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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 18, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is definitely news a lot from building benjamin netanyahu has dissolved his war cabinets. the decision follows the resignation of opposition lead. if any guns been netanyahu's handling of the cause, a conflict will say coming up buses by the way of putting heads to north korea for talks with kim joan phone for the summit student thanks. p on yang sol, supporting his vote in ukraine, disappointment for ukrainians. he and germany and the soldiers back home as they team gets off to a losing stop at your 20, for the
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maddening out welcome to the program. and his right of the official says, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dissolved, is rouse, will cabinets. that's off the form of general benny guns and he's national unity potty. quit the government early of this month. meanwhile, police have clashed with thousands of anti government protest as needed. the prime ministers residence in jerusalem offices used more to canon and the rest of the number of people to demonstrate, instead of buying a new elections to replace netanyahu. i s are defining a deal with some us militants to secure the release of hostages hilde in gaza. so why has newton yeah, who does all peaceful cabinet now? is the w's tanya claim as well? it didn't come exactly as a surprise. i mean, this move was expect as i prime minister benjamin netanyahu after his minister
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benny guns and also is number 2 of his party guy, the eyes and codes less the government over a week ago. so for some here, it was father formality that this happened. now this a consultative body, the smaller will copy and it was a full and actually shortly after the attacks on october 7 know to show a unity to bring the parts of the opposition also in this government. and this will come in that was kind of a condition that mr. guns was actually joining this government at the time that some yes say of course, no, it was also a political move now by problems to benjamin. that's a now you didn't want his power right. the cabinet ministers, a bits of those motors whose finance minister and also the minister for national security. it's him a ben via to join this of work cabinet. a but some said was more formative because now um, basically what mister netanyahu will do is that she will,
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as some government sources have said to form a smaller consultative, a groups ahead of figure decisions or critical decisions. and then bring them into the wider a secure, to copying that, but it is expected that there will be more, more pressure, increasing pressure domestically and also internationally on a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i also know that this will cabinet is gone because nothing you all could always point to, to this more unity to the center as part of that was part of it. and that is of course, no longer the case. i was the deputies tennis claim of the engine ridgeland. well, a latest meeting and brussels have delayed a decision on who should lead the block for the next 5 years. you're paying commission president us left on the line is taking backing for a 2nd 10, but tilting brussels broke up in the early hours of cheese day without a deal. they w corresponding jack patrick is following the twists and turns of the negotiations
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. everyone ton died old, 2070 you leaders came here to brussels, all of the john list from across the you. but this summit, this been a, the lead is didn't manage to come to an agreement on who would take the top jobs in the e u. that very powerful jobs for the next 5 years the time. so president, so michelle, he came out, i talked to him and said they never us. he meant to instruct the source absolutely clear from the beginning of the surprise it's or the purpose to the west. and that's to make a decision. and by the way, to make the decision you took the suppose to something different in terms of the legion process. so uh, this explains the full next week it was split into this meeting so that there was your keys in prison in the central fuels to be transferring to each other to share the concerns of protein. the host respect ations, so that everyone can listen to everyone. now, he might have been done playing that,
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but there are lots of people in this room were expecting that names would be a nines during this informal summit here in brussels. it's widely expected that the european commission presidents us live on the line will be proposed to keep her job . she has puts a lot of effort into a campaign to try and make that happen. there are the names in the mix, but some of the other top jobs, the custodian prime minister kaya kyle, us the former portuguese prime minister, antonio costa, for some of the other jobs. but i've been hearing from some of my sources here in brussels that actually fresh names were proposed by some of the leaders in the meeting during the discussions that they had. all of this though, needs to come down to advice and there is a formal official summit happening in brussels next week right here, thursday and friday where they will vote on the people that are put forward. and then we will have a much clearer picture on who will be in charge of the you for the next 5 years. as i am from the date of these jack packing brussels, let's take
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a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. nato secretary general, the insulting book says, or break or 23 of the 32 members of the alliance are on track. the hit spending targets of 2 percent of g d p. so from the told us president joe biden, that alliance members are spending more money than in the us defense equipment. the surgeon align spending comes as a result of russia's invasion. if you're right, we will at least 15 people have been killed in a train crash in india, official site goods trying to get a passenger service in the state of west bengal. spokesman for the roadway blamed the drive of the goods trying for ignoring a stop signal. the driver was among those killed in the us. the 75000000 people are under extreme hate to lose temperatures above 32 degrees celsius. heating the midwest and the northeast. where it's usually 10 degrees cooler at this
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time of year. a high hate will continue to spray it effecting most of the us population. this way, 6 south korea's military says 85 warning shots of the dozens of north korean soldiers briefly crossed the border. it's the 2nd incursion across the heavily fortified military demarcation line in 2 weeks. it's unclear whether the breeches were intentional. north korean troops also reportedly suffered casualties from land to mind. explosions. the lightest border incident comes ahead of a russian president vladimir prudence expected visit to north korea. the 2 countries have drawn closer since the in position of western sanctions. i have the most goes more in ukraine, north korean leader, kim jong, and in russia last you shaking hands with his russian counts upon the lot to me present the man he now caused an invincible comrey. no substance abuse in this trip to north korea. and his fed meeting with came the latest demonstration of deepening
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toys between moscow and beyond. yeah, that throughout the series of the united states of june, closest since russia lost its full scale invasion of ukraine's finding friendship. i mean growing global life selection, but it's the relationship that spoken concerns in the west. south korean and us officials say the north has been feeding the russian booms. she's sending millions of munitions to must go. they say russia in return has provided most career with military technology and economic age in defiance of un resolutions sold in washington have held an emergency cool to discuss the visit. but despite the western criticism, the kremlin said it has every right to develop ties raton. yeah, and shouldn't be challenged for doing so. this comes this tensions on the korean peninsula. steadly built the us and south career recently conducted joints. error exercises, teaching a b, one strategic boma. one. allow split system for you did the 1st precision guided
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building drill. even 7 years, south korea this month, scrapped and military packed with the news, allowing it to resume combat drills on the shared folder. sol threats pod said it was responding to a barrels of north korean blooms, filled with the seas and trash that was sent towards the south. a muslims from around the world have visited saudi arabia for the annual has proved me pilgrimage . the ritual is one of the largest match gatherings in the world. almost 2000000 people to pause, facing sweltering conditions. one thing, yeah, muslims from around the world travel to saudi arabia for the sacred spiritual experience. the harsh pilgrimage is a chance to walk in the footsteps of prophets and spends 5 or 6 days, often during hot summer with among the rituals is the stoning of the
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table, where ship is throw safe in stones 3 concrete pools symbolized in medieval, in the mean of valley located just outside is wholly a city of mika. many customs take place outdoors and on foot. a challenge and temperatures of 45 degrees or more. but that other fact hodge is a difficult task. so you have to exec effort and perform the rituals even in the heat, and crowding you use an umbrella drink water and put it onto your body to prevent dehydration. and the water spring causing the walkways help in the bottom of besides, saudi arabia has seas have climate controlled areas to help manage the hate with officials, distributing voice. so to keep people cold,
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the highest one of the 5 basic obligations of being muslim. if we believe a who has the means is encouraged to perform the pilgrimage, at least once in a lifetime. to the ro 2024 here in germany now. and france managed a narrow one. when of austria french, captain colleen in back pay came off in the 90 s minute with a broken nose off to colliding with an austrian defender. it's unclear what that means for france when i price group, the late is the midlands on friday monday i also sold the 1st match day for teams in group d. it ended with the 1st may just shop result of the tournament delivered by slovakia who snatched an early goal against belgium and defended furiously to hold on for a one no victory in the 2nd game. romania play the 1st year of pain, championship game and some 24 years and basing ukraine 3 now the training team, apologize to the fans off to the final whistle saying they didn't show the best.
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but the spot, the result for some ukrainian support is being able to watch some football was a welcome response from the ball from the battlefield to the football field. ukrainian soldiers watching the match close to the front lines were hoping for swift victory. they were left stunned by romanian side rank 24 places below ukraine's national team. this is the 1st major tournament for ukraine squad says russia's full scale invasion in munich, a friendly toast with rival supporters. but here to the excitement soon turned to anguish after the match disappointed, you cream fans put on a brief face, but for others,
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the results didn't matter. so happy to be here. this an incredible opportunity is so great, so grateful for the players who did their best and would also say thank them as well as saying all the soldiers who protected creat today, we all united them all the pregnancy or that support because our, my call language show there will you're not, not far from the stadium seats at munich, zarina. these seats are a reminder of that war. built in 2012. when you cream co host at the euros and destroyed in an attack on har keys, in 2022 former ukraine, striker and ratio of tank who had a message of hope for the patient of ukrainian team you ever today. it's very important the message for rest of the wall that we can to now leave. and we're
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getting a flight, but not only flight, we cannot do our normal law for the soldiers in your ring to football is a part of what makes life more normal. for us, but let's just say it's a rest to drink coffee. i'm going to watch football vote for the rain, but soon the break is over, and frontline duties are waiting along with hopes for victory in the next match. all right, before we go a reminder of the top stories we're following for you the cell. and it's rarely official says that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dissolved these routes full cabinet. that's off the minister penny counts, and he's national unity potty recently quit the government. russian president vladimir to and will travel to north korea to meet with can jump on russian media site, the to my sinus security partnership in defiance of warnings from but us and south korea. right. that's all for now. don't forget the website to stay for all the
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latest that any time that you needed that, that the deputy dot com, mark wise out, social media channels on things like instagram and x. the handle for both is at the deputy and use on they have to be held in berlin. thanks for watching. and we'll have more of these headlines for you in 45 minutes thomas spot for now. the i sorry, so one on 6 times to increase the current g. more people than ever on the move worldwide in such an one. great timing is very hard to say very difficult john find out about time on story. and so my friends, the
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