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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 18, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the deadline use live from building benjamin netanyahu has dissolved his war cabinets. the decision follows the resignation of opposition, lead of any gun 7 netanyahu's actions in casa, also coming up. rush, just letting me put in is heading to north korea. if adults with can jump on the criminal and take stays, the 2 countries can join forces in resisting the west. and if you don't mind creepy cruelties, we'll show you a very way in natural events. the crates, a kind of invasion, taking place across pots of the united states, the
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. i'm anthony, how it welcome. and it's rarely official says, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dissolved israel, full cabinet. that's off the former general benny guns and he's national unity potty. quit the government earlier this month. meanwhile, police have clashed with thousands of anti government protest as close to the prime minister as residence in jerusalem. officers used for to cannon and the rest of a number of people. the demonstrators in the mining new elections to replace newton, yahoo! i also demanding a deal with some us militants to secure the release of hostages held in the gaza. so why has midnight hugh dissolved his ball cabinet now? he's the deputies 10. you claim a lot. it didn't come exactly as a surprise. i mean, this move was expect as i prime minister benjamin netanyahu of to his minister benny guns and also his number 2 of his party guy. the eyes in code,
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less the government over a week ago. so for some here, it was father formality that this happened. now this consultative body, the smaller will copy and it was a full and actually shortly after the attacks on october 7 know to show a unity to bring the parts of the opposition. also in this government and this will come in that was kind of a condition that mr. guns was actually joining this government at the time that some yes say, of course no. it was also a political move now by problem must have been, you mean that's a now he didn't want his power, right? the cabinet ministers, a bachelor's motors whose finance minister and also the minister for national security. it's him a ben via to join this of work coming that a but some said was more formative because now basically what mister netanyahu will do is that she will, of some government sources have said to form a smaller consultative,
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a groups ahead of figure decisions or critical decisions and then bring them into the wider a secure to cabinet, but it is expected that they will be more more pressure, increasing pressure domestically and also internationally on a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i also know that this will cabinet is gone because nothing else could always point to this more unity to this interest party. that was part of it. and that is, of course, no longer the case. that was date of these 10, a claim that will be united nation says welcome to the is rarely miller trees announcement of tactical pauses in southern gaza. but say the more needs to be done to get i to people in need, especially children. the world health organization says that more than a 1000 children, i'm to 5 and being diagnosed and treated for acute no trick. now nutrition, the items, these also sites children lack access to sufficient health care and living in a constant state a few times old. the is
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a spokes person for unicef. he joined us from rafa in southern gaza and told us how the humanitarian situation that has evolved over the past months. look, it's gotten so much worse. no one should be surprised by that since march. those same children have had to 3 more months of relentless, bombardments every not as it before as we were getting this sorted out. it but there at the bottom and see now last night the night before. if it's not on the bottom, it's, it's drawings either attack drones or drones that are like a low mile or in your head. this continues to go on. i, the great fear is that it's a normalized, there is nothing normal about children being deprived. so there's nothing normal about thousands of children being bone. there's certainly nothing normal about the constant fee of the people living. so people now physically and psychologically shifted, they worried much, somehow they've held on, but they are literally now just holding on with a die like a water with nutrition consistent in opposite side. and on going, indiscriminate,
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indiscriminate attacks. i've just come back from the hospital again saying children with liam is missing with our, with, with, with uh, that being made line in the last few days while sleeping in the home. that's 250 days. that's how things are compared to match. so that was james elder, the spokes person from eunice as well, a year late as meeting in brussels of delight, a decision on who should lead the block for the next 5 years. you're paying commission president us of the fund a lot has is thinking rather backing for a 2nd to but talking brussels broke up in the early hours of cheese day with out a deal. the w correspond to jack power is following the twists and turns of the negotiations. everyone turn died all 2070 you leaders came here to brussels, all of the journalist from across the u. but this summit, this dinner delete is didn't amount is to come to an agreement on who would take
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the top jobs in the e u, the very powerful jobs for the next 5 years. the time. so president shaw michelle, he came out, i talked to him and said they never us what he meant to instruct the source absolutely clear from the beginning and not the surprise it don't the purpose to the west next to make a decision then by the way to make a decision, it's what they're supposed to, something different in terms of the leasing process. uh uh, this explains uh, the full and the suite. uh, it was splint this meeting so that there was your keys in prison. this is the central used to be transferring to each other to share the concerns of protein. the host who is petitions so that everyone can listen to everyone. now he might have been time playing that, but there are lots of people in this room. the well really expect saying that names would be a nines during this informal summit here in brussels. it's widely expected that the european commission presidents us live on the line will be proposed to keep her job
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. she has put a lots of effort into a campaign to try and make that happen. there are the names in the mix for some of the other top dogs, the custodian prime is to kind of kill us, the former portuguese prime minister, antonia acosta. for some of the other jobs, but i've been hearing from some of my sources here in brussels that actually express names were proposed by some of the leaders in the meeting during the discussions that they had. all of this though, needs to come down to advice and there is a formal official, some it's happening in brussels next week right here, thursday and friday where they will vote on the people that are put forward. and then we will have a much clearer picture on who will be in charge of the you for the next 5 years or from jeff park in brussels. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and nato secretary general in stoughton book says, a regular 23 of the 32 members of the lines on track the hit spending targets of 2
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percent of g d p. stuff. and they told us president joe biden, that alliance members spending more money than ever on us defense equipment, sage, and aligned spending comes as a result of processing invasion. if you credit, we will at least 11 people a date and more than 60 missing. following to ship breaks of the italy's southern coast, a gym and a group rescued. $51.00 migrants from sinking boat and found 10 bodies tracked inside the vessel. the telling coast guard picked up a living passages from another boat east of calabria. the dentist king fled to the has an override that the 1st element of a future royal and broad town under the baltic sea connecting denmark to northern germany, 18 kilometer fam. on the link is expected to open in 2020 non cars will be able to cross in 10 minutes. instead of waiting for a 45 minute ferry, a russian president vladimir put and is expected in pyongyang on tuesday for talks
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with northern korean leader kim jump on. the 2 countries have drawn closer since the imposition of western sanctions. i have the most casual and ukraine rest and media side, the 2 mice on a security partnership, in defiance of warnings from the us and south korea, north korean leader, kim jong, and in russia last you shaking hands with his russian counts of pond, loved him at present demand he now close and invincible. come read the notes and strips of north korea and 2 said racing with came the latest demonstration of deepening toys between them must go and fume. yeah, the throughout the series of the united states of june, close to since russia lost its full scale invasion of ukraine. finding friendship, i mean growing global life selection. but it's the relationship that still concerns in the west. south korean and us officials say the north has been feeding the russian blooms, she's sending millions of munitions to moscow. they say russia in baton has
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provided most career with military technology. and you can only kate in defiance of un resolutions. soul in washington of housing, emergency cool to discuss the visit. but despite the western criticism, the kremlin said it has every right to develop ties with phone yet and shouldn't be challenged for doing so. this comes this tensions on the korean peninsula. steadly built the us themselves career recently conducted joints era exercises featuring a b one strategic boma to allow for the shooting for you did the 1st precision guided building drill in 7 years. south korea this month scrapped and military packed with the noise allowing it to resume combat drills on the shared folder. sold for ritz pod said it was responding to a barrel as of north korean balloons. filled with the seas and trash that was sent towards the south now to a natural event of biblical proportions,
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the biggest invasion of cicadas in over 200 years has hit the united states to so cold birds are emerging from the ground at the same time creating massive swarms as loud as low nose will talk to us a kind of scientist in a moment. the 1st, let's take a look at exactly what's happening in the us. it's being called a cicada apocalypse, but although they have zombie red eyes, the insects in a group known as matches a k to or periodicals. and kate is don't bite transmit disease or pose a danger to eco systems that they are pretty loud. mattress cicada adults around only for a few weeks emerging from under ground to meet and lay eggs on trees. before dying . young insects cold nymphs hatched from the eggs after several weeks fall to the ground and burrow in the num spend many years living in the soil. feeding on the
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roots of plants before all of them emerge at once, molten 2 adults and begin the cycle all over again. not all periodical cicada is emerged in the same years. those that appear at the same regular intervals in the same geographic locations are called broods over a dozen broods are found in a range covering most of the eastern united states. 2 of the largest are now emerging simultaneously. it's the 1st time these 2 brutes have come out together since 18. 03 i and that's because one of the brutes only emerges every 17 years while the other emerges every 13 years to prime numbers and overlapping. emergence of both populations, therefore only happens every 221 years. up to a trillion of the insects could appear in the coming weeks. then these 2 large
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broods of cicadas, modem merge at the same time again until 2245. now, according to report a mind to controlling or zone b, fungus has been infecting some of the cicadas further intensifying the 6 drive. and so we simply had to ask an expert about that inter molar just p j. leach. yeah, so this sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, but there's a very particular phone guess, masters for a sick, dyna and it has evolved with these insects. and what it does is it infects individuals, and if it happens to be a male cicada, it destroys some of their anatomy and essentially replaces their reproductive structures. those infected males then attempt to mate with both males and females. other cicadas and well this is going on, the fungus is producing some amphetamine like compounds which are likely involved
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in altering its behavior. and so when they try to meet with other individuals, a key does. it's spreading the spores around. but in the grand scheme of things, it's a relatively small percentage of the population that's effected by this disease. and that was entomologist, p. j. least stay with that incredible story. okay, before we got armando about top stories, way following for you this out. and his riley official says that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dissolved israel's will cabinet, that's off the minister of any guns, and he's national unity potty. quick. the government, on june 9th russian president vladimir couldn't, will travel to north korea to meet with ken jones on russian media side, the 2 mice on a security partnership, in defiance of warnings from the us and south korea. right, that's open. now don't forget the website is there for all the latest. anytime you need it, like was out social media channels like instagram and takes the handle the need for
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both of those is at the the meeting. so i'm anthony. how it's in berlin. thanks for watching. i'll have more news headline for you in the 45 minutes talk start with the the coming 0 st. excel's 3 trans paper. stories is not kinda items that feed us complex doors. sometimes some here, so efficient chip possession of the 3 generations, one to any thoughts july 7th on d w. the .


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