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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:19pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie from bell and benjamin netanyahu is dissolved, as will cover. this decision follows the resignation of central national unity policy, lead up many guns earlier this month. the pool cabinet was full, and shortly after the october 7th. sarah attacks on the as well also coming off rushes vladimir putin is heading to north korea to meet with kim jong on the, to isolated lead. us are expected to submit the strategic ask economics corporation as rush up the rates. it's nuclear hardware while waging a war of aggression against ukraine. and the report says,
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rival nuclear nations are ramping up spending on atomic with the don't mind, creepy crawl is check out this route and natural events. the great cekada invasion shows phones of the noisy insects image o at the same time across parts of the united states. the, i'm good, how about the so those do you is joining us on cbs in the us and to all of us. and we'll welcome this is really official says that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is dissolved israel's will cabinets. that's off the minister benny guns and his national unity posit, put the government earlier this months. meanwhile, israel continues as military operations in the gaza strip is rather ami
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a said and would implement a daily tactical pause along the road in southern gaza to allow a deliveries to the care. i'm shut on board across the alley up i'll star corresponded and kind of kind of interested in why in this in yahoo as dissolves is, will cabinet now a lot. it didn't come exactly as a surprise. i mean, this move was expect as i prime minister benjamin netanyahu of to his minister benny guns and also his number 2 of his party guy. the eyes in coach left the government over a week ago. so for some here it was father of commodity that this happened. now this consultative body, the smaller will copying it was a full and actually shortly after the attacks on october 7 know to show a unity to bring the parts of the opposition. also in this government and this will come in that was kind of a condition that mr. guns was actually joining this government at the time that
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some yes say, of course no, it was also a political move now by prime must have been a minute to now. he didn't want his power as cabinet ministers a bit. so those motors who was finance minister and also the minister for national security at the time of ben via to join this of work comp in that a. but some said was more formative because now basically what mister netanyahu will do is that she will, of some government sources have said she will form a smaller consultative, a groups ahead of the bigger decisions or critical decisions. and then bring them into the why to a secure to cabinet, but it is expected that they will be more and more pressure, increasing pressure domestically and also internationally on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i also know that this will cabinet is gone because nothing else could always point to this more unity to this interest party that was part of it, and that is of course no longer the case. so what these tactical pause is in gaza
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that were announced by the israeli army promise to initially are reportedly criticized the these pauses will see not in the phone to why this confusion. it was that there was a lot of speculation about it, but the fact is these tactical pauses were not canceled. so what happened is, on sunday morning, the is really military announced that they will implement or that those tactic a pauses where i actually already implemented from start today, their 11 hour zone from the morning to the evening along a cory door or a certain road in a southern a gauze and that should basically allow you many terran aids to go through in a more, a safer way. and we understand that i'm just a, been a minute and you on was as reportedly saying he was not a very or he was very critical about just not happy about it. but i think what you
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have to us right now is whether those, this tactic oppose actually effective to bring the age where it needs to be and be heard from many agencies and also the united nations. that they say it's still, you know, one of the most dangerous places to pick up the 8 at the camera. i showed them crossing this is that most of the 8 us know china through since the off of crossing with egypt has been closed. and what is really, officials have accused and un agencies that you know, the trucks are not that are on because aside, i'm not picked up in a timely manner. agency, if it's simply sometimes too dangerous. also that is lawlessness. and also notice uh, texted and post doesn't really allow them to distribute the 8 where it needs to be . it allows them to go in a safer way, but it's still very dangerous. also for the many turned work, is there an exam of them and folder from jerusalem? thank you very much. tanya, in the united nations meanwhile has welcome the announcement of the technical
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forces, but said more needs to be done. children are among those with the greatest needs. the world health organization said over $8000.00 children under 5, i've been diagnosed or treated for a tooth malnutrition. 1600 of them are classified as severe cases, as well as not having enough food. agencies say children's lock access to sufficient health care. and i live in a constant state of fear. james elder was a spokesperson for the united nations children's agency unicef. he had joined us for on rough off in southern gaza and told us how the humanitarian situation that has evolved in the last month. look, it's gotten so much worse. no one should be surprised by that since march. those same children have had 2 or 3 more months of relentless bombardments every not as before as we were getting these sorted out over there at the bottom. and see now last night the night before. if it's not bombardments,
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it's drones either attack drones or drones of the, like a low mile or in your head. this continues to go on. i the right fear is that it's a normalized. there is nothing normal about children being deprived. so there's nothing normal about thousands of children being bone. there's certainly nothing normal about the constant fee of the people living. so people now physically and psychologically shifted, they worried much, somehow they've held on, but they are literally now just holding on with a die like a water with nutrition, consistent denials of eyes and ongoing indiscriminate, indiscriminate attacks. i've just come back from hospital games. think children with liam is missing with our, with, with, without that being made blind in the last few days while sleeping in their home. that's 250 days. that's how things are compared to match. in terms of that. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. thousands of anti government protests have gathered in front of israel's parliament
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in jerusalem, calling for new elections to replace the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that also demanding a deal with from us to secure the release of hostages held in gaza. the rally comes a week off for awards on unity government collapsed. european union leaders have gathered in brussels to decide who will be taking the top jobs in the block. european commission president over the funded line is expecting to secure a backend to stay in a position for a 2nd sir, a sense of right policy, one of the most states, and the latest new parliament elections? russian and state media, se us jealous, evan augusta of its trial for suspect spine will stop next week. the proceedings will not be public. the wall street journal reporter has been detained in march last year, prosecute as a choose him off working for the c. i, a and accusation denied by goes coverage, his employer and the us government to a russian missile attack on ukraine's
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east central pulse of our region, but has injured at least a dozen people and damaged several buildings. authorities se, if knocked off electricity for more than 55000 people and damaged several high rise buildings emergency proves that repairing the power lines. rushed as president vladimir putin will travel to north korea to meet with king duncan. and the 2 countries have drawn close up since the position of west and sections of a most comes war and ukraine. russian media say the 2 may assign a security partnership in the funds of warnings from the us and from south korea to the north korean leader, kim jong, an investor lost you shaking hands with his russian counts of ponds. loved him at present, the man he now caused an invincible comrey, no substance abuse in this trip to north korea. enter, said racing with came the latest demonstration of deepening toys between moscow and
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feeling. yeah. that throughout the series of the united states of june closest since russia lost its full scale invasion of ukraine. finding friendship, i mean growing global life selection. but it's the relationship that spoken concerns in the west. south korean and us officials say the north has been feeding the russian booms. she's sending millions of munitions to must go. they say russia in baton has provided most career with military technology. and the can only kate, in defiance of un resolutions sold in washington, have held an emergency cool to discuss the visits. but despite the western criticism, the kremlin said it has every right to develop ties with tongue. yeah. and shouldn't be challenged for doing so. this comes this tensions on the korean peninsula, steadily built. the us and south career recently conducted joints. era exercises teaching a b one strategic moment on allow splits you think for you did that 1st precision
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guided building drill in 7 years. south korea this month, scrapped and military packed with the news, allowing it to resume combat drills on that shared folder. so for ritz pod said, it was responding to a biology of north korean blooms filled with the seasoned trash that was sent towards the south. it's bradley bowman is a foreign policy analyst at the foundation for defense of democracies in washington . i asked him why is that gonna approaching us decided to visit north korea. now. this is pollutants. first trip in quite some time. but it's hardly surprising. i say that because it's worth remembering that kim went to russia last september, and during that visit, he called the shawn games relationship with russia, a top priority. any committed to full support, not only for people who prefer his warm ukraine. at the time, russia announced that there might be a reciprocal visit by putting into north korea. so this is really can be viewed as
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kind of fulfillment of that commitment and a reciprocal visit following kim's visit last year. so it's not surprising, but why now i think this is part of a broader dynamic and then also one specific to the bilateral relationship. the broader dynamic is that we're really saying we being united side, united states, europe, and our allies are seeing the joining if you will, of what i would call and access of the groceries consisting of china, russia, ron, and north korea. you know, there's differences between the countries and their objectives, and they have this trust among themselves and all across 10. not to want to trust other leaders, but they're unified by their opposition to the united states, to europe, and the base order. and they're eager to maintain their foot on the road so their respective people to maintain their, their a star trek rep on power and to advance a might makes right for a policy in each of their respective regions. the presents not only regional challenges, both but also global challenges as well. so how much help can can really gift 14
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for his war against ukraine as well. you know, it's a good question. kim has already provided a lot of support to put and according to the us defense intelligence agency. this is as a last may, i'm just a couple of months ago. i know create already provide at least 3000000 artillery rounds to russia for use in uh, inside ukraine sport, uh, hooton's on promote invasion. and we've also seen the, the supply of short range ballistic muscles. and according to that, again, to the defense intelligence agency, we see the remains of some of those nor 3 and muscles have you been use inside the crane, including your car keys in january. so we've already seen weapons going from north korea to russian for using the crane and we don't let that wash. oh, you, north korean weapons being used in europe to kill european men, women, and children, europe, that's a big deal. and the problem is using in his forces are going through these musicians so quickly. the russian defense industrial base is having
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a hard time keeping up. so they need all the help they can get and they're going to get some of that help, haven't get in. and want more than from john young. bradley briefly, if you can, what does a kim get over it? time for me? pushing kim on once the economic help, he wants diplomatic support, the un security council, and he wants weapons, as well as support for nurse prius space program, which creates genuine concerns of course, for south korea, japan in the united states as well as the broader international community the bottom of that was a foundation for defense of democracies. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. thank you. spending on nuclear weapons around the world rose sharply allow us to have with united states investing more than every other nuclear country combined. that's according to no report by the international complained to abolish nuclear weapons. 9 states have no clue all the us the u. k. fronts, china, india practiced on north korea and israel,
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according to the latest figures. last year they spent a combined total of $91400000000.00 us dollars. that's an increase of 13 percent on the before the us alone accounted for 80 percent of that rise while china was the 2nd biggest spend up with russia coming inside the cool. so of icons reports, so this neither told d w what the countries was, nuclear arsenals are spending all that money on. well, every one of these countries is modernizing their arsenals. so they're spending the money on new airplanes, new submarines, and new missile systems to deliver nuclear weapons wherever they want on the earth . it's only 9 countries, but it's a huge amount of money we calculated about $3000.00 per 2nd is spent in 2023 on weapons. but most of these countries hoping never to use and that really
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should never be used. the us spending is goes primarily into the hands of private contractors. so within the us, the companies that are making a profit building these weapons of mass destruction companies like lockheed martin, northrop grumman that take home major contract. in fact, we profile 20 companies in this report that have contract for the next decades, totaling over $387000000000.00. and it's unfortunate because all of these countries have promised to negotiate nuclear disarmament. and yet none of them are doing it. in fact, they're making massive investments, x pay your money into decades of potential destruction with these weapons of mass destruction. so it's not of them in and out to a natural event of, well, the biblical proportions, the biggest invasion of cekada is in, over 200 years has hit the united states to so cold broods are emerging from the
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ground at the same time, creating massive swarms and as loud as loan motors, we'll talk to a cekada scientist in a moment. for us, let's take a look at what's happening there in the us. it's being called a cicada apocalypse, but although they have zombie red eyes, the insects in a group known as matches a k to or periodicals and kate is don't bite transmit disease or pose a danger to eco systems that they are pretty loud. mattress cicada adults around only for a few weeks emerging from under ground to meet and lay eggs on trees. before dying . young insects cold nymphs hatched from the eggs after several weeks fall to the ground and burrow in the num spend many years living in the soil. feeding on the roots of plants before all of them emerge at once, molten 2 adults and begin the cycle all over again. not all
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periodical cicada is emerged in the same years. those that appear at the same regular intervals in the same geographic locations are called broods over a dozen broods are found in a range covering most of the eastern united states. 2 of the largest are now emerging simultaneously. it's the 1st time these 2 brutes have come out together since $1803.00 i. and that's because one of the brutes only emerges every 17 years while the other emerges every 13 years to prime numbers and overlapping. emergence of both populations, therefore only happens every 221 years. up to a trillion of the insects could appear in the coming weeks. then these 2 large broods of cicadas, modem merge at the same time again until 2245. on
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this page, at least he is, and then anthem ologist, i think, joins us from wisconsin university page it at any measures that people should take other than buying earplugs and that's about all you really need to do. these insects are really quite harmless. they don't bite or sting. there's perhaps a little bit of concern and that they can cause some damage to plants. although large trees in the landscape tend to tolerate this just fine. but if you had a small tree or shrub you could consider covering it with some fine mesh, many. and now i've been hearing that some people have actually before hanging them up and eating them. is that advisable? it is certainly some.


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