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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news coming to live from berlin. the 1st victory at euro 2024 goes to the house, the germany put on a dazzling display to cruise past scotland at 51 in the opening match. also coming off on our show, the g 7 summit takes a rushes war on ukraine. it concludes with the group of valley to put more pressure on rushes, backers next for leaders. labs of switzerland for a summit on peace in ukraine. 210 south africa opens a new political chapter with
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a familiar leader. serial. remo post that is re elected president, following a coalition agreements that seizes amc party share power for the 1st time. the . i'm sorry richardson, thanks so much for joining us. we begin to show here in germany where the biggest sporting events of the year the european football championships has picked off with a bang, hosted germany crushed scotland, $51.00 in the opening match. germany taking the lead early on, and the scots simply out classed by the home team, who proves to victory. now, scotland fans had grab the headlines, heading into the match and they were in fine voice during the game. but heading away from the munich stadium, as you can imagine, a little more subdued the scots now hoping their team can get the results they need in their remaining to group games to progress about german confidence. as a given,
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a major boost trying to be in the studio. now we have a daniel bar slona from dw sports at danielle. a great start in the tournament for host germany. um. tell us your impressions of the 1st day of your a 2024. so that was a perfect start to determine tournament for germany. i mean, coming in to the tournament, there was a lot of questions asked of this team because their last 2 performances had been lack luster to say the least. they were questions about form 91 lawyer, whether he should be starting or not. and yesterday there when was really a statement. so $51.00 again scotland, 5 different scores on the square feet. i mean 6 if you count on antonio, rudy there who scored an own goal. so 20 cruise experience player master class just to put things into perspective. he attempted a 102 passes. he completed a 101. wow. so absolutely amazing from him. the youth jo, mom was yellow 4 and verdes. this team was really giving fans something to be
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excited about that they went in with so much pressure and it was such an exciting game. i understand you were in the fan zone here in berlin. can you tell us a little bit what it was like? yeah, i mean, the amazon berlin in general is definitely football crazy. there are fans everywhere you look now yesterday i was in the fans on, in front of the parliament building, which is one of the 2 main fans zones. of course it being the 1st day, there were a little bit of kings that the police had to work out. so the actually ended up evacuating that fan zone for around 2 hours. because they found a backpack which they thought was suspicious. now they shouldn't have had backpacks because there should have been checks, but after about 2 hours, they figured out it was okay. there was no threat and everything to go forward, full fans. those were at capacity. hundreds of thousands of fans and the atmosphere was amazing. so this summer is going to be absolutely fantastic. security obviously front and center in this tournament. also, let's talk a little bit more about what we can expect to have. do you think the fact that germany has had this 1st major?
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when does that bode well for me and then the rest of the tournament? definitely, so after tomorrow, germany will definitely after yesterday, sorry, germany will be considered favorites. their team is also very set up to win right now. they're one of the oldest teams in the tournament, actually if not the oldest. when we talk about tournament favorites, we can't miss friends. of course, friends is the runners up from the last world cup and they could have come into this tournament with their 3rd strings. players and still being considered the favorites. england also in their golden generation. they haven't done anything yet . there's a lot of pressure on this side now for to go with chris on rinaldo. maybe in his last tournament we never know was rinaldo croatia always strong. so definitely a lot of quality in this tournament and it's going to be absolutely fantastic. sure is daniel, thank you so much for joining us as a dynamic barcelona from dw sports as well. millions of people are expected to watch the games live in germany with millions more washing around the world. and
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regardless of which team comes out on top, there's plenty of business that is looking to win big 2. let's take a look now at who's profiting the most from the european championships. it's on euro 2024, and the bad for football dominance on the continent. 24 teams are taken to the page . almost 3000000 excited fans will be in the states and billions more will be watching in bars and po gardens, in fans, old or at home, and the big business. so who's making money and who's paying the euro? is the organized by the union of europeans football associations, or if i expect the european championships to bring in $2400000000.00 worth of revenue, most of it from the sale of tv and marketing rights. that includes sponsorships by the likes of audi, dustin, coca cola, there's china, alibaba group and the state of katara. all these contracts are bringing into 1000000000 bureaus as to that tickets and hospitality sales including v i. p.
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lounge is on the other side, if i expect expenses of 650000000 heroes, including 331000000 in price money for the competing teams. as well as the costs of key and infrastructure and salaries for the risk wave. i was expecting a profit of 1700000000 euros at his tax free due to a new agreement, the group has extracted from the german government who's missing out on 255000000 bureaus. but that's not all. the german government also pays hands simply for the privilege of hosting the tournament over 600000000 euros. the 10 host series was spend the combined 260000000 on the festivities. it cost a $165000000.00 euros to renovate stadiums. that security will be another $150000000.00 bureaus. so with all that money spent, is there a silver lining?
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there is the european championship will bring millions of tories to germany and they will be spending money. hotels are seeing strong bookings, where we are expecting via consumption to be up to 4 percent. retailers hold for $3800000000.00 growth and additional revenue for food. but also merchandise, flags, scarves, toys, tvs, and electronics. so for some of the, you're, we'll bring some new weeks to authors it, some money. and we'll turn now to some other news leaders of g. 7. countries have completed the main part of their summit in italy and released their final declaration. it takes aim at russia and countries enabling as war against you crank and present. vladimir putin has promised to retaliate against a g 7 agreements to finance $850000000000.00 loan to ukraine, which uses interest earned on frozen russian assets. the luxury resort in southern
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italy square 7 of the world's most advanced economies are meeting to discuss security and economy. but outside the heavily guarded, closed door meetings, activists have an issue. they want to raise the climate for release a radical action right now. and this is stopping from government, especially died in government, and we demanded us now. while g 7 countries have about to draw fossil fuels faster . much of the summits focus is on ukraine. ukraine is not a member of the g 7, but the ukranian president followed him years a lensky, attended the summit on invitation, securing what he called, the strongest agreement in ukraine's history with the us. a 10 year security agreement, and a major loan. the summit, the g 7 has reached a historic break for it. off the months of intensive discussions,
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we've agreed and you learn for ukraine, west $50000000000.00, and it will be repaid not by all taxpayers, but by the extraordinary revenues that come from frozen russian assets in europe and around the world. and joining the summit for the 1st time ever, the pope who call them leaders to be cautious with artificial intelligence, which is being used in the wars in ukraine and gaza. when a thing in life is a tragedy that is so complex, here it is urgent to reconsider the development and use of devices like so called leaf the low ton of us weapons and ultimately found they use some 10 after 1st they dominated by ukraine. the 7 nations, germany, canada, france, italy, the us, japan and the u. k. turn their focus to the world's 2nd largest economy,
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china with a statement warning badging to stop sending weapon components to russia and play by the rules on trade. many of the leaders who gathered in italy, we'll be meeting again later today in switzerland. at a p summit for ukraine, ukraine's president followed him years. lensky arrived in the town of a board in stock on friday evening. and german chancellor, all off. schultz french president among the my client and us vice president, cala harris will also attend. russia was not invited to the gathering and china said it would not attend claiming the conference, but not represent both sides. equally. will be bringing you all the latest developments from that summit right here on this for now, let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. the doctors without borders say, fighting in the besieged to suit in the city of alpha share has killed more than 220 people. it is the latest flash point in the war between the army and the
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paramilitary group rapids support forces. sedans, army says it has killed a senior r s f commander in l for share. the united states supreme court has over turned a ban on the pump stocks. a rapid fire accessory often fitted to rifles which enables them to fire at similar speeds to machine guns. the band was introduced during the trump administration after a gunman killed 16 people at a concert in las vegas in 2017 and catherine princess of wales has announced on social media that she will attend king charles's birthday parade on saturday. katherine said she's making good progress with her cancer treatments, but that she's not out of the woods. it will be the princess's 1st public appearance since her diagnosis to south africa. now where after weeks of speculation, the african national congress or amc has struck a deal to form a coalition government with multiple other parties. among them. is there
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a long time rival the democratic alliance or d a. and this follows a major election upset in which the amc lost its majority for the 1st time since the end of white minority will under apartheid. the coalition also agreed on re electing the serial remo posted as president. here's more on his unprecedented term, had from our correspondent diane hawker. so i'm, of course, it has retained the semester can presidency, but this time under different circumstances. to get over the line, he needed the assistance of a number of opposition parties, including the democratic alliance party, the campaign, csv against the a and c. in the may elections, the people have spoken. they have not given any part to the image arts and not requires policies to come together. mr. on the course, that is the leader of his policy. and he is the leader of the policy that is committed to constitutionalism, defending our democracy, edits institutions,
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and therefore we will work with them. now the a and c, d, a i p. and as the parties are formed, what they call a government of national unity. and this government of national unity will be constituted not by to not by 3, but by more parties that voluntarily wants to participate. what does that mean? what it means, these different political parties have decided to work together for the basement of south africa. they've reached a formal agreement that will govern how they engage going forward. this includes how they will vote on different policies and how they plan to rebuild. south africa's economy, improve its energy situation and improve employment. it's a tough task ahead for these political parties, particularly because they have vastly different backgrounds and different
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ideological views. but they've agreed that they're going to make it work to ensure that south africa gets back to work. with diane harker, reporting from cape town, felt millions of muslim pilgrims from around the world have gathered up the sacred hill of mount or f, as in saudi arabia. on the 2nd day of the harsh pilgrimage, visiting the site known as the hill of mercy is considered the peak of the hospitals are much worshippers ask for mercy blessings, prosperity, and good health. most hodge rituals are health outdoors and this year temperatures of the holy sites could reach 48 degrees celsius. authorities have urged pilgrims to use umbrellas and to drink water to stay hydrated. and that is your news update. our stay tuned for sports life coming up next or
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there's more news analysis to on our website at the definitely. com. i'm clear. richardson, thanks for watching. the we are all set. we are watching close to the, to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about come by as information for free might say, do 10 in the sense the is it is supple is having to be more peaceful than ever on the move world wide and so.


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