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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from bull in south africa opened a new political chapter with a familial leader decisions on the full sized re elected president. following up coalition agreements, the thieves have amc faulty chef power for the 1st time. also coming up for francis and the leaders of toki and india joins the g. 7 summit in italy. a final declaration takes aim at russia. i'm the countries supporting it's both into credit . plus the false victory audio 2020 full goals to the house. germany put on a dazzling display to cruise past scotland 5 to one in the opening match
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the building. welcome to the program of the weeks of speculation, south africa as african national congress. how struck a deal to form a coalition government with multiple other policies among them as their long term rival, the democratic alliance would be. it's the full school lesson governments since they are faulty error and this 30 years ago and follows a major election upset in which the amc and office of majority. the coalition also agreed on re electing for the full so as president of corresponding dian hawker was in cape town of the convention center where parliament met. she told us about the unprecedented to head for on the full so, so i'm gonna push that has retained the sub african presidency. but this time,
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under different circumstances, to get over the line, he needed the assistance of a number of opposition parties, including the democratic alliance party, the campaign, csv against the a and c. in the may elections, the people have spoken. they have not given any part to the m. a chart now requires policies to come together. mr. on the course, the is the leader of his policy. and he is the leader of a policy that is committed to constitutionalism, defending our democracy, edits institutions, and therefore we will work with them. now the a and c, d, a i, p, and other parties are formed what they call a government of national unity. and this government of national unity will be constituted, as noted by 2 not by 3, but by more parties that voluntarily wants to participate. what does that
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mean? what it means, these different political parties have decided to work together for the basement of south africa. they've reached a formal agreement that will govern how they engage going forward. this includes how they will vote on different policies and how they plan to rebuild. so that because the economy improve its energy situation and improve employment, it's a tough task ahead for these political parties, particularly because they have vastly different backgrounds and different ideological views. but they've agreed that they're going to make it work to ensure that south africa gets back to work. leaders of g 7 countries have concluded the main part of the summit and it's lee and release the final declaration. it takes a man's russia and countries enabling multiples war against ukraine. president vladimir putin has promised to retaliate against the v 7 agreement to finance of
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$50000000000.00 loan to ukraine. if uses interest owned on frozen russian assets. the luxury resort in southern italy square 7 of the world's most advanced economies are meeting to discuss security and economy. but outside the heavily guarded, closed door meetings, activists have an issue. they want to raise the climate for real estate radical action right now. and this is stopping from government, especially died in government, and we demand that now while g 7 countries have about to draw fossil fuels faster, much of the summits focus is on ukraine. ukraine is not a member of the g 7, but you create in president followed him. here's a lensky, attended the summit on invitation, securing what he called, the strongest agreement in ukraine's history with the us. a 10 year security
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agreement and a major loan summit. the g 7 has reached a historic break right off the months of intensive discussions. we've agreed and you learn to ukraine with $50000000000.00, and it will be repaid not by all taxpayers, but by the extraordinary revenues that come from frozen russian assets in europe and around the world. and joining the summit for the 1st time ever. the pope who called them leaders to be cautious with artificial intelligence, which is being used in the wars and ukraine and cause a man when are they in life of the tragedy? that is to complain. it is urgent to reconsider the development and use of devices like so called lethal autonomous weapons and ultimately found a youth some time after 1st they dominated by ukraine. the 7 nations, germany, canada, france, italy, the us,
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japan and the u. k. turned their focus to the world's 2nd largest economy, china with a statement warning badging to stop sending weapon components to russia and play by the rules on trade. so meanwhile, nato defense ministers have agreed that the alliance will play a greater role in coordinating military aid to ukraine and take over some of the logistics for the living support and training. the decision follows the meeting at the headquarters of the transatlantic alliance in brussels. pledges of biological systems will continue to be organized for us, let group of around 50 countries. nato secretary general jens stalled and beg, i'll save. the operation will be headquartered at the u. s. military base in germany . i'm involved almost 700 stuff. these efforts do not make
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nato a party to the conflict, but they will enhance our support to crane to uphold its right. to self defense, w corresponding teddy schultz and brussels told us more about the operation which has been called security. a systems of training for ukraine. well, as, as has been mentioned, this will be about 700 people under nato control nato command located in the spot. and, and this is, is a new role for nato. it's the 1st time that the alliance is, is really taking, taking more responsibility and facilitating getting the weapons that have been pledged for ukraine to the country and making sure that there's more training. but one of the things i mentioned off the top is that we're all sort of stumbling over the name, the nato security assistance and training for ukraine. because germany was not willing to let the word mission be in the title because they thought that might indicate that that need. it would be sending troops in to ukraine, which of course is not part of this. so now we're all stuck with calling it and
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sought to it's not going to roll off the tongue. here in germany, the european football championships have started the width of bang posts, germany cross scotland, $5.00 to $1.00 and the opening match the house's offense locked abdul fund zones to watch the tournament. kickoff germany took the lead early in the game, and the scots were no match for the home team who cruise to an easy victory dw, as tom galloway was at the fund zone and bullied joining thousands of football and tools. yes, he healed his, his bacon. how the german team performed in the opening match was a start to the tournament for gemini at dream open. i seize them, take a big step towards the knockout rounds and claim the 1st 3 points of the skis you arise. it was a difficult night for the scottish guest spot into. this will not have been the game that they had. pennsylvania to take any points from. it was always going to be
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difficult against the tournaments house. he was boyd by the home crowd in munich, and celebrated by thousands upon thousands of supporters. friends owns right across the country. just like this one. he invited the german team have been so keen to recreate the atmosphere of the 2006 wealth caught the last major tournament that they hosted in this country and through performances like this will really help just the thoughts of that. so i'm a fair retire magic was to me in the a, at the brandenburg game this evening. on top of that germany have sent a major signal of intent to the rest of the teams at this tournament. while there are many stall studied nations who are yet to begin, their campaign often were result like tonight. it's hard not to draw full about old cliches. never right off the germans. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. the us supreme
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court has overtones a band on bump stalks. a rapid fire accessories of the naples rifles to fire speeds similar to machine guns. the band was introduced during the presidency of donald trump. officer. a gunman killed 60 people at the concert in las vegas in 2017. the u. s. military stays with the move the golf up here to israel, our stop port to protect it from stormy sieve. the us build the a used for a deliveries the gulf of. i'm at the ward between israel and come off will be moved temporarily to prevent it from breaking apart. deliveries by other period will continue when the si come. doctors without borders, say, fighting in the busiest. so do i need city of alpha shed has killed more than 220 people. it's the latest flash point in the war between the army and the bottom of the 3 group rapids support forces. so don's armies sees that has killed a senior,
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auto suff will come on in a session. sonata looks video, a cold, a new shed has equipped former president mohammed of zoom, office in unity facing the way for the bullying. when dr. charging with high treason was on, was ousted in a cool deal in december. the quote of the west african block equal was ordered, has immediate release as temperature will continue to rise across the globe. scientists are constantly searching for ways to tackle the climate crisis. one potential solution is c weight which could provide a sustainable alternative to carbon intensive phones and plastics. dw biggest, most visits of the olive sky in scotland, where locals believe cultivating seaweed. an audi could be a big success story for the future. the onset to the climate crisis, it could lie beneath the surface of the seats. all our treasure
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shift color monroe is convinced of these every few days he collects them right on his doorstep. on the small scale to charlotte of sky. there are many different species here, here, the renewable alternatives to fish and maybe maybe twice or 3 times a week. actually we come out. yeah. see this one here, which is i would say probably with the best of the c spaghetti. and you can tell it it's cold, seems to be guessing because it just looks exactly like this. again is quite a subtle flavor, but you can use it just as even spigot it in my son wants to grow alex. he's actually a fisherman, but he's also being a part time all the pharma for 2 years. it's more sustainable. he says. the 1st thing he wants to do is find out which types of allergy can best be cultivated here . very suitable, for example, the restaurant eliza has animal feet and as an alternative to plastic for us to begin with, we're using this for a bio stimulants and,
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but we can stand off for testing 1st, see what kind of a nutrients and minerals it has. and then once we face discovered that we'll, we'll know what we want to do with the after the, in addition to tourism summer and farming has been one of the most important sources of income on the olive sky. it provides jobs, but i call culture also causes environmental damage. in recent years, several of the farmers have settled in this area. some over the harvesting. the already of sky can be over to meet as long. they don't need any thoughts, eliza, and grow on their right until now. processing has to be in the box on that. the gap in the market, the allison baker is trying to sell has stopped up. eco cascade is funded by the scottish government. they have just invested in your shopping machine . we want to be able to process a lot of say ways that can go on to
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a commercial market. because that will promote the growth of the industry because farm is will be able to grow to order. they'll be able to increase the size of a firm and probably will say way, all the, instead of someone solomon is still a thing of the future. but making the all the visible and using this treasure of to see people on the olive sky all working on it. and as a reminder, now up the top story, the following for you, the south african president said a lot my full song has now been sworn in for the 2nd. told his amc faulty struck a deal to form a government with its main rival. it's the country's 1st democratic coalition and don't make calls this morning at a set of money in take down the steps for, for now. next shift with the look at how all the official intelligence is changing football. you can always get more news on our website, dw,
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dot com or on our facebook, x and instagram pages. i'm the thanks for watching. goodbye the the coming 0 same 6. 03 trans people. have a stories. offline, i didn't turn the matter so she didn't know flu napartine. let's say you went to here which is kind of items are feed us complex doors to have 5 each kind mean district supplies and she does pull the contents of the silver just.


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