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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, we use live from the then secure, he is tied in switzerland as world lead is made for a summit on pace. and ukraine to come pertains to outline the basis for the future negotiations, bratia and wasn't invited as thousands take to the streets across france to protest against maureen depends file, right, national riley potty. ahead of the upcoming elections. the tie and been fizzle, and a summit on pace that ukraine has kicked off in switzerland,
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bringing together more than 90 countries. ukraine's president florida base of landscape greeted officials at the door of the summit in the town of building stock . the event that is to create a unity around a paste plan, put forward by ukraine. the russia is not invited. it's main back at china, isn't that among the attendees german child's level of shoulds, find the presidency, ma'am? all my call and you west vice president, come on the house, is the vision at the conference on the way forward. so lensky wants support for his 10 point piece plan, which includes the cessation of hostilities. the withdrawal of russian troops and the restoration of ukraine's pre ball board is speaking before the opening of the meeting, organized by keep the price the variety of lead is attending and welcomed. all credible proposals are leading to adjust pace, use ideas, and leadership of each nation are equally important to us and ever seeing that will
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be agreed upon that assignment today will be part of the piece making process that we all need. i believe that we will witness history being made here and assignments. thank you for your support and i may adjust these be established as soon as possible a correspond or both a bunch of was in the room during those remarks. yeah, he certainly caught up pretty optimistic figure as he walked onto the stage and the press room here in switzerland. he said that he believed history was going to be made during this talk. he said, he believed it was a success to have such an array of countries. record its cost during these to day talks here in switzerland would contribute toward peace. and he reminded reporters in the room that said the only country which ever wanted this war with russia
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reminding us that ukraine is eviction here. and of course, that's within the context of where we see rush over the framing itself. as the victim goal gauge, these talks is come up with an alternative, so called peace proposal, which ukraine really sees as nothing more than a coal for it to essentially surrender so. so lensky seeming pretty, pretty optimistic. but of course there's some uncertainty. i won't least pulse can actually deliver. exactly. he puts on such a bright face, but there's anyone else there actually share his optimism yeah, well, i see meters walk into these talks. there's a big slogan, emblazoned on the wall here. it's has a path to peace, but if that's a path, it's really we're talking about the 1st step here. and this was president acknowledged that the co host of the summit. she said, this is not going to be talks where peace is brokerage, not least because rosa is not at the table here, but she hopes these talks candidly, the growed for future peace negotiations with russia here as flooded. the proposal
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in which you kind of band is full provinces and drops. it's nato emissions. is anyone taking that seriously? it's definitely not being taken seriously by ukraine or it's western allies, which really see as a broader part of russia said to essentially be rail and distract from the summit. just something to take the eyes of the world elsewhere. the question is, how seriously will it be taken by other countries, particularly those in africa, in asia, in latin america that have been trying to vote quite a narrow, tight walk between keeping up good relations with the west and also keeping up relations with russia. and indeed with russia's ally, china. so really, one of the big questions going into these talks that i was most interested in is who was going to show up. and while we've seen you create a new president zalinski and his sweet counterpart for claiming it a success that there are 92 countries present here. i should say, there are some notable no shows we've seen, for example, the major diplomatic,
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heavy weight, brazil, india, indonesia. it starts africa choosing to st, either just a diploma or a minister instead of their leaders, which i think will be seen really by some snob. and we know the ongoing context or right that is, that russia has been pressure and states not to show up here. and nato is not showing up those who have turned up a committee to one side or the other. what are the chances of another proposal for a piece plan? actually coming out of these talks that you're at are the leaders diplomats ministers that are gathered here are working on some sort of a declaration. so if they money still get their names signed on that and agree on a text, there will be some outcome of this. but i think the real witness tests for whether this proves to be any sort of a success, even if it is a success in the sense of just one step forward, will be whether this can actually generate another summit. another meeting during the late for russia is actually present at the table. of course,
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most of it was not invited here, but i should say, most of them made it very clear from the outset. as soon as these talks were nice, but it was not interested in showing off that it's thought it was a useless meeting. what leaders here gathered in berkeley stuck in switzerland, we'll try to prove it to the country. that base is at least one way of step on a path toward peace, but no peace here today. of course, the war and ukraine drags on so high stakes. they are but relatively low expectations. the latest they have from our corresponded what was the budget in switzerland at ukraine, p summit. and you have a chance level of schultz has criticized food. and this proposal made on the eve of the gathering, the russian leaders said he'd be willing to enter a piece, negotiations on the conditions i just mentioned. but schultz says, put in is trying to take, take the times for peace, you know, buys. this is kind of, everyone knows that this is not a serious proposal, but that it has to do with the peace conference taking place in switzerland. 14. but putin has reveals what he's really after seeing this is the plastic
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imperialistic conquests. the flat oval. he seized a great deal of military force to achieve this. he started a brutal war. i knew that once he's also accepted that hundreds of thousands of russian soldiers have died. i will be seriously injured at all for his imperial deisel 3 such as are locked in install motor certificates and rallies of being held across france to protest against the found right that demonstrations kind of a head of snaps elementary elections later this month, cold by president a member of my call, and he braces in groups joined french unions to march through the streets of paris . they see a marine, the pens, national, riley, pa, he could lead the 1st 5 ride governments into the 2nd world war. federal thirties expect hundreds of thousands of demonstrators to turn out nationwide. and the old police clashed with both testers who it's for the 5 works at the dw correspondence on you found like i is in paris, she explained what's driving protest is to turn out by the thousands as well. these
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are definitely some of the biggest demonstrations against the far right that we've seen so far. ever since president mccall, call those a snap and make sure i'm missing you know to both of thousands of people now not just in the capital of virus but also in the city of marcy earlier today we saw processing volume in the salt in valencia, and in the notes that a big part as fly tramodol in neil as well. i think what is essentially driving many of these demonstrators to come out in big numbers. i think is boats. you don't kind of angle as well as field that the snap elections could potentially give the far, right? it's best shot to the governing fronts since the be she reggie of what, what do we have to remember that the far right measured, riley. this is a nationalistic populist potty which you know, has and t migration that it's, um, it has its main platform and it's spent, you know, in the past to spend decades of the political fringes because it's, it's founder was convicted of racism, inputs 9 the whole, the cost of the body to the it has rebranded itself under the name the pen. it has
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cleaned up its image, but a lot of speakers to be at these riley said that the far right really hasn't changed. it's stripes. and one that, you know, press freedoms the right to demonstrate and mobilize and treat the dns would even be a threat. if the far right came to follow. what is it about the far right in front? so it has these flavors, so can, so what do you think the prospect of, of the national body, you know, kind of forming the government and kind of the setting the domestic agenda has kind of unsettled many because even though the far right has not with these it's full manifesto for the selection. it has said that one of its main key points will be immigration. the president of the spots he brought on by the law has said that he will, you know, his last radically come to immigration. both legal as well as the legal and he's about to push to enrolled, enabling the explosion of what he says that the quins and as long as they have also
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the old strength to push kind of protection is french 1st policies. so they doing things like, you know, giving fine citizens preference when it comes to accessing social services, try to get benefits. they want to withdraw the right of residency for migrant if they are out of work for more than a year or so. i think a lot of these proposals really concerned a lot of people. another thing we heard at these demonstrations today is many speakers wanting that to the far right is also print to women's life and gender issues. now we have seen lorinda painted the pos, change her position on abortion. she agreed to back a move to anchor abortion rights and the french constitution recently, but she does remain opposed to things like the same sex marriage, same 6 adoption and so long to see. and so i think that a lot of concerns here about what funds would look like if they, when it came to baldwin, is all of this having some sort of effect on potties on the left. now we've seen a lot of friends even to go see sions among parties on the left, as well as the right in recent days. and we will see that in the coming months as
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parties kind of just sort of form alliances and really kind of get the campaigns of shapes simply because we don't have a lot of time to do that. the 1st part of the connection is already at the end of the month. but yes, on the left we have seen a deal of concerning the sent to left socialist party is what is 3 of the parties on the left. they have kind of put aside their divisions over the water and garza and you cream and said they would unite. and then the lions call the popular front . they said the, this is main to kind of fight what they call the race this project of the far right, the going head to head with the far right and see these emails to keep them out of power. and there are some lingering tensions in the scan, but this is quite a big deal because if the fault, if the lift does have a strong showing in these elections that could potentially, you know, or to the make up of the parliament. and also court, you know, quote the fod rise from getting an absolute majority and part of the dw correspondence. so you found like a empower let's take a look now at some of the other stories making use. so bunky is the president paid
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a pedigree and has been formally sworn into office. the ceremony took place, i mean, heightened security following the assassination attempt to dissolve, satellite populace prime minister wrote that defeat so a month ago. maybe a pin as many as one and a half 1000000 mos on pilgrims and braving sweltering heat to prey on mount our fat in saudi arabia. as this is hodge reaches its climax off to our event, the pilgrims will collect pebbles to carry out the symbolic stoning of the devil ritual in mina on sunday. britons princess of wales has made her 1st official public appearance since announcing her cancer diagnosis. middleton attended the trooping of the call of the king charles official birthday. she says her treatment is progressing well, but that she's not out of the woods yet. of the sports news out and the european football championships of kicked off with a bang hosts germany beat scotland on friday, $51.00 in the open match in munich. germany took the lead or the on the scots were
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out cost by the whole team. that cruise to an eye catching victory man of the match and score of germany 2nd gold tomorrow. we'll see all that had this to say off to the game. yeah, so familiar have so much quality in the team that can help me. i think we, we will carry the some pressure on the shoulders and we will work for each of when i'm on the pitch and we're having fun working for each of you don't, you don't feel the pressure and we want to do the same thing again on wednesday was the same mentality. we want to win that game as well. it was a dream started for germany's fans, but some scottish fans also managed to be optimistic despite the heavy loss would not understand. it's so nice, it's a great up. let's see here. and we will be here in the future, but yeah, it will be great to match and we know the job and team. so we gotta stay cool
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to they said the drug store is going to be much worse. and then saturday's 1st, euro 2024 match switzerland began their campaign with a 31 to face of hungry in cologne. that puts the switch team level on points with germany at the top of course by are finally, officials in california have released thousands of rehabilitated pelicans in the san francisco bay area. hundreds were found stopping on beaches along the california coast. the spring across the states that we full 100 of the brown pelicans, were rescued by wildlife centers scientists and not sure what caused the ministry. illness. theories include changes in the ocean environment and heavy stones and
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investigation is ongoing. next sports life talks to one of the thousands of ukrainian civilians, if lost limbs in russia's invasion. i've been visible and on use next. now we feel that the in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind, trusts instead of going to class. others can attend classes, the minions of children, of the wills, collins going to school we also want.


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