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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 16, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news night from berlin for the meals dimansky stays. he holds the forward default with what he calls on just a piece. as an international summit aimed at ending the war, opened ukrainian president tank the mold of 90 international delegation, sticking fox prussia among them. and britain celebrates king charles in the 12th there with the military parade. as the princess of wales makes helpful, public appeal to unplug. council diagnosed the
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welcome to the program leaders and diplomats from 100 countries and institutions. alden switzerland trying to map out the faults to end the conflict and ukraine. russia is north of the conference, and neither is most schools, not just back of china. to fight the prominence, no shows. ukraine's president of a lot of meals. lensky was optimistic, of reaching consensus around a piece of land. representatives from over 90 countries gathered to try and forge a piece one for ukraine. notably, absent is russian president vladimir putin who was not invited. so the decision to exclude a warring party was met with criticism from some countries, including skepticism from a close ally ukraine. second largest donor germany, chancellor, olaf schultz, that negotiation was crucial, but stressed that it was russia that chose war. no country wants peace more than
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you queen. but let us be on this piece is more than the absence of bull. it is true peace and you cream cannot be achieved without involving russia. but let us look, forgot that as we speak russian and continues to run an please the way it's brutal was savanski defended the decision to exclude russia and said moscow would be informed when the time was right. there is no russia here. why? because if russia was interested in fees, that would be no war. we must decide together what adjust this means for the world and how each can be achieved in its ruling last week. so lensky was hoping us president joe biden would attend. instead, vice president camella harris joined leaders pledging on wavering support for ukraine and shooting down a so called piece proposal made by putin on the ease of the summit. he claimed
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russia would end the war if you crean agreed to give up for eastern regions and dropped its nato ambitions. and let nothing about the end of this war be decided with out ukraine. by contrast, however, yesterday, prudent put forward a proposal. but we must speak truth. he is not calling for negotiations. he is calling for surrender walk countries like germany and finland said the stomach is a 1st step to lasting peace. it's not expected to result in a real breakthrough. in the absence of russia. a month ago ukraine lowered its draft age from 2725 to use a fighting overall shells. invasion have taken a heavy toll on tooth numbers and the next generation is already getting ready for
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battle. dw, i'm in, is of visited one group of youngsters, practicing the skills. they'll need as future soldiers falling on. yeah. when the commander distributes rifles to the separate tactical group replicates, that is troops here only teenagers. so i'm not even that old yet. this is an after school club for the kids of shepherd, teeth couldn't western ukraine. they need 3 times a week to prepare for life in the country. it was in it that i took a junior sergeant and an air defense unit is the only adult here. she found that the program in 2015 with funding from donations grants and the local government, the senior after russia launched its full scale invasion in 2022. the clubs activities took on a new urgency. but elaina says her mission is bigger than just training future soldiers. so when you accept today, you want to invest the maximum and bringing up this generation watson because the future depends on the uniform. she always,
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they correctly understand who they are. we have picked up their citizens of ukraine, yet they are needed here so that they can develop the country on was what was the only then will there be a future here? and why would you go in the next? mostly as a supervisor, as the older kids teach, the younger ones, hard military skills, like how to assemble a real kalashnikov when they use wouldn't rifles for the drills, but there's no playing around. they are fully aware that their life may some day depend on this training the enforced discipline and relish difficult conditions like a brief down poor, the drench has the field today. the 16 year old and yellow is one that the younger kids look up to go. both his parents serve in the military and he's committed to doing the same another one the forward. she allows whether i'm ready to go and fight on the front line in the hot spot suddenly i think so. yes, for one thing. sure, because this is mike james, he is a citizen of ukraine, the unit gang basic skills skills that will help me in my training in the future.
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positive and obviously unhealthy. push the enemy out of our country. the reporter to the has the last reason. at 12 step on is the 2nd youngest and the group put him up. he hopes to take a different route, which is just about the name simply be stopped by you think you'd ever want to be a soldier. that's too much. i have no idea what's wrong with it. i know my thoughts to some of which anything can happen to know. but if i want to study for a civilian job, there are hundreds of youth groups like this and ukraine, and that number has grown significantly since the full scale invasion. that's according to the youth and sports ministry, which provides direct financial support to the larger ones. in the last 2 years, the ministry held conferences for youth groups across the country that involved 74000 young people on 5 dual credit and his ordinary now in ukraine, it's a time of internal reflection on life and some days. notice what happens to rethinking the question of how to raise the children, but also that they are citizens of an independent and why i'm capable country
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social. the other one is the last night or more than i could say in the years after 2 hours of exercises, spirits are high, but the walls are covered with sobering reminders of the war. these young men are graduates of the programs who have died on the frontlines. several other graduates are still there friday. but does have all you yeah, i would worry check it for the when we chat. i know they can't immediately go online and read my messages. what you're talking about, but i'm always checking the messages to see if they've read what i sent you, whether they've been online, whether everyone is there, they don't all answer right away. see you. but if they read the messages we have sent, everything is fine on this rule, but they'll send all of it out as the change back into their civilian clothes. members of the separate tactical group are just kids. once again, some of them still have 5 or 6 years before they become adults and have to make adult decisions. for others. that milestone is just
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a few months away. the 8th is rarely sold. girls have been killed during operations in the gaza strip. they were and then on the vehicle hit by an explosion in the city of russell. meanwhile, tens of thousands of israelis have demonstrated in favor of ending the war to allow a deal to be made on free and gets released still held hostage. and also downtown tel aviv suddenly in the hands of opponents of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i gain the saturday night protests have become a fixture of politics and israel active as of now known as the week of resistance against the nets. know who governments, they want the warning gauze. indeed, and these ready hostages brought home a message echoed by a hostage rescued recently by these ray, the army. all the cost is of it as doing the gaza. it's only one decision. only one. it is a deal between israel and how much ask the brain grand home as soon as
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possible. he is around the world. how much ask you to make and do as soon as possible. these re, the ministry has released more if you do of the operation which fee cost less than $3.00 other hostages on the 8th of june for the army mix that won't be possible for all the 120 hostages, still full to be held in gaza. so we slomo bill, should we have to honestly say should we will not be able to return everyone home in this way. possible number. she is one of the most you see more video released by israel on saturday shows ongoing operations in rafa, which the idea of saves resulted in how much the terrorists killed in the bathroom seized elsewhere. lo 8 soldiers died when that calm boy was hit by the explosion. the field may dash reporting to the information we have at this stage. one of the engineering vehicles in the convoy exploded to which was probably caused by improvised explosive devices buried in the area. montgomery, or as
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a result of the firing of a nancy tank me sound good, funky, more than 8 months, it feel tobar 7th terrace. the taxis, rails wall goal of destroying home us has not yet been a chief know of all the hostages being brought home sites, fueling the voices, and these ro, calling for a change of cost by the government. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. thousands of women in brazil have marched against a proposed loan, equating abortions of to 22 weeks of pregnancy diploma side. a bill before the conservative controlled congress press 6 to 20 years in prison for women who have abortions of to 22 weeks. abortion access is already highly restricted and preserved. of riley's have been held across from the protest against the fall,
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right? the demonstrations come ahead of snap election, schooled by president a manuel macro and a med feels that maureen live comes national riley party could. when police in v o also flashed, would demonstrate those throwing fireworks more than one and a half 1000000 muslims have gathered to prey on mount out of front in saudi arabia . for the high point of the annual husband. after work, the programs collected pebbles to carry out the symbolic stoning of the devil ritual in the no hutch is one of the largest villages godfrey's in the world. as housings braced the rain in central london to watch king charles's annual. both they parade the tubing of the color and to see the princess of wales make her 1st public appearance since her cancel diagnosis. only with the feel the, the treating of the kind of
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a some of the display of minute treat pageantry that mounts the king's official birthday. the annual events near bucking impala seize troops in full ceremonial regalia parade past the king. displaying the regimental flag, also known as bank color. the sea of the occasion was especially poignant, a show of stability by the monkey of to months in which both the king and the princess of wales have been sidelined by cancer treatment. and this is what many on lucas had been waiting. so the 1st glimpse of the princess of wales since she disappeared from public life. no december. in march, the princess revealed she taking a step back from her royal duties to one to go tense. the treatment then, in a statement released on friday, she signed the public for that kindness, said she was making good progress, but admitted she was quotes knocked out of the woods,
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yet royal funds break the weather tonight and the read some campaign over night to ensure the best view of the princess is arrival. so it's amazing in the carriage that went by. so it's amazing how you come to say as old as old, and we thank you so much. or when i heard the news yesterday i was so gloves and not come with this year. we're going to read and think mccain or kate would be here. and so when we found that they were both going to be here and it, it was like beyond the blessing me, it was like so exciting like this. my day is made like our trailer, our trip to london is made off to the ceremony. finally, for many royal funds, the highlights of the day, the princess of wales joined the king and royal family on the balcony of buckingham palace, to watch respect, taxi less to my post by the royal efforts,
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the bullets nero's now. and they got off to a fly installed in the false match of the european championships. here in germany, they cruise directory and style beat in croatia. 3 know all 3 goals came before the break in the other group be match, defending champions, easily managed or narrow to one when against albania, the italians have to come from behind. dr. albania, to just 23 seconds to score the fastest go ever at the european championships. and with funds had reason to celebrate us. the theme began the campaign with the 3 to one defeat of hungry in cologne. that put switzerland level on points for germany at the top of a stops all for now. coming up next,
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the photo past the story of a married couple costs between europe and africa. i'm the head driving. thanks for watching. good. by the way, the brought together by chance, and they roots in the early ninety's and independence, free woman. and the mother of 10, in a strict patriarchy the sooner they can, they not assess team to tell. it's been of saving the lives of how dia and had to chase edison. this is lines that have been shaped by debris, tennessee of rule, and religious constraint. what he's telling me.


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