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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the speed of the news lives from berlin. benjamin netanyahu dissolved his war cabinet. the decision follows the resignation earlier this month of central is national unity party leader. bunny got the word cabinet, was formed shortly after the october 7th terror attacks on the southern israel. also coming this after israel's army, it says that it's daily tactical pause in parts of southern gaza will allow more 8 shipments, but rights groups say it's not enough as the u. n. warrants thousands of children
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in the territory. suffer from huge mel nutrition and those rush out for rates. it's nuclear hardware. i'm intentions over ukraine and new reports as rival nations are ramping up spending on atomic weapons. the calculations great to have you with us and is really official, says that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dissolved israel's war cabinet. that's after a minister, if any guns and his national unity party equipped the government on june 9th. the move comes as israel continues its military operations in the gaza strip. israel's army has said it would implement a daily tactical pause, as they call it along a road in southern gaza to allow a deliveries through the peak around shall long border crossing. earlier we spoke to the w corresponding rebecca river as in jerusalem and asked her why benjamin
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netanyahu has dissolved the war cabinet. well, this hasn't come as a surprise, nicole. it was largely expected off of any guns and got he either caught didn't stand down from the wall cabinet. a little cabinet was made around about october 11th last year, just off to the breakout of the wall at the behest of many guns who said that he would come on board to provide a more unified for the unity government. as it is known here. to try to guide the guide as well through these complex time. now, since they've stood down, the prime minister this office now says that it is no longer needed this little cabinet, but it's largely sold. that's because of fall right minnesota, it's a mob been greer. the national security minister was pushing to be loud in to that will cabinet and that's something that's a problem. so benjamin netanyahu clearly wasn't in favor of and certainly wouldn't have pleased israel to ally the united states. so instead he's decided to dissolve a cabinet completely instead. now decisions will go to
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a wider security cabinet on which it's my been via and the finance minutes a bit slow smoke tricked both heading ultra nationalist potties in the coalition. they are both on security in that security cabinet and we'll be overseeing some of the decisions being made, although it is thought that they will also be smaller consultative groups made up in an ad hoc fashion and they may contain various members that benjamin netanyahu picks at the time for particular decisions which is being said or at store, in some circles at this situation may actually favor benjamin netanyahu, is looking for ways not to enter this for even though there's a lot of international pressure to do so. and by, by allowing or by, in fact, having to have these decisions go to a wider security cabinet that do include these whole coach members. they, they have already said that they do not want to see an end of the war until all the
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military items has been met. so that could work and benjamin netanyahu site. yeah. rebecca, this is not the only political headache for now. yeah. what seems israel's military and it's government don't really see eye to eye on the issue of those so called tactical pauses that were announced over the weekend. what more can you tell us? that's right. these were announced yesterday pretty early in the morning by the is really middle tray that they would be these 11 hour, tactical pauses on a particular humanitarian route, that has been demarcated. now shortly after that announcement, so these fine, right ministers, namely bits, no small bits of small church and it's a mob been great. both came out against them and then we heard from the prime minister's office. so, or at least it was reported to have come from the prime minister's office. the benjamin netanyahu was also upset by this news showing a kind of a rift between the military and what benjamin netanyahu is planning for them to do . so. it's not the 1st time we've seen a difference in opinion and difference in issues they will have to say,
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what comes of these pauses and whether they'll continue given that risk to w, corresponded rebecca writers from jerusalem. thank you. in the united nations has welcomed the announcement of daily breaks and the fighting, but said more needs to be done. children are among those with the greatest means. the world health organization said over a 1000 children under the age of 5, i've been diagnosed and treated for acute malnutrition. now, 1600 of them are classified as severe, as well as not having enough food agencies that children like access to sufficient health care and are living in a constant state of fear. james elder is a spokesperson for the united nations children's agency units. have you joined us from rossa in southern gaza and told us how the humanitarian situation has evolved there in the last month? look, it's gotten so much worse. no one should be surprised by that since march. those same children have had to 3 more months of relentless,
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bombardments every not as it before, as we were getting this sorted out over there at the bottom. and see now last night the night before. if it's not bombardments, it's drones, either attack drones or drones that are like a low mile or in your head. this continues to go on. i, the great fear is that it's a normalized, there is nothing normal about children being deprived. so there's nothing normal about thousands of children, big bone, there's certainly nothing normal about the constant fee of the people living. so people now physically and psychologically shifted, they worried much, somehow they've held on, but they are literally now just holding on with a die like a water with nutrition consistent and all that i add on going indiscriminate, indiscriminate attacks. i've just come back from the hospital again saying children with liam is missing with our, with, with, with uh that being my blind in the last few days while sleeping in the home. that's 250 days. that's how things are compared to march. and thousands of children are
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also suffering from acute malnutrition. now that's according to the w and show. do you believe these 11 hour, tactical pauses at the israel and military has a now so will do much to remedy the situation. any polls in bombing is good news for children. they haven't seen it. i haven't heard. it's todd to explain what it's lot must be like for jobs for this relentless bombardment m, as a mother said to me in march where they thought they were going to get a stage bar to not is it not? i can promise my child. she will wake up tomorrow morning. that's these 5 to us didn't happen. that hope was bombed away. so many polls is good. there's a lot more to be saying, we bought these millions, which is one crossing. it's about getting somebody and we need to get more id and yes, but then we need to get that. i've sites across the gals and strip that is the responsibility of the occupying power is a very difficult. it is very dangerous place to divide. so we have to say it's, there is a lot of law yet to be saying right now there is a, you know, we need to see evidence on the ground,
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not most statements. we need to see evidence as to whether this woman smooth the foster site for delivery. and i, the, the clearest way to do that would not just be with a pause or a strategic strategic pause would be with more crossings argument. in fact, we've seen them close wrap up rather in the south is the humanitarian lifeline. cuz you mandatory and agencies for a coming in. we've seen half as many trucks in my as april hop as many out of time with the need is skyrocketing. we've seen houses many because may have cost was the offensive, and russell, the so called quote unquote, limited offensive the limits it offensive that led to a 1000000 more people being dislikes. so we need more crossings with a much safer environment. so it's a step, but it's a very baby step and it's only been around for a day. i'm not exactly sure on the spice, but it's been bombarded in the last couple of hours nearby where i am at least in raffle. yeah, the fact that the situation on the ground is growing increasingly desperate. what
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does it mean for human assess ability to carry out its task? but this is a really difficult place to offer. i would say more united nations colleagues, chelsea of than in any was since world war 2, and this is a month on now. but this is one of my colleagues do. their frontline respond is whether it's eunice it, whether it's phone or the backbone of an idol pricing, w h o w t. these are from on work is where the word of dentist on syria human, you're crying. this is what people do. but it's very difficult. i was on a convoy on wednesday to go to the north with a truck of medical, a nutrition supplies 410000 children, critical loss saving supplies was about a 25 mile 40 kilometer journey. it took surgery and out with all the paperwork, it took $13000.00 in the and that truck was denied based on that it was meant to be a van motor closed truck out rule the inspections. it was denied. those 10000 children did not get that. i that we will return, we will go again, but it's not as simple as going the next day. the just given how to address these
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operating environment is we need on vehicles for every comb void. so that's $10000.00 children. we've got a very wide mandate. unicef is water, it's sanitation, it's tense because so many families of us at home we want stops, but we need, we need is route to facilitate, enable us to do our work for the civilian. so again, just holding on and you say that people live in constant fear, understandably so. what psychological impact are you seeing on children and their parents as a weird and uncharted territory? there is no doubt. there is every single child in the gaza strip. ne, some sort of mental health care. i don't really know of any job. everyone would know once to leave that home. but if your home gets destroyed and 2 thirds of houses and buildings here have been damaged or destroyed, i've never seen this devastation is post apocalyptic tooth. the johan gets ball and of course you just want to lead you want to get as far away from the constant threat of me solves and problems. as you can,
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you cannot hear children can notice skype. betcha. so this out. it's constant sound of drones and bombs, and of course the deprivation and even just your child to look into that pair his eyes and now to know that your mom or dad cannot protect you is a terrifying thing. i've had more than a handful of young people this past week side of me. i have nothing left. i hope i miss all hits much and i'm done. that's the mental health of children who have a very young generation who, you know, we've opportunities and education and let and the labor market. you know, it's a young population is the envy of, of aging countries, but not with the conditions. these children are forced to live through you and assess spokesperson james elder and ralph. i. james, thank you so much for your time and please try to be safe. thanks your call. i. let's take a look now and some other stories making headlines around the world. do in the start, i change chinese state media, say at least 4 people have died and lands lives in the southeastern province of
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john heavy rains of soap. the reason for the last week was flooding, forcing tens of thousands from their homes. forecasters are predicting yet more rainfall in the coming days. no, not the russian states. maybe a say a us journalist, evan gross conventions. trial for a suspect is fine. we'll start next week. the proceedings will reportedly not be public. the wall street journal reporter has been detained. since march of 2023, prosecutors accused him of working for the c. i a, an accusation denied bikers commit himself, his employer and the us government. north korean state media, say russia as president of lot of man will pay an official visit to the country on tuesday, who will then travel to vietnam. the following day, most going on young have become closer during russia's war and ukrainian or russian missile attack on you. frames is central pull top, our region has injured, at least
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a dozen people and damage several buildings. already say it knocked out electricity for more than $55000.00 customers and damage. several high rise buildings. emergency crews are repairing the power line. as russia rammed stop nuclear threats amid the war in ukraine, nuclear armed states are spending more on weapons of mass destruction still comb. international peace research institute has released a report now warning nuclear weapons haven't played such a prominent role in global relations since the cold war. russia and its ally, bella roost carried out more nuclear drills this month. the exercise is worth design to discourage western support for ukraine in a separate report, the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. i can says there was a $10000000000.00 increase in global spending on nuclear weapons last year. yeah. so is the snyder, is the program coordinator at the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons
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and co author of, at the latest report, i asked her, what those countries with nuclear arsenals are spending this extra money. well, every one of these countries is modernizing their arsenals. so they're spending the money on new airplanes, new submarines, and new missile systems to deliver nuclear weapons wherever they want on the earth . it's only 9 countries, but it's a huge amount of money. we calculated about $3000.00 per 2nd. spent in 2023 on weapons, but most of these countries hoping never to use and that really should never be used. yes. 30 no. $3000.00 per 2nd. that is a huge amount of money in the us alone accounts for 80 percent of the increase that you documented for last year. what conclusions do you draw from that as well the us spending is goes primarily into the hands of private contractors. so within the
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us, the companies that are making a profit building these weapons of mass destruction companies like lockheed martin and northrop grumman that take home major contract. in fact, we profile 20 companies in this report that have contract for the next decades, a totaling over $387000000000.00. and it's unfortunate because all of these countries have promised to negotiate nuclear disarmament. and yet, none of them are doing it. in fact, they're making massive investments. x pay your money into decades of potential destruction with these weapons of mass destruction and staggering numbers. really in your figures, refer to the 9 countries that officially possess nuclear weapons. though, what can you tell us about countries developing nuclear weapons like iran? well, we know that iran does not have nuclear weapons. and there are $44.00 countries in the world that have the capacity to bill to nuclear weapons. and the majority of
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those have chosen not to iran has not yet cross the thresholds to decide to make nuclear weapons. and we don't analyze countries that don't have them. we focus on the 9 that 2 and the 9 that need to end this, wasteful spending and re directed towards long term useful security. like the nearly 100 countries that have joined the treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons that reinforce the norm. but nuclear weapons are unnecessary for anyone's security. and in fact, we're better off with negotiations than we are with weapons of mass destruction. you are not the only ones looking at this issue, your colleagues over at the store come international peace research institute. also just released a report stating a higher reliance on nuclear weapons world. why are we returning to a world under threats of mutually assured destruction here as well, based on our calculations, we're certainly re returning to
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a nuclear arms race. and we're spending at this level and to new nuclear weapons systems across the board. it's a dire concern to everyone. the thing is with nuclear weapons, the impact of these weapons do not stop at the border. you cannot use a nuclear weapon and hope it will just only injure those on a battlefield. these are weapons designed to cause mass civilian harm, and that was a huge problem. so i am very concerned that we're re entering a, a false concept in a false logic of where nuclear weapon seemed to have value when in fact they are. the only thing has kept them from being used so far as look and luck is not a good security strategy at, but we don't have too much time. but i do want to look ahead you campaign for a new free world. what will it take for us to get there and how realistic is that given the state of affairs? well, i believe that it is not only possible, it is absolutely necessary,
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and it's so much easier to get rid of nuclear weapons than it is to deal with other global ex. essential crises, like climate change or negotiating some rules of the road on artificial intelligence. the treaty on the probation of nuclear weapons is the way to go, and that's what we encourage all states to engage with and joint since the snyder from the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. thanks so much for your time. thank you. after decades of conflict of kindness done has become one of the country's most affected by left overland lines and other munitions. almost 4000000 people are exposed to the constant risk of being harmed. united nations baker say nearly 900 people were killed or wounded by left over munitions from january 2023 to april this year alone. many of them children and exploding 9 my injured 13 year old months, hon. and for the last april, he wasn't the fees, but his brother bending their sheep and must brother wanted to play with the 9 mind
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they had found it blew up his brother died and emma was injured. i missed my brother. i want to have village to be cleared of months and then my brother was killed in future. this should not happen to others un fees mines get a tried every other day and i've gotten this done before any longer. do you mind this from the british organization? hello, trust, don't admission do that to get all minds from the country on the, on our land mines, and then they don't need them in a bit covered with sand bags. they also teach my know, reading this class. it's enough gone villages. the class that had been children, none how dangerous different things are. children are thoughts that sort of mocked adf, on save, that, we don't go to the places we have this done as blue. we know it's dangerous and we
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go to the places where the stone and he's white because we know those areas are not dangerous. the d mining efforts cost a lot of money either to be conflicts. mean there's less funding then did use to be the internationally recognized by the button government, if not trusted by internationally. don't us. we have a number of mind action and yours who are capable and who have been working here some as far as 1998 who still have the capacity, the equipment, the knowledge, the leadership, the skills and the technical ability to conduct this, the mining they just need financing to get the workforce back together to go out to what water may have left on this done. but the remnants of nearly 4 decades of successive conflicts continue to destroy life's. the responsibility by the ball was involved in those conflicts could save pressure of lives. terms. cowan is the
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ceo of the halo truss banjo. you saw in that room for just now working to clear landlines in afghanistan and many other countries. now, earlier i asked him where these mines and unexploded ordinances came from. well, as you know, the enough kind of stone went on for a very long time. so the, the landlines reflect that longevity, some of the minds are from the soviet era when. uh, so the unit evaded as kind of stone in 1979 and from the 10 years ago that followed some of the millions of from the ne table from, from 2001 on woods. and so it is a real mix of different types of minds and what codes are you use, improvise expensive devices and those devices can main indiscriminate and they did a cat who liked them, would they end up getting people of to women and children? many, many years of the event and they could show that some $44.00 children have been killed every month. enough kind of stones at to this day. yeah,
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so just to be clear here, international forces who came to afghanistan to free the country and the power button might well be to blame for some of the harm that is pleading the country to this day. the international coalition, the find you, brian de totes, did not delay any landlines. okay. what it did to the was use munitions and some of those munitions still lie around as kind of stone and meet the kids. the bulk of the contamination is about improvise exposure device is one of these in amongst the community and needs because they're strongly dangerous. and we are working hard with uh, stuff that we have to him outside and stuff. and that's kind of stone carrying these. munitions, is the true extent of the problem in afghanistan known yet? no, i don't think so, and we'd be working the now since 1988. we've created phenomenal number of
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devices, but we have a lot more what to do. and what i would include your listeners is to think people might deploy the television, they might dislike the politics. but the st called her by the people that's kind of stone. and the innocent civilians who uh, being honed by the international communities with total funding. as to what degree and education which is a big part of the work that you do and it's kind of standing around the world health to reduce data from lines and other unexploded devices that are left behind after combat. as long as that's absolutely right. because much of our work is about the actual and demolition of exposure, but we're used to go into schools. we talked to communities, we reach people and we tell them whether it be when they don't children or adult men. they must be extremely careful because particularly for children, some of these devices like toys,
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but they are extremely lee. so. and so what we can do for very little money to reach those communities and explain to them why they mustn't touch them. can be like saving you talked about a help from the international community, financial aid to the ask and people we only have about 30 seconds. but i don't want to let you go without asking you what can be done to stop left over munitions from taking more lives and afghanistan. what can be done on the international level? maybe i would encourage you international donors to keep the faith with us kind of stone. you know, gemini, for example, has been a fantastic toner uh to the close of the land line carriers. i would really ask jimmy not to stop doing this. we must continue and although there are other commitments elsewhere in the world and ukraine and now and gaza, that's kind of stone has gotten conflict now, which must not be left on that side. because if, if it is left many, many more thousands of people will suffer. that's james colon, the ceo of halo many things,
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and congratulations on the very important work that you do over there. thank you. muslims from around the world have visited sonia radio for the annual hodge pilgrimage. the ritual is one of the largest mass gatherings in the world, almost 2000000 people to part a mit sweltering conditions. officials and saudi arabia say at least 14 people died because of the extreme heat in once the muslims from around the world travel to saudi arabia for the sacred, spiritual experience. the harsh pilgrimage is a chance to walk in the footsteps of prophets and spend 5 or 6 days, often during hot summer with the among the rituals is the stoning of the table, where ship is throw safe in stones 3 concrete pools symbolize and medieval in the
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mean of valley located just outside is wholly a city of mika. many customs take place outdoors and on foot. a challenge and temperatures of 45 degrees or more. but that other fact hodge is a difficult task. so you have to exec effort and perform the rituals even in the heat, and crowding you use an umbrella drink water and put it onto your body to prevent dehydration. and the water spring causing the walkways help the little besides, saudi arabia has these have climate controlled areas to help manage the hate with officials distributing voice. so to keep people cold. the highest one of the 5 basic obligations of being muslim. if we believe a who has the mains is encouraged to perform the pilgrimage, at least once and the lifetime. and before we go over land rover top story and is really official,
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says that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dissolved israel's war cabinet that's offer minister benny guns and his national unity party quits the government on june 9th. and that's all for now. next we made a young girl in india who was inspiring others to free the ocean of plastic, that's on global us after the break. i'm really thank you so much for your company . get ethan's. we'll have more of the company mix our, the, the,
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