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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 19, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the business dw news line from bullitt flooded me and putting lands in north korea, seeking support for peaceful in ukraine is arrived in pyongyang where he was welcome to buy can jump on to i'm to, to help each of the other company. international sanctions strengthens visit to north korea in 24. he's. so coming up in thailand, the senate hutch overwhelmingly in favor of a marriage apology to clearing the wife of thailand to become the 1st nation in southeast asia to allow same sex couples to the world's largest wetlands, faces. wildfires in the pursuit well, need your conditions and climate change threatening advice will flood
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the i'm anthony. how'd welcome russian president vladimir is on a state visit to north korea as a 6 to boost defense ties as he continues his will and you cry. now 3 is a major supply of ammunition full that for, for the north korean leader kim jong on. it's a chance to cultivate a powerful ally against the us and south korea. there's russian president in north dakota after 24 years, a visit that reflects north go yes. going strategic and buttons for the show not go to go. it's believe to be providing badly needed veterans for the she has water new cream. a motivation for voting to keep the country close. a young gang as
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also embracing the russian leader with open arms as food and expanse corporation with a leader who faces i solution from the west. russia and northwood yet denied everything which is bound under united nations sanctions. but the best and officials claim in return for veterans was still living technology for north korean missiles and the programs. a situation that is bringing alarm bells in the west. truth is wasted, so north korea all demonstrates unconfirmed. so the. ready close alignment with in russia on the old sort of tired and states like multiple now. but also try and law on the, on the wrong. on the this also demonstrates that our security is not the regional. it's, it's global life happens in europe, matters for a showing what happens and they shall not just for all semester to try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide
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it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that started against you create a north korea is providing significant munitions to, to russia. but it's a criticism that must go acknowledge. and sure times we believe those are right to develop good relations with our neighbors should not be a concern to anyone. and it cannot and should not be challenged by anyone else in the bush beyond jen and law school work or board elyse the relationship to, to, to get it after the disintegration of the soviet union. but the western isolation has brought them close, like in the shop, because if it's what a new crane and north go to because if it's in vicious need for your weapons program that's making many west and bob was extremely anxious. henry haggard is a former us state department official who worked in his country's embassy in south korea, gave us his assessment of putting his visit to north korea or all of that. just
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underscores rushes. we're choice to turn away from the international system. and these 2 partners, while they're trading in this, and this summit, they're trading a technology and weapons in order to wage an illegal war. and in order to use these stabilize and threaten its neighbors and north korea. well that's happening. you look across down across the 30th parallel and south korea, working with japan, the united states, other allies and partners to increase in advanced security and prosperity. so it's really, really a stark contrast that this summit lays out can we expect, henri, how good there. all right, let's take a look at some of the other stores making headlines around the world. the cell blistering hate that topped 48 degrees celsius, caused the death of hundreds of worship and string. this is hodge pilgrimage and saudi arabia thousands more were affected by hate strife. nearly 2000000 muslims
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from 22 countries took part in the pilgrimage this year, which ended with the ritual circling the copper sign in mic. ceos boeing is apologize to families who lost loved ones in 2737, max crashes, nothing. during a us senate hearing dive, calhoun said the a cross to make a took responsibility for a faulty software system. crashes in indonesia and ethiopia killed 346 people in 20182090. are just president. joy barton has announced a new program to provide a pop to citizenship, to half a 1000000 migrant, to a married to us citizens and have been in the country for more than a decade. earlier this month, the buttons administration. i'm filed a crack down on a solemn at the southern border with mexico. the german shot for the old f sholtes main waltz as border controls put in place for the european football championship.
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need to be extended on the shelves until told jim and regional latest efforts to limit their regular migration. we're already having an impact and he will do everything to ensure the trend continues. free movement is guaranteed by the shaking agreement in your opinion, and then other stuff or to invest in that kind of just by default or thailand is about to become the 1st country in south east asia to legalize same sex marriage sentences overwhelmingly passed a landmark, a quality bill, the vote has been held as a victory by campaigners and members of the o. g. b. take you community. many if you gathered at parliament to welcome the 4 families in thailand waited hopefully as votes were tallied, celebrating as the final counts came through the senators voted to those a welding lee in favor of legalizing same sex marriage. my wife and i are going to merits come to enjoy our wedding in november company during the 16
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day of activities because the human rights defend us that was sent abrasions in parliament to administer the specials. and in fact, it is not the occasion that government house royalty expressed as in sam reshay's in the house they voted, would be striving towards the house, except today, last but not least, i'm saying is going to, if you want to, this is you want to get various rece, the other ones in the thailand is only the 3rd country in asia to allow same sex marriage off to taiwan on to the pool. the little will now groaned full legal, financial, and medical rights to own marriage partners, regardless of sex. for 17 years,
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we've been reading more legal to my husband right now. and the new legislation will now go to the king for approval and will, coming to full a $120.00 days off the publication in the royal give that activist type, the 1st weddings to be celebrated as early as october will match upon who you so as part of that report is a marriage equality advocate into our end. so they told us what this means for the l g b t community in her country. this means so much for our family, but it's not the meet that only thailand in thailand is the 1st country. here we add that the country, but look, allow, globally, we still need to fight a lot of many, many pads of the world when thailand policy, but with the ad,
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the pass up there will also possible that these, the reason why these, these, our, um, would you be ti i whew. hoffman actually implemented. it's not only tylen well in the wake of heavy floods. brazil is now facing massive wild flies and the country's punts in our region. man made climate change and the nino where the phenomena and have increased the risk of devastating floods the. let's take a look now at how residents in some of the largest tropical whitland in the will, dealing with the situation or an ominous orange backdrop looms over brazil's fountain. now wetlands, it reminds residents that the fire season has started earlier and with more fury than usual. the pricing got 3 years ago. the pump now wasn't like this. it was supposed to be flooded and this year it didn't, that complicated things. the pump them now which a sandwich between brazil, bolivia, and paraguay is the largest tropical wetland in the world. it's
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a mass of carbon sink and it's home to thousands of plants and animal species. many of them endangered in other bio. it's normal for the region to have rein periods where the wetlands flood and dr. periods were some man made wildfire as breakout. but according to the results national institute for space research, the number of fires is a specially high this year. it has increased by more than 1000 percent so far in 2024 compared to the same period last year to keep it a whole bunch of them out a key basically what's worry, some about the bundle now, is that due to climate change, the bottom has seen more dr. periods discharge is going to because of the vegetation that would usually burn and a certain period is burning more frequently. it came by the edge of june and through sacked. video like came equal miles of the queen and these fires are much bigger and much harder to control. and i said we to space is pointed you faces,
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you're going through uh climates, ridge, comic droughts, more likely and more intense in some parts of the world. as we burn fossil fuels, the warranty atmosphere and there's more of operation from land and a warm are out this year can affect rain patterns to so that it rains more in short birth. that makes it harder for the ground to retain sol moisture over a longer period of time. for sale has also felt the effects of a natural phenomenon new. this complex windham temperature pattern in the pacific ocean can make the weather in parts of the country, hotter and dryer, all in all the perfect conditions to make the woodlands highly flammable several months too early to reach for me. so i think what others are, we already started the season badly. the fun is it propagating very quickly and we're worried about how the situation will progress in august, september and october. this year, experts urge the government to educate residents about the dangers of starting fires for small scale agricultural activities. because there's no knowing the
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damage they may cause as climate conditions where as smoke now and taking fans in germany have celebrated a winning stock to their team at the euro. 24 tournament turkey bay, georgia, 31 in one of the most thrilling matches so far. the present of jubilant scenes in the city of dorman with memphis, played germany as a lodge, a turkish margaret community. making this something of a high match for the tech events. here's what some of them at the site. i think it was great. it was very entertaining. i never got bored. i thought it was great. and yeah, i'm very happy. we would have it. we can assess tough when we turn things around in the 2nd, then this is the 31 when wonderful such and, and say, and i'm associated with this, i have to wait, go on a, go, uh, we could do it, we can do anything. the credit stats techie, well, why the euro 2024 football championship is in full swing in germany. there's
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another tournament going on at the same time. a different version of the beautiful game with teams made up of homeless people. all like the game is the same, the patient is the same, but inside hum to expands on your 2020 for a different type of tournament is underway. there's no blitz and no dilemma nor other 1000000 euro salaries. these plans will experience homelessness. and the really to get here hasn't always been easy. i used to play all my lobby football. but the when i, when i started taking drugs, i stopped in the director of importing the football spot the all day i'll be, i'll stop the game. yeah, the now i thought the company is like a change all my life stopped a football game organized by a local charity and funded by donations eighteens a competing they play for
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a side games with 27 minute tubs of so many football has given them a fresh start i think that's, that's the focus soon to see we have as a full point community in germany. now the country said football is a place where people come together with so many different lives, which probably was fortunate like like all is maybe one does lucky as, as we all, maybe i'm to have football. it's such a unifier to, to come together to celebrate the game we lost and said to all, just just be hopefully be, be playing football. i think that's the purpose of this event. since from the launch, a euro tournament have turned out to show the support the week long the vein gives a chance for the so called beautiful game to bridge divides. c 7 and for players from old background to share and the love of the school watching dw news
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from berlin, that's all for now. don't forget the website is there for all the light. is there any time you need it? like wise l social channels on instagram and ex, handled the nature of both of those is at the date of the need. somebody to be held in berlin from the and the team here. it's good bye. for now. the cream was like a step in points. you know, if i brought you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a safety from refrain. you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the world wide in such a passion life. yeah. give me something that is common very, very sense. and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines, this is europe's battle take of the future. but only on paper right now. the main ground combat system.


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