moment what we're seeing is these 2 key areas being addressed and what is generally a fairly tough statement. so we should also mention the communicate also says the g 7 is not trying to harm china or thwart it's economic development. how do we read that? let's say it's an interesting,
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i mean i don't really know what it means. i mean, you know, we, we are, we are basically trying to impose these sanctions with the same time. we don't want to, we don't want to talk to you. it's clearly a sop to china to make it look as look, this has nothing personal. and it's max of german influence. because one thing the g 7 that we've seen is that there's a lot of divisions on how to deal with china and how to deal with these issues that it's facing. germany's worried about affecting it's china, which is a huge market for its vehicles and is worried that it's going to see reciprocal acts coming from china. so it's a kind of a stop. it's a weird, it's a weird statement, and i think it just highlights the differences that we're seeing within the g 7. did you 7 also made a very strong statement about china's militarization of the south china sea. does this mark a different approach from g 7 countries? well, this is very interesting, i think because it's showing a shift as well. um with it. this is a very much a us aspect to this and it's looking toward the us as looking at its interest in the pacific and with the australians with the and also with it,
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with the u. k. how it's it's, it's, um, it's trying to help countries like the philippines where we're seeing increase militarization there. and it's also seen trying to build up a huge military. so what you're seeing with this is a message saying that basically the us on, on the u. k. on and the app or in particular saying that we've got your back and this is, this is the way we see things developing in this region. clifford coon and always appreciate your perspective, many tanks to well, one of the world's largest religious gatherings has begun in saudi arabia. this year, over one and a half 1000000 muslims gather in mecca for the harsh pilgrimage, but with extreme heat. now a health concern authorities are trying to lighten the impact by installing air conditioning, another mattress, and following a saudi royal decree to host 2000 palestinian pilgrims. the government has warned against what it calls political activity or
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worship has got the cub. the hulu is trying in islam, but saudi arabia's grand mosque. hundreds of thousands of travel tier from all over the world for the annual hodge pilgrimage. and this year some pilgrims extending the press to fellow muslims in gaza. the i hope outside a if every day i what happens we 2 in gaza. the ongoing meal prevents most citizens from being able to leave the territory and travel to america. and i've had them number as we would deprived of hodge because the crossing is closed and because of the war and destruction we were unable to leave. and every time we try to,
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they tell us that the crossing is closed. and so we have stuck here deprived us of everything on one side of it, how we prevented from performing. how should we, the people from god's escape are the only ones in the whole world who are prevented . this is not supposed to happen. the rough crossing is the only possible extent from the gaza strip. there's no other way out. a lot of the causes borders to israel. it closed and movement across the rest. the crossing to egypt heavily restricted because will be mocking these hardly days at home. and praying for an end to the conflict. a brief look now at some of the other stories making news at this hour, south africa is poor as for its 1st coalition government since the end of bar tide . 30 years ago, it follows a major upset in recent elections where the agency lost its majority. the parties
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holding talks with opposition parties to form a coalition which president, to around the opposed is expected to had as the bodies of indian nationalist who died in a fire in 2 ways have arrived in the indian city of country. on wednesday, a blaze swept through a building that house foreign workers into way. at least 45 indian nationalist were killed in more than 50 injured. thousands of brazilians took to the streets to protest or controversial bill, being debated in congress. the law is passed would equate abortion with homicide. women who terminate a pregnancy after 22 weeks could face jail sentences of up to 20 years, including in cases of rank. so excitement is growing in anticipation of the opening of the european football championships in germany. the countdown has begun for the kickoff in munich with scotland playing the host nation . scottish friends are readying themselves for the match with germany by piping in
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their pride elsewhere in the country, including in the capital berlin fans get ready for the 4 week long festival football as the euro 2024 competition gets underway. but there is something of a shadow over the host team after 3 disappointing tournaments. germany's head coach julian, non goldman is aiming for a better performance this time around germans fans or hoping the home in advantage will help thousands of friends together to what's gemini at an open training session. it's exciting bills around the country ahead of the year 2024 goes on is going to reach the guy. so what's the issue? germany is generally do the stick about tournaments and how much fits you and even more so one's on home style. it was a sense that we have a great responsibility for the mood in the country over the next few weeks and the next and the role. and of course,
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we want to make sure performances on the fields and we have a positive impact. uh the gun system. especially after the last few tournaments systems, but the thing that's into a new, a close to step back from the national team in 2021 is back planning for gemini. and as viewed as one of the key to gets to his team. the 6 time attempting to be gwinnett is known to be a mentor for more experienced players like program visits or what others. both are playing the 1st it's investment. so in the minutes the, on the, to finish the, the by the, we have a lot of players who haven't played a tournament before arms and let alone a home tournament to the centers on those adults you own. and these are special situations. i think it's always important to give them a certain amount of support and security and with your behavior on hand off the pitch rate and also have fundamental health and plots that is this one. so at the end of the day, we need enough players to function in order to be successful. could news be low default and yet i'm a flexible both gemini is defense and detective recently improved part of
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a to keep the money and know it has made mistakes and the reason for the lease. but the message from his team is one of the unity and support this is always on the display of these posts. we'll know that we're very spoiled in this position. that we have a certain class of choices on the and the man who is a player who else is go out and standing correspond and gibson, every team. incredible support for on this. and if you don't mind, self closing bonds include kind of get gemini looked like the on the way to becoming you will open a scene despite the number of young players, they'll be hoping for an easy winning the opening game against the government on friday evening. and the successful summer football on home territory for joining me in the studio to talk about this sort of you a 2024 is heck of floors from dw sports echo. let's talk about the house. of course
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. what or germany's trance is at the tournament. well, you, you usually expect the hosts to have home advantage. but with true, with germany has been tricky in the past recent years, really and since 2018, the woke up in 2018 germany have really been under performing at the last 3 major tournaments. so they don't really enjoy the fence support that they use to in the past. however, jeremy do have a good mix, as we just saw in that report of really young, talented players like somebody will see all the info and dads and experience older players. 20 course, my lawyer told us move the old, the old all 3 players won. the 2014 will cut back then. and so these are players that a pretty bad experience. they know how to win this big tournaments. what's going to be deciding though is the opening match tonight? again, scotland on paper, it looks like it could be an easy match, but uh, you can never underestimate any of your rivals, really and with scotland. it could be that maybe they can pretty much have a surprise of their sleep, but if everything goes according to plan,
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germany should be able to win this match and build them that momentum, really, and get this cancelled their language. emotional, i think quotient on the scottish side for sure. what teams do you have your eyes on? well, i'm not much of a gambler, but if you look at the bedding houses, they are mentioning that friends in england are the favorites really for this match for, for this yours. and it's really not hard to see why. if you think about friends, just the they made the final in the last world cup 2022 and they just last against argentina and penalties. and it's the same thing with england. they reached the final over the last year, i was losing again and found penalties against italy this time. and it will be those, those 2 teams are definitely the favorites at this, at this years. it's been a really long wait for this tournament. how big party do we expect from germany? well, ever since the tournament had was given due to germany to host the people we're comparing or have been comparing just tournaments,
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if it can live up to the expectations. the 2006 world cup, which was amazing party here. great success. not exactly because of the football, but because of the atmosphere that it created in the country. there was a very relaxed atmosphere, international people coming to germany and showing a new face of jeremy for it was that it really changed the image of the country. so a lot of people are trying to think of could live up to that. we live in different ties now, politically, economically and german society is quite polarized now. so if football can't really unite the country the way that back in 2006 it's bound to be seen, but uh the football has to show the results. first, dw, so a heck of floors. many, many thanks is always echo a and a reminder of our top story. this our, the g 7 summit is drawing to a close in italy with a focus on ukraine, agreeing to a 50000000000 year alone to help keep defend against russia's invasion. the group of leading industrialized nations also took aim at moscow and its allies in the g 7
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draft declaration blended. they're up next, dont field visit the greek islands and all their diversity and meets the people who lived there unlike look. and thanks for watching bye for now, the why do having does not get drunk? why do we have a tasteful waves squeeze our bodies? how much do we need to put a stop comp claim for help find the office get much on dw science and i'll take 10 of the.


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