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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the news line from ballot. benjamin netanyahu has dissolved his whole cabinets. the decision follows the resignation of central national unity prophecy in need of many guns. earlier this month, the will cabinets was full and shortly off of the of 12 of 7. turbo tax on his round and russians vladimir putin is heading for north korea to meet with king john on where the 2 isolated latest are expected to cement. best strategic ends, economics corporation. the
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gab, please, thanks for joining us. and it's really official says that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is dissolved as well as will cabinets. that's off to administer benny guns and his national unity policy equipped the government earlier this month. meanwhile, israel continues its military operations in the gaza strip is, was ami. a said it was implement a daily tactical pause along a road in the southern gaza to allow a deliveries through the care and shallow and border crossing. i also corresponded tons of crime i in jerusalem. wind is now housed as all his will, cabinet now a lot. it didn't come exactly as a surprise. i mean, this move was expect as i prime minister benjamin netanyahu of to his minister benny guns and also his number 2 of his party guy. the eyes in coach left the government over a week ago. so for some here,
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it was father formality that this happened. now this consultative body, the smaller will copying it, was a full and actually shortly after the attacks and october 7 know to show a unity to bring the parts of the opposition also in this government. and this will come in that was kind of a condition that mr. guns was actually joining this government at the time that some yes say, of course no, it was also a political move now by problem must have been, you mean it's a no, you didn't want his power as cabinet ministers a bit. so those motors who was finance minister and also the minister for national security at the time of ben via to join this of work comp in that a. but some said was more formative because now basically what mister netanyahu will do is that she will, of some government sources have said she will form a smaller consultative, a groups ahead of figure decisions or critical decisions. and then bring them into
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the why to a secure to cabinet, but it is expected that they will be more more pressure, increasing pressure domestically and also internationally on a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i also know that this will cabinet is gone because nothing else could always pointed to this more unity to this interest party . that was part of it. and that is, of course, no longer the case. that's what these tactical pause is in gaza that announced by the israeli army, promised to initially are reportedly criticized the these pauses will see not in phone to why this confusion. it was that there was a lot of speculation about it, but the fact is these tactical pauses were not can so, so what happened is on sunday morning the is really military announced that they will implement or that those tactic a pauses were actually already implemented from start today,
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their 11 hour zone from the morning to the evening along a cory door, or a certain road in a southern a gauze. uh and that should basically allow humanitarian aids to go through in a more, a safer way. and we understand that i'm just a, been a minute and you on was as reportedly saying he was not a very you must very critical about is not happy about it. but i think what you have to offer right now is whether those, this tactic oppose actually effective to bring the 8 where it needs to be and be heard from many agencies and also the united nations. that they say it's still, you know, one of the most dangerous places to pick up the 8 at the camera. i showed them crossing this as the most of the 8 us know china through since the off of crossing with egypt has been closed. and what is really, officials have accused and un agencies that you know, the trucks are not that are on the causes side. i'm not picked up in
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a timely manner. agency if it's simply sometimes too dangerous. also that is lawlessness. and also, you know, there's a tech didn't post, doesn't really allow them to distribute the 8 where it needs to be. it allows them to go in a safer way, but it's still very dangerous. also for the many turned workers there. and they found that they have a folder from jerusalem. thank you very much. sonya. so the united nations meanwhile has welcome the announcement of the tactical opposes but said more needs to be done. children our long, those with the craziness needs the world health organization said over 8000 children. on the 5 i've been diagnosed and treated for sewage malnutrition, 1600 of them are classified as severe cases, as well as not having enough food. agencies say children lack access to sufficient health care and are living in a constant state of fear. james out there was a spokes person for the united nations children's agency. unicef fee joined us from
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rough off and southern gaza and told us how the humanitarian situation has evolved them in the last month. look, it's gotten so much worse. no one should be surprised by that since march. those same children have had to 3 more months of relentless, bombardments every not as it before, as we were getting this sorted out over there at the bottom. and see now last night the night before. if it's not bombardments, it's drones, either attack drones or drones that are like a low mile or in your head. this continues to go on. i the right fear is that it's a normalized. there is nothing normal about children being deprived food. there's nothing normal about thousands of children being bone. there's certainly nothing normal about the constant fee of the people living. so people now physically and psychologically shifted, they were in march somehow they've held on, but they are literally now just holding on with a dye, lack of water with nutrition, consistent denials of light and ongoing indiscriminate,
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indiscriminate attacks. i've just come back from the hospital games. the children with liam is missing with our, with, with, with uh, that being my blind in the last few days while sleeping in their homes. it's $250.00 days. that's how things are compared to match us. so what will cause some of the other stories making headlines? thousands of anti government protesters have gathered in front of israel commits in jerusalem, calling for new elections to replace from minnesota benjamin. that's a yahoo! that also demanding a deal with hum moss to secure the release of hostages held and gaza. the rally comes a week off for war time. unity government that collects german investigators have announced the seizure of mold in the 35 metric tongues of cocaine, invisible. with some 2600000000 bureaus, interest and 7 people in what they call the biggest cocaine find in germany. the suspects allegedly organized the transport of cocaine from latin america to europe
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. of the european union leaders have gathered in brussels to the side who will be taking the top jobs. in the block, european commission president was left on the line is expected to secure backing to stay in a position for a 2nd term. a sent a ride policy, one of the most seats in the latest you parliament elections. a russian miss of the attack on the trains at east central pulse of our region has injured at least 10000 people in damage. several buildings authorities say it's enough to offer the electricity more than 55000 people on the damage, several high rise building, emergency crews um repairing the power rushes president vladimir putin will travel to north korea to meet with kim jong. and the 2 countries have drawn close up since the position of western sessions over most comfortable in ukraine. russian media say the 2 may assign
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a security partnership in defiance of warnings from the us and from south korea. north korean leader, kim jong, and in russia last you shaking hands with his russian counts upon lot to my present demand. he now cause an invincible, come read the notes for us as a do since trips to north korea. and to said racing with came the latest demonstration of deepening toys between moscow and if you don't get that throughout the series of the united states of june, close to since russia lost its full scale invasion of ukraine. finding friendship, i mean growing global life selection, but it's the relationship that spoken concerns in the west. south korean and us officials say the north has been feeding the russian blooms, she's sending millions of munitions to moscow. they say russia in return has provided most career with military technology and economic kate in defiance of un resolutions sold in washington have held an emergency call to discuss the visit.
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but despite western criticism, the kremlin said it has every right to develop ties withdrawn yet. and shouldn't be challenged for doing so. this comes this tensions on the korean peninsula. steadly built the us and south career recently conducted joints era exercises teaching a b one strategic moment to allow for the shooting for you did the 1st precision guided building drill in 7 years. south korea this month, scrapped and military packed with the news, allowing it to resume combat drills on that. shared folder, sol threats pot said it was responding to a barrels of north korean blooms, filled with the seas and trash that was sent to work this out. as a russia is ramping up nuclear threats in is war against ukraine. nuclear, i'm states i'm spending more weapons of mass destruction, the star called international peace research institute times with this,
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a report warning nuclear weapons. haven't played such a prominent role in global relations since the cold war, russia and that's l i. bill arose, carried out nuclear drills this months. the exercises were designed to discourage west and support for ukraine in a separate report, the international comparing to a ball is nuclear weapon says there was a $10000000000.00 increase in global spending on nuclear weapons last year. you had to get to the co also of icons reports. so it's not, that's totally w, what the countries with nuclear arsenals are spending all that money on as well. every one of these countries as modernizing their arsenals. so they're spending the money on new airplanes, new submarines, and new missile systems to deliver nuclear weapons wherever they want on the earth . it's only 9 countries, but it's a huge amount of money. we calculated about $3000.00 per 2nd. spent in
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2023 on weapons, but most of these countries hoping never to use and that really should never be used in the us spending is goes primarily into the hands of private contractors. so within the us, the companies that are making a profit building these weapons of mass destruction companies like lockheed martin, northrop grumman that take home major contract. in fact, we profile 20 companies in this report that have contract for the next decades, a totaling over $387000000000.00. and it's unfortunate because all of these countries have promised to negotiate nuclear disarmament. and yet, none of them are doing it. in fact, they're making massive investments of tax payer money into decades of potential destruction with these weapons of mass destruction muslims from around the world of visit and saudi arabia, fully annual hodge pilgrimage. the ritual is one of the largest mass gatherings in
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the world. almost 2000000 people took part facing sweltering conditions. officials and saudi arabia say at least 14 people have died because of the extreme heat. one thing yeah, muslims from around the world travel to saudi arabia to the sacred spiritual experience. the harsh pilgrimage is a chance to walk in the footsteps of prophets and spend 5 or 6 days. also ensuring hot summer with the among the rituals is the stoning of the table. i wish ship is throw safe in stones 3 concrete pools, symbolize and medieval in the mean of valley located just outside is wholly a city of mika. many customs take place outdoors and on foot a challenge and temperatures of $45.00 degrees or more. but that other fact hodge
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is a difficult task. so you have to exec effort and perform the rituals even in the heat, and crowding you use an umbrella drink water and put it onto your body to prevent dehydration. and the water spring causing the walkways help in the product of besides, saudi arabia has these have climate controlled areas to help manage the hate with officials, distributing voice. so to keep people cold, the highest one of the 5 basic obligations of being muslim. if we believe a who has the mains is encouraged to perform the pilgrimage, at least once in a lifetime. you're watching the, the news is a reminder of also a story. it is really official, says the prime minister benjamin netanyahu as dissolved israel's will cabinets that's off to administer benny guns and his national unit deposits. quit the
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government on june. the not that search from me and the scene for now don't go away. next plan today, oscar if we should, to invasive species that disrupt all ecosystems searching for that's f, as in berlin from the end, the team, the people in trucks, in judge west trying to see the city center, the straight people's extreme, the around the world more than 130000000 people us we
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all mine because no.


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