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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, the, the teen is the ukraine, the ukraine with leader kit his 1st coming up, blair. and is there any way, nothing else who's putting the barrels military so it is within the end. and it's really appreciate or until the full costs are released.
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don't mind creepy crawly. we'll show you a very rare naturally, the great invasion, taking place or parts of the united states. the russians, pressed mystery on his blood, stopped in rushed eastern city quotes to visit technology and defensive to fly to north korea. little town young fox with a ruler on they're expected to sign an official partner. deb air put praised corporate support. work in your pray. have to visit is 1st to north korea in 24. you
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shaking hands with his russian. comfortable and not to me. now i need to know the the south korean, do us, the official say been feeding the rest of the machine, millions of munitions to must go. they say russia ton has provided most greer with technology and the can 8 into find us resolution sold in one of housing emergency wanted us to visit the despite the western christmas present. instead, it has every right to their mutual interest in doing so,
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the us the for exercise the use of this month was allowing it about drills on the shed, pulled up the sole risk pod said it was responding firewalls of boons, ferry, the season, cash that was sent towards the south. earlier i spoke about this james chaytor and they got o c, e, w, as correspondence, pre asia and rushed up again by asking because in region fort president with his visits in the
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1st 4 years, he's been rushing back 1000 mentioned before he has praise port that's russia seats up north korea and he said that i appreciate not re a support for the russian military or the new creating of course his words for rewarding ukraine. so why tends to ridiculous relationship this relationship north korea really has was letting me a put in and rush i need at this point, which is a munition particularly to liberty munition for to we're a 14 ukraine. did us and south korea have warranted that north korea, north korean war arms exports. the russia have are on the rise ever since that control and visited russia back in september last year. and so putting is coming to
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north korea wouldn't big delegation. the range of officials, including deputy prime ministers, including the defense minister, heads of russian space agency of russian railway. so the support for the russian war effort will be the main point on letting me put these agenda. james in taipei. what is north korea is ruler, kim joan? good hoping to get out of this meeting of the well, of course one of the really critical things that kim joining is going to be looking for is simply legitimacy. remember, it's a very rare occurrence for a foreign leader to, to visit north career. and for came jones to be able to receive an international leader on the scale of having a truce, and even showing young sir the symbolic significance advances is something to be notices. of course, the military and technological hardware is going to be front and center of the concern. so for kim, joanne,
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as we understand us and south korean officials have been talking about this over recent months. the walk enjoying is going to be really looking for as we believe in exchange for those weapons that we believe he is sending to russia is support. whether it's, for example, spice satellite program, i'm for its weapons program in contravention of, of un resolutions. but of course, the even broad a context or the base is that, uh, the russia in north korea have the shed geo political belief that the us will be in different contexts as trying to him in the countries to for us and that countries. and that's what we really see with this backdrop of, of lessening ties between the 2 credits between north and south korea, which is again the north korea believing that the us is trying to rain, bring its allies together in the, in the pacific. the threats in your career security and we see even in, in the hours leading up. so this arrival of person that has been exchange of fire across the team with a choice or not between the 2. chris is
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a gosh headed to visit the preteen said russia and north korea would be working together to overcome sanctions from the west. how might they go about doing that as well? russia is the, is it pay more permanent vendor of the united nations security council? and in that capacity, russia has supported and implementing in sanctions on north korea over its nuclear end. in mysa programs, particularly between 20062017. however, russia has a reversed course since then, and particularly after invading ukraine in 2022. russia, together with china have blocked the efforts to adopt strength, restrict their sanctions over north korea's ballistic missile tests. and to give you an example of this year, russia voted against renewing the mandate of
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a u. n. united nations. the expert panel, which was charged with monitoring the implementation of already existing sanctions . and on a symbolic level, this you're putting presents, it's conjunction with a high end, russian made lim was in with which experts say is in itself a breach of already existing sanctions, which russia as well supported. so we expect that that'd be a pushing and kim jones when will work during this visit on more schemes to enhance trade for military ties and technology exchange. a james, it's been only 9 months since the last meeting between putting in cam. if that alliance is growing stronger, where does that leave china? it's a key partner for both north korea and russia and the dominant player in the region . what is absolutely no doubt. and this,
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the lines between rusher and north korea is growing of a stronger and that's the concern about will not try lot to access. if those 3 countries you mentioned, just say, well them deepening ties across the board meetings, 5 for western alliances in the region. but it was that internationally, i had of this meeting, we actually had a senior us on the list of the korean peninsula. writing about this summit describing this, somebody says the grades this transferred to us national security since the career and where the argument he makes there is that the brochure is going to be able to support the north korea as we've been talking about with its weapons program. but as it relates to china, china has historically sorts of rain in some of the move all this whole behavior or showing. yeah. remember, it's not in china's interest to see an escalation in the korean peninsula being into rights. and eva, all of north korea, but i think what we really seeing here is poor the trends and these deepening alliances between these 3 countries. remember, a person was given the right copy, welcoming badging. know, look, go, is really this deepening of ties between 3 powers which are deeply skeptical of the
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us led to global or the, um and i'm, i'm really want to, i think the concern really in the west being that they could then spread that belief among countries that they influence around the wealth. james j gosh, thank you to you both. uh, was james trader in taipei and they're in rica. gosh schuman oki are now to thailand, and that countries become the 1st in south east asia to legalize same sex marriage . senators passed a landmark marriage equality bill, overwhelmingly, $13024.00, to allow same sex couples to tie the knot there were 18 extensions. the vote has been hailed as a victory by campaigners and members of the l. g. b t q. community who gathered at thailand's parliament to welcome them. all is expected to come into force later this year. sketch up on
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a few other stories making headlines around the world today. the south korean government has ordered doctors to go back to work committed, prolong strike. medical professionals have been participating in a months long strike to protest increasing medical school emissions. under the law, doctors defined the return to work order can face suspension of their licenses. they, the secretary general, you installed in back says a record 23 of the 32 members of the alliance are on track to hit spending targets of 2 percent of g d p. so i told us present, joe biden. the alliance members are spending more money than ever on us defense equipment. the surgeon line spending comes as result of rushes, invasion of ukraine. in the us over 75000000 people are under fixed threats of extreme heat. temperatures above $32.00 degrees celsius are hitting the mid west and north east, where it's usually 10 degrees cooler at this time of year is high. heat will
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continue to spread affecting most of the us population this way. israel's army has said it's on its way to beating hum us and the city of rough uh and expects to gain full control of the area within a few weeks. meanwhile, thousands of anti government protesters clashed with police near the prime minister, his residence in jerusalem on monday. officers arrest is a number of people. the demonstrators were protesting that from y'all who was handling of the war and demanding new elections to replace him. they are also calling for a deal with him. us to come us villages to secure the release of hostages held in garza with thousands of israelis demanding the prime ministers resignation. i asked the w correspond to rebecca rivers in jerusalem. if nathan, yahoo still has enough support to stay in office. terry and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his popularity and still hasn't been
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a very high at all since the beginning of the school since october 7. but support for his policies have been generally high across the board. and we all starting to see, of course, these protests gain momentum and gain for us the team. but they are still very much a minority of the israeli public. even in the beginning of the what we was saying, people considered to be suddenly on the left and even fall lifted, who were turning their support towards what israel was trying to achieve in gaza. simply so shocked and horrified by the events of october 7, that they too were on the side of completing israel's military aims of ousting a mazda and timing from the gallons a strip. we are starting to see the tide turn not entirely against the will, but certainly there is no more support for being hosted as home is. suddenly recent polling suggests that a more his writings are in favor of, of reaching some kind of hostage deal. some kind of political deal to be able to
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bring the remaining hostages back alive and as well the bodies of the remains of those who are not no longer alive. and that is a more popular than completing the items in, in gall. so in terms of a minute, military efforts, we're even starting to see that from these ready military, as you mentioned in the late in the, these are the mid a tre saying that they're coming to completing the tasks and rough or, and they're sort of angling for more targeted approach, more sort of special ops operations going in as, as the war increasingly moves towards a more realer insurgency. they are looking now of course towards the northern border with 11 on and the fight with hesitant of it's happening and he can, he's hang out there. so a, you know, support for the policies do remain though, is starting to lose the small of total support for the war. and yet there's massive pressure on nothing yahoo, both domestically and internationally. is there any indication, rebecca,
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that that pressure will cause this in yahoo to rethink his approach to the war? well know if history is anything to go by and certainly all the pressure that has been placed, as you say, from both sides from within his coalition. the found right, members of his coalition and the from the united states, particularly with all the western allies that hasn't really changed the course of the will so far. and now we're starting to see slight divisions of fishes appear, even between the military and the pilot politic and benjamin netanyahu apparently are seemingly very keen to keep this will going. he does not want to see the post cause of will period. he has not given any plan for what will, what that will look like or what is around its fix. it has to see in the goals the strip, and that's one of the reasons why the most interest so called centers benny got stood down from the wood cabinet with a that was he was in we 5 minutes have benjamin netanyahu because he said that
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there was no plan and he could no longer stay on that in that cabinet. so, you know, definitely we're seeing some changes potentially, but i don't think the pressure is really getting through to change benjamin that now his costs are making. thank you very much. that was our correspondent in jerusalem, rebecca rivers, the united nation says welcome. the is really military is announcement of tactical pauses in southern galls are designed to accommodate deliveries of aid, but the un says more needs to be done to get relief to people in need, especially children. the world health organization says more than 8000 children under 5 have been diagnosed and treated for acute mel nutrition in gaza. agencies also say children lots of access to sufficient health care and are living in a constant state of fear. james elder is a spokesperson for unicef. he joined us from rough in southern gauze and told us
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how the humanitarian situation there has evolved over the past months. a look, it's gotten so much worse. no one should be surprised by that since march. those same children have had to 3 more months of relentless bombardments every not as before as we were getting these sorted out over there at the bottom. and see now last night the night before. if it's not bombardments, it's drones, either attack drones or drones that are like a low mile or in your head. this continues to go on. i the right fear is that it's a normalized. there is nothing normal about children being deprived. so there's nothing normal about thousands of children being bone. there's certainly nothing normal about the constant fee of the people living. so people now physically and psychologically shifted, they were in much, somehow they've held on, but they are literally now just holding on with a dye, lack of water with nutrition, consistent denials of eyes and ongoing indiscriminate, indiscriminate attacks. i've just come back from the hospital games. think children
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with liam is missing with our, with, with, without that being made blind in the last few days while sleeping in their homes. it's $250.00 days. that's how things are compared to match. james hilder from you this up there. now moving on to brussels and european union leaders meeting their have delayed a decision on who should lead the block for the next 5 years. europe and commission president or slip on the line is seeking backing for a 2nd term. but talks in brussels broke up in the early hours of to say without a deal. the w corresponding jack patrick is following the twists and turns of the negotiations. everyone turn died all 2070 you leaders came here to brussels. all of the john list from across the you but i this summit, this been a, the leaders didn't manage to come to an agreement on who would take the top jobs in the you the very powerful jobs for the next 5 years the you time. so president saw
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me, so he came out, i talked to him and said they never us what he meant to. in fact is, it's absolutely clear from the beginning and not a surprise if thoughts the furthest to the west next to make a decision. then by the way, to make a decision, it would have suppose to something different in terms of the legion process. uh uh, this explains uh, the full and the suite. uh, it was splint this meeting so that there was your keys in prison. this is central used to be transferring to each other to share the concerns of protein. the host respect ations so that everyone can listen to everyone. now he might have been done playing that, but there are lots of people in this room wherever he expects him. that names would be a nice during this informal summit. here in brussels is widely expected that the european commission president, sort of on the line will be proposed to keep her job. she has put a lots of effort into
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a campaign to try and make that happen. there are the names in the mix, but some of the of the top jobs, the custodian prime, is to kind of call us the former portuguese prime minister, antonio costa, for some of the other jobs. but i've been hearing from some of my sources here in brussels that actually fresh names were proposed by some of the leaders in the meeting during the discussions that they had. all of this though, needs to come down to advice and there is a formal official, some it's happening in brussels next week right here, thursday and friday where they will vote on the people that are put forward. and then we will have a much clearer picture on who will be in charge of the you for the next 5 years. this now to a natural events, a biblical for portions. the biggest invasion of cicada is an over 200 years has hit the united states to so called bruins are emerging from the ground at the same time, creating massive swarms as loud as long more as it said. here's
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a look at what's happening. it's being called a cicada apocalypse, but although they have zombie red eyes, the insects in a group known as magic, a k to or periodicals and kate is don't bite transmit disease or pose a danger to eco systems that they are pretty loud. matches cicada adults around only for a few weeks emerging from under ground to meet and lay eggs on trees. before dying . young insects cold nymphs hatched from the eggs after several weeks fall to the ground and burrow in the num spend many years living in the soil. feeding on the roots of plants before all of them emerge at once, molten 2 adults and begin this cycle all over again. not all periodical cicada is emerge in the same years. those that appear at the same regular intervals in the same geographic locations are called broods over a dozen broods are found in
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a range covering most of the eastern united states. 2 of the largest are now emerging simultaneously. it's the 1st time these 2 brutes have come out together since $1803.00. that's because one of the brutes only emerges every 17 years, while the other emerges every 13 years to prime numbers and overlapping. emergence of both populations, therefore only happens every 221 years. sub to a trillion of the insects could appear in the coming weeks. then these 2 large broods of cicadas, modem merge at the same time again until 2245. there was some sports news in the united states. basketball fans and the city of boston had been celebrating after their team. the celtics won, the 18th n b a championship facilities
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claimed the will after meeting the dallas mavericks 106288 points in game 5 of the final series. celtic shooting guard jaylen brown was better the most valuable player, the wins set a new and the a record. the celtics now have the most titles in championship history, flipping a previous time with the los angeles lakers about the euro. 2024 soccer chips. here in germany and france as managed to pull a narrow one, neil when over austria, french, captain kelly and bob came off in the 90 minute with a broken nose. after colliding with an austrian defender, it's unclear what that means for friends when they faced group the leaders, the netherlands on friday. when they also saw the 1st match day 4 teams in group e, it ended with the 1st major shock result of the tournament delivered by slovakia
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who had snatched an early goal against belgium and defended furiously to hold on for a one mill victory. and the 2nd group game, romania play, their 1st european championship game and 24 years and beat ukraine 3. now ukrainian team apologized to their fans after the final whistle say they didn't show their best. but despite of the results for some ukrainian supporters being able to watch some football was a welcome respite from the war from the battle field to the football field. ukrainian soldiers watching the match close to the front lines were hoping for swift victory. but they were less done by romanian side rank $24.00 places below ukraine's national team. this is the 1st major tournament for ukraine squad. this russia's full scale invasion in munich, a friendly toast with rival supporters. but here too,
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the excitement soon turned to anguish. after the match disappointed, you cream fans put on a brief face, but for others the results didn't matter. so happy to be here. this an incredible opportunity is so great, so grateful for the players who did their best and would also say thank them as well as thing. all the soldiers who protected credit today, the all united them all the pride now clear that support because we have a ride back home language show there will you're not, not far from the stadium seats at munich. serena, these dates are a reminder of that war built in 2012 when you cream co host at the zeros and destroyed in an attack on har keys in 2022 former ukraine striker andre shift
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jenco had a message of hope. but get this to patient of ukrainian team you ever today. it's very important message for rest of the wall that we can to not leave. and we're getting a flight, but not only flight. we cannot do our normal law for the soldiers in your dream to football is a part of what makes life more normal 1st, but let's just say it's a rest to drink coffee. i'm going to watch football vote for the read this. but soon the break is over, and frontline duties are waiting along with hopes for victory in the next match. so you're watching dw news, just reminder the top story we're following for you this our russian president vladimir, put you in, is heading to north korea for a state visit, and summit with kim jong on russian media. so the 2 are expected to assign
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a security partnership in defiance of warnings from the united states and south korea. upticks, we've got our report here show which in which we meet a married couple who travel all the way to tons and the to get family blessings. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the
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slides. hailstones, switzerland isn't being sped. scientists and authorities are designing sophisticated early warning system protective measures, drills or imagine, see should other countries follow their lead tomorrow today. next on d, w, drugs, medication guilty,
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mood that he gets expose go to lecture and find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news for migrant wherever they may be. the extreme weather events across the globe like eating it ever close to intervals, and that's got consequences, not just for us, but for every living thing. and there's no end to the trend insights. what can we do to prepare for the future? and what roles could sensor light senses and a play in getting climate engine to control in switzerland, severe weather, and the damage? it causes being documented in detail for decades, researches and now using this data to design new bridges that can withstand with flooding that story. and much more coming up on.


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