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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  June 18, 2024 2:15pm-2:45pm CEST

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story and with that we've reached the end of our show would stay with us to find out when it's like living with lava, close up visits, volcanic iceland, where our options are a fact of life. and of course really thank you so much for your company. the, the coming 0 same 6. 03 tons. people in a stories is not kind items that feed us complex doors and so on. so he sort of edition chips possession of the church, 3 generations lunch. any thoughts? july 7th on d. w. on january 14th, 2024 disaster struck the coastal iceland town of green the bank there
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was never supposed to be a possibility of both cain or ups and in clinic. just round a crack open to the earth's surface lava began flowing towards the town. the green vic defamation is unprecedented globally for having the formation of the risk valley in the middle of the population area of more than 3000 people were evacuated . residents could only look on as lava flows bore down on their homes. and he saw the lava slowly moving into town and there was dislike, watching, assess, to move in slow motion. you couldn't do anything with your students. first house school, everybody to pay the you knew during
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the states the for the 1st time in 800 years, the lava field beneath green the vic is once again active. the town's inhabitants are now scattered all over iceland, torn between the need to carry on with their lives and the hope that they may yet be able to return home. we had a town meeting with the colored and i told them that story this so they would understand how much, totally hard to this, to not have a whole loose all your money at the same time as you lose to community years you your security and residents have had to be relocated, businesses closed, one man who fell into a crack in the earth's crust,
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couldn't be rescued. the question for residences. when will it be safe to return to their homes? or will glinda vic remain a ghost town forever? when we look at the distribution where the grabbing is in print of x, it's a low lying area. we know the lava is like water. it's like a river. it takes the lowest level in the landscape, right? rivers don't flow over the top of mountains. lava doesn't flow over the top of mountains, so the easiest path is to go straight through town. there's nothing that can be done. brenda is going to start to home. was born in green, the vic like the other over 3000 residents of the coastal town. she had to leave her home on very short notice. today she's coming back to grand evict, to the 1st time in the weeks, hoping to recover a few last items from her house. you go home,
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but it's not home. it's not the same. it's my house. it's almost empty. there's no people there, there's no jewel. so you're not at this 3rd school even as be so met if this thing is close there. yeah, that's it. okay. so it gives us a little bit your i because i go, yeah, the rules on who's allowed to enter the town can change by the minute. iceland, us department of civil protection and emergency management keeps track of everyone who's including the vic at any time of the day or night. that way. authorities can evacuate the town immediately in the event of another, a rupture that uh, which could happen at any time. and also the price of oh, okay, that to the authorities tell brenda's to drive straight to her house and to leave again as soon as possible in the
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movies. do you see the volcanoes and you always think about the wolf cables and you've taken for the lava, but what is really destroyed whose talent is not the volcanoes and the lava, it's the earth moving because of it. and that there are cracks going through town. and they're just opening up the town. they're destroyed, houses, the disaster occurred not 50 kilometers from the iceland to capital re cubic. aside from the 900 metre long fisher northeast of green, the vic, another crack opened at the northern edge of the town, scorching 3 houses with lava. brenda's house just barely escaped being swallowed up as well. my house is very close to the law, but if it came into town then where yard has been fenced off because there's a crack going to it. if there's testing feel safe and this
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you 30 wants to level just go into town. so let me run down to town and it took the 1st house, the damage was done, you know, the town was heard. and i remember the only thing i wish for at the time was for the law of this gold away and take my house. because the pain of not knowing what the future would look like. or if my house would be like i would get no money for it or whatever. if i lose all my basically investments was so much that i rather wanted the lava to go over my house. and everything would have been done over. i would be paid by the insurance and i couldn't move on with the life the there's no reason to be here. and the people who are here are usually working and
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i'll talk about the harper. so it's just that goes to the yeah, it's this set to somehow because it's not all yeah, there's like a opening team here. like here is this guy because of the force kind of seeking a little bit. finally, se of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the pain of not knowing your future and having all your savings in the house that you can sell, you can't live in. you can be there and not being able to build the future and that, you know, i'm pregnant. i just want to build a home, i don't want to nest. i want to have a baby and a suit to a why requirement the i've been born and raised to been school. here is a kid. i have not all my friends. so my family here, i was in the city council, i have bills to town of coach basketball, like all my big provides. well,
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that's been happening here and it was always supposed to be here. the doesn't have any are in the left here too long. this was the screen just regularly checks your phone for updates at any time she might learn that the ground has opened up even more or the researchers have managed to estimate when, if ever green the vic will become habitable again, as one of those researchers is gregory de pasco,
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a few kilometers away. he's working to answer these questions so vital to grinned. ethics future. i think i was always curious. i really loved mountains. so i was really curious, why mountains are there? why do you have, you know, areas that are flat and why do you have areas, you know, big spike, you peaks like the elves, the and these are the rocky mountains tectonics are really the driving force. it's kind of a balance between tectonics and climate. gregory to pass go, teaches tectonics and structural geology at the university of iceland. t in the background is just the lucky in graduate student. danielle forester are studying the fisher's and the earth's crust from the air tracking how they change here, and where it's really smoking a lot is where it was hitting the barriers. so we're doing repeated surveys of the tracks over time with drones. and so we can use drones to surveys,
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we're doing high resolution photography and the photos we can states together using the modeling technique called for the grammar tree. and we can make very high resolution photos. so we can actually have photos that are for models that are on the order of like 10 sending me to resolution. so it's incredibly high resolution. so we can track how these faults and fishers move or do not move over time. using this digital photography of the case of danny. just keep an eye out for if you mind, maybe even just go to like that hill. if it looks safe to go on top of it and just look for any helicopters or planes. the, so we're located in the north atlantic. we're not far from the arctic circle right now. and this isn't oceanic spreading centers be creating crust. so the,
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the earth is actually extending in this area. and most of the time it doesn't actually do any extending. it's just sitting there waiting then at some point, stress builds up on the system, the when the fault rupture, the energy that we experienced as an earthquake, the sometimes the stress in the system needs 100000 or something happens. gregory takes hundreds of photos later to combine them into one high resolution image. danielle records all the important data needed for a geological computer model the other way back. it's
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like 210 meters and then i'll try to come back even lower, maybe like a 150 of the drones, our radical revolution. how science is done and try to teach her students how it's done. sorry, i'm trying to monitor this as well. i go too far. i'm in the atlantic ocean. so that's but know things are changing really, really rapidly. every time we have earthquakes, we want to see if these are moving still. it's really important for recovery and safety. because there's, you know, still people working nearby here at some of these factories. so, and it of course, could still are up to, again, we think it's winter up to any time. the past 3 years have seen repeated erupt. sions in the region. but only recently have they started effecting residential areas. and it's not just the inhabitants of glinda,
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vic. in february 2020 for interruption disrupted hot water supplies to 30000 people living nearby. at a time when temperatures were around minus 10 degrees celsius, in order to predict future russians as accurately as possible. researchers have set up 30 gps stations around the queen the vic. so between the options, the whole thing starts the dome up over a large area. and so these gps stations record how that's moving over time. and then effectively when the options take place, it's like picking the top of a balloon, the balloon starts to deflate back down. and so these stations will actually move down between interruptions or merely after options. and then they start inflating again slowly. and so it's one of the moderate monitoring ways we used to track how things are changing over time. and the really important the gps data is vital for
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green. the big safety before the ground began opening up. this was one of iceland, the wealthiest towns, thanks to its abundance fishing industry. sea food companies are eager to get processing plants up and running again. but 1st, the protective barrier around the town has to be extended to divert lava around residential areas. it's an expensive undertaking. the for the disaster green to fix economy was strong enough to support several professional sports teams. brenda, this is co coach at the towns female basketball team since evacuating basketball games are some of the few chances. she has to meet other former residents practicing. know in the gym, that is kind of like our whole life mall. and we have a game tomorrow against natalie to tell me like arrival team product.
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because this is what we need to keep the communities together. people up showing up for games and i can just see in the faces how much the team is inspiring them to keep on. and the girls know they feel it to the field of responsibility and they're actually handling it on to the teams captain is food of york or loves daughter like so many others. she was torn away from her home and for community i absolutely hated. like i'm such as like a home buddy of mine and all the people in the tell like just the community. it's really like really sad during this time, this is the lake landscape who is the enter, teammates currently train 6 times a week. there in the middle of iceland premier league season, but basketball has become much more than just a game. and for the green,
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the big players, they can meet up at the court and it's safe. and it's happy. and we can actually fight and argue and let out some energy and it's good. it's good for everybody. pull the players and send back at the university of iceland. gregory de pasco, compiles the geological data from is excursion degree. and so this is the main western boundary of what we're calling. you're going to be going to vic robin . and so we, we flew over this to try to understand basically if things are changing or, or not. so there's only a little bit of evidence we can see for movement within a couple of 100 meters of this crack. and then after that there's nothing further west. so everything's happening from this crack in east. so most of the populated area is east of this place, the road on the surface,
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the cracks appear small here. but the neat them are chasms up to 40 meters deep and then it keeps the researchers even found salt water at the bottom of some the tone change. so it was kind of, these are options were happening in the middle of nowhere. and the impact was basically a bit of smoke and i mean, i can see why people get into volcano tourism. right. because it's, it's very special. it's very special, but then it changed. we're going to back and suddenly became serious. yeah, i think, i guess. yeah, yeah, it's impossible, not according to gregory's assessment, prentice and the rest of brenda vix, residence won't be able to return home for the foreseeable future. from my perspective. yeah, it is really bad. i mean, those are permanent, we, we, we call it a permanent ground information. it's like these faults move and they're not going back. we know from the history iceland that iceland is going to keep splitting apart. so the tennessee,
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the target for those faults to keep moving over time can't go back in time. we don't have a time machine say don't build in graphic. but now that we know that all these faults are there and maybe we should be really conscientious about land use. many a printed ex former residents are still looking for new homes. prentice was able to move in with their partner. cost involved in a sense. but it's not quite how the couple had hoped to start this new chapter of their lives on. yeah, and it wasn't supposed to happen in a friday afternoon in a, in a chaotic situation. then me cry all the time. it was supposed to be a big deal. he was moment business. you know, i always pictured the talk coming with all the phones and all my stuff and real like, sit down on the couch in the evening. so half the finally living together. but instead it was like me, my basketball friends, i came in with us, the 2 casts and i was crying, watching tv about what would happen to my town. it's so it's not how you want to
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start living together. i just hope, of course, that it may even have a good then and a healthy baby. henry can stuff like that. now with journey as a family of 3 together, then i would thought that would be, i don't know, 6 years old to 10 years old at the north going like, posted in the credit is kinda like this coast town of you to sound like all your mom used to live here like in this town and see what the whole case you're sitting here. but instead taking co like to visit on france or like your mom used to live here. but you know, this thing happened, but now everything is fine. to like, hopefully, like that's a dream scenario, but of course, like, you know, you never know how to fix this thing. they will move back to be, will, by the know, by yourself, playing volleyball. you will do the top, remember 50 now
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then i am on top of it. they have not. oh yeah, i need to see if they lost each i scenario appropriate the baton with going to allow or do you know there with the met life and fit to live in and view just test to find out when it kinda likes to repeat the i would say it's a little bit normal now because especially from case must be, it has 2 or 3 already. so it's kind of like, like like to say now they're almost making fun of it making paths like over do you think the next will change of income? so it's kind of almost like a day now. so it's, i think they're expecting to get used to it a little bit, but of course gas daily and afraid what's been what it was due to the town and the
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town nearby. also while most wants to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the volcano, others are trying to get as near as they can. so i like my wife says every time is the i have a i have a mistress and this. okay. one of them is volcano hunter viewing steinbeck. it's a totally same experience as when it was a photo. i mean it's, it's told by the same experience and i know people are going to built in like this guy is sole freaking crazy. but, but that's what it's so you know, you see something and you get really fascinated and then you go like, oh my god, i gotta see it again. i mean, just like, you know, when you meet a woman or a boy or whatever, i mean, that's just the feeling you get. you just want to see that person again, like in like you're basically
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a consumer is the 2nd the same feeling i had when i saw that when people who even went beyond his watching his son, tristan play soccer. he always keeps an eye on the latest degrees, quick data, so that he won't miss the next spectacular interruption. it's a waiting game. it's a waiting game. uh. is it gonna rock, does it knock on a roof? i'm seeing a boy. busy next the reps in 247. i check the seismic activity probably towards be 4 times an hour. you know, i haven't been getting a lot of sleep so it's, it's combined so it's, it's, it gets pretty accessed to be on son, tristan doesn't share his father's obsession. and he's just always asking if it's have a rough tune that is like kinda and i i just don't have interest in it then. yeah.
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i don't care much about the if a reps it happens right? no, i would just let tristan know that i have to go. i would jump in my car and go to my house and we would be out there in uh, an hour hour and a half. the to day is a big day for going to fix basketball fans. the women's team is playing against their arch rivals from your to be. this is a big game for us, not just because there's teams number 2 or 3, but it's also because this is our neighboring house. unfortunately, we've been usually the team that loses and i want to feel
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a little distress because best means that this matters to me. this matters to the team. so yeah, i have the right kinds of aimless stress to get me focused and prepared for the grid of advance have come to support their team and to catch up with friends. well this is actually the moment that makes my day to come here and see the people who inventory because this is literally the only the only time of the day. what do you see? everybody competing here, playing basketball, after all this situation at home. it's kind of crazy. so many people traumatize, so many people there. didn't even think about it. so afraid of you. okay, no, i'm confused and i hope that everybody makes it. you turn that thing the, the hearing,
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see them as amazing is what we missed the most of the, the game is neck and neck yard. we can bring to the our time hanging over the contest is the fact that this could be granted fix last season without training facilities or local sponsors, the team can support itself if this is the last season, which i don't believe when would be great to certify shop when the title between the in the, in going to dick wins. $77.00 to $69.00. or the, i'm just super happy and super part of the team is almost to describe feeling like
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just playing on the board for my home team. amazing. and i love every time i have a game, i'm the super excited the for me this is the only place where i feel like i'm still in between somebody doing something on the quote uh with, with home shipping them off. yeah. so probably feel like the a few days after grand of expect to be on the court, the ground explodes again without any warning. the russian lasts for weeks and forms of permanent crater the town is spared the lava for
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now. but even so, the iceland government offers residents to buy their homes. brenda center neighbors can finally move on and look to the future. i decided that i want to sell my house because i want to buy a new home where i can feel safe, that i can have my family, my baby, and that way i'm financially secure. that way i can take care of myself mentally, and i have the energy to actually focus on keeping the community together, keeping things that we can live away from synthetic the despite the researchers, wary out books been dis, hasn't given up hope for her hometown. i political hope sled, i don't know when,
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but at some point i will that help rebuild it the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at these events analyzed by experts. and critical thing here is this is with the weekdays on dw, my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do
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that. it's all about saying it's loud mass. would it be nosy bay? like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called called the called back. the if you want to be the best and professional football you're going to have to made the best players, the best training and the best strategy. and now to stay at the top of the game is becoming increasingly important to also have the best i got. so how is artificial intelligence changing? football? could you imagine supporting a football team made off of robots? these robots are already able to play against each other on the football field. the goal of the rub a couple, the noise is that by 2050, the robots will be able to the fate. hope all is well champions. to be honest


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