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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm CEST

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the, the alcohol is often associated with celebrations, relaxation, or having a complimentary beverage with our favorite dishes. a little bit can help you feel at ease in social studies. however, too much can destroy lives and test families a part. but when does it become too much? that is the question we will try to answer through the people who shared the experiences with us. welcome to the 77 percent. i am your host ok to english. another coming up in the show would take us to the base to kenya, to find out how alcohol is impacting the use that we need
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a young woman who bought addiction and to one and we check out the lake by city of tumbling. just a reminder that we're not trying to tell you how to drink, but we're hoping to pass on some learnings on being safe while enjoying a drink or to know a lot of people think they must drink to have a good time, which is why we see people drinking at parties or sports events. on the other hand, a growing trend on social media is promoting a healthier life. so with sun choosing to skip the drinks altogether, we caught up with some gen fees on the night out in lagos, in accra. and here is what they had to say. you're ready to mostly when the seasons i picked him out early on those people would think i for
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that not a included. i fear that if i was this that they cannot afford and i guess i didn't get to the to my home sunday, so far as i really liked. yes. yes. oh also. so when i come live close and kids. so i mean like alcohol to relax and then combine them while i want to watch it. well, i mean, you don't really get much, you know, come on by we picking up a whole great and then get to the new one cuz yeah, think i'll call you mind when i'm down. i think like 2 or 3 bucks, how long have certain phrases that i deal with on level 2 in order to relate to
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them and valuable when we meet. we think something, something that's going to use our goal don't as you to boost by like, it's like a retry when we minutes. when i meet research frames, as i do this is walter. i've always loved to god bless. i've a whole quite a range of opinions, but something alcohol is necessary, but others all the life of the party, even without it. but let's get serious for a moment and discuss a dock side of alcohol. alcoholism is a medical condition which occurs when you can function on a day to day basis without drinking. the alcohol industry has zeroed in on the african continent as a key area for all called market growth. even though alcohol abuse is already a big problem, africans drink on average up to 6 meters of pure alcohol per person, per yeah. that's less than european. so almost every 10 meters. and americans who
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manage 8 inches. but is it taken to a contact more than half of africans of sand from i'll call this means the average african drinker consumes what? the 18 meters of l cool. rwanda met a gas cuz you've gone to and let's talk to a home to some of the history because on the continent. but how is the situation in kenya? my click edit combined, he took to the streets of motor and got in central kenya, to find out how young people are affected by alcohol abuse and diction. the hello and welcome back to the 77 percent st debate. this week we are in moraga in central can, you know, according to the national statistics, one in every 8th kenya is confused. alcohol, not a very big number, but when you consider the 42 percent of those who drink are considered to be alcoholics, then question mark stuck to a rise while wishing central kendall one of the most affected regions to try and find out why no society can do to address this,
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and i want to begin with to maria. do you mind sharing what you need through addiction and recovery has been i used to tell myself, i did not have a drinking problem on s t. i never, i would call myself an alcoholic just for laughs just for guides. but in truth, i really did have a drinking problem. i wouldn't wake up and drink, but i would get a whole bottle excessive in 50 a male m zynga and finish it off by myself in my room. do you remember what time at what point you felt like you need to drink in excess of and probably when my father died, honestly, all my life. i think my father struggled to that dixon over the alcohol, basically. and it was never, it was an open secret. you know, his family never really spoke about it. he never spoke to us about it. when he died . i felt, oh, okay, uncle whole took him, let me so alcohol whose boss, you know, with huge mistakes and we'll come back to to that initial as well. but you were
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talking about recovery and you're literally just these into your recovery journey. 5050. how many days? 56, they all come back to nations. how are you feeling right now? i feel so good. because alcohol, do you see me something i've struggled with for like over? i think 15 years plus. yeah. and it's not the normal thinking, like i have a drink on friday and that's it for the weekend. you know, it's daily drinking from morning to the evening and that's advocating monday, sunday. so i can see like for now i am so happy i gotta wake up so that i know what is happening here. i'm not drunk. so any. i'm so glad you that. so right, i like that. and for you again, what was the point of switch? you felt, all right, this is it's, i need to turn my life around or something is not going to work out to be and i have a son, and i have not really been a part of his life due to that it is now the article is it took me almost 11 years
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for me to come out of it, but i'm so glad to know i couldn't do that for my son. yeah. okay. so on, i want to introduce you because you'll also a recovering addict. but beyond that, you also have a community based organization working very, very closely with communities here who are struggling with alcoholism. so based on what you've had on your own personal experience, how wide spread is a problem of alcohol abuse and addiction and can you, in fact, you should be to get a national disaster. because actually we are losing a lot of people typical who lives in more than about drugs and other diseases put together, addiction is assumed best of disease and that is the reason why we have not. we can say that we have this, this, this but this fixed right up some of the $300.00 plus signs. because like, uh in the villages what they do when the person dies from a call is and nobody talks about it. so we don't really know how many people we are losing in the week, and you said that you lost quite a number of people in your family. is that because because of alcohol use? yeah. so let me just hear from the people who are in the audience, right,
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because we are hearing, but parents and families being addicted might be a contributing factor. did any of you grew up with parents where you would say, what dependent or alcohol excuse, raise your hand. let's see. can you please tell me about your story? when i was growing up, i was planning myself like when i was a kid like my father would come down like fight like be done, mama, you see and and some things. for example, in my family we echoed more do you see we, i couldn't, what do you like to create a word for the drug that drunk you see? so we find ourselves like for example, the 1st ones. in fact, the 1st one, all of us we have done got, does that include, you would see if you say, but what we see is that we would like for sure what we would like to stop. all right, so let me ask stella question here. still has been sent by local government representative here. we called them mc as members of the county assembly. and i'm just wondering
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when you hear people speaking here, this is not a problem. one generation, it's 23, sometimes 4 generations deep. so we have to even begin to tackle it the only way we can tell quote it is if we start from the onset, you know, from the find the se team for this is hatch to the, to the leadership bit. one of the things that will come to assembly has been able to do that thing, particularly youth who are not actively involved in anything. so these young people have been taking given walk to do for 3 months and upbeat for the walk. and then these young people decide, is this something i would like to learn is that security that would make me feel more useful? well, on that it was like 4 tickets like was a fee. you know that they'll before, despite the depth, nothing to do with that. like let me let me hear from john because government is doing nothing. oh, it is doing thought that the not being, as far as alcohol is even, is going to send a vessel said em way is, is, is not meant to head the ad it these mans to,
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to help few. and just to give them um, how she likes, but don't to agree that that's a step in preventing people from being disillusioned and potentially falling into alcohol, abuse the court. these 2 to be done, these, these and hospitals in him can, devolved the quotes of the code to govern individuals establishing any have the additional incentives of every in every hospital. so that one of that is sick and go there access medication, then take him to m m y s. okay? so you think they have the wrong way around, but really we haven't spoken, you know, well, knowing what you know now and doing the podcast to try and help people with dropping with the same thing. what do you think needs to be done more by us as a community by governments and other stakeholders? first and foremost, of course, is to talk about it. the more we speak about it, and the more we like we,
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as people in recovery are able to explain what we went through, how we wish things that have been different. that's the very 1st step that we need to take. ok, of course, let me hear from um, because i know you have the solutions and you already implementing that. i think it's the costs for collective responsibility. everybody has to come on board from the individual to the family, to the community, to the county government. national government rehabilitation doesn't have to be expensive to be effective. we can do it a bit of the village level, where we have people who are actually bringing this together. because what about some of the substance use this or the needs is love and acceptance? the moment we stop pushing them out, the what do we have the accepted and we have the accepted in the drinking dance in the drug, then that is we have the actually good. all right, so sure what we want to rough with you. if you had a chance to, you know, go back in time to when you 1st touched your 1st book to what would you tell that version of yourself and what would you tell anybody who might be watching,
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who is struggling at any stage of addiction? i would tell myself, she please don't eventually it's because it's on funding begins. i mean, i got into it's not wanting to be and i didn't get nobody wants to be and i did. it was all fun and games until now. the people list again, please. now the concrete, but now i'm left is of i didn't know they can squeeze to come get out of it. you know, it just have to keep getting high over and over again to numb the pain and the means that yeah, so tell them i understand please, please, please. she just keep both tracks. don't stick it in that fussy. okay. yeah. well, thank you very much for your thoughts and to all of you, we asked a simple question at the beginning of this debate. what is the problem? evidently, a very complex one. and the answer to that problem, if you ask me a lot of compassion and grace, thank you all for watching the . it's empowering to hear the voices of people who are managing to fight to
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addiction, even if it is one day at a time. my personal take away is that families should talk more openly about alcohol. and that is exactly what we have in our next report. because julia had this talk with his uncle waffle golf. white people like drinking alcohol. junior people wondering for many reasons. some others just like the discipline, but it's like eating too many cooking, too many. and he was a good to inflict q of a new exec imagining who had stolen the quick is that you does on the table and funding to the cookie jar the i never want us to lay mommy. and if you haven't somebody, because usually what i never do that again. candlestick is closed. i have moved. oh,
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we have move. exactly junior. so what did we learn about cookie? that's it for keeping with asian, much too much continued to a monster. the but still my kid, that's right. bruce marx, b 7, know you're leaving because no one who wants to be deposited and does he want the tables in funding? thank you and co awful for the insightful talk on a serious no thought alcohol abuse is one of the main contributions to crime, especially gender based violence in south africa in the janice folks up up of coordination built schools a trying to cope the spirit of alcohol and drug abuse by hearing from people who struggled with this issues themselves. it's a passionate plea in the face of a silent killer counselors from the p,
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a free life and g o. in pro young south africans like a medium a boot or to avoid using drugs actually good offers the fact that my settings, my mother's a police sidney from them. so that's when i became that i didn't feel like this. what they did to us home in this when i picked up my mistakes and be like, i would be thinking she's from car a nation vill in janice, but it's a tough neighborhood sandwich to between a growing info almost settlement and gang territory. drug abuse is right here with some teams experimenting with alcohol and marijuana. but heart of drugs are increasingly common. meaning the cities, things to say they put entities have in the dean or visit in the lakes at the closing to become a high. counsellor eugene peterson is a former drug addict and is 5 years so, but with his fee, a free life. colleagues,
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he works across several schools and how take the province with the highest number of drug rehab admissions in south africa. my 3 most the day. i know 3 of my 3 wants to die because i do not have a vision. our keeps up going to now it's what our kids are facing. and all that we say it's, and i still use north, the back is north northeast. you don't know what these you facing. you don't know what the, how is he going? how is it do? how, how is it for you to spin up in these? no new. how is it for you where he's mother don't cravy minutes? i my son, i loud, defying hopelessness. unemployment hunger and gains is a total us for youngsters like you'd be sick. but the conflict program has already helped to accumulate, to maintain that. and the issues in the comes down a, you know, knows in speak out to people because i'm not actually took a fist and i didn't pull. i just could be seen and it hurts me from the inside. and sometimes i would like to, to thousands. my mom and tell us what the issues are and you know,
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tell it is ma'am. this in, this is those, you know, and in the, to insure like help out in tell me you see, to this, into the like and he said, many teens admits they feel angry, but the condo will say, why, while drugs may prove a temporary escape fee of free life is on a mission to show even a brief high can come to tremendous cost prevention. but also the access to rehabilitation is vital for anyone struggling with addiction. intense any up support from family and drug rehabilitation centers offered elizabeth a way out of her addiction show is her story. thank you. yes you can. i ask you something really personal. have you ever tried drugs before? well, i'm show you're going to want to have this conversation i have with someone in terms and yeah, well struggled with a drug addiction, but it's fine mentor
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that don't be afraid. don't be a for a new piece. me happy when you this is going to just do the the so welcome to these data data which i'm going to be on the safe space for today's conversation. and as always, i'm your host sion on. so again, the medical doctor, you might know me as a conductor, and with me today is elizabeth, was one have personal but so against trucks. first, i want to say, i'm proud of what you've done before yourself. how old were you when you started taking drugs and stuff? this is 13 years. one of the schools flows that came home home i gave, they made that mistake, that they'll so they'll actually be in terms of that ot or isn't this, isn't that on an issue? so i decided to go to my boyfriend. so i went to bam. you to
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muddy jonathan misquoted and to see get mix davidson. so we smoke, mentor with that. don't be afraid. don't be a for you, this me happy with me. you. this is from the just usually there are a number of reasons why people, me abuse drugs, any explosions or drugs. usually the younger assessing is when to start using drugs that like heavy on to develop an addiction. but as much as that, it wasn't, grows up in an environment was about of trauma as a lot of stress, violence and abuse. you might just include, you have the tendency to construct how about your family, your friends did affect your relationship with them. they had a very button until now a lot of the lot on us and me know what made you decide that you need to show that there is a treatment. but for me,
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on my agenda with an on tooth with those clothes. i was thinking that may be cool. let's do you know, as long as the lupsi are no more fair to go home. i took a loan, that's all i'm stuff i for the submission, everything the police. but there isn't. is that all i need to stop on like on land level could not community if we look there, is it so you you finally go to the place where you know, wanted to yes stuff to drunk to. so yes, i didn't want to use my time of much. i flew north that somebody on my own i was using uncle and i was taking him down for almost 4. busy one, the but of the and also i for that at all for live i don't again for a whole like a way to it with me desktop, this kind of issue i spoke though. so using a full se, garrett data, amazing sort of fine. like using anything, how long does it been?
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now it stops every from trunks for this, the code it for 4 years. yeah. for these papers, if you're struggling with drug use, i want you to know that it is never too late to get help. you can win the battle against drugs just like elizabeth has, and they'll also forget to share and put your comments below. we just made anything from you. we're so proud of you, elizabeth, and wish you all the best. now, throughout the program we have dealt with a heavy topic of alcohol abuse. so we'll finish off the show. we'll head off to cumberland to discover how people enjoy life in northern kindness. biggest city, hello. there's some of the 30 percent off. my name is because i know the development and i welcome you to the 3rd largest in gun us. how come to somebody? somebody is the beats in house of northern gun. it is the sense of what a countries is. lemme feed with 90.5 percent. been practice in muslims,
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the fast growing city has just on the 1000000 residents and it's a milton pulse of cultures. and most of most, it needs lots of food to fall to city. so it takes us to try to local favorites for phone spots of the cost of people across the old and some ali. we also have a little comfort times as um, so is that for you? oh, it sees it, and this is moved from base to be precise upside and didn't have it set it in to be taking into the grinding meal. it would turn it into floss and then it doesn't have to give you a hot water. you just sprinkle the flow and it's so it keeps tab and so it saves this way and um, it would look all sit as low as you saw the initials along with most of the initials towards the company is known for taylor in gun is traditional smoke a top women creates the materials while still clock them and finish the final product. what's the cost to
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a nearby to like to witness the painstaking process. first time. today we are here at one of the places where i'll look out things i've made. so come, let's have a look at, it's how it is sent into nice smoke. so you can see, we still preserve all its audition by making it with our house. that's right up front that there's more than anything we still hold frame on to outside this. it was to make it with all that. huh. and this is a will for 13, i'm for 7, all try this and this is what we got on the streets. most people only move to buy it for personal or business use, but sadly, most root accidents also involve multi vice, was that and not as joined gun this route, 50 initiative to educate the right is. so today we, i have to engage the foot on the crust, held about the screen and there is something that is the cause of route as the sun dips below the horizon,
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which leads us to read place to do, established by renowned canyon artists. abraham mohammed is like stepping into another world captivating, contemporary at dawn and every corner. and so we have a lot of things old things as well, just including oats or sign boxes and some of the beds that we use during the world war. and then also we have couple of golf courses which is middle faulty life brought together by this young and talented month, just to inspire or bring back to life the history. this is on it roughly. i mean if you have a platform, we have finish off. you know, and it's, and doing because young people comes to those, come len quoted, how to use a drawing and how to use visit. i think the tools direct listed you as a mattress run project space exhibition hub cultural repository. an artist residency emblematic of html itself. it's
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a side look into the future. when i went to the 6 of somebody and look into the eyes of the young people, i see hope i see was the, i see determination. and i believe that this young people would contribute towards the development of the mother from ali. i sort of thank you. i'll have fun for the tour and thank you all for watching until here. if you liked, i'll show you can find out more content for my social media channels. log on and tell us what you think. and remember now is the time to start conversations with our families and friends about the use of alcohol based conversations can change our culture and the choices we make when it comes to drinking. in that way, we can also reach those who are struggling silently. well, in the show with a song from labianca colt people, i am located english in other spaces. and until next time
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you lose the the,
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the, the, the drain vision. go forward with the teenager bursting with telling me no. the 1st doctor with down syndrome to start your own mat in 30 minutes. oh d w. but you will tell here we are happy that we are back to the story.
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we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 90 minutes on the w, the i wish i could have done more to save. you just click away find out based on you to really see the world as he's never seen it before. the drive now to dw talking. i'm trying that
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they were brought together by chance and they roots in the early nineties, on independence, free woman, and the mother of 10, in a strict patriarchy the sooner they can, they not assess team to tell. it's been of saving the lives of hardy a and had dorsey's edison says, jesus lines that have been shaped by the brutality of rule and religious constraint. what he's telling me to waste of my daughter's stuff june 22nd on d w. the
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. this is dw use life from bell in security is tied in switzerland as worldliness made for summit on peace, and you're quite the conference items through outlined the basis for future negotiations. russia wasn't head binding, also coming of thousands take to the streets across france to protest against the ring. the pens file, right, national rally party. ahead of the upcoming elections. the i been visible and welcome ukraine space summit is kicking off in switzerland.


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