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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is data with use live from the south africa opens a new political chapter with a familial lead us to run a post that looks like you to be being elected president, following a coalition agreement. that saves his and c policy check government with rivals for the 1st time. also on the program to transfer some of the leaders of to the end india join the g 7 summit and it's a final declaration types of brush up on the country supporting pitchfor in ukraine nights of defense ministers say the alliance will play a greater role in coordinating amenities a to you crime and take charge of some military. try
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the and feel welcome to the program. south african president sit around with pose that has been nominated for re election after his party struck a deal to form a coalition. government will make us have been sworn and ceremony in cape town, ruling and so he lost its parliamentary majority for the 1st time and will not go from with the democratic alliance, which has once it's biggest arrived. and opposition member has also been nominated for the posts of president. meaning that will be a vote to decide democratic alliance leader, john steen. he's the said, a coalition government, it's inevitable. the people have spoken. they have not given any part t. m. a charts. now requires policies to come together. mr. m. a pulls the is the leader of his policy. and he is the meta of
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a policy that is committed to constitutionalism, defending of democracy, edits, institutions, and therefore we will work with him just as we will join hands with any person in the political spectrum who was genuinely committed to name corruption, free, transparent government that delivers to the people that focus like a laser on getting rid of poverty of watching unemployment of making sure that so they're freaking citizens have electricity in the homes and in our economy. and that could be on a trajectory that is moving upwards, not downwards. let's find out what's going on with that correspondence and ok. who's in cape town? the convention center math problem and is sitting. welcome diane. so now we're here, but single run, the post has a rival, a full this election to president. and what does that tell us? about this coalition do well, the coalition deal is, is definitely still going to stand. the rival comes from another group of parties
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which has formed almost like a coalition of opposition. the economic freedom fighters, the, to this my limit is the candidate that has been put forward. and he was put forward by the, the u. d. m, another political party. that group of parties appear to be placing themselves as the official opposition to this coalition. so already we starting to see them the way that this new parliament in this new make up is going to shape up. previously the democratic alliance would have been the main opposition party up and taking on the a and c. but they've agreed to vote with the amc today and into the government of national unity moving forward. and that is means that other parties are not part of that agreement on now acting as the, the opposition here in parliament. and so what did the i and so you have to promise
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that democratic aligns to get them to back around that pose. if the president will, the parties have uh, actually put together a sort of a statement of intent where they've listed a number of things that they will be using going forward. for example, the mortalities of the agreement include that they needs to be consensus on major decisions and where they can't reach consensus. there's also a dispute resolution mechanisms in place. and when you look at that document, you really get a sense that the agency and in fact all the parties here in south africa, all entering a different era and a different phase. earlier on we, we spoke to the agencies stick with the general. i'm thinking in by luna and he spoke about how critical this phase is. he's. he basically said that the amc is at a point of it's essential crisis if it doesn't change. let's take a listen to what do you have to say? it would be
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a life we have been fighting for the home phone and forget about the people we wouldn't be wiped out. we wouldn't be wiped out with those people. not just the one of them at wiley school of the so in that agreement of the n. c that the between the and see what the a, the i of p and a number of other smaller parties. you really can see that the parties are trying to find that position of how they will respond to the issues that saw the africans really want to, to, to hear from there's a number of issues such as they say that they want to make sure that you know this, the social cohesion that issues of poverty are dealt with. the issues of, of safety are dealt with. the challenge though, is that the part you still have to work out the house of how these issues will be dealt with. and that will be the difficult part of this coalition going forward. was having power will be
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a 1st for the i and see how they like me to manage as well. initially they, they will, they, they seems to be that they will be a counsel that will be formed amongst the political parties in it who are contained in this coalition agreement. and they will come up with some of the rules that will cover the agreement going forward. of course, these are the beginning stages and not all the details have been worked out at the stage, but it is a general idea of how the parties want to co operate. they want to have a dispute resolution mechanism. they want to make sure that even when that isn't consensus, that the different members have the points heard by the rest of the group. and ultimately it will go to who has the, the, the loud to say and who can agree on these issues. and you know, they'll have to top tech, a major topics like unemployment and like any quality and south africans will be watching very closely to see how this government of national unity moves forward.
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next time that will come in cape the leaders of g 7 countries concluding that 2 day meeting if they have released the final declaration group that takes a russia countries enabling most cuz war against you trained as a welcome to pope francis and leaders including president of the want us to get 5 minutes to your engine body of india as guests. so the main thing, 370, this issue, the final communicate calls on china to stump supplying russia with jewel news technologies like weapons pods and equipment that can be used by russians. defense sector, it also includes that 2 separate commitments to back to craig, for as long as it takes, like, corresponding about the good is in italy for the summit. and i asked him to sum up the latest approach to russia and this war and you cry, a vein in president loaded me as the lensky who attended the summit to. yeah,
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in the it's in the got what he wanted of a bring support from the g 7. this is the coming approach by the leading invest in the country still. and then they also sent a signal to moscow that the russian now has to pay for the may and the destruction that is, that is inflicting the on ukraine by it's a regression because now 50000000000 euros will be taken out as a low and head to to ukraine and finance by russian s as by the proceeds. russian assets frozen in the rest are producing, and this is a strong signal to ukraine. and ukraine also got the confirmation that to help the, the most sustainable, the new agreements with the united states. that for 10 years to help build come from bushing, even if the president will change, maybe in november and divide have is if during the front returns. so it's would be
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sustainable and more really liable for your trade in so that the help is the, even if the war continues in the next into the next 2 years. and the pope turned up why? but he was invited by a judge in bologna, the italian, the far right host of this meeting. and she's a devout catholic and diverse have person the wish to have the pope addressing the g 7 meeting and zip code friends has actually came, which is very unusual. it was the 1st time that the pope ever showed up at the g 7 summit. he was invited to speak about the ethics of artificial intelligence and, and he said it's a fascinating but also terrifying technology and urge the leaders of the world to regulate k k i n a i and he had a very specific request. listen to this, let me put anything in life of the tragedy that is conflicting. it is urgent to
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reconsider the development and use of devices like so called lethal autonomous weapons and ultimately van they use some terms which i don't think this starts from an effective concrete commitment to introducing greater and probably human control that people going through not knowing machine should ever choose to take the life of a human being. she love each own s o bed is being used in the was in gaza and you craved, but the pope didn't mention those conflicts directly. yeah, this was a little bit surprising because the very kind of had hinted that the pope would also speak about this, but he didn't, at least not in his public remarks, maybe in private and by that are in meetings with all the lead that the assembled here you might have spoken about this, we don't know,
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they have also the lead us from brazil in the, in the 10 other countries and also the united nations secretary general garcia. so, and a lot to talk with people to talk with. and now the whole focus of shit sting over to switzerland because you create the host a peace conference there. and on the weekend and for lovely beloved to me, incidents already left to switzerland. okay, thanks a lot. bad bands really good at the g 7 meeting in. it's any way you can imagine bus, the president, excuse me. a lot of me about vladimir putin has reacted angrily. 2 developments in italy. here's some of all you have to say about the g 7 plan to fight on a 50000000000 euro loan to ukraine is an interest um, frozen russian assets. strong is that, but the model is it is just less than countries have for those boxes, russians, assets, and foreign exchange reserves. but we are now vast thinking about how to provide at
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least some legal basis in order to finally appropriate them to go through the store business loan. but despite all the trickery sect is still staffed and will not go unpunished yesterday, so that it was done like dw report to adjust the shipment off ski. i told us more about the russian presidents, retaliation options by the way of putting didn't go into details today. but over the last weeks and months of these proposals were discussed and we've heard many warnings from criminal officials. and again, such move the crime in has this indicated that they would prove challenge any such decision as was taken by just 7 today in court. so the crime in and wants to pursue legal action. but secondly, there are also frets of retaliation. now, russia's options are limited because of decreasing for an investment in russia, there is not as many state us as in russia that could be frozen. and this is why
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russian officials have suggested that russia could go after private investors cash instead. and in fact, in late may blogging and putting has signed a degree allowing seizure of assets of us companies of you as individuals to compensate for any russian assets that would be confiscated into united states. so i think this will be this legal action and this retaliation. these will be the ways that department will be exploring the next weeks of nato defense ministers of agree that the alliance will apply a great to rolling, coordinating military aids to ukraine. and it's take over some of the logistics for delivering support and training decision follows amazing of the transatlantic guidelines. it's headquarters in process, such as a financial assistance will continue to be organized through us, lots of groups around 60 countries. nato secretary general again, stilton folks at the operation will be headquarters as
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a headquarters. so us ministry based in germany and evolve and nearly 700 staff. these efforts do not make natal apart due to the conflict, but they will enhance our support to crane to uphold its right to self defense. it's still not corresponding to tell you schultz in brussels, so welcome a terry. so aside for me being based in germany, what more do we know about this new nature operation, security assistance and training for ukraine? it's a mouthful, isn't it fell in one thing i'll tell you about. it is that germany did not want this to be called a mission, and that's why it has that very long, kind of awkward title is going to be called in stock. do for short because they didn't want any impression given to the kremlin that nato was going to put boots on the ground. that's why you also heard secretary general. yeah. and still number and saying that in, in the sound bite, we just heard from him. so yes,
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that's right. then going to be now nato employees working together with what were mostly us officials and transporting the aid this been pledged to ukraine, actually hoping to get there and doing more training of us soldiers. this is something that really nato secretary general stilton burke had really been looking for nato to do you heard vance speak earlier about trump proofing aid? this is one more effort to do that. was that also agreement on funding for you cry . so there was not, and again, still some brick had very much hope to that that would be settled at this meeting of defense ministers as well. he has suggested in his proposal that $40000000000.00 euros per year be allocated, be promised to be spent on a for ukraine. and that's about the amount that allies together have spent over the last 2 years. ease of the last 2 years. and he said, you know, less cement that amount as a marker, going forward for the next 2 years to give you crane security that the funding will
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continue. but defense ministers couldn't agree to it. uh, some of them simply said, you know, we're not on board with the amount of money. we're not ready yet to commit into the future to how much we're going to give to help you. crane. i'm looking ahead to nato's washington summit. the effects question of defense spending among nato allies has come up again. where is that debate with less than a month to go before that somebody's that's true. it's an internal debate, but it's particularly acute this summer because this pledged to spend at least 2 percent of g d p on military's expires this year. it's been in place for a decade. this target amount and nato has been saying that, you know, it really needs to be higher now with all the new threats that we're facing from russian aggression. so there's been talk of making it 2.5 percent, possibly 3 percent. but again, going back to what i said about not being able to get a commitment on ukraine aid, italy came out of this meeting today and said, you know what,
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we're not even getting to the 2 percent that's already difficult for us. so that's why the 40000000000 is not even on the agenda for us. so if there's going to be any sort of consensus on raising the amount that country should spend of their g d p on their military's, that's going to be a big fight over the next months to have something concluded in washington and july excited about terry dw, correspondent terry schultz in brussels and take a look at the symbol of a stories making news around the world. now. the shareholders in a musket that has the company forward you to restore his record $56000000000.00 pay you do. they was approved 6 years ago. but thrown out by a judge in new york state of delaware in january as letting us know improving call that miss domestic did no influence. the shareholder transferred and princess of wales has announced on social media that she will attend to king charles his birthday pride on saturday. and she said,
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she's making good progress. we've had tons of treatments, but that she's not out of the woods. it'll be the princess. his 1st public appearance since the diagnosis doctors without borders, say fighting in the besieged suit in a city of our fashion, has killed one and 220 people insulators, flash point in the wall between the i'm the rapids support forces, power and military group. so that is on the says it's killed, a senior artist of commander, you know, fashion because the news has stripped full, the president of mohammed presume office immunity paving. the way for the ruling john to, to charge him was high, treason, presume, was ousted in a cru last year. in december. the course of the west african block echo was ordered his immediate release. one of the world's largest religious gatherings has begun, and saudi arabia is yet more than one and a half 1000000 muslims gathered in mca for the hodge pilgrimage,
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but with extreme hates. now i health consent was ours is a trying to lighten the impact, buying, storing air conditioning and other measures on following a saudi royal decree to hosted 2000 palestinian pilgrims. the government has warned against what it called political activity. or the worship has got the cub. the holy is trying in islam that saudi arabia's grand mosque. hundreds of thousands of travel to full length of the world for the annual hodge pilgrimage. and this year some telegrams extending the press to fellow muslims in gaza. the i hope outside a, a, every day i have, i mean, really to in gaza. the ongoing need prevents most citizens from being able to
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leave the territory and travel to america. and i've had them number has we would deprived of hodge because the crossing is closed and because of the war and destruction we were unable to leave. and every time we try to tell us that the crossing is closed. and so we have stuck here deprived us of everything on one side of it. how do we prevent it from performing? how should we the people from gaza strip are the only ones in the whole world who are prevented. this is not supposed to happen. the rough crossing is the only possible extent from the gaza strip. there's no other way out. a lot of causes board is to israel is closed and movement across the rough across thing to egypt. heavily restricted because ends will be mocking these holy days at home. and praying for an end to the conflict on the boeing news from around the
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world. now the memorial services being held in the gym and said, you had manheim for a police officer who was killed in a terrorist attack 2 weeks ago. a man with a knife attacked protest isn't the least. that's an empty is i'm demonstration. you . 25 going to attack was an ask and rescue. change your integer as a minus 2013. that was denied assignment bodies of indian nationalist who died in a fight in que weights of arrived in the indian city of kaci. on wednesday i blaze swept through a building that house following was that house farm workers. at least of 45 indian nationalist were killed about 50 inches, thousands of brazilians to to the streets, to protest the controversial building debated in congress. the law if passed would equate abortion with homicide. women who terminate the pregnancy institutions 2 weeks could face the jail sentences of up to 20 years, including in cases of right in chalet have the rights of killed at least one person
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and damaged thousands of homes, pathologist, clothes some schools and those people to limit their movements of the scientists say 'cause is a cold front company by an atlas, very river air coming containing huge amounts of moisture, and those are susan hunt, joseph, destroyed. well, the 5 tons of curtains seized in antique drug operations this year seen, administered police at 5 conflicts. and people outside the home during a capital public prosecutor's office at the most the hope had been found in the caribbean. c. o alban isn't a genetic condition that causes a decrease in the method in pigment in the skin, in pale skin, hair, and eyes. that jerry has one of the highest numbers where more than 2000000 people with the condition, but it was still stuff of discrimination. but one knowing what actor is hoping to
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change that there believes that elisa jacob told us will to me a little that will go see the news. what it means to stand out. i'll be news. i read in hollywood spots the gold fish, as people calling here knows how to fight for what he wants to achieve. how to direct the industries on said, why do you want to be in the industry? do you see anybody with in the all by knowing the industry, you know, why do you want to be on laptops? can you see anybody, even i've been, isn't me so it's not something you could do. what is i was always the my dream, something i've always wanted to do. so that was the little boy, my uniqueness as an all binary is what makes me special. also, if there's no one in the industry like that, that means that's a niche. i mean is if i can play right and i can bring my talents to bed, then it means that kind of wins in many communities, albinos discriminated against both of them. the hopes that by playing leading rules in big movies and series on streaming platforms like netflix, he kind of helped change by step shops every time i paint
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a film that the way my presence calls the film. so now we begin to understand the necessity for inclusion. you know about, look the front about these guys in a film. tell the story. and in particular, when people come up to me and say they want to be active, i know is continuously they want to be asked on. i tell them, go for it, make it happen, go and do it. until recently, we go as a major area, we're not used to seeing albinos on screen. their problem does that have been pushed? well i'm, i'm actually viewing public to, especially for me because, i mean, i say why you get time to see the same people. but i was of didn't always knew was it i but it was because then you'll see more. that's what when they just need to be accepted. if you're a good actor, you're a good act. so we will not think of you as an albino act. so you are a good accent that i've seen. think a couple of buying those things. i think it's, it's, it's, it's, it's very interesting because that means there's more, there's more openness, members of the, you know,
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community. i'm also happy to see them in the last work in films. i don't want to see more representations in so sides of the boxes are if you're printing stuff out there, it puts the message out to people close to me on contest me. that person's me. i'll be using can do, but what of the receipt that me like is sets and leave plenty on the window. but i love, you know, the whole actions, dollar thing also my dream is to play james bond or at least lose the villain. and it is one move, that's my dream it's. it's just a wonder to walk on, sit on, have the whole crowd, everyone from different places and they'll come out to come and stop my name on the . i think that's a very good feeding. that's a very, very good feeling. the
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here's the simon here to job 8 with the kick off of the opening match of european football championships. it's taking place in munich with scotland plague, the hosted nation of thousands of scots have traveled to the bavarian capital for the game. and then getting ready to the traditional found, the bagpipes, germany, friends of hoping that the home advantage will give them the edge of the full week tournament, gets under way. and with 25 minutes to go, the score is a 3 new to jim. it is a reminder that top stores at this hour south african president sit around the photos that has been nominated for the election after his and seen coffee struck a deal to form a government of its main rivals. it's the country's 1st that democratic coalition. lawmakers was for an assembly in cape town, forensics and related to india, and other countries have joined the g 7 summit in pay. so the final declaration, texting at russia and the center, supposing its will in ukraine,
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and also inclusive commitments to past due price. as long as it takes as if a now stay with us, i'll be back in a few minutes with a longer look at the headlines out from today and taking a look at what nato has a great and also about g 7. something that we've made in the day in just about the
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shipping champion and goals store is ali john tash. one of japanese fest, limestone is a lot of stuff. everything is simply designed so i can do this, which gives me extreme freedom. this time jim and champion really stays on the boat, what drives they have to keep going on the sound in 45 minutes on d w. the
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only way i can be on the top is to create my own. and i just got the stories that just to take away the journey, the destination right signs. this document trees before the slide. now. ok, name treat. 7 manyels and didn't you belong to the 77 percent comes who i don't go to 65 last last those top 5 years. 3 reasons why one wants to think we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all the topics i'm much it to you from trouble fixed a new culture. and in 15 minutes, let's say together,
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part of our community life on the research is now on the top split. international leaders gather these days, issue of ukraine. these rally fall from the top of the agenda. and so it was for the g 7 meeting a leading economies in it's only the final communicate. okay, but the country's backend rushes war against ukraine. attention will now shift to switzerland and this weekend's international ukraine peace summit. russia won't be that, but lot of it fusion has laid out to these conditions which have been rejected by ukraine and its allies as a call for temperature lation. i'm feel go in by then and this is the day the.


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