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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, the news line from the end, the 1st, when at your 02020 full goes to the host. this is the same right now and by the gym . tons of juvenile after that same flash, scotland, $51.00 and the other we match of the tournament will have more from the funds of injustice, but also on the program. south africa was a new political chapter with a familiar face. at sit around the post that looks like and to be the elected president, following co, this agreement, the caesars and st. shift. how about with the bibles for the 1st po francis and they did the testing in india. join the g 717. it's a final declaration takes aim at russia. i'm the country support and it's in
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the i'm feel good. welcome to the program. the address crushed scotland 51 in the opening match of the european football championships. thousands of funds are fluffed to outdoor funds. those to what's the total weight kick off? tell me took the lead out in the game. the scouts were no match for the home team in point for scotland was an own. go by jim. so i told him i'd generally tell him get always sorry, is it the funds are in by then? welcome. tom. outstanding 51. and for germany was they said they expected results. is i? well, there probably a few different ways to answer that question. i think if i were to go down into the
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crowd, all i need right now is basically the gym and simple as an awesome them. you say it's busy tonight, so we're going to take off the site and see what it goes. what did you think was going to happen? i think it comes from scott, is brian's an authentic base. basically, it's an art result. probably never a bit more pessimistic. ahead of the guy by side. what of course, what did you think was going to happen? and then i have to think of our prediction reads like among journalists ignored savannah all the 50 of us and nobody's ready to just resolve it. so now whether that means that none of us have gone fingers on the polls, or whether that is really a reflection of the expectations going into this kind of i taught. and this has already said, i do think though this was a massive statement. victory for germany. and you know, there would seem you haven't performed that well at that most recent major tournaments. and tonight they go back up to an absolute dream stop. and there was a lot of tools here in germany about a possible possible 2nd summer fairytale, a 2 point. oh, is this the beginning of the service?
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oh yeah, there's such a difficult things to comment on. i mean, you know, the 2006 well top which is remembered sorry on the gemini for the atlas. the juvenile in home, you know, disease instead of ration from that go in, and then nobody putting the day ahead of that and told him it's happening. and based on the ground does almost a bit more pressure on the year right. at the year 2024 because retired, sorry, mart, store about your stomach batteries i would say for you on the expectations of what they can achieve in terms of an atmosphere last so high that it's almost, you know, a lot of pressure on that sort of makes a difference, but you know, if gemini performed in games like they did to noise catching by the atlas a at the front and back date. that could well be a some a fairytale. what's the point now on the way? okay, so the 1st game of the tournament is our, of the way now, which things have you got your well,
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there are plenty of scholars study teams yet to signs of its own. and then now, like i say, germany have put a real foot forward and send a message. this was a statement of intent to all of the favorites, but you know, correlation, spying will be taking effect campaigns, the biling tomorrow, england have yet to fight to the field. frauds have yet to play. there are so many other strong themes, yet the saw the tournament and but sign me that who have signed up and taken notice of once you have any dates in scotland tonight. because that was a dream, thoughts to the back to the tournament for the house. and the other side of the why looks like it's going to be driving down, but i'm sure him union is going to be getting on long into the night. right. so is that tom w's, tom good boy, the bundle. the guys in the south african president silver, i'm opposed, has been nominated for re election after his party struck a deal to form a coalition. government will make us have been sworn and ceremony in cape town,
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throwing i have say, lost its parliamentary majority for the 1st time and will not government but the democratic alliance, which is one to its biggest rival position member has also been dominating meeting the will be about to decide the next president, democratic alliance leader john, steve, he's said code isn't government was inevitable. as the people have spoken, they have not given any party. a majority. now requires policies to come together. mister m a pulse that is the leader of his policy. and he is the middle of a policy that is committed to constitutionalism, defending of democracy and its institutions. and therefore, we will work with him just as we will join hands with any person in the political spectrum who was genuinely committed to corruption, free, transparent government that delivers to the people that focus like a laser on getting rid of public of watching unemployment of making sure that so they're freaking citizens have electricity in the homes have in our economy. and
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that could be on a trajectory that is moving upwards not done with the customer on the dining hall k as in cape town or the convention center. my problem, nancy's meeting, she gave me this updates on sit around the postage reaction as well. the coalition deal is, is definitely still going to stand. the rival comes from another group of parties which has formed almost like a coalition of opposition. the economic freedom fighters lead to this my name is the candidate that has been put forward and he was put forward by the, the u. d. m, another political party. that group of parties appeared to be placing themselves as the official opposition to this coalition. so already we starting to see them the way that this new parliament in this new make up is going to shape up. previously the democratic alliance would have been the main opposition party up and taking on
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the a and c. but they've agreed to vote with the amc today and to enter the government of national unity moving forward. and that is means that the other parties are not part of that agreement on now acting as the, the opposition here in parliament. and so what did the, i and say have to promise that democratic alliance to get them to back around that post for president? well, the parties have actually put together a sort of a statement of intent where they've listed a number of things that they will be using going forward. for example, the mortalities of the agreement include that they needs to be consensus on major decisions and where they can't reach consensus. there's also a dispute resolution mechanisms in place. and when you look at that document, you really get a sense that the amc and in fact all the parties here in south africa all entering a different era and a different phase. earlier on we we spoke to the agencies. 60 general i'm thinking
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in by luna and he spoke about how critical this phase is. he's. he basically said that the amc is at a point of a it's essential crisis. if it doesn't change the taken listen to what he had to say. if we'd be like, we have been fighting position, fighting for the home phone, and forget about the people we wouldn't be wiped out. we wouldn't be wiped out with those people, not just the one to us. that's why we spoke. and so in that agreement, um the n c that the between the and see with the a, the i f p in the number of, of the smaller parties. you really can see that the parties are trying to find that position of how they will respond to the issues that south africans really want to, to, to hear from. there's a number of issues such as they say that they want to make sure that you know this,
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the social cohesion that issues of poverty are dealt with. but issues of, of safety are dealt with. the challenge though, is that the part you still have to work out the house of how these issues will be dealt with. and that will be the difficult part of this coalition going forward. sharing power will be a 1st for the i don't see how they might be to manage well initially they, they will, they, they seems to be that there will be a council that will be formed amongst the political parties in it who are contained in this coalition. agreement and they will come up with some of the rules that will cover the agreement going forward. of course, these are the beginning stages and not all the details have been worked out at the stage, but it is a general idea of how the parties want to co operate. they want to have a dispute resolution mechanism. they want to make sure that even when that isn't consensus, that the different members have the points heard by the rest of the group. and
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ultimately it will go to who has the, the, the loud to say and who can agree on these key issues. you know, they'll have to talk, tackle major topics like unemployment and like any to teach. and so that's what goods will be watching very closely to see how this government of national unity moves forward next time then. okay, in case is what gets the most doors making the news around the world. nato has a great to play a greater role, a cold waiting ministry, a to ukraine, and to take over some of the logistics for delivering support and training. the operation will be headquartered at the us military base in germany and involve almost $700.00 staff doctors without board assess, fighting in the besieged, suit, in a city of our fashion has kills more than 220 people in flight. this flash point in the wall between the army and the rapids support forces, current military group. so dense army says it has killed a senior. honestly,
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i've combined the in our fashion, natalie, quoted, and the jazz stripped for the president of mohammed wazoo, office immunity, typing away for the boat and jumped to the charging with high treason. resume was asked and in a cru last year. in december of the course of the west african block eco ass, ordered his immediate release shareholders and even masks a test company have voted to restore his record. $56000000000.00 pay do was approve 6 years ago, but was thrown out by a judge in new york state of delaware. in genuine pendulum is not proving cool that mr. bus did not influence the shelves of those catherine princess of wales. and then some social media that you will attend to king charles is both they pray on saturday. she said she's making good progress with the kinds of treatment, but that she's not out of the woods. it will be the princess is 1st public appearance incident diagnosis. the leaders of jason of g 7
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countries have wrapped up the main parts of best subject to escalate, releasing that final declaration, it takes aim with russia and countries in anything moscow's war against you. crime doesn't. vladimir putin has promised to be totally 8 against a g 7 agreement to finance or 50000000000 dollar loan to your brain using interest from frozen russian assets. the luxury resort in southern italy square 7 of the world's most advanced economies are meeting to discuss security and economy. but outside the heavily guarded, closed door meetings, activists have an issue. they want to raise the climate for. we need to take action right now. and this re stopping from the government especially died in government. and we demand that now while g 7 countries have about to draw fossil fuels faster, much of the summits focus is on ukraine. ukraine is not
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a member of the g 7, but you create in president followed him. here's a lensky, attended the summit on invitation, securing what he called, the strongest agreement in ukraine's history with the us. a 10 year security agreement and a major loan summit. the g 7 has reached the historic break rate of the month of intensive discussions. we've agreed a new loan for ukraine, west $50000000.00, and it will be repaid not by all taxpayers, but by the extraordinary revenues that come from frozen russian assets in europe and around the world. and joining the summit for the 1st time ever. the pope who called them leaders to be cautious with artificial intelligence, which is being used in the wars in ukraine and cause a, a, lindsey implies a tragedy that is so complex. here. it is urgent to reconsider the development and
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use of devices like so called lethal autonomous weapons and ultimately van they use some time after 1st they dominated by ukraine. the 7 nations, germany, canada, france, italy, the us, japan and the u. k. turned their focus to the world's 2nd largest economy, china with a statement warning badging to stop sending weapon components to russia. and play by the rules on trade. is reminded of our top story based our 1st victory of your 2024 has gone to the hosts of funds in bed and celebrates after the 1st gym and goals in extraordinary opening match that sold the home team. fresh scotland a 5. and the only point from scotland was an own goal by germany. i'm
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next on the w, a football story of a different kind. adult film follows the hopes and dreams of applying the plans that suggest more world news. of course, at the top, the good news innovation, green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to those channels every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the this is ali john pay.


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