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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the lead use life from building will lead is becky crane independence and territorial integrity. and imagine diplomatic summit in switzerland. the final declaration. also, i called for dialogue with ross at the end of the conflict. but some big non alliance nations had refused to sign on, also on the show as well. so how many announces die the tactical pauses in southern gaza to allow for more deliveries? relief? brookside is not enough in the face of a growing humanitarian crisis. also coming up, the child explains on the sidelines of the european soccer championship in germany as police shoot
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a man by side with frightening offices for the hema and the petro book, the . i'm anthony, how, thanks for being with us. really, id nation said code for the territorial integrity of you trying to be the basis of any agreement to end 2 years of war with russia. the call came after a 2 day pay summit in switzerland, which was not attended by russia or l. i. china. the final communique also demanded the return of adapted children and political prisoners, but more than a 1000 countries including major and on the lines nation nations rather chose not to endorse the declaration. the switch summit was the 1st high level forum focused on a pathway to p as the 1st of all the war effort. it was also in the attempt by the
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west to involve all the countries in peace f. it's based on international little this is not about wide or left political ideas. this is not about northern or seldom countries. this is about respect of international lo. i'm human rights as foundational principles. before leaving together, the consequences of the invasion go far beyond the confines of your. indeed, in many ways, africa has been the greatest victim of the conflict of the blockade of the black sea. have had devastating impacts on our economy and all standards of living. the documents signed by 84 countries and other groups calls for concrete action on 3 major issues. the 3 challenges have been analyzed in due to
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a divorced basis summit, nuclear safety food security and the release of prisoners as deportees, including thousands thousands of children. abducted by rush went home, but delegates were clear about the summits limits. russia wasn't invited, but days before the meeting, president vladimir putin laid out his own vision for peace. sees insisting on cut pitch elation. he's insisting on seating ukrainian territory, even territory that to date does not, is not occupied by him. he's insisting on this arming ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to future aggression. as no country would ever accept these outrageous terms. the nations did nothing to the documents, including freaks, members, india found the radio in south africa,
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and several countries accused west the nations of absorbing a double standard. with regards to other conflicts, we could not be talking about peace and here we joins old africa without mentioning all the money, the inside of the jews, as the one taking place in that sense. international knowing that you're in charge or must be respected in every case. there was no consensus on how russia should be brought to the negotiating table. but zalinski said he was already in tones with several nations about the hosting a 2nd summit to continue to push for you. craig zuber ration all day, definitely correspondent rosie bush and was at the conference and st. this assessment as so as the helicopters takeoff and leaders make their way back down from this 1st resort, tucked in the mountains. ukraine says these talks were a big success and they were the 1st of their kind at the highest level yet, where the 90 countries gathered to talk about peace and ukraine. among them more
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than 65 heads of state or government. ukraine really sees as a diplomatic when, but it was quite the slum don't cook kid was hoping for because that's not the whole story. i was in the press room as these talks through to a close and suddenly our own screens all around the room flush the names of countries which signed up to a fatal joy communicate. and there were some notable absences there, particularly key players from the so called global site including indonesia, india, so to africa, countries which were present here in some way either by sending envoys or ministers, but chose not to sign up to be final joy communicate of the summit so a table of sick to some extent, some extent ukraine. absolutely saying that is coming away from this feeling more supported than ever, but still divisions to some extent on the world on show here. and of course, in the battle field, the war rages on. all right, let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the global cell,
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russian police side, they have killed at least 3 hostage takers at the jail near the city of ross though, the suspects with alleged links to its limits, militants were in pre trial. the tension when i seized prison officials during an escape, it was already sent to prison. gods were rescued in new york. or i should the south african storm. the president jacob zoom associates potty will join in opposition. a lines to take on the new unity government. the african, the africa, national congress and democratic alliance struck a coalition the last week. jim has that also valid to challenge the results of last month. the general elections, which he alleges were re officials in saudi arabia, say at least 14 people have died during the annual hodge proved pilgrimage. many of the debts would use the heat store several others. i'm missing some one point. $8000000.00 pilgrims have converged on meg is holly sites, and the temperatures of $45.00 degrees celsius. and above these
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rarely mill trays announced it will implement technical pauses in its operation against time. us militants in southern gaza. the idea of says the 11 album does will allow more light supplies into the was on during the daytime hours that that'd be breaks will take place from 8 am to 7 pm until further notice. yeah, i missed to get more trucks through the chem sharon crossing the main entry point 48 and then onto a main highway that leads to the european hospital near the city of hon. eunice. the united nation says the amount of support entering the gaza strip is still not enough for civilians. so how much difference would these tactical pauses make? china bow is communications advisor with the norwegian refuge account. or? no, it really is not enough. what we need is a ceasefire in order to be able to access all parts of garza and
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a massive surgeon of humanitarian assistance, of course, having some degree of access to the cam. so i'm crossing which agencies have largely been unable to reach is, is one step forward, but there is so much more, there is so much devastation and destruction in need in gaza. that is real, needs to be doing more to allow for a to enter and to provide for the protection of humanitarians. once that is received to be able to access all parts of gaza and distribute aid to everyone wherever they are throughout the enclave. non governmental organizations in georgia, worried for the future to parliament, recently passed the controversial legislation to counter what it called foreign interference activists have called it the russian law. comparing it to the similar legislation, the criminal and use against its credits, groups fearing the new laws negative impacts in georgia have been speaking to the
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definitely the law is expected to target 1st and foremost. and g o is that in gauging the political process that some august, far away from politics and sophia, implications of the law tameris seek region has dedicated 20 years of his life to taking care of and protecting abundant animals. now runs a nonprofit and you know they're like, you know, the capital in b c and he says it's not a traditional dog shelter to the home where there is no pressure for dogs to be placed within your own. as all of this was possible, thanks to for him to nations his size print me really. we have gotten financial support from abroad, which allowed us to buy this laptops crew and building the dog village. richard, it's debbie valerie, i'm years old. are you managed to exist? to this day,
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thanks to that support taylor. but now what show we do have hello show. we now forget to hold that support you know, the leads the director of the key georgia election, which dog rejects the transparency argument. she believes to be was a pre taxed to shut down a dependent civil society groups that i'm only turing the government's actions. we are uploading all our expenditures in our website so, so we have to do all the declarations done, or organizations that officially uploaded all the bronze, what they are coming to georgia civil society. more than $160.00 georgian and guys have plots to defy the little when it comes into force in about 2 months, a needle size, the election absorber groups. she has well not the register on the for an insolence list, and it's ready to pay the fine of a $1000.00 heroes for failing to comply with the law. legislation itself is against
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our taking it to georgia and organizations. so for us, it's only one countries in service which is the georgia, so we can not to reduce or in that registry, which is because making gusts supply. so a name itself, our country pay more size before and in t and flu, also starts to show it to us. houston nations move to come from abroad because we cannot make situation is unstable in georgia. you see is that the nations will decrease and put his and the most well being at risk. cdw from our governments want to register and joe is protecting any more rights like mine. as for an agency, the we will have a negative perception and don't organization from abroad. davis are likely to be reluctant to finance as anymore. so this done before and entering small could also stopped the n g as each tackle social ecological educational programs in georgia.
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which is susan society. please say that the upcoming student actions are the only way for them to avoid the possible side of things shut down. they say they will continue the flight for free and democrats of georgia. as long as it takes the police in the gym and city of humble, a cab shot a man close to waste. soccer fans were gathering ahead of the european championship match. offices opened fire after he brandished him a and a pitcher ball. police say he's receiving medical ok. a man wielding a hammer and a molotov cocktail confronts police and hamburg pepper spray doesn't deter the suspects. authority say he refused to put the objects down so they opened fire hitting him in the leg. no one else was wounded. it happened as fans gathered for a match in the european championships. police say the incident was not connected to
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the football tournament. yeah, begin, definitely also we are receiving that this is an isolated case, which means it's not football related. there's obviously no football connection. we're dealing with a loan and kind of a trade to in this respect. so i don't see any danger to lower the impact on the much the fans didn't let the disturbance ruined their pre match festivities. tens of thousands came out to watch the netherlands take on poland. the highest security level is in effect for the championships which run for 4 weeks. the interior ministry says the federal police deployment is the largest in the forces history. the suspect has been identified as of 39 year old. german authorities are now working to determine his motive. you don't remember 5 months on the main or some sports news
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before we go on a couple of matches at the european championships here in germany. producing the 1st surprise of the tournament on sunday night. think denmark, semi finalist of the last year was held to a 11 rule by slovenia, a disappointment for the danes, but good news. the great favorites, england, 1st half ago by jude billing was enough to give them a one the victory of a city. now here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. they sell the 2 dice summit on pace, and ukraine has grown to a close in switzerland, the printing president, a lot of miscellaneous cases, the support he's country received from will data shows the international role of law can be restored. the segments, final communicate cited all parties must be involved in 12 to achieve lasting. right, that's all the news for now. up next,
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our port of mates. i trans continental capital, who travelled all the way from europe to tens in the 10s. to get family placing. i'm anthony. how, thanks for watching. i'll be back in 45 minutes with morning. you said the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota to look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of children to you. have you have a window? of course. yeah, we've got the spots and unexpected side supplies cost about why does that and i think it's like now i'm leave them under the new host.


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