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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from ballot. benjamin netanyahu was dissolved his little cabins. the decision follows the resignation of centrist national unity policy, lead up many guns, any of this month. double cabinets was formed shortly after the october, 7th, turbo tax on as well as ross, has not been put in his head in for north korea to meet with kim jump on where the to isolated leaders are expected to samantha strategic pence, economic culprits, the
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guy that was welcome to the program and it's really official says that's prime minister benjamin netanyahu as dissolve israel is woke out of that's, that's off to administer the any guns. and to is national unity bound to quit the government earlier this month. meanwhile, israel continues this military operations in the gaza strip. israel's army is said it would implement a daily technical pause along the road in southern gaza to a lot, a deliveries through the crime shut on board across the area. i aust correspondence under trema in jerusalem wine that's in yahoo as does offices, will cabinet now a lot. it didn't come exactly as a surprise. i mean, this move was expect as i prime minister benjamin netanyahu of to his minister benny guns and also his number 2 of his party got the item code less the government over a week ago. so for some here, it was father formality that this happened. now this consultative body,
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the smaller will copy that was formed actually shortly after the attacks on october 7. so to show a unity to bring the parts of the opposition also in this government. and this will come in that was kind of a condition that mr. guns was actually joining this government at the time that some yes say, of course no, it was also a political move now by problem must have been, you mean that's a now you didn't want his power, right? the cabinet ministers a bit. so those motors whose finance minister and also the minister for national security. it's him a ben via to join this of work cabinet. a but some said was more formative because now basically what mister netanyahu will do is that she will, of some government sources have said to form a smaller consultative, a groups ahead of figure decisions or critical decisions. and then bring them into
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the wider a secure, to copying that, but it is expected that they will be more more pressure, increasing pressure domestically and also internationally on a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i also know that this will cabinet is gone because nothing else could always point to this more unity to the centralized party that was part of it. and that is of course, no longer the case. that's what these tactical poles is in gaza that were announced by these really, i mean for on this, this is you all reportedly criticize the, these pauses we'll see lots in phone to why this confusion. it was that there was a lot of speculation about it, but the fact is, these tactical pauses were not to cancel it. so what happened is, on sunday morning the is really military announced that they will implement or that those tactic a pauses where i actually already implemented from start today, their 11 hour zone from the morning to the evening along a cory door or
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a certain road in a southern a gauze and that should basically allow you many terran aids to go through in a more, a safer way. and we understand that i'm just a, been a minute and you on was as reportedly saying, he was not a very uh, he was very critical about his not happy about it. but i think what you have to offer right now is whether those, this tactic oppose actually effective to bring the aid where it needs to be and be heard from many agencies and also the united nations. that they say it's still, you know, one of the most dangerous places to pick up the 8 at the camera. i showed them crossing this is that most of the 8 us know china through since the off of crossing with egypt has been closed. and what is really, officials have accused and un agencies that you know, the trucks are not that are on because inside i'm not picked up in a timely manner. agency,
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if it's simply sometimes too dangerous. also that is lawlessness. and also, you know, there's a tactic and post doesn't really allow them to distribute the 8 where it needs to be. it allows them to go in a safer way, but it's still very dangerous. also for the humanitarian work. is there an exam of them from jerusalem? thank you very much, tanya. it's a 70. some of the other story is making headlines around the world today. thousands of anti government protests. those have gathered in front of israel's parliament in jerusalem, pulling for new elections to replace prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they also demanding a deal with from us to secure the release of hostages held in gaza valley times a week. after a war time unity government collapsed. german investigators have announced the seizure of more than 35 metric tons of cocaine and dis adults with some 2600000000 euros. they rest and 7 people and what they call the biggest copay and
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find in germany. the suspects allegedly organized the transport of cocaine from latin america to europe. europe and union leaders have got it in brussels to decide who will be taking the top jobs in the block european commission president. also the fund a line is expected to secure backing to stay in a position for a 2nd time sensor right? policy one, the most seats, and the latest you parliament detection a russian. this all attack on the cranes east. central pulse of our region as injured at least a dozen people and damaged several buildings. authorities say it's not down to electricity for more than 55000 people and damage. several high rise buildings. emergency foods are repairing the power line. rushes presidents that'd be put in will travel to north korea to meet with kim jungle. and the 2 countries have drawn close as since the position of western sanctions over most comfortable and ukraine
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. russian media say the 2 may sign a security partnership ship in defiance of warnings from the us and from south korea, a north korean leader, kim jong in, in russia last you shaking hands with his russian counts upon the lot to my present demand. he now caused an invincible comrey, no substance abuse in his trip to north korea and just said, racing with came the latest demonstration of deepening toys between moscow and fuel . yeah. but throughout the series of the united states have drawn close to since russia lost its full scale invasion of ukraine. finding friendship, i mean growing global life selection. but it's the relationship that spoken concerns in the west. south korean and us officials say the north has been feeding the russian boy machine, sending millions of munitions to must go. they say russia in baton has provided most career with military technology. and the can only kate,
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in defiance of un resolutions. soul in washington have held and emotions to cool to discuss the visits. but despite the western criticism, the kremlin said it has every right to develop ties with killing yet and shouldn't be challenged for doing so. this comes this tensions on the korean peninsula. steadly built the us and south career recently conducted joint air exercises teaching a b one strategic moment to allow split of shooting for you did the 1st precision guided building drill. even 7 years. south korea this month scrapped a minute tree packed with the north, allowing it to resume combat drills on that shared folder. so for ritz pod said, it was responding to a barrels of north korean balloons. filled with the seas and trash that was sent towards the south. bradley bowman is a foreign policy analyst at the foundation for defense of democracies in washington
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. i asked him why it flooded me putting has decided to visit north korea now. says putin's 1st trip in quite some time, but it's hardly surprising. i say that because it's worth remembering that kim went to russia last september. and during that visit, he called the shawn games relationship with russia, a top priority. any committed to full support, not only for people who prefer his warren ukraine at the time russia announced that there might be a reciprocal, does it by putting into north korea. so this is really can be viewed as kind of fulfillment of that commitment and reciprocal visit following chemist visit last year. so it's not surprising, but why now i think this is part of a broader dynamic and then also one specific to the bilateral relationship. the broader dynamic is that we're really saying we, the united states, united states, europe, and our allies are seeing the joining if you will, of what i would call them, access of the aggressors consisting of china, russia, ron, and north korea. you know, there's differences between the countries and their objectives,
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and they have this trust among themselves and all across tend not to want to trust other leaders. but they're unified by their opposition to the united states, to europe, and the rules base order. and they're eager to maintain their foot on the throne, so their respective people to maintain their, their a star trek rep on power and to advance a might makes right for a policy in each of their respective regions. the presents not only regional challenges, both but also global challenges as well. so how much help can can really gift 14 for his war against ukraine as well. you know, it's a good question. kim has already provided a lot of support to put in according to the us defense intelligence agency. this is as a last may, i'm just a couple of months ago. i know create already provide at least 3000000 artillery rounds to russia for use in uh, inside ukraine sport hooton's on promote invasion. and we've also seen the, the supply of short range, ballistic muscles. and according to the,
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again to the defense intelligence agency, we see the remains of some of those nor 3 and muscles have you been use inside the crane, including your car keys in january. so we've already seen weapons going from north korea to russian for using the crane. and we don't let that wall show you. north korean weapons being used in europe to kill european men, women, and children, europe. that's a big deal. and the problem is using in his forces are going through these musicians so quickly. the russian defense industrial base is having a hard time keeping up. so they need all the help they can get and they're going to get some of that help. haven't get in and want more than from john young. bradley, a brief, if you can, what does he couldn't get in return from bush and kim uh wants. uh, economic help, he wants diplomatic support at the un security council and he wants to weapons as well support for north prius space program which creates genuine concerns. of course, were south korea, japan in the united states as well as the broader international community. and the
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bottom of that was a foundation for defense of democracies. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. thank you to china now, when millions of people are trying to cope with 2 types of extreme, with flooding from heavy rains as killed at least 4 people in force, tens of thousands to evacuate in the south of the country. the north is suffering through a heat wave as raising phases of a drought. another sweltering day in northern china here in the capital badging residents are adapted, finding ways to beat the heat. was built for the time that we wear things like neck gators otherwise when we get sunburned, actually i already got sunburn because you can see on my skin anyways with bay things, whether you're either going to get scores you know, with or suffocated for most of there's only those 2 options. so meanwhile,
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much of southern china has been dealing with torrential rain full in food john province. days of heavy rains triggered land slide trapping a passing truck. at least 4 people have died with the further to reported missing large parts of food. young were under water on the weekend, as river level surged, forcing authorities to evacuate tens of thousands of people. so you'll control shooting in shanty province from shield, which has many urban areas and city streets were abortion, water. elsewhere in the grand g region, rescue teams were hard at work, bringing people to safety. as countless homes and villages were inundated, as the chinese government has issued repeated calls to step up preparedness in anticipation of more severe weather. heavy rain is expected to continue in the coming days with several central provinces affected while the heat wave in northern
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china shows no sign of letting up. so you're watching the dw news phone bell in here as i remind them of the top stories that we're following for you right now . and is really official. says that prime minister benjamin that's and yeah, it was dissolved, israel's whole cabinet that comes off the minister of any guns and his national unity policy with the government on june. the not the russians. presidents not to be approaching will travel to north korea to meet with ken jones, point flash and media sites, the to may sign a security partnership in defiance of warnings from the us. and from saw a message from the advocacy. and then i'll have a web use update for you at the top of the don't go web next we visit grid of it. can i sense where able, how many robertson forced inside sound to the back to i had last year that some
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close up coming right up after the break and don't forget you can always get a lot more news on our website. as dw adults got offers, and berlin from the other team, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan. it's a the on january 14th, 2024.


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