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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from the land security is tied in switzerland as well. the does meet for a summit on pace and ukraine. the conference saying, so outlined the basis for future negotiations. but russia wasn't confined to it. and the 1st victory, your 2024 goes to the host. and the other thing, madge, germany put on a dazzling display to cruise past scotland the
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. i've been fooling. welcome. ukraine's p summit is kicking off in switzerland. it brings together more. the 90 countries. you printing and president florida. so lansky arrived in the town of building stock on friday. german chancellor, old of schultz french presidency memo mccall and us vice president, come with the harris are attending the conference items to create unity around a peace plan put forward by ukraine. russia is not invited. it's main back of china is now coming to landscape on support for his 10 point piece plan, which includes the cessation of hostilities. the withdrawal of russian troops and the restoration of ukraine's pre war board is speaking before the opening of the meeting, organized by keith. he praised the variety of leaders attending and welcomed all credible proposals, leading to adjust piece. i use ideas and illiteracy of each nation are equally important to us. and ever seeing that will be agreed upon at this time. it today
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will be part of the piece making process that we all need. i believe that we will witness history being made here at this time. it's thank you for your support and and it may just be a be established as soon as possible. german chancellor will filters criticized. vladimir hooton's seas find proposal made on the eve of the gathering, saying the russian leader is trying to dictate the conditions for peace get advice . this is kind of, everyone knows that this is not a serious proposal, but that it has to do with the peace conference taking place in switzerland putting but putin has revealed what he's really have to assume. this is the classic, imperialistic conquest of land. all. he seized a great deal of military force to achieve this. he started a brutal war. i knew that once he's also accepted that hundreds of thousands of russian soldiers have died. i will be seriously injured at all for his imperialist
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3, you will. so she has a doctor's stall, motor certificates, and a corresponding pros. the punch it was in the room during the landscapes remarks. she had more about his colleagues. yeah, he certainly put, caught the pretty optimistic figure as he walked onto the stage in the press room here in switzerland. he said that he believed history was going to be made during this talk. he said, he believed it was a success to have such an array of countries. record its cost during these to day talks here in switzerland would contribute toward peace. and he reminded reporters in the room that said the only country which ever wanted this war with russia reminding us that ukraine is eviction here. and of course, that's within the context of where we see rush over the framing itself. as the victim goal gauge, these talks is come up with an alternative, so called peace proposal, which ukraine really sees as nothing more than a coal threat to essentially surrender so. so lensky seeming pretty,
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pretty optimistic. but of course there's some uncertainty. i won't leave, pulse can actually deliver. exactly. he puts on such a bright face, but there's anyone else there actually shared his optimism yeah, well, i see leaders will introduce talks. there's a big slogan, emblazoned on the wall here it says a path to peace. but if that's a path, it's really we're talking about the 1st step here. and the switch president acknowledged that the co host of the summit. she said, this is not going to be talks where peace is brokerage, not least, because rosa is not at the table here. but she hoped these talks candidly, the grown for future peace negotiations with russia here as flooded the proposal in which you kind of band is full provinces and drops. it's an a hill emissions. is anyone taking that seriously? it's definitely not being taken seriously by ukraine or it's western allies, which really see it as a broader part of russia said to essentially the rail
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a distract from the summit. it's just something to take the eyes of the world elsewhere. the question is, how seriously will it be taken by other countries, particularly those in africa, in asia, in latin america that has been trying to vote quite a narrow, tight walk between keeping up good relations with the west and also keeping up relations with russia. and indeed with russia's ally, china. so really one of the big questions going into these talks that i was most interested in is who was going to show up. and while we've seen you create a new president zalinski and his sweet counterpart proclaiming it a success that there are 92 countries present here. i should say, there are some notable no shows we've seen, for example, the major diplomatic, heavy weight, brazil, india, indonesia. so it's africa choosing to send either just a diplomat or a minister instead of their leaders, which i think will be seen really by so as a snob, and we know the ongoing context, right? that is, that russia has been pressuring states not to show up here. and nato is not showing
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up those who have turned up committee to one side or the other. what are the chances of another proposal for a piece plan? actually coming out of these talks at your, at as full leaders, diplomats ministers that are gathered here are working on some sort of a declaration. so if they money still get their names signed on that and agree on a text, there will be some a couple of days. but i think the real this test for whether this proves to be any sort of a success, even if it is a success in the sense of just one step forward, will be whether this can actually generate another summit. another meeting during the late for russia is actually present at the table. of course, most of it was not invited here, but i should say must go made it very clear from the outset. as soon as these talks were nice, but it was not interested in showing up that it thought it was a useless meeting. what leaders here gathered in berkeley stock and switzerland, we'll try to prove it to the contrary. that base is at least one way of step on
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a path toward peace, but no peace here today. of course, the war and ukraine drags on so high stakes. they are but relatively low expectations. the latest they have from our corresponding what was the budget in switzerland at ukraine, the summit. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making use of what it was navy has seized a ton of cocaine and see the right to place about 1500 calories. as of the coast. the drums are estimated to be worth $25000000.00. free ecuadorian nationals for the taint rallies are being held across france against the fall arrived. the protests come ahead of us snap election cold by president a member of my call and i made fee is maureen depends. national valley potty could come out the winter when the police clashed with demonstrate is $33.00. 5 works at the offices in the united states. supreme court has a turn to ban on. both stocks are rapid,
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5 feeding that makes rifles more like machine guns. the band was introduced during the trump administration after a gunman killed 60 people at the concert in las vegas in 2017. in south africa, the african national congress or amc has drunk a deal to form a coalition. government with multiple other potties. among them is the long time rival the democratic alliance. so the 8 the old fellows, a major election upset in which the amc lost its majority for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. the coalition also agreed on re electing 0 run the posts as president is more from an corresponded diane, who so i'm opposed to, has retained the sub african presidency. but this time under different circumstances. to get over the line, he needed the assistance of a number of opposition parties, including the democratic alliance. a party that campaigned csv against the agency in the may elections. the people have spoken. they have not given any part to the m
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. a chart now requires policies to come together. mister him, of course the is the leader of his policy. and he is the leader of the policy that is committed to constitutionalism, defending our democracy, edits institutions, and therefore we will work with them. now the a and c, d, a i, p, and other parties are formed what they call a government of national unity. and this government of national unity will be constituted, is not by to not by 3, but by more parties that voluntarily wants to participate. what does that mean? what it means, these different political parties have decided to work together for the basement of south africa. they've reached a formal agreement that will govern how they engage going forward. this includes
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how they will vote on different policies and how they plan to rebuild south africa is economy, improve its energy situation and improve employment. it's a tough task ahead for these political parties, particularly because they have vastly different backgrounds and different ideological views. but they've agreed that they're going to make it work to ensure that south africa gets back to work. the european football championships have kicked off with the bang, one of the biggest sporting events of the year. how strongly he beat scotland. 51 in the opening match. germany took the lead on the on the scots were on cost by the home team, the crews to an eye catching victory loudly and accept the scotland. fans grab headlines going into the match and were in fine voice during the game, but heading away from the munich stadium. their own little, most of j scots will now be hoping that team get the results they need in their
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remaining to group games to progress german confidence has been given a major boost. it's done your boss. a loaner from dw sports joins me now for a bit of analysis. and amazing starts with a tournament for the germans. very exciting stuff. what did you think? it was definitely a perfect start to the tournament for germany. i mean, leading up to the tournament, there was a lot of criticisms about the team because their last 2 performances were pretty lackluster. so there was questions about form that was questions about whether or not no air should start ingle. and it was a perfect statement. they sent 51 again, scotland, 5 different scores, 6. if you count antonio ruder, who scored and ogle an absolute master class from veteran tony cruz to put things into perspective. he attempted a 102 passes. he completed a 101. so on the other side, also the use from germany very, very solid. you mom was yella player of the match. and he actually spoke a little bit about him as a player and his potential and germany moving forward,
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which we can actually hear right now. mm hm. yeah, through familiar have so much quality in the team the that can help me think we we will carry some pressure on the shoulders and we will work for each of and when i'm on the pitch and we're having fun working for each of you, don't you don't feel the pressure and we want to do the same thing again on wednesday. was the same mentality. we want to win that game as well. such a good approach. what about in the sands on way you was it that relax. know in berlin right now, the 5 in the mood is definitely it's tournament time. their fans from everywhere around the city. now yesterday was the 1st day. so there were a little bit of kinks. let's say that the police had to iron out. i was actually in the fans on in front of the parliament and they had to, um, evacuated and shut it down for about 2 hours because they found
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a suspicious backpack, but they ended up clearing that up and it was okay. the fans were in massive numbers. everyone had a great time. okay. german fans probably a little bit more than it's gotten fans of course, because they were really disappointed with that loss. and we have some fan reactions here also for you would not understand it. so nice is a great, let's see here. and we will be here in the future. it will be great to snatch, and we know the gym and team. so we gotta stay cool. they said the drug store, it's going to be much worse. i get good to hear from the experts that tell us what do you think germany going to
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be favorites? i think definitely after their performance they will be looked at as one of the tournament favorites. their squad is built when it's one of the oldest teams in the tournament right now. but if we're talking about favorites, we also have to talk about france. for example, the runners up of the 2022 world cup. they could bring their 3rd team to this tournament and still be one of the favorites, england, very much in their golden generation. it's really that time now where they're expected to win something because they've not done anything yet. we also have christ on rinaldo with portugal. 9 we don't know if it'll be his last tournament and might and might not croatia also very good side. so a lot of fantastic football, we have to look forward to looking forward to it. thank you very much done. your bus load finally researches, uh for at least the family of beavers into low lying areas of london to protect it from rising water is davis. but once they have to break before being hunted to extinction 400 years ago, the dams, a bill can reduce the effects of flooding and improve by
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a diversity. the for the family was released into an area of west london with great success. the researches say they've been busy be bring away emphasis next down for, for the takes a look at the challenges of trans continental off the grid. oh, you update the green innovations, super green and the super eco friendly green chimes. the holy grail collect from a village green revolution global. so listen to all kinds of problems. if it curious, i'm trying to tell the rest of those channels. we've got new videos every friday tried to plan. it's a works.


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