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tv   The Ku Klux Klan  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2024 1:02pm-2:01pm CEST

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and companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows, it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learned to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. a donkey series about our complex relationship with animals need to be watch now on youtube dw documentary manuals engine. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't go down $65.00 last last those top 5 years. 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so talk to you from campbell talk, fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes,
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left side together. part of our community life on the research is now on the the ku klux klan, the oldest and most infamous, terra group in the united states proclaims its creed of white supremacy with prize secret society. that is the very important of racism, hatreds, and violets declined as a symbol of the clan. that's a except for value as an ideology,
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it is just as relevant as sort of a has been for over a 150 years. the client has some tara, across the united states, the and spread it's audiology through boston means klan no more than a domestic organization using fear and intimidation. for the ku klux klein is also a client of stine organization, beginning to note variety through its dramatic imagery, secrecy names and disturbing rituals prosper which has been used in fact, by variables scottish tribes to signal one another. as a false alarm from earning crosses and white roads to obscure symbols and runs. this film removes the clan shroud of mystery. they have this badge on. the x is actually full back to back from might. so if the
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crew flux plan form, if the i, agents and judges who the for the k k, k, explain how the plan became the most notorious terrorist organizations in the us open new offices all around the state. specifically to investigate plan activity. an exclusive interview with a full mclinn member provides a glimpse into the sea. could you know which ends of today's organization? as grand dragon? yeah, i did have a specific agenda. we've built up a light stand by army, stand open, take america back from its foundation just after the civil war in the 19th century, 3. so it's research and in the 2000 to barracka bama became the 1st black president to live right here is the story of the ku klux klan,
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a terrorist organization. nathan, with usaa the focus of 2017 charlottesville virginia in the southeast of the united states. for 2 days, this smooth and normally peaceful city was rooks by foreign town wrist. the on one side, hundreds of anti racist activists. and only as a white supremacist who'd come to hold a rally. everybody wanted to go in there would group, you're a part of, it's just like meeting white supremacist. there is pause. so the general atmosphere on the way to charlottesville and that was like, hey,
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we're getting ready to go take our country back saver. here's each side. the charlottesville demonstrations came about during the general bad concrete low for confederate, for each property leaders to famous certificates that are generally had a statue in charlottesville. that there was a lot of debate about taking it down the next few days. 1000 furious fall right activists gather to protest in charlottesville among the representatives as the oldest and most prominent racist organization in american history. the ku klux klan charlottesville looked like a war. for a few days there. the police were terrible. they did not keep the people a partridge, if not for the white supremacist,
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something happens out there. he provides a and as a result of the streets of the city became as yours racist, anti racist. fighting back and forth. and ultimately, one particular neo nazi, i drove his car into a crowd of people and murdered a woman, have their hire as well as badly entering some 20 other the, the motor, his name james alex, feels a young found. right. active has ended myra of idols, hitler, his the highest estimate headlines worldwide is the tragedy developed into a national scandal. the president, at the time donald trump was called upon to issue a statement to dispute the situation. but instead of putting out the file, his media conference early, so if to fan the flames,
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would you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. you had people in that group, excuse me, excuse me. i saw the same pictures as you did. you add people in that group that were there to protest to take you down to them. a very, very important that you ended renaming of a park from robert e. lee to another state after the charlottesville, good people on both sides. what do you sell? but he'll not seems so, solicitation expired once again. to say it's all right, to have those extreme theories use terrace. like taking your car. let me know. protesting the media attention, generations by this murder and trumps. response brought to launch a family secrets that the president would on down to play for us and kept quiet.
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when he was young, his father fred trump, was himself a member of the crew. trots planned. the ideas of the plan for serving society as it used to be before huge waves of immigration, huge social changes that was really appealing to very large numbers of white men in america. so for someone like fred trump, to be a supporter of the plan, it makes perfect sense. but the time is between donald trump and the k. k. k. extend will be on his phones. this cost. since the launch of his presidential campaign in 2016, the form of us president has become a new art or so many what's the premises? including the, the races, total cost, denial and form a politician was for many years the k, k, k leader in the us. i'm overdue to seek donald trump. and
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most americans embrace most of the issues of champions. 3 slogan remains americans, while trump was wanting in 201520161 particular neo nazi leader called to have our great leader, our fearless leader. so i, you know, gave it to jim's problem was voting against his rigs was a traitor to his race. the understand the language with a certain portion of watch america, especially in the southern us. we need to go back a few years in time to 2009. when we swear, i've rocked and saying, i'm live rock insane. obama solemnly swear that he's speaking at the rock. obama became the 44th president to the united states. and most importantly, the 1st black press to this resolution,
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a historic event was celebrated throughout the world. but not everyone in the us should this enthusiasm, mr. obama, hispanic, here's the thing. but the communist, i'm the fascist. in many southern states, the election of an african american to the post to president coast outrage when brock obama was elected all these white people that bought guns because they thought that the business attorney pointed their history. and now blacks are going to take over, and of course come after white people, because now they have the support of the black man in the white house, the to do back to the nice ations. this climates of rejection and hostility towards obama was a godsend. subsequently, the number of groups promoting what supremacy began to so the so many reactionary and ultra nationalist wants americans. the election of barack obama was in a front. meanwhile,
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donald trump's populous rhetoric lead to racism becoming most socially acceptable in the u. s. h of these 2 presidents with opiates and radically different ways, factors and the re emergence of the white supremacist organizations like the client, the client, the client id all it is just as relevant as simply into these taken on a trip file in the united states. but there's a 140 year history of the class and in most 130140 years, the ku klux plan is done more certainly than any other group of the rain
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spring whitening ideas into the history of the ku klux klan with its mysterious name, its symbols and customs is closely bound up with the history of the country where it was schooled. the rates go back to the early 1860 and the americans cost one saw the 23 states in the north and west of the country. 2 on the, on the 11 southern states that had decided to leave also seen from the union to form their own so cool confederacy states and 1816 engaged in the states. us as the southern states for the primary reason was the institution
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of slaves and the northern states failed to slavish, should be restricted. those consented to actually take slavery. they really believe the slavery was the best organization in the world for society. the devastation conflict, costing the lights as an 800000 people and ending with the disease of the cell. on the 9th of april, 1865 confederate liter generally surrendered to generals ulysses s grant, who commanded the armies of us president abraham lincoln. the american civil war was huge conflict, the largest this country's ever unbelievably bloody. the south was not only defeated, it was crushed in 1865. after the war, many white people living in the south refused to accept the defeat and its
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consequences. most notably the adoption of the 13th amendment to the united states constitution, which officially abolished slavery. that after 6, basically they said that this was unacceptable. queen or black people who worked in the cotton fields were no way they're equal as well. i knew if i put and if they weren't the equals now that they've been free, like they would become a strictly dangerous and want to take their place that they'd want money and they wouldn't rate their women. well, they actually thought that they would rate their women already know fuck fairly new from left to him and the civil war. is this anger the bitterness among wide citizens in the south. so that not only do they form organizations such as like the night. so the white camelia, they formed the lightly, and these organizations become like terrorist groups, in terms of trying to intimidate african americans in pulaski,
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tennessee, a handful of evictions, old former considered offices, decided to start their own organization. and name to the contracts class plan came from the greek word for circle co flush allied the scottish word plant. really because it just sounds cool. plus ban and eventually became coup. fox planks 3 separate words. within a few years, this small group of offices grew into an increasingly powerful organization with its own structure and deleda by the name of nathan big city, forrest nathan bedford, for the worst kind of let me say, because it's true, he was one of the greatest cavalry officers who have ever lived in this country already. he was an incredible fighter, but also
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a vicious thought of it. he had achieved great claim and fame for his exploits during the civil war. at the same time had a cheap rate him for me, particularly around the fort pillow, mexico, that he was known for killing off on the black union soldiers on the nathan bits. as far as lead to shift the ku klux klan quickly made a name for itself. its goal was to so tara, into the hearts, the black communities in the southern states. to that. and they started wearing clothes that would make them look more intimidation. and frankly, say you believe that black population of the cell was ignored and superstitious. and as such, they would truly believe that when the clan road and all the horses and these costumes,
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the local blocks truly believe the ghosts or demons had appeared that at the time more than anything else, it was the extreme brutality of the crimes committed by the ku klux klan the cause honey come only african american community crimes including lynchings and all manner of mood. it's it's violent center question. what else of control before they had denied that they would go on rates and black communities, which were punitive missions. it didn't explain you tell people, and what was the purpose of transmission? well, what is of the to scare black people and put them in their place for a place in order to maintain their power overlap people. they have to keep them in the lower ranks of society. the use of violence is the complex plan was 1st and foremost and instrumental violence. and violence also went as far as murder people to salvo, just as i see nothing in the 3 years between 186518
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. 60 i. on to nathan bid for the 1st slave to ship decline, took the lives of several 1000 victims. the mood is left to new us president ulysses s grant with no choice but to possible in 18. 71. the client act. it made the ku klux client is legal and authorized the president to send troops to the south to eliminate the terms. so a nice ation, but in reality, the organization had already achieved its gold. slavery may have been the published . what is it being replaced by jim crow laws imposing racial segregation in the south. and what the jim crow laws was, may segregation the in the state. and you had a separations of racism and it's very pervasive. so for jeff and then you know, kind of way the clan one that's just good because people in the south were continuing to thing to live in racial terms. you, i'd be more awful. your dividing society by racial characteristics meant that there
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were separate schools. for example, $75.00 on the cardinal. see if i don't really like kids and why kids didn't go to the same schools. i don't need to be all black people or white people couldn't be buried in the side 70 or they couldn't ride on the same car. it could ride on the same train between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. continued segregation made the lives of black people in the south, extremely challenging the ku klux klan which was officially illegal, seemed to be a thing of the past. in 1915, however, the situation would change once again to the woods with the release of the now infamous film. without the klein, the booth of a nation was the 1st blow up pasta in cinematic history. seeing the movie theaters by some, those 1000000 americans is when the 1st movie ever made,
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which had a complete narrative history. lots of action sequences, a told a story that was dramatic. it had a company uses and so on. and so the movie was a sensation. all over america, people like to see this movie. oh, my suit for me open is never seen anything like that of this culture. the, the movie that sung, subsidized americans was about the civil war and its impact on the southern states . it took huge liberties with its interpretation of actual historical events, presenting the client as heroes, the defenders of widows and orphans the most of the most. and this is listed on the books, the plants and a told the story of the clam, saving the whites out from the, you know,
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savage black beast. so we're taking over and raping white women and so on. so for a few be separate because republicans of the big roles came into power in the south, mistreated for good white people. this out in these had to start the class at that point to the same way. people terrible big roles and one of the biggest fans of the, both of the nation was william joseph simmons, a methodist pasto from alabama. the movie inspired him to bring the ku klux klan back to life. william joseph simmons seems clam. i'm particularly the imagery of the class as a way to create the for new for to an organization in 1915 the very same year. the
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1st of the nation was released just a few months later. williamson it's hell. the ceremony on stone mountain georgia, outside of atlanta, where there's a big monument veteran heroes, the civil war in which he re inaugurated a new plans for the ceremonies withheld them, which is 16 people on the mountain to circumvent the little that may decline a legal simmons renamed the organization, the invisible and pint of the night of the ku klux klan in 1920. behind mary elizabeth tyler and edward young clock to advertising professionals specialize in marketing. it was their idea to embrace the very specific look can spawn it by the movie the to the nation. they saw the costumes and symbols of the ku klux klan as a propaganda tool to prove to be extremely effective. we should be clear,
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the imagery that he's using is being drawn specifically from the book and the film . the idea of this very specific kind of plan. even the idea of building and concepts that was in truth the reconstruction. they were plan. 2 those were me created by popular culture that didn't get adopted into the founding is best it can the actions of the class in the 19 teens of 1912 through a lot english and especially scottish just things like prosper, which had been used in fact by medieval scottish tribes to signal one another as a kind of call to arms. the dispos when the k. k. k adopted the traditional imagery. we know today with its symbols, costumes, ceremonies and odd sounding touch homes. the
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nomenclature of the plan, all the strange names in curio lizard. himself and cyclops, the waiting list, the climate and so on. these were the kinds of titles that they thought gyptian that sounded very exotic and far out. the initial k is the cool component of the k k k simple award costs on a red background. this emblem appears on the purchase stitched on to the client's minds, roads, and more recently on the flags they kind of doing projects. they have this badge on what's called the blood drops and signal. and it's an ex, with the blood drop form down. the x is actually for pays back to back from mike. so if the crude flux plan to add another layer of mystery to the order of this new ku klux klan, they developed a range of symbols inspired by other secret societies such as the knights,
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templar and the freemasons. the clan invented a lot of so called history, some of their names and offices came straight out of the catholic tradition. and this has to do with the fact that they were money was one of many for to use the simulation. so the plan has a 7 symbols, the hood the road, the water, the source, they all have a significance, according to them, they all think the line of christianity pamphlet from 1966 list of decline, 7 official symbols. the christian bible as its religious foundation. the flag, whether it be the confederate flag, representing the southern states, or the star spangled banner, representing the u. s. bullshit,
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which is used to purify the sword, which symbolizes the prosecution of the clans, enemies. and finally, the 3 best known symbols across the during official ceremonies the road and the same is pointed forward to very specific kind of plan in the form that we think about. today's would you like squared away? well, what it is intended to do is create a static solidarity of a physical solid doubt that you would have roll off the ball rolls clansman, marching through the streets. most people tend to associate the ku klux klan with those white rhodes and codes. but the uniforms vary according to the wherever stations within the organization, which has a hierarchical image shaped destruction, the at the bush and the clansman. the regular limits of
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the coupon class. hey, we have a simple one road directly above them. the night when they were black roads under in charge of security. next comes to local chips and we don't want down in a red sash. the chaplains. but the preachers of good the sultan saw clumps, leads and into a city group or chapter. they with black rhodes, with the red sash clubs of regional or national chaplains with a white, bright, and purple such grand dragon's elite is for an entire station. and we agreed. finally, at the very top of the pilgrimage is the imperial wizard, who is hurtful gown and is the supreme leader of the ku klux klan in the united states. the 2nd 22nd ferry fire off feeling joseph simmons establishes himself as the 1st imperial wizard establishes
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this system. nation state level officers through which there's a real down higher off. when i was the grand dragon i used to later 40, you don't need to be called anything like, you know, the true wizard, the salt sidewalk or anything your clients. y'all have a white room. that's it. that's all that matters. even if national plan support is we convinced simmons approach prevailed and it was a major success by the mid 19 twenty's. however, evans, the new imperial wizard, had his f. a good nearly $4000000.00 strong with tens of millions of dollars to his name. making him one of the most powerful and influential men in the united states at the time. in 1925, he organized the launch scale. ku klux klan, much in the capital. washington dc plans, attitude wise, if we wave
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a flag and invoke the name of god and our cause is just 1925, they march down the street in washington dc. capitalist age, all the states. you begin to have go all for a while, clients everywhere. march by 40000 road plans down pennsylvania. have you in front of the white house in washington? as is uh it was really an incredible site. this was a show of force and a traumatic play. very much with the plan faces above and there is a show of photos with one single going to impose the k k k center for the audiology on others what times had changed since the civil war. this space with enemies would no longer just spot people to dispose of it. as you know,
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the problem in the united states was mass and migration from europe. so there seems to be that there was considered a problem for americans with been there for a long time. these had me any just grandparents, even great grandparents were american. good. although i'm really just having a believe that the new arrivals constituted and things are to them move over new. go see to i don't. they were the catholics from southern europe, jews from eastern europe. and what we had been as a version of what, what nationalist today are calling sure of replacement. suppose this is the k k, k claimed organized crime was proof of what would like to be called the great replacement theory at the time the top mafia buses in new york, chicago, and las vegas. what else to clone and touched schultz at the time you and to show sheets respectively for the pro. so back to for the clans,
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they were everywhere equal. so they had to fight them in any way possible. then you push tbd machine of to 90. then way supported the immigration laws passed in 19211924. doing that as well as the addition of alcoholic beverages west. one which was adopted by a constitutional amendment of a model c t so that they were as evangelicals, protestants, very strong probations. they were also preaching this moral is rebec sex with this fusion organization, the claim to be defending the morals. values of large protestant america would soon find itself embroiled in a very sort of defense in fixing stevenson, who had been the grand piano. that being really one of the most powerful leaders nationally maclam who is tried and convicted officers sexually assault improved lines. as a young woman match,
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oberholtz's kidnapped his assistant. he tortured try to merge her. when her body was found, her body was literally stabbed all over. this became public and he was ultimately connected and sent to prison. rose the years passed. it became apparent of the many clam leaders we're just about are hypocrites having the, as this kind of hypocrisy was exposed more more, the klan was ultimately destroyed. once again, the ku klux klan seemed to slide back into insignificance. for the next 30 years. the clan now led by samuel greene, tried to keep the flame alive by assuming propaganda films. the white man with the white
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robes in the 1950s, the u. s. was in the midst of an economic boom, the klein, who lost much of its appeal and played a negligible role in public life. then came an event of the minutes in, in the 1950s. what happened was you had a number of legal cases that were wanting screen court that was challenging. jim crow and legal segregation. the supreme court in 1954 brown vs board of education. that is the incredibly important supreme court ruling which at least legally and segregation of americans african american citizens when now able to send the children to what type of schools i liked each in any restaurant and sit wherever they want to do buses and to move the pages, as the black population struggle for equal rights gained momentum in the civil
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rights movement. a few extraordinary personalities became unforgettable icons. and then in the world the disagree got. so there was a racial desegregation movement represented by rows of target. some of the year, 1957 and yourself and martin luther king junior in the ninety's sixty's which was selected, major societal changes in the united states and the 20th century does renew attempts in that period. america went through enormous social changes in particular with respect to the rights of roles, black people in this country as well. of course as the rise of, you know, rock and roll when you've captured culture, things were changing and changing. very, very wrapped in the country. southern states, a large section of the white community was fiercely opposed to these changes. they
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wanted to maintain segregation between blacks and whites in cost. one force to at least the right of the rights in this country should have equal rights, but separate rights that work for a 100 years in the south. and i think it will work. now. a reactionary mindset that was very widespread, including amongst the political thomas and the southern us. in 1963, george wallace, the powerful governor, alabama, gave a speech defiantly and support pertaining to braces. jim crow laws and the customer this? yeah. george, well this is the election platform to be summed up in 3 words as you mailed one more. so you're going to get a segregation segregation. say segregation,
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don't he believe that something so deeply on the sounds passed? couldn't simply be made to disappear, to say that issued over the across the se, and us in alabama, georgia, florida, south carolina, louisiana, and mississippi. many want people will hostile to these changes. fish on ground for the clocks climbed to quickly regained its former talent and spacious. hey water pro rated rate. this will be destroyed and the new crew cliffs clan continued the traditions from the turn of the century. wide roads pointed towards initiation ceremonies and burning crosses, which became the ultimate symbol of the nice ation. the
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movement was renamed the noise clients of america by its new leader, their own wizard. robert galvin with his smotts suits and had caused rubbish. shelton was the perfect manifestation of a new modem and imperial visits, and he turned out to be a kind of magic leader. problem does not work there as much as the other issue is, i'd say i'm worried about the use leadership. the k k. k quickly returned to the same excessive and extreme violence that had shaken the nation shortly after the civil. anytime i know it started to make positive countries, you'd get that type of these old feelings of patriots have always been there. they
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bubble back up. the violence as a way to intimidate the community and as such, that violence is designed to be harry's very public, very, very evident. it's now clause calls what we're open till about a spectrum. the i dear all these motors as a means to to attempt the 19 fifties and sixties or an escalation in finance with countless buddhist lynchings and other attempts which nothing. and no one seemed to be able to stop in washington, us president lyndon johnson made washington k, k, k. one of his top priorities asked f biachi j and cause these to send
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these men into the field to bring down this tower organization. plan was a priority. french read in mississippi. i was a small as 3 age or a 150 age, working small officers joining the director of the f. b. i flooded the study with s b. i opened new offices all around specifically to investigate klan activity, religious treatment, special agent, boeing more. the fbi i pulled out all the stops to neutralize the ku klux klan. especially in mississippi with the farm rifle. the nice ation was suspected of involvement in the mysterious disappearance of 3 civil rights activists. within a few weeks, 18 members of the k k. k had been arrested thanks to the information gathering
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through questioning, roy moore and his team was able to identify the man behind the operation. his name was samuel violet's. the grand dragon for the state of mississippi. 10 bowers was the head of a white tides close. which were responsible at least 10 killings we know up here in mississippi, probably more. it was most violent clan organizations in united states, and greatly feared, obviously, found bowers is probably one of the national hill reputed clansman, from the ship, recruited essentially train plan members was emissions that he had a plan for them. while samuel ballas use terrorist tactics to discourage african americans from registering for elections in august, 1965, president johnson signed a law that prohibited racial discrimination in the right to vote
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in response to balance owed at the mood of civil rights activists. vernon, james vernon danver was a former business man who really believe that voting rights truly came to black, mississippi incident. things will begin to change. and so the clan didn't like that and attacked him and his family in the middle of january, to 66, to call the bon individuals that attacked us about 2 o'clock in the morning. shooting into the house door in bottles of gasoline in the one torches and after the set, the house on fire dead. follow the gun down. it eventually cost him his life. people never shot the data from a fixation from in tailing flames that burn the respiratory assist off the
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game is murder the b. i finally arrested in charge the imperial wizard in mississippi samuel bowers. but despite the evidence gathered in the confessions of some powers, men only for the 14 people responsible was found guilty and known as the full head to say that the full sentence, dallas himself was of course, explain why read this i'm q and this was no surprise until the mid sixty's, many, many white southerners, few the clan as well. they weren't very nice people. what they're doing, something that has to be done, which is defending our children from disaggregation defending our children from having to sit in the same classroom as black shows in that context of segregation with some rooms. and there is community complicity in these crimes because there is a choice that is being made that says we will look the other way. the
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will condemn this final them, particularly the deals behind the impunity enjoyed by so many members of the k k. k would grant and come to an end. in 1971, bill baxley was appointed attorney general of the state of alabama. he decided to reopen the investigation into the debt to full goes to 8 years earlier from attack impending. the primary suspect was robert chambliss. he was still a frame, despite the evidence against traveler for the ring leader of the group environment . now he was more responsible. anybody else on the 20 plus the fact he got a nickname. dynamite ball do box his investigations into the person responsible for
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the building of a time and influential member of the k. k. k resulted in numerous threats. there's a lot of the slaves in my office. dear mr. back to me, we would like to congratulate you. we hope that you are proud of yourself now. you in chapter twice. we hope right to assume what else to the same conditions that the n word lover kennedy contract, which kept a long time might have been to baxley, refused to be intimate agent on the country. the response to your letter to the guest line bill, back from mann and the response response. tax the cheat,
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his goal in 1977 when robot chambliss was sentenced to life in prison. from then on the primary lead is a decline would only be brought to justice for the crimes slice of samuel bowers demand behind the motor zone. and dana and other civil rights activists and his accomplice it go right. killing was some night to child the united clients of america led by imperial wizard robot. sheldon was ordered to pay $7000000.00 to buy unit mcdonald, the mother of a young african american lynch. i. shelton spent in 1991 filed the lawsuit against jury in her favor and very close to the claims of pay her for the blessing. for a sudden, what this did was, it broke the claim, thanks broke the plan. since the phone that's last major lead to
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a real effective success because he had too much. there are a number of small groups to meet as far as plan rhetoric. they don't have any financial power. for the most part, the majority of members, lower level flash plan groups today tend to be very small groups almost universally come from world parts of the country. there are no cities anywhere anymore. and they typically are centered around one families. so you know the nights the ku klux klan just now tom are off his wife, couple older kids and half a dozen of their friends lived down the road. almost sprawled across to from arkansas. my claim to be the head of the largest national plan organization that has legitimacy is questionable, given that the k k k itself now represents just a few small groups in the united states. in
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a country with the population of some 314000000 accounts, just full and a half 1000 members plan, which was one for the americans. right. is now you know, sorry, sad shadow. it's for myself. and inside the neo nazis and the skim had some various other components of the mass and radical. i looked at the klan, there's you know, trailer trash. these are people with trailers, the poor people, stupid it kind of struck me is you know, it's like a part of it. you know, people who may not have very many easement or have, but it was just a bunch of uh, bill bill is based, weird running around uh, cook and hot dogs, amber dues. i said they were aware they'd sheets and pillowcases on her head. a reality can pop up to see 1st off through he was himself a senior and very committed member of the ku klux klan. as an hour
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a or i had a chance to art is covered at all. just to erase hatefulness be a swastika like the american history x style to this folder here. see those or case. nice. one, a wild, mystic and sidney of a client that is going to be done shortly as well. initially can conquer was set on realizing k k. kay's hate field audiology by any means necessary. so like when like back in the day they used to when they used to burn churches as grand dragon. yeah, i did have a specific agenda. it was to basically build up on like standby, allow me to stand up and take america back then we wouldn't be there to do it. now
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while the plan dollars is for a flyer, so to gain ranked up in plan requires like you go on, you recruit people, you attend rallies, you go on drawers through the little flyers. can talk a story is one of a white man from the american south to walk to us as a klein and the neo nazi finally decided to turn his back on. and finally, the man who inspired his redemption was pasta william mckinnon. all of a sudden one day, i'm sitting bottom with me and my ex fiance and applied as well. so the 1st time i met with was living in st apartment complex. at the time, i did not know he was a part of the take a on the or not just him and his girlfriend and i just spoke to them as we set down . we talked pennsaid with some other names and we begin to know each of these i can,
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i don't know at all. i know is jesus. and i was like, wow, that's the most sense. any answer i've ever done. so at that point, my wife always liked to make all these judgment falls like, oh, you're jewish, or black, you, those children, no less passive little desk showed but hatred and racism a still very much present us, embodied by people like dylan. ruth, he shouted 9 african americans in a church in charleston, south carolina in 2015. and patient kindred emerge a 10 minute visit the black community in cold blood and injured 3 outlets at a grocery store in buffalo, new york, in may 2022. as these in other cases show,
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it's still dangerous to be black in the us even today. today, the people we see the dylan roofs of the world and so on. are people who are not numbers. never more absorbs the basic ideas. white people are under attack by their adams and black people around people. immigrants gauging so to mass killings, perpetration by a very young man, just 18 and 21 years old. when they can visit the crimes they belong to a new generation of the white supremacists. radicalized through exposure to conspiracy websites and phone right groups preaching their hate field, audiology on social media. 2000 dylan pharmacy. went to that church in charles and entered
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what c, as in doing prior to that was going on a website that was essentially the white citizens council system. and that was what the situation was. spencer accessed the basis by the full use of the trump presidency. in his wake, he left a deeply divided country, the storming with a capital one of the most shocking manifestations of this development. the country with the blacks lights measuring movement demonstrates the 2nd american communities determined opposition to racism, the and where what supremacists continue to keep a live the legacy and the murderous ideology of the ku klux client.
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the coming 0 strange excels 3 trans people. stories of my right. so she general flu napartine, let's say you went to here which is kind items are nice, feed us complex doors to have fights, which kind of woman dish cut supplies she does is part of the system does sometimes . so he sort of interest chips. no, because i trust you because there's only 4 to technical church, 3 generations. one, jenny starts july 7th on d. w. how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously?
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multitasking diesel, modern meds? because if we do too much, we paid it all wrong. we messed things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary, this new shadows. these pop costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up and he employed to score suppose tactic farms and destroy nights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history, we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the
2:00 pm
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