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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the business day that we news lives from berlin, benjamin netanyahu dissolves his war cabinet. the decision follows the resignation earlier this month of central national unity party leader. many got these really war cabinet was formed shortly after the october 7th terror attacks. also coming on world leaders back your brains, independence of territorial integrity at a summit in switzerland. they also call for dialogue with russia, which was not invited to the talks the
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comical, for least, it's good to have you with us. and it's really official says that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dissolved the country's war cabinet. that's after minister benny guns and his national unity party court. the government on june 9th, this move comes as israel continues its military operations in the gaza strip. israel's army has said it would implement a daily tactical pause, as i called it, along the road in southern gaza to allow a delivery through the key care room show long border crossing. earlier i spoke to the w, correspond rebecca rivers in jerusalem and asked her why benjamin netanyahu was dissolving the work happen at no. well, this hasn't come as a surprise nicole. it was largely expected off of any guns and got he either caught didn't stand down from the wall cabinet. a little cabinet was made around about
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october 11th last year, just off to the breakout of the war uh at the behest of any guns who said that he would come on board to provide a more unified for the unity government. as it is known here. to try to guide the guide as well through this complex time. and now since they've stood down, the prime minister of this office now says that it is no longer needed. this will cabinet, but it's largely sold. that's because a fall, right minister, it's a mob been greer. the national security minister was pushing to be loud in to that will cabinet and that's something that's a payment. so benjamin netanyahu clearly wasn't in favor of and certainly wouldn't have pleased israel's ally the united states. so instead, he's decided to dissolve a cabinet completely instead. now decisions will go to a wider security cabinet on which it's my been via and the finance minister, a bit slow smelt, tricked both heading ultra nationalist potties in the coalition. they are both on
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security in that security cabinet and we'll be overseeing some of the decisions being made, although it is thought that they will also be smaller consultative groups made up in an ad hoc fashion and they may contain various members that benjamin netanyahu picks up the time for particular decisions, but it is being said or at store, in some circles that this situation may actually favor benjamin netanyahu is looking for ways not to into this, for even though there's a lot of international pressure to do so. and by, by allowing or by, in fact, having to have these decisions go to a wider security cabinet that do include these hawkish members they, they have already said that they do not want to see an end of the war until all the military items has been met so that could work and benjamin netanyahu site. yeah. rebecca, this is not the only political headache for now. yeah. what seems israel's military and his government don't really see eye to eye on the issue of those so called tactical pauses that were announced over the weekend? what more can you tell us?
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that's right. these were announced yesterday pretty early in the morning by the is really military, that they would be these 11 hour, tactical pauses on a particular humanitarian route, that has been demarcated. now surely off to that announcement, so these fine, right ministers, namely bits of though small bits of those motors and it's a mob been v both came out against them. and then we heard from the prime minister's office. so, or at least it was reported to have come from the prime minister's office. the benjamin netanyahu was also upset by this news showing a kind of a rift between the military and what benjamin netanyahu is planning for them to do . so. it's not the 1st time we've seen a difference in opinion and difference in issues. they will have to say, what comes of these pauses and whether they'll continue given that risk. the w corresponded rebecca renters from jerusalem. thank you. so maybe nations one, the territorial integrity of ukraine to be the basis of any agreement to end 2
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years of war with russia. the call came after a 2 day summons on peace in switzerland to which russia was not invited moscow's ally, china did not attend either more than a 1000 countries, including major non aligned nations, chose not to endorse the final declaration of the summit. this with some, it was the 1st high level forum focused on a pathway to p as the 1st of all the war effort. it was also an attempt by the west to involve of the countries in peace efforts based on international little this is not about why or left political ideas. this is not about northern or seldom countries. this is about respect of international lo. i'm human rights, us foundational principles. before leaving together, the consequences of the invasion go far beyond the confines of your,
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as indeed in many ways, africa as being the greatest victim of the conflicts of the blockade of the black sea. have had devastating impacts on our economy and i'll standards of living. the documents signed by 84 countries and other groups calls for concrete action on 3 major issues. this 3 shannon just have been analyzed in detail, a divorced basis summit. nuclear are safety for the security and the release of prisoners and the parties including thousands, thousands of children, abducted by rush when comb, but delegates were clear about the summits limits. russia wasn't invited, but days before the meeting. president vladimir putin laid out his own vision for
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peace. he's insisting on cup potato lation, he's insisting on seating ukrainian territory, even territory that to date does not, is not occupied by him. he's insisting on this arming ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to future aggression or no country would ever accept these outrageous terms. the t nations did nothing to the documents, including freaks, members, india found the radio in south africa, and several countries accused west and nations of observing a double standard with regards to other conflicts. we could not be talking about peace and here we joins old africa without mentioning other your money, di, inside the jews, as the one taking place in that sense, international law and that you and charter must be respected in every case. there was no consensus on how russia should be brought to the negotiating table. but
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zalinski said he was already in tones with several nations about hosting a 2nd summit to continue to push for you crazy zuber ration spending on nuclear weapons around the world sword. last year with the united states investing more than every other nuclear armed country combined. that's according to a new report by the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. 9 states have nuclear arms. that's the you want. the united kingdom, france, china, india packaged on north korea and israel. now, according to the latest figures in 2023, they spend a combined total of $91400000000.00 u. s. dollars. an increase of 13 percent on 2022. the u. s. alone accounted for 80 percent of that rise, while china was the 2nd biggest vendor with russia coming in 3rd, and soon as they snyder is the program coordinator at the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. she's a co author of this latest report. earlier i asked her what those countries with
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nuclear arsenals are spending all that extra money on, as well every one of these countries as modernizing their arsenals. so they're spending the money on new airplanes, new submarines, and new missile systems to deliver nuclear weapons wherever they want on the earth . it's only 9 countries, but it's a huge amount of money. we calculated about $3000.00 per 2nd. spent in 2023 on weapons, but most of these countries hoping never to use and that really should never be used. yes. 30 no. $3000.00 per 2nd. that is a huge amount of money in the us alone accounts for 80 percent of the increase that you documented for last year. what conclusions do you draw from that? well the us spending is goes primarily into the hands of private contractors. so
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within the us, the companies that are making a profit building these weapons of mass destruction companies like lockheed martin, northrop grumman that take home major contract. in fact, we profile 20 companies in this report that have contract for the next decades, a totaling over $387000000000.00. and it's unfortunate because all of these countries have promised to negotiate nuclear disarmament. and yet, none of them are doing it. in fact, they're making massive investments of tax payer money into decades of potential destruction with these weapons of mass destruction and staggering numbers. really in your figures refer to the 9 countries that officially possess nuclear weapons. though, what can you tell us about countries developing nuclear weapons like iran? well, we know that iran does not have nuclear weapons. and there are $44.00 countries in the world that have the capacity to bill to nuclear weapons. and the majority of
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those have chosen not to iran has not yet cross the thresholds to decide to make nuclear weapons. and we don't analyze countries that don't have them. we focus on the 9 that 2 and the 9 that need to end this, wasteful spending and re directed towards long term useful security. like the nearly 100 countries that have joined the treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons that reinforce the norm. but nuclear weapons are unnecessary for anyone's security. and in fact, we're better off with negotiations than we are with weapons of mass destruction is you're not the only ones looking at this issue, your colleagues over at the so called international peace research institute. also just released a report stating a higher reliance on nuclear weapons world. why are we returning to a world under threats of mutually assured destruction here as well, based on our calculations, we're certainly re returning to a nuclear arms race. and we're spending at this level and to new nuclear weapons
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systems across the board. it's a dire concern to everyone. the thing is with nuclear weapons, the impact of these weapons do not stop at the border. you cannot use a nuclear weapon and hope it will just only injure those on a battlefield. these are weapons designs to cause mass civilian harm and that was a huge problem. so i am very concerned that we're re entering a, a false concept in a false logic of where nuclear weapon seemed to have value. when in fact they are. the only thing has kept them from being used so far as luck. and luck is not a good security strategy at, but we don't have too much time. but i do want to look ahead new campaign for a new free world. what will it take for us to get there and how realistic is it given the state of affairs? well, i believe that it is not only possible, it is absolutely necessary, and it's so much easier to get rid of nuclear weapons than it is to deal with other
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global exit central crises, like climate change or negotiating some rules of the road on artificial intelligence. the treaty on the progress of nuclear weapons is the way to go, and that's what we encourage all states to engage with. and joint susie snyder from the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. thanks so much for your time . you muslims, from around the world, have visited saudi arabia for the annual high the pilgrimage. the ritual is one of the largest mass gatherings in the world. almost $2000000.00 people took part of it, sweltering conditions, officials and saudi arabia say at least 14 people died because of the extreme heat in once a year, muslims, from around the world travel to saudi arabia to the sacred spiritual experience. the harsh pilgrimage is a chance to walk in the footsteps of prophets and spend 5 or 6 days, often during hot summer, with the among the rituals is the stoning of the table,
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where ship is throw safe in stones 3 concrete pools symbolized in medieval, in the mean of valley located just outside is wholly a city of mika. many customs take place outdoors and on foot. a challenge and temperatures of 45 degrees or more. but that other fact hodge is a difficult task. so you have to exec effort and perform the rituals even in the heat, and crowding you use an umbrella drink water and poured it onto your body to prevent dehydration. and the water spring causing the walkways help in the little besides, saudi arabia has these have climate controlled areas to help manage the hate with officials distributing voice. so to keep people co to the highest one of the 5
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basic obligations of being muslim. if we believe a who has the means is encouraged to perform the pilgrimage, at least once in a lifetime. that's all from the news for now, i'm gonna go fairly from all of us here in berlin. thank you so much for your company. the . they were brought together by chance and they roots in the early ninety's on independence, free woman, and the mother of 10, in a strict patriot children, can they not assess team doors has been of saving the lives of hardy on who doors has ever since.


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