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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is date of the news line from berlin will, late is back, you crimes independence and territorial integrity and a pay summit in switzerland. they also, i called for dialogue with russia who was nothing for the torques. some k plays refused to sign the final declaration also on the shot as well. how many analysis daily tactical pauses in southern gaza to allow in more relief. and i'd groups i, it's not enough in the face of growing cemetery in crisis, also coming up. okay, i'll take scenes on the sidelines of the european soccer championship in gemini as
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police shoot him. and i say was threatening officers with a hammer and the federal ball. the i'm anthony, have it's good to have it with us. really. i, the nation's won't be territorial integrity of you crying to be the basis of any agreement to end to use of will with russia. the cold came after to die. paste somebody in switzerland, which was not attended by russia or sale of china, but more than a 1000 other countries, including imagined on a lines, nations, chose not to induce the declaration. this with some, it was the 1st high level forum focused on a pathway to p as the 1st of all the war effort, as it was also in the attempt by the west to involve of the countries in peace f.
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it's based on international little. this is not about why or left political ideas. this is not about northern or seldom countries. this is about respect of international lo and human rights, us foundational principles. before leaving together, the consequences of the invasion go far beyond the confines of your. indeed, in many ways, africa has been the greatest victim of the confidence of the blockade of the black sea. have had devastating impacts on our economy and all standards of living. the documents signed by 84 countries and other groups calls for concrete action on 3 major issues. this 3 shannon years have been analyzed in detail, a divorced basis summit nearly our safety for the security and the release of
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prisoners as deportees, including thousands, thousands of children. abducted by rush went home. the delegates were clear about the summit limits. russia wasn't invited, but days before the meeting president vladimir putin laid out his own vision for peace. he's insisting on cub feature lation, he's insisting on seating ukrainian territory, even territory that to date does not, is not occupied by him. he's insisting on disarming ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to future duration, as no country would ever accept these outrageous terms. the t nations did nothing to the documents, including freaks, members, india found the radio in south africa, and several countries accused west. the nations of absorbing a double standard with regards to other conflicts. we could not be talking about
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peace and here we joining selves, africa without mentioning other your money inside the jews as the one taking place in that sense, international and that you and charter must be respected in every case. there was no consensus on how russia should be brought to the negotiating table. but zalinski said he was already in tones with several nations about the hosting a 2nd summit to continue to push for you. craig zuber ration. the deputy correspondent rosie budget was at the conference and sent us this assessment. so as the helicopters takeoff and leaders make their way back down from this 1st resort, tucked in the mountains, ukraine says these talks were a big success and they were the 1st of their kind at the highest level yet where the 90 countries gathered to talk about peace and ukraine, among them more than 65 heads of state or government. ukraine really sees as
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a diplomatic when, but it was quite the slum don't cook kid was hoping for because that's not the whole story. i was in the press room as these talks through to a close and suddenly our own screens all around the room flush the names of countries which signed up to a fatal joy communicate. and there were some notable absences there, particularly key players from the so called global site including indonesia, india, so to africa, countries which were present here in some way either by sending envoys or ministers, but chose not to sign up to be final joy communicate of the summit so a table of sick to some extent, some extent ukraine. absolutely saying that is coming away from this feeling more supported than ever, but still divisions to some extent on the world on show here. and of course, in the battle field, the war rages on the state definitely correspondent rosie fidget. there were you, as president joe biden has used his address for the muslim, eat
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a holiday to press for sci fi in gaza bought and said it was the best way to cite civilians from the heart of the conflict in guns for itself. another non palestinians were killed in this riley strike. the attack came off to the as well. military announced technical pauses to allow in deliveries, praying among the ruins, palestinians marking the sombre aid in garza where over 80 percent of the population is living in displacement. this family sheltering of the un school and con eunice says there's little left to celebrate and that's it. the people are just living the life as well. they get to celebrate the, to sacrifice animals. she is, there is no eat. there are no signs of celebrations. no monstrous love to wake up and sleep to the sound of strikes and the call, the whole the cause of most of cause disrupting
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a relative calm and is really air strikes. hit the very cam, killing a number of people including children, according to nearby hospital. the what did this go do to unit on yahoo! a shame on you. on the is really side of the term shalom crossing with gaza. a trucks were spotted after israel announced a tactical pause in fighting near rougher to facilitate deliveries. the 11 hour pauses apply to 12 kilometers stretch. that's the main gateway for humanitarian aid into the territory. the tactical pause announcement came a day after 8 is really soldiers were killed in a blast near the far southern city. israel's drew's minority held the funeral for one of them captain was the most moved
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preparations for he'd have to come preparations to receive hundreds of people here to offer condolences and prepare the funeral to what the latest fatalities. israel's military has recorded a total of $310.00 that since the beginning of the round defensive in october, while gauze, that's how most for on health ministry says more than $37000.00 palestinians have been killed. after 8 months of a devastating war, the tactical pause falls short of a complete ceasefire called for by the international community, including israel's closest ally, the us. so then how much of a difference would these tactical pauses make? shayna low is communications advisor with the norwegian refugee council. or no, it really is not enough. what we need is a ceasefire in order to be able to access all parts of garza and a massive surgeon of humanitarian assistance. of course,
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having some degree of access to the cam, so i'm crossing which agencies have largely been unable to reach is, is one step forward, but there is so much more, there is so much devastation and destruction and need in gaza. that israel needs to be doing more to allow for a to enter and to provide for the protection of humanitarians. once that is received to be able to access all parts of garza and distribute aid to everyone wherever they are throughout the enclave. all right, then let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world, the cell, russian police side, they have killed at least 3 hostage takers at a job in the city of abreast of the suspects with alleged links to its limits, militants, were in pre trial detention when they ceased prison officials during an escape. it was already sent to prison. gods were rescued in the operation south africa's form of president jacob, to my,
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says he's potty will join an opposition alliance to take on the new government. the african national congress and democratic alliance struck a couple of lease in the last week. so you may also have out to challenge the results of last month in general elections, which he ledges for re. let's try there in china are assigned a number of agreements on trade, climate change and the economy. the deals come during a site visit to australia by chinese premier. the june a on this is the highest ranking, a chinese official to travel to australia in 7 years following a period of the trusty on my last rope, relation to the size of police and the german city of humboldt. have a short demand close to with soccer fans were gathering ahead of the you are paying championship, match offices open fly off to he brandished a hammer and a petro bong. a sy, he's for saving medical care, a man wielding a hammer and a molotov cocktail confronts police in hamburg,
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pepper spray doesn't deter the suspects. authority say he refused to put the objects down. so they opened fire hitting him in the leg. no one else was wounded. it happened as fans gathered for a match in the european championships. police say the incident was not connected to the football tournament. yeah, they're getting nothing else to say we are receiving that this is an isolated case, which means it's not football related. there's obviously no football connection. we're dealing with a loan co betrayed to in this respect. so i don't see any danger to lower the impact on the much. the interior ministry says the federal police deployment is the largest in the forces history. the suspect has been identified as of 39 year old. german authorities are now working to determine his mode. if you don't remember 5 months on the me. now,
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the incident didn't dampen the spear, the dutch fans some $50000.00, turned out to support that same in humble, picked up and they were on mistaken goal. national caliber cycled orange army took over the streets of hamburg and the run up to the guide me with what looked like a pretty wilbur host, transferred to the national squad, was just as will were hers when they faced off against poland in the opening match a light goldman, i bait the poles to win sundays. all the matches produced the 1st surprise of the tournament. denmark, the semi finalists that the last heroes were held to a 11 rule by slovenia, a disappointment for the danes, but good news for group 5 words. england 1st tough go by. jude billing was enough to give them a one meal victory of a sylvia to send a go. now with people applying a fortune to get their hands on. giant cheap,
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the breed is prized for its imposing heart and hones their own escape. their animals in top shape, but not to be sold for slaughter. very few and send a goal can afford one of these prize beasts celebrated for their luxury. a smooth wide codes and symmetrical horns. the team, she, pa, the ultimate symbol of social prestige in the country. it's somewhat as much as a luxury because it makes it obvious that it's an excellent business and the passion, as i always say, when you're stressed because of work because of whatever. when you come here and see the shape, you will come from a young age. but i got, the aga knew that he wanted to breed these marvelous creatures. he and his assistants massage the sheep for hours each day, which they claim helps them grow, some of whom have a proud pedigree. if you didn't have an excellent family bath,
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his father was made competently, it was a well known champion in the breeding. well to go take with his mother is the same stuff. are she still alive? yes, a big jump in. and her father was cool, major. a grandpa, that was boston in the 1st sheet to reach a high to woman. quit to meet his book. yes, he was in the fall, but food med nearby mis stuff as sex takes care of his family. she gives them bit simmons to help keep the flock in top condition. these happy to show off his champion, she named after the country's new prime minister. when he was born, it was the moment when we had lost a pipe. and that was because of all, some on some kind of a home. and we saw that it was a true patriots, a warrior, no one who a strong this way sancho does she was born, but they didn't get the style sheet, but helping to make set a goal famous simmons breeders and they are now so popular here that there are
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beauty pageants, pull them on tv with big cash prizes. it's of we did promise a big shape and we deliver it up next global loss on how a carbon tax could help the climate that's coming up after break. i'm anthony held for me in the news to him. he in berlin, thanks for watching and we'll see you next to the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at these events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is with the weekdays. on d, w 2, my name is the calls back said thank you so much for
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joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that.


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