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tv   Deep Sea Greed  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2024 5:15pm-6:01pm CEST

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as every believer who has the means is encouraged to perform the pilgrimage, at least once in a lifetime. and that's all from the news for now. and next will be taking a deep sea expedition to the pacific. stay tuned for that. i'll be back with more at the top of the next hour by the coming 0, st. excel's 3 trans paper. stories is not kind items that feed us complex doors sometimes from here sort of additional chip possession of the settlement for 3 generations. one to any thoughts, july 7th, on dw, the, the, in the middle of the pacific ocean,
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an ambitious expedition has set taps to explore the deep sea going when no human has ever gone before. where a numerous deposits of minerals, 9 dormant country menissi benefit from this on top, the source of wealth, the technology to harvest, it already exists. the 1st prototype of the deep sea collect to the treasured stones, this cold atanya. it's being tested at a depth of several 1000 meters, scientists and monitoring its deployments. because what is technically feasible might actually destroy a delicate underwater wells. is it was the risk this isn't them going to them. these are basically batteries in stone form. this is exactly what you need to build a battery. there's manganese nichols, cobalt and copper to conduct the electricity environmental
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protection organizations such as green piece one to prevent deep sea mining its own costs. the. it's the last cost of the planet that humans have yet to exploit for resources of the oceans in danger, the sale has appeared on the horizon, the green pieces ring, the warrior was approaching the norman dennis the,
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the scientists beside the nest. everyone was wondering what was happened, the information about this happening much except to say that they're making that action. so a pretty it's, it's for the movies and smashed designs because we don't know if i'm the only thing green piece has emphasize you. this such a peaceful agent as a peaceful protest, no help. and we can only hope that's what's going on. um opens this is cynthia obviously went up the target. got that so sure. you understand. as soon as we moved away and the 2 beds and they raced away, garage, we don't know what they're doing must be doing the car. light is something is happening on the starboard side board. and unfortunately, we can't see it. it's open plus
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the green peace activists found and documented their actions themselves. they approached the industrial ship and painted risk on its side it was a protest operation on the high seas. the environmental protection organization relies on striking images and messages in many languages to galvanized supports green piece considered as the commercial exploitation of the deep sea to be a fatal mistake. the savannah, i'm absolute, is for pollution on some name, and that's the key. it would be an absolute crime to assume that the deep sea is
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a barren desert, where you can do a bit of digging from manganese nodules and other oars, without having any impact on this a ton of device. that's what people would like to tell you. this is, and i don't think the general public is aware that the deep sea is teeming with life on the companies involved. and deep sea mining aren't necessarily interested in reviewing the damage that's taking place down. there is the option of the home for the time they should, including and the long term stops in an open box in which animals and ultimately plants such as the clinton are being affected on in midland. the total van of the this is from dr. beasen does, it's already been proven that c o 2 has been found and the sentiments deposited on the tapes, the for many thousands of years switched off. that means carbon that originally came from the atmosphere, happens finished. i'm to decipher. you disturb and stir up the set of most, then there is definitely a risk that the seo to this carbon that is currently sequestered down there. then
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one could also be released back into the water and ultimately into the atmosphere. and you'll see on off the game, the green pieces, rainbow worry, attracts the norman to energy for weeks with the aim of producing images to generate support on the system of unemployment. so putting in the boy, let's make the point right now, you know, we want to make sure the oceans continue to have the possibility in the next year in the next millennium to be climate resilient, just syncing something. they can't be. if we start digging and destroying the deep sea floor problem, succession to other than when it's not just taking out rocks or, and metals from them, but also the biology, the life forms and destroying their habitat. because all of this is involved in the climate, stability of our oceans and our planet on sundays a meeting was held in the conference room on the islands. pride's the occasion green
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pasted, issued an invitation to a worldwide international video conference. i use the n g a is objective, was to prevent possible deep sea mining. it reports is on its concerns, giving arguments why disrupting the depths must be stopped at a cost before it really gets some of the way before we can either say they also took a swipe at the scientist see within researching the effects, such an intervention would have green p said it wasn't genuine science is the right time of the influence that's outraged to the scientists. they said they would continue to carry out neutral research in order to ultimately provide data on the findings, the to rule, so used by environmental protection organizations. and then and
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so some of the research has showed understanding for the pro test on the high seas. and the concerns of the environmental protection organization, sikesdale. hi, cliff came off on this, just a very sensitive issue. everyone has the right to be concerned and also to protest . we are, of course we will try to be very neutral in our analysis on an easy and that's certainly correct. but that's always the question of what the science is used for, i says, and why do you progress deciding that isn't that your stuff is albany that's will be done by the policy may, cuz you'll have to develop the regulations. you have to figure it out. what we're trying to do here is record what could potentially happen if a device like that with the drive around on the c field. located in the middle of the caribbean sea,
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the island country jamaica is home to the institution that will decide what the deep sea mining is permissible, the, the international c pedal, sorry a t or i a say for sure which has its headquarters here founded in 1994 by the united nations. it's the overarching body that decides what happens beneath the waves. so all that i say contract is which are a combination of different entities, some governments, some private sector, some state research organizations, all of them having view. eventually, the sustainable exploitation of deep sea mineral resources, i say, must proceed on the basis of 2 fundamental conditions. one is that we act on the basis of the best available scientific advice through extensive consultation. and
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the 2nd visit that we act on the basis of consensus amongst the member states that make the decision that's currently a $167.00 countries, including gemini, they develop the guidelines known as the mining coach, according to which deep sea mining would be possible. we have a very unique opportunity here that actually has never been done before, which is that we have a whole new industry that will proceed only when the regulations have been put in place. usually it's the other way around, industry stats. and then people start to react by trying to find a way to regulate it or to stop that things from happening or to ensure that good things happen. yeah, it's completely the other way around. we will, we have an opportunity to, to get it right before we even start,
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which is unprecedented actually. and this is a really great opportunity. so really it's, it's a very highly transparent organization where everybody has an opportunity to have to say and provide input into this emerging new industry. so this is where the decision is to be made. taking into account the interests of industry, the findings of science and the concerns of environmental protection organizations . nature conservation versus a $1000000000.00 business. cool, when in the end the, the island pride was sent out to work in the carry in k puts in. so it's an area of the science, if you're more than 30000000000 tons of manganese, no jewels. the said to lie on the ocean floor here. it's an enormous tricia and there is no way retrieving. it will happen without disturbing the deep sea flow.
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he said the results, attorneys walk, the machine has stood up notched settlement. what does this mean for the environment? the address was the same as the search engine, but it says my god cannot and having taught yes, the one we see here is the manganese natural habitats next to the tracks of baton here where the disturb settlement has already settled on. it's completely covered the manganese nodules and phone and must be assessed on board is privilege of what we want to find out now. so what sickness? the settlement does negative permanent damage and venture, and what sickness the phone can possibly tolerate phone a event with dental photography
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and no, no stone, i tossed over the landscape and covered everything in its way of the measuring devices and needed to be brought up to deck for evaluation, a process that took minneapolis the, the research is eager to see what have been bro, tom. even though the results of the analyses would like to remain unknown for months until they will, sweeney assessed and then the bar trees of the institutes in europe. the 1st we've got to rinse them as
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because salt water is very corrosive to the electrical components within will download the data and take a look at these are the manganese nodules, and you can see that they were actually covered with deposited settlement agreement . but because the water is now slashing back and forth here, the sediment just watches a way. but it doesn't matter because we have to free the nodules from the settlement anyway in order to collect the animals that live on the, from the dogs to dust the culprit soon. and you see when you cut the manganese natural open, there's a core material around which it forms state. the nodule is made up of metal oxides, mangum, these oxides and then there's copper and nicko and co balls and maintenance as well as traces of other metals. and that slowly builds up around the core material. that is such a nodule with a radius of around 4 centimeters would be close to 2000000 years old. by many we
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all right. so the nodules, a pre historic stay, one's own eyes that the ship tests were being carried out in the bar at chase, as well as here in the cold drain. everything that had come from the depths was analyzed in detail. studying the structure and activity of microbial communities in the settlement samples is the work of tech issues such but to hon. yup. on the human history mean start to exploit and the see the results and the end of the week. unfortunately, the best for me to them in den for us, but this time of year. so exactly, because we need those resources loops up because the consume a lot of this time we will see infects and maybe this time we can just stream our
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impact on new to them and use those resources in more sustainable then environment . defend the rate i personally, i would rather choose consume less and i don't buy it to the phone every 2 years for example. so i will decide to reduce if possible values and recycling dance and not touch the sea floor as much as possible. but the people needed it looks so the tanya shot mind has taken her seat in the control room. as a biologist, she was getting the chance to search the deep sea flow for knowledge animals. working with the robot pilots. the assurance drifting by
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didn't arouse much interest, fast teaching list of mid t. as in david, we've got a specific list of animals that we should gather fast. and we still have about an hour to hopefully find a few more starfish on, on the few cm and e v in them, the people take them to name and set them up just like a vacuum cleaner. owns and nothing's happening over the phone. no, i mean we will just dress those if we try to try to suck it in. yes, you can me the video, we can try to have it in the next tanya hotel right on the see. and then the name, the,
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the robot found some other animals on shot to see that they did strange. it's amazing that animals can live here. we're told where the pressure is many hundreds of times higher than the surface the was laid to the right. but to finished it, search on the sea bed and was pulled back on the phone with it came the collection of animals. the biologist was quite excited.
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this time i'm happy about but the to come back, even though i am probably the only one. now to see, to come, but goes into the cold room so that mike on a can die secretary tomorrow morning. see and con, is it still alive? me? no, i don't think that can handle the pressure difference, but especially the temperature difference of over 20 degrees at they die on the way out. it was a special moment for the other scientists to they were thrilled to hold these life forms from the depths close to them. it's difficult to world that's the
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tanya shot, my nose, that human as he barely has a clue about what they've steep below the waves bulls that they knew at the time of the admission was that via diversity is high in the depths of the korean clip attends stomachs, but suspects that despite the address conditions deep below the surface, that could be great to species diversity. then even online it's possible that tanya shed hotman had broached a previously unknown species up on deck. honestly, i'm not sure if this is a new species. that's why we're freezing it right now. it's minus 80 degrees, so that my colleagues at the same come back institute can determine if it is
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a new species we've just discovered. or if it's only one still unfamiliar to me, it's possible that this one on the left and the deep sea or i just don't know it yet. it was a time of one to enjoy upload the island pride. the faraway on the islands escaped that day in the atlantic. the conservationists of land to now was celebrating this small success the in summer, during the night time sea tassels come on shore to lay their eggs. they usually begin reproducing at the age of 20. that's when the females find their way back to the beaches where they will hatched today, their ro,
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next the lucky they'll find sand to dig a hole for the next. the, the team from land to net is spending every night for 3 weeks. they find the nests, pick them up and take them to the protectiveness 3. there are too many nest products, has those human and animals that like to let nature take its course. without the help of the conservationists, the titles would have an even greater struggle to survive, given that shrinking habitats. there are moments of one to every night. now at this moment, this 3 baby tassels are in the jing taking their way out of the sun. it's
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a time of joy and satisfaction for anna and teen or whether it's happening the surface at hatches so you can see the baby so. so now we are going to fast paul, as long as we have for that weight measured and counted precise records that kept and then they given the little head stats to the off spring, a catholic carriage close to the sea. so they went full prey to anything or any one on the beach. how many do you think eats?
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yes. and there was the good luck. the 5 of the without the dedication of conservation is like on on 13 things would be much worse for the test holes in the atlantic ocean around cape that day. the really heavy. it's always a more show and also a moment we hold the deck in 15 percent to use the veto. so this really is done to
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me, the i so this you but the stress and the quantity the but on a says there is much more to be done to improve the condition of the oceans. stripping ascend from so many beaches is also affected. marine life just of the case. food sources for fish have dwindles and there are a few opportunities to spoon the fishes. it's less and less and need to go as i saw the route. but other is proud of the fact that fishing here is sustainable. its own about people's individual needs growth as an industrial bottom trolling.
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and hoax nines that extend for columbus has this no bike china done this boat takes in its catch of the day. a gina, this size is enough to feed several families. fishing like this doesn't comm ocean bio diversity, but that's not the case everywhere on the high seas. according to the u. n. food and agriculture organization. one stood of old fish stokes, a rosa faced, technically sophisticated lodge fishing fleets, the scouring the oceans back. catch close to set by politicians often miss the target. a huge fleet of chinese industrial fishing vessels looks around the world round the clock. at sea, for months they load the couches directly on to congo ships,
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many billions of dollars in subsidies fuel this home full time during this the oceans. the chinese ships like this one. this specially designed to catch squids the animals are attracted by powerful lights at nights. these bites fly the horses mainly in the indian ocean or work of south america. these images taken from space show light sources of the coast of patagonia evidence of chinese ships hunting for squint the b. o. sorry caesar will but powerless. there are a few ways to monitor the most has and even if there are countries have no authority outside is that right and territorial voices. queen peace was monitoring the indian ocean some months in the summer of 2021. they with that to document as
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a fishing and the legal fishing with the multiplex movie the i'm, i'm going to fun. in the meantime, they've gone back to using just nets. they were banned 30 years ago by the u. n. clinton, but just a few months ago in the indian ocean, we were able to document kilometer long that's being deployed and focused on these are known as well. guns, very thin, barely perceptible filaments, often made of night long visual asthma, garnish bonding behind for kilometers. i'm deep in the ocean hanging me to bite long one's teeth their left a long time and taken everything that drifts along in the water of us. and they don't only know their targets and pcs such as to know or sort fish ships, fish. the simply star turtles, cellphones with wells sharks, raised and many, many other animals that are not on their list at all. and ultimately only go overboard as unwanted bycatch. and vision was one of inch by fung blocking the
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this is the next. as in the campaign was evaluated at green peace headquarters, the activists of 9 for a long time, the life on the high seas is like nice in the wild west and yeah, or illegal fishing and the fishing and destructive fishing practices continue to threaten ocean life and know that the, let's find the best and the other ones are going to set the latest figures from the u. n. food and agriculture organizations said quite clearly about 60 percent of the world's food. fresh dogs are exploited and exhausted to their biological limit drive and around 30 or $32.00 are severely depleted sense, and that means more is being removed from ecosystems. me more fish are being fish in the oceans, then can replenish themselves biologically and naturally you lucas will not to this
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indeed, not locks and come is too many, she's taken, and stokes cannot renew. this also affects the fishes like here in the west and baltic sea fishing company located knows if keel is looking for ways to secure the future of gemini, small scale fish's. opening. the study has shown the college has almost disappeared. and tearing this threat, the staple catches of the bolts had because been of a fished for years. as a result, the eu has almost completely banned the catch of both fish species father
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and son, maya are able to continue because they switch to different species and fish sustainably . with us on that we've always been fishers and you could almost say since time in the morning it's our lives passion and the best job there is look around freedom, beautiful weather today and whatnot. wonderful. no stress, no annoying people kind enough to mention on the actually there's not much to allow for that small scale fishes on the bowl ticket. becoming a raspy. she's themselves the maya's. want to keep working within their own way whiskey and that's what i'm one of the longest serving fishers here on board. and as long as i'm allowed to pilot a boat with permission from the fisheries trade association, i'll be up the hill and i've kind of 5 devices, also fished cold and hiring for decades. within the last 20 years,
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they noticed the stokes dwindling numbers of college in the west and baltic a so low some scientist style they will have a recovery. that's why years ago the maya shifted to only catching fish. this is still relatively plentiful. that's good. port charlotte, this is place. you can, i mean everybody knows it licensed, i just got a whiteside on for them and it's a knowingly slippery lovely, not as smooth as an heal. it is. this is, this will be the 1st. so you man and it goes healings. we also use a beeping device by the way to ward off porpoises. you can also hear it sounds like it's quite soft now. yeah. yeah. there's ones here and one at the end of end they work off each other. i can show you that there's gotta be one every 200 meters and they scare off the 4 percent so they don't swim into the net
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when the minus of committed themselves to fishing sustainably and taking only as much as they needs to. and then the thing never the less they still struggle with you regulations is to do nothing except i'm most of them. yeah. it's to send. there's no flesh on it's the what are we going to do with it? why should we take it with us? i'm just, i just don't get it and we have gloves on the fish having nothing. if there's a like this law applies to fishing with trawlers, it says we have to take everything we catch hold on getting rid of it. so it's counted towards the quota because there's supposedly that anyway, and that's the basis for this law. yeah. if we don't get it, we're supposed to take it this, but we won't. because why should i kill it? i'm going to enter it. honestly, it's such a nonsense, at least for us, that's who owns the full. the problem with this law is that wishing with a trawler is acquainted with gomez? i like is it? that's complete idiocy in my eyes funding uploads. in other words, for the few fish we catch that are too small, like this one here,
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and we just don't take them you that only we refused to do so as let me it was divided on. so we're trying to avoid medic, smaller feet. how about using larger matches and much, much lights are mesh size is 10 percent larger than required. so we bring in good qualities significantly larger, the initial because our profession is really getting a criminal reputation. god is already claiming that can't be right. it can let me think of a sign that does get me so now things are about to get bloody the industrial trolling lead to this knowledge. international fishing boat supplied the baltic for you is taking what the see how to effect sustainable fishing and selling close to the consumer became the mayas molto on the fish from cortez websites. it's probably about this whole quarter line that's be officially comfortable in life. so some of them now i'm riding on fish fun because then we want to sell our fish right away. what do we have?
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we have macro and we have target and we have placing the we won't make 10 o'clock anymore. so we've got to change that 1st just about $11.00 to $1.00. that just takes a few seconds and then it's up on the fish bottom quotes us side right away. that's look like lemme cool. now it's reloading fish for beforehand there's a new address lloyd shown back since the pups that can assist you. but that's where we're about to go to cell macro turban place on until 1 pm and, and it goes of the, at least to get rid of his eyes. like, how's the us doing? the right thing is easy to comes by. what you can get where you live normally cut off is that leaves us with potatoes and cabbage, but that's how we save the world. that doesn't say that's the point. we don't need huge container ships. um, but do we have one right now? there's one coming up behind us. they distribute all the junk from around the world, but we just need what's here. and it's a wonderful product. honestly, i don't see any of the miles saving
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the world. if everyone behaved like this, the oceans might not be in crisis. and neither would the fishing profession, the after the 2nd world war, there was $3000.00 fishing businesses on the baltic coast of shows to be hostile. now and the, a few dozen small fishes are left who are trying to survive by a sustainable guild that phishing the meanwhile lodge industrial fishing boats with huge nets continue to fish as if there were no issue . the to miles have been fishes, the h generations, they don't know whether it will go on. but if it does, then like this we need
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a macro and to place to this one. yes, that's very nice. into place. yes. the medium size, and that would be all for us. all right? then the 13, you're really gonna tell you sometimes it really does happen that we have no fish for 3 or 4 days when the wind blows across the baltic. and we can go out and see, could you just have to accept it? we're not a supermarket, then we can only deliver when we catch something, flipping to a suspicious rest. and so 2 is the health of the oceans. of the fishing is just one reason why the oceans are in crisis. unbridled over exploitation is threatening the seas.
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alexandra costume limits this in the end. we will just tom ourselves as well as our environment. the granddaughter of ocean exploration, costume knows the oceans, covers 71 percent of the planets produce health of our oxygen and absorb huge amounts of c o. 2. right now we still have the opportunity to change how we fish to put a moratorium on deep sea. my names have an opportunity to expand ocean farming in a way that's regenerated with seaweed for us growing around the world and the restoration of sea grass beds and mangroves and salt parsons. we still have a chance to do that in a way that will actually rebuild our oceans and, and bring that life back. i think sandra costume has set up a foundation. cold oceans 2050, and it's a mis to restore ocean habits. she and other ocean conservation advocates believe
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the salt list. disrespectful exploitation of marine life needs to end most these eagles that's we must make a clear change, of course, towards more input section and away from expectations i'll spell it goes without saying we use resources from the see if we need them. but it has to be a regulated environmentally sustainable level. we must prevent all the damage we can print and it's actually extremely late now already. in some cases, we're 5 minutes before a doomsday and in others 5 minutes after arrival. one can only hope that our oceans also have a future because our future as humans depends on it directly to think that we are still unacquainted with the depths. we're only just beginning to understand what goes on deep below the surface and the significance. these processes have and i phone lines. the energy transition must take place. climate change must be stopped,
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but is commercial mining and the deep sea west? the risk? you know, we do need a colossal amount of metal to achieve that and that metal needs to come from somewhere. and by all means, recycling is hugely important and can play a role, but it isn't enough to get us there for decades to comments. so new sources of metal will be needed. and um, for gsr we, you know, we're aiming for 2028 as the earliest date for commercial production. after a 6 week expedition exploring the deep sea, the voyage of the islands pride to slowly come to an end. the scientists did a lot of testing measuring, observing, i'm think, even if many final test results can only be reveals of 2 evaluation in labs back home. the research is already knew that the harvesting of the c bed was just about
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unstoppable. it's barbara shawn dot com. i believe it will come at some point one box we want development. we want to prove we want a high standard of living. also, i think that should be the case for the entire world population for that we will need metal in sam d, phelman m of i from that perspective i told the companies in what ways continue, continue to research and trying to tap into this tricia here. and then we ask if ask your opinions, david, do it on since maybe then people in asia well as blog or so on. but i do believe that at some point the time will come when the mining will take place on circle. yeah, that's a big on the ventilation because because their truck is ones, these are, those are the tradeoffs that we actually have to make as a society or is it worth it to us to destroy our great, sustainable systems who want to indulge and this continued long term damage that
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goes way beyond our generation, or is it worth it to us to rec, so i think because we're talking about huge areas of st. bedroom by the mountain. but if we just continue on with our consumption of these metals and don't achieve a sustainable cyclical economy, which we will have completely destroyed, bt areas like the entire body and clipper consumer to come up with an 50 to a 100 years. this will not be on complex. i still need me talking about an area of the 30058000 kilometers much. i can take area, the size of europe that says in time that we have destroyed nations. of course we already need to keep that in mind. tom. i was wondering, i thought that my fault and the
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the finishing as a network thing as one it show about vision range and the project, the percentages that can be tackled together for a future worth living. working for a more united world. d, w may the force be with george, the venture donor thing
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special mustang director, george lucas has made the history presenting the visionaries life in 90 minutes on d w. the chalet, crises every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the,
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the state of the news lives from berlin. benjamin netanyahu dissolved his war cabinet. the decision follows the resignation earlier this month of central's national unity party leader . many got the war cabinet was formed shortly after the october 7th terror attacks on southern israel. also coming this after israel's army. it says that it's daily tactical pause in parts of southern gaza will allow more 8 shipments, but right groups they, it's not enough. as the u. n. warrants, thousands of children in the territory suffer from huge malnutrition and those rush operates. it's nuclear hardware. i'm intentions over ukraine and.


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