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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 16, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the the, you're watching the, the news coming to live from fairlance world leaders are gathered at a swift resort, working to solidify international support for ukraine. representatives from about a 100 countries, a 10 day, 2 of a conference in switzerland aimed at ending the war top of the agenda, collectively condemning russia's invasion. also coming up on our show today. thousands takes up the streets across france to protest against marines of pens far right. national roughly, party ahead of upcoming elections and bridges. celebrates king charles's birth day
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for the military parade. as the princess of wales makes her 1st public appearance. center cancer diagnosed the great richardson, welcome leaders and diplomats from about a 100 countries are meeting in switzerland for day 2 of a conference trying to map out a path to ending the war and ukraine. russia is not at the summit, and neither is its largest backlit china. despite the prominent no shows ukraine's president for them years the landscape said he hopes the world would work towards a just peace. the representatives from over 90 countries gathered to try and forge a peace plan for you. cream, notably, absent is russian president vladimir putin who was not invited. the decision to exclude a warring party was met with criticism from some countries including skepticism
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from a close ally, ukraine, 2nd largest donor germany, chancellor, olaf schultz, that negotiation was crucial, but stressed that it was russia that chose war. no country wants peace more than you queen, but let us be on this piece is more than the absence of full. it is true peace and you cream cannot be achieved without involving russia. but that does not forget that as we speak russian and continues is to rent in please the wage. it's brutal walk. savanski defended the decision to exclude russia and said moscow would be informed when the time was right. there is no russia here. why? because you for us, so was interested in fees. that would be no more. we must decide to get the what it just based means for the world and how each can be achieved in its ruling last week
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. so lensky was hoping us president joe biden would attend. instead, vice president camella harris, joint leaders pledging on wavering support for ukraine, and shooting down a so called peace proposal made by putin on the ease of the summit. he claimed russia would end the war if you crean agreed to give up for eastern regions and drop it's nato ambitions. and let nothing about the end of this war be decided with out ukraine. by contrast, however, yesterday the students put forward a proposal. but we must speak truth. he is not calling for negotiations as calling for surrender. countries like germany and finland save the summit as a 1st step to lasting peace. it's not expected to result in
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a real breakthrough in the absence of russia. so what can we expect from this summit, given these fairly low expectations? here's the deal. these are chief political correspondent and you know, has a yeah, low expectations, indeed, germantown solar chose a compared to today to a small pond that needs watering. so we're hearing that the document is indeed in the making a bunch of clothes. the wording is going to be very tricky. indeed. your training president, as a landscape is also here in switzerland today. and he tried to remind everybody that it's really russia, that is the address that you train is the victim. and that the people need to be reminded of this and do your training president has as read topics that he wants to discuss here, where he thinks that it's got the potential to find minimal consensus amongst all those countries in terms of the ban on the use of nuclear weapons, fuel food security,
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and the issue of deported children from ukraine. those are issues where he is hoping that the can be of an agreement between all the countries around the world that they reassign that these things need to be forced out need to be dealt with. so that, that they can re, if i'm the commitment to the un child. so for example, that some countries all saying russia has violated. but of course, the details and other topics. what's trickier when we hear that a william root of, for example, room can ya says that to rest as well needs to be condemned. for the same time, you says all parties to the war need to soften depositions. as the w, as chief political correspondent, nina has a turning now to some other news. 8 is riley soldiers have been told that during operations in the gaza strip, they were in an armored vehicle hit by an explosion in the city of rafa. this is, the army announced it would now be holding, quote, tactical pauses on a main road each day to a lot more aid to enter the enclave. meanwhile,
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tens of thousands of israelis have demonstrated in favor of ending the war to allow a deal to be made on freeing is re lease still held hostage. downtown tennessee from the in the hands of opponents of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i gain the saturday night protests have become a fixture of politics, and israel activision as of now announced a week of resistance against, and that's no who governments, they want the war and guns and the done these ready hostages brought home message echoed by a hostage rescued recently by these re, the army, all the cost is the past due in the gaza. it's only one decision. only one. it is a deal between israel and how much ask the brain grand home as soon as possible. he's around the world. how much ask you to make and do as soon as possible. these re,
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the ministry has released more if you do of the operation which free cost less than $3.00 other hostages on the 8th of june. for the army mix that won't be possible for all the $120.00 hostages still full to be held in gaza. so we slomo b. o should we have to honestly say should we will not be able to return everyone home in this way. possible number, she is one of the most you see more video released by israel on saturday shows ongoing operations in rafa, which the idea saves, resulted in how much the terrorists killed in the bathroom seized elsewhere. lo 8 soldiers died when that calm boy was 85 explosion. the field made us reporting to the information we have at this stage. one of the engineering vehicles in the convoy exploded to which was probably caused by improvised explosive devices buried in the area, montgomery, or as a result of the firing of a nancy tank me sound good, funky, more than 8 months, it feel tobar 7th terrace. the taxis,
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rails wall goal of destroying home us has not yet been a chief know of all the hostages being brought home sites, fueling the voices, and these ro, calling for a change of cost by the government. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. in the united states, at least 9 people were injured, including 2 children. when an armed man opened fire in a park and a suburb of detroit, michigan, police say the attack appear to be random authorities later track the attacker to a home or he died from a self inflicted gun boomed. the thousands of women in brazil have marched against a proposed law, equating a solutions after 22 weeks pregnancy with homicide, a bill before the conservative controls congress threatens 6 to 20 years in prison for women who have abortions after 22 weeks. of course and access is already highly
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restricted in for so more than one and a half 1000000 muslims have gathered to prey on mount arafat and saudi arabia for the high point of annual hodge pilgrimage. afterwards, the cold rooms collected pebbles to carry out the symbolic stoning of the double ritual. and you know, i was just one of the largest from interest gatherings rallies have been held across france to protest against the far right. the demonstrations coming out of a of snap program entry elections called for later this month by president. and when you want mclaren anti racism, groups of drawings, french unions to look through the streets of paris. they fear at marine. the pens at national riley party could lead the 1st or right government since the 2nd world war and hundreds of thousands of demonstrators turned out nationwide. here's what some have to say. we have to stop the national rally party
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from a point in the prime minister. it's a threat to all the democracy of a freelance and the reputation of our country. and that is all they turn the country upside down and pick people against each other. they'd be no social progress, but they mean power was accepted. there is a level of cynicism in the mental ma, chrome, non politics today. it's benefited fashions dynamic, which is dangerous for everyone to those of us to, to, to visit us on the last election or any sort of 50 percent. turn out. so half the people on even 14 people need to go out and vote. they should make a conscious choice to avoid waking up with a bad hangover on july. i think the one to review when dw sonya found the car in paris and she is more on what drove so many protesters to turn out on saturday as well. these are definitely some of the biggest demonstrations against the far right that we've seen so far. ever since president mccaul, call those a snap and make sure i'm missing you know the both of the people now not just in
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the capital of virus but also the city of marcy or near to the we still processing volume in the salt in valencia. and in the notes that a big part as fly tramodol in neil as well. i think what is essentially driving many of these demonstrators come out in big numbers, i think is boats. you don't kind of angle as well as field that the snap elections could potentially give the far right. it's best shot to the governing fronds since the machine regime of one to 2. we have to remember that the far right measured riley. this is a nationalistic populist potty which you know, has n t migration that it's, um, it has its main platform and it's spent, you know, in the past to spend decades of the political fringes because it's, it's founder was convicted of racism, inputs 9 the whole, the cost of the party to the it has re branded itself under the name the pen. it has cleaned up its image, but a lot of speakers to be at these riley said that the far right really hasn't changed. it's stripes. and one that, you know, press freedoms,
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the right to demonstrate and mobilize and trade unions would even be a threat. if the far right came to power, sans thousands of raise the rain and central london to watch controls as annual birthday parade. the trooping of the color and to see the princess of wales make her 1st public appearance. and since our cancer diagnosis earlier this year, the, the tree being of the color as some of the display of minute treat pageantry that mocks the king's official birthday. the annual events near buckingham palace seas trips in full ceremonial regalia parade past the king displaying the regimental flag, also known as the color. the sea of the occasion was especially poignant. a show of stability by the monkey of the months in which both the king and the princess of wales have been sidelined by cancer treatment. and this is what many on the face
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had been waiting. so the 1st glimpse of the princess of wales since she disappeared from public life. no december. in march, the princess revealed she taking a step back from her royal duties to one to go tense the treatment. then in a statement released on friday, she signed the public for that kindness, said she was making good progress, but admitted she was quite knocked out of the woods. yet. royal funds break the weather to 9 to reach some campaign over night to ensure the best view of the princess's arrival. so it's amazing in the carriage that went by. it's amazing to come to say as old as old, and we thank you some time. we've got a lunch or when i had the news yesterday, i was so loved and not come with this year. we're going to me in the king or kate would be here. and so when we found that they were both going to be here, it,
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it was like, beyond the blessing me, it was like. so saving my, my day is made like our trail, our shots of ours and our trip to london is made after the ceremony. finally, for many royal funds, the highlights of the day the princess of wales joined the king and royal family on the balcony of buckingham palace to watch a spectacular, strongly post by the royal air force. the and today marks world sea turtle day at a dedicated marine conservation facility on the age or out of the coast of italy. wounded loggerheads are nursed back to health. the areas home to a large number of the turtles, but many are caught in trawling mats for injured by propellers. for fishing clocks
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scientists at the center have developed innovative surgical procedures to rehabilitate the turtles and then return them to the sea. and that is here in this update. i'm quite richardson in berlin. thank you so much for watching. the one of main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach. what do you see? it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time they are peers and right.


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