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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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the credits lie behind these discovered new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating boats. heritage selling dw world heritage. 360. now the today we are to visit the doctor. we do have in the body track. this venue in gun his cap. it's out of that's the toughest basis, as well as the rooftop restaurant with a standing to see if you design to plus the creativity on the collaboration. this tab provides a dynamic environment full at different net freelance as ad remote wicked. but before we take a look around all this, we love this, we learn the secrets behind that keep my liquids this, that a 5 door treat from south africa. discover how process
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a deal from p. yeah. health children in the slums, through them with needs done your content from nigeria who demo states the power of the inclusivity, whether it's positive i am to have the annual wants in our free back. the when it comes to let me get a visual access to to the handle, it's difficult to see where the app and, and the activism dig. let's read them and find out what drives the bound list. pressing on to create. the julia handle gets to make it in the streets and public spaces of been took namibia. but why? whether it's sexuality, whether it's an identity,
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who all we was taught the the clothing. basically, i want to find that out. julie is preferred genres with your art and activism of performance, odds and photography. the isn't it amazing that this nudity is what we all have in common? and if we can find a safe space to dfcs, realize it kills through that process. how amazing. and then the response was no, this is sexual, but somebody came to one of my performances and a man. and he asked me, what is the difference between what you just did and a stripper and a strip club? where does this attitude to julia is where it come from? and how do they see their role as an opposite? number here is very christian and conservative society and is mostly german influenced. and i would say 90 percent of how we show up as a collective consciousness,
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very male dominant. and patriarchal and suffocating women are the same as just kind of objects. and the majority of men in this country have those permanent belief that they belong to them. and i think part of the main problem with gender based balance in our country is that sense of disconnection from veterans and pre colonial africa nudity was something that was teladvantage. it was as natural as i think, and tang or magic even. and that's what i'm really hoping to to bring back into our consciousness as black people, especially. so a lot of the work i'm a comes from the place of not wanting to abide by those kind of societal expectations. how can i change things just by showing up and saying, no. so it's a way of provoking, but also inviting the viewers to kind of be changed. let's find out how julia sees
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sexual liberation as part of helping the 1000000 women move beyond patriarchy and colonization. the black female form was seen as dirty, and that was the message that was put out there on televisions and books. it's everywhere. so african women's sexualities need to be feeds because it was taken from us accepting that i am clear and has been monumental. and then figuring out that query is not one thing and can have a 1000000 faces. find that when we liberate ourselves through the sexual creative power, we can return back to all the sauls and perhaps back to the ways in which our ancestors um, celebrated sexuality. the movie i gained independence in 1990. yeah, julia feels the colonial influence of galleries is one of the biggest obstacles
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that they face. i've encountered a lot of censoring around the world are off the who to t. we're not really independent. is 200 percent with the european games 33 years later. so i find that the work i may really is not allowing me to stay in those spaces. one of the ways julia and i'll get the message out is by taking the odds to the street. how are they doing that? i figured that i could put up posters and then watch people interacting with the work as they walked by, photographed a few women of china's and these women also had experienced rib. so they just shared little snippets of a story. and i've seen people get angry. i had one in the middle of town and it had a man lying down. so you can kind of see the side of his, of his genital slightly. and somebody decided to take a pen and aggressively scripted out. and i'm wondering, was it a man?
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was it a woman as an interest fictional, feminist julia is particularly intense unimed power in black and create women. but how has their work evolved over the years? it's really important for me that black women show up looking really fossil and then allowing her to fall into her softness is really what i want to portray. i don't just want to be the angry black woman who's doing work to the great black body. now i feel like i have the opportunity to transition from being a provocative artist to making off of you. so the ritual that we're doing today is our sister who's circle where these particular women have a lot of 40 dis morphia. so they're working on and allowing themselves to be vulnerable while being seen. so i'm just a sense of like freedom within their bodies for 6000000 years. humans won't do it without shape. without fear, without comments, you kind of have to tap into the power of being vulnerable and the more you
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surrender and lean into being seen and being heard from the more of the i kind of happen. judy, a hungry reminds us how dependent we are on our prejudices, and now closing, and how free we would be without them. what that means active is that it is truly inspiring. joining me now to tell us more about the mix design, how is robert baldwin, the market saying that he makes my job of best buy any? what is by the creation of this venue? the inspiration is a centered in and around wanting to have a multitude of artistic entities under one roof since that has not been done and not right yet. can you describe the most of facets of space available here? absolutely. so our ground level um its host, our t o c t o f c company, the office furniture company. um it also acts as
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a show room for the office furniture. our 1st floor here, access a um, a co working spaces that can be leased or rented out our next level is our gallery space. and that is used for hosting large scale vin use parties. and we also host exhibitions, artistic exhibitions in our gallery. and our last level is our restaurant interior space, where you can see the ocean view from our terrace slider. so how does this vending from what's interesting ability within the 1st step ability is promoted. generally by or can be seen through the people that we work with. um, so when you noticed a lot of the wood that is used in this building, we didn't shop down any trees to acquire this would be found to trees that were in the forest and that were already, you know, kind of knocked out. so in that way we didn't, we didn't harmony for us, we didn't utilize any, any trees that didn't need to be taken. and also, um, we work with different vendors that that are tied to sustainability. so the
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next artistic exhibition that we'll be hosting on the 7th of june features, stephanie and an artist named stephanie and what she uses our recyclable materials to create her art. and so we really embrace of working with individuals like that because it definitely helps to promote this idea of sustainability. understand this a strong flag, pause. that's what it is. it gives to you, right? to live again, you know, that can be essentially seen by who we work with or so in terms of the artist that we work with in terms of the vendors we work with. there is a priority towards the female entrepreneurship. and so if you are a, a female board and gone up with the business, we will prioritize working with you above others, factual that thank you. so based off the coast seats do better than the american donuts for many south african low cost. yes. let's on cover that series of the
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cruise this that and that's know the look at the deeply rooted in the cube. molly tradition needs donuts when the south africans have consistency. cuz the stairs are deep fried sweet to topped with coconut. but is that the only secret that makes them so delicious? let's take a closer look at these deep bibles, which originate from the blue copper region in cape town, and a popular with muslim communities across the country. so lovely, delicious face. um you know, culture that we this we enjoyed the monday sunday morning, reminded me of my could and now she used to mention the secret of cable, a donuts crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. you might think that's easy, right? you're less been making these crews just as famous in the historic johannesburg community of the test for over 10 years. the one day i just decided let me stuff
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that i flicked my mommy. so to give the, we made those and i was impacted with adult. but we kept on today and then eventually and i thought of making my own and the fact that setting this sweet sheet is made from doorbells with used and various spices. it is bride gibson, sir then rolled in, desiccated coconut, who could ask for anything tast here. let's see how it's made. secret one the spices. in addition to the flour, angie's christmas to is generally contained cinnamon and a seed ginger and caught them on other risk. peas, coastal ground tangerine po, as well. these boom, traditional spices. a characteristic of cape really causing some say it's like taking a bite out of christmas. so i'm going to mix the
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spices with the cake flour. i'll be putting some water just to make a dough to now be eating my oil. so this is that though it's at 80 now, so it's just gonna be one side to rise. and then i've got to another page that i made earlier. so that's one reason it will often fly. i'm just for trusting it because then the door is much easier to handle and it will all be more or less the same size. now that the doubles already it's time to deep fry the the
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secret to these and now drenched and boiling center. the secret 3 coconut. the 2 sisters are ready to eat, but there's an even bigger secret secret for it has a sister. now is that isn't enough to satisfy your sweet tooth. there's more add an extra k in the word goose instead. and you get the cook system across be a stick you and even sweet to vision off the street. it looks a little different to why because this to is rolled in bold. the cook system is formed into a k to shape and well, because this is a cold and been dipped in hot syrup. cook sisters of done straight from the pen into cold syrup. so ice cold surface, really the necessity when it comes to groups is this, the crunch is what we look for. we're in pretoria, illogically,
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over cons populated city and be the author console. so i'll cook system was even more simply, pain can be traced back to 17th century holland. the list, the closest to, was introduced to south africa by cape release, slaves from se a, just in the 17th and 18th century. well, both with in with sista and refer to sweet therapy pace, cheese cook translates to cake or cookie. and that's the time since the has been said to come from to assist is making this treat to give that a while the meaning of christmas to hasn't entirely been determined. it has its origin indicating the language from the book up region in cape town, formerly known as the cape, related quarter to here in fee test, johannesburg, south africa, you'll find people enjoying christmas to fresh on a sunday morning here. many of your lives customers buy them by the doesn't this even a world goose's today? celebrate it on the 1st sunday in september. so are you ready to get your hands
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sticky and taste these delectable treats? well, when you do take a moment to appreciate the cultural significance and the centuries old jen that each 5 carries, which do you think you'll like the bit? i will have to fly back to you all the way to include these. we included a gallery space to really centralize artistic activity in the building, so to really bring in on a consistent basis of people with the artistic interest. and that's, that's workforce. what kind of experience do you hold? yeah, and how often i would say traditional and non traditional artistic exhibitions. they are usually 30 days long, but they bet fluctuates of it. but typically, each exhibition last through, through the month, that is more about the rooftop, the rest of the rooftop is i would say one of our most prized spaces here at the mix. because it's the only place in a crowd where you can catch
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a very clear view of the ocean while you enjoy a meal. how does this place engage with the local community? so the mix engages with the local community through our events. you mentioned the circle you event on psychology is one of the biggest hip hop artist in africa in the continent. and we hosted a rapper holiday exhibition for him. and we invited about 3 or 4 schools to come and experience what we had prepared for for that expedition. just because we know that that young people were highly interested in motivated to, to come in experience, anything connected to that artist. all right, thank you so much. you're very welcome. thank you to miss dennis. it takes us to narrow between yeah, when we meet the process for the food that isn't hans the mental well being of the children in the city, it's loud and joy. how can dancing boost your mental health, pregnancy or gamble those best? 6050. he's on
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d months with dave to wants to teach some kids how to improve their health in lives with for me, if it were not for them right now, i don't know where it'd be. maybe i mean, did, or even died at the age. i'm here today because of the bands i can express myself personally. that's did. and that's funds for don bullying raised in kiera. what kiera slide just slums from this place to cry. drug copies can balance from young age. before we get to know why he decided to support the keep the keep bro. let's have a deeper look at how he managed to escape. he's on fate. so many people, not a bit of one of the largest lounge and all of that in so many things go on growing up and all that need to charge. it was very fun, a lot time until i reached my i don't listen to it. because at this point is when i was here living the things that they loved, things that they want to be life. and one of the things that to me, students strong for me was that i left him,
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i was really struggling with sense of belonging. i didn't find a place where i can say this is where i belong. and with a gun, it felt like, oh, actually these people loved me at some point, again, lowes to close friends or flawless because of stuffed. so every day i was waking up with all the light a today we do everything go and then all of that. and when that happened, i totally was the moment of begin for me to think on what i want to do with my life . the only thing i had at that time was done. but how exactly does to become, he's been co pay for better in term of the future, to downsize phones, confidence a to done so can be my sense before likes what i have to go back to school then, but this quote finished and we have now back here and implemented what we want to do, and that's how we set have done thing with kids. and my dad, he wasn't okay with that. my dad threw him down for the boat for institutional and my dad came down with about drug abuse and getting into crime and all that to prove
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he's very strong friends, is found. it seems like she is, which means playful. in 2018 today. the group and joyce at international reputation, but it was a low work to get there. what was his big gift towing just from thoughts of my dog was most of the product and whatnot. really being done, some of them still don't be living in bounce up for now because most of the buttons were like no dunce doesn't make sense. so we have different programs, interpretive of, we have community program which basically focuses on the community part and building 5th communities. and then we have building happy schools, and this is mainly focusing on schools and making school for fits place. we have to then look for it to go to then we have counseling a program, then we have district kid to add the smell. it takes the student back to school. they're the ones that cannot go to school because of school fees,
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issues and of that time. and just uh then we have our other side of the community around is that record and live in that you've done 50 volts. so this out 50 was that you knew it'd be a to create that way. and i think the community on how dusk we've had a mental well being. and all that does is more than just simple movement music and movements also in cottages to express our emotions. and does persist them better dancing releases and offering our happiness. how as part of his mind is to make he's very personal phone of does therapy access the book to children, to walk in. you know, we got 3200 and how we've been able to do that is we're going to community find people train them, then they open like come so we have like different hubs across natal b. but also we have a couple about if you do come, well we just opened and it's going on. amazing. if you go to yeah, you play music,
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children, read them, then bounce unlocked. that part of me connecting with my friends and just enjoying life. and just expressing my sense and just being safe or being i dream too much of the me stand by 10 to 18. and since i didn't is that you have the it's, i've helped me to find my inclusive to know the person i am and to know i want to be in the future as the community of dancing keeps expand, processed, and he's team because my insane, talented down says to become community based done school, which is they go beyond just teaching them listed how be substance for emotional suffering, think kids having hyphen 15, he's able to talk of things uh kids able to sort of conflicts, kids able to help him, but the in them and also what i've seen is our kids, i know becoming professional done. so i've, you've seen him, the video style kids,
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and now it wouldn't make the visual for me. i would say that of texting for a home or beginning in he's on the home front because gordon, he immediately proceeded to date the influx. 2003 on the children each week and have 17 sent us, offered a total of $3000.00, a $165.00 classes to the to the what we've various schools to offer. does curriculum? unable to attend one of this thing does, does this mean that francis has 3 he go by temperament 70, if he can be able to impact more than 10000 children across can. yeah, that shouldn't be a dream come true. in kenya, process of gamble would be remembered as the 0 employees does to make a defense. the
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. ready the, what's an incredible initiative, especially for mental health amongst kids. however, teenage that daniel cruelty is imprisoned, a part of law, but after fence for lunch in his own fuss and drunk that fairly break. o g b t q includes to be in conservative nigeria, same sex relationships, khattab who is the host i well for the l g b t q, class community but like ocean, tina john daniel clunky, has an idea to make it a little friendly with you and to see question brand concave apparel very much, and so just think about so,
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so in this coming this one as to the reasons i say it's just not as i'm done, we're going through. so i hit one disrespect to discrimination on 3 or press one. so green up, i always been like bullied on all of that. despite the odds, think it's brand has been welcomed, especially in the l. g. b t q plus community. bold inscriptions like fan isn't weakness. gender is fluid and we can be seen of happening, hung out around legal i think it's quite a new way to and inclusive brand. i've always had a hard time finding. the old stuff fits my agenda, expression sees uprisings very, very bold come from someone else's age. taking these calls course is really kind of society, really leaving it. always fun of things like this. done, you runs on online store from his home. he reveals designs on his instagram page.
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clients can also request designs done, you know, then gets across the country is to realize the outward before supervising the ceiling and grunting visions or by the offensive. i think it will just come on. and so my business page and just be like, hey, what's up, why are you doing this? is definitely is this again, is go through on what's on what's not on. what's the ever, the thing people don't understand is my brand is not out for the, for those particular person. so my brand before it be 45 blocks and was the only routes my son to ask what's, while you're doing something like this, what does this mean? books, it is no, right? but then i want to spend so most of the time i see the need to keep them what things mean. for me, i tried gonna, we hope you've enjoyed the so please go to d, w dot com, forward slash up free mac full. so next time, goodbye or
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the answers, the 6. so a said june support for the fall, right? cost to use in the european elections. send tramos across the continent. my guess is we get some drug costs, the outgoing member of the european problem in terms of the macros when they saw this, how risky is macros? decision to coal, small collections, and from quite a step in this conflict. in 30 minutes,
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managed by front bought the the the, this is the, the news life from that. a lot of years the landscape says he hopes to forge of path to was what he calls. i just piece as an international summit time, but the ending, the war opens in switzerland. ukrainian president tends to move in 90 international dedication to taking cost. russia. it was not about also on the program, britain celebrate the king charles his birthday with a ministry parade. this the princess of wales makes her 1st public appearance since come so tag. no since
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