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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is tina with the news line from maryland, russia and north korea sign, a strategic partnership on security, letting me improvement on kim jones own, also agree to expand their trade and cultural ties. this, as couldn't make this 1st official visit to north korea in 24 years. also coming up . boeing's foss publicly apologizes to relatives of victims killed in crashes involving the companies player. but many are not convinced the companies culture will improve any time soon. the
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welcome to the show on the call, fairly rush as vladimir putin and north korean leader kim jong have signed a new agreement that details. mutual aid is either a country or to be attacked. the deal also includes partnerships on trade investment and cultural and humanitarian ties. this comes as putting made his 1st visit to if young, young in 24 years, and as both countries face escalating stand also with the west. a welcome 790, filled with sun, fat, pomp, and circumstance. north korea pulled up the oldest stump, sits most high profile visit to in years. it's the 1st trip pay for the russian president vladimir putin since the year. 2000 and much has changed since then. the visit to select snows, career is growing strategic importance for russia. since its full scad invasion of ukraine, russia has been heavily sections by the west. this increased international isolation
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is that putin to strike some ties was of that provided states. many believe p own yang will provide more weapons and munitions for the rest is paid. this is banned under un sanctions, and something both sides denied. must go, could reciprocate his food indebted to assistance, as well as help for the meals, because he is miss out in spite surveillance programs. it's a situation that's making many in the west anxious. russia try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that it started against duke. right. so we are very much concerned about this because this is what's keeping the we're going after the 7, many the to need to set down for tullocks fusion st to came for his countries to quote and gun. and he said the new agreement they signed would form the basis of long term relations going forward. and i was like, what's a good? we very much appreciated the dpr case,
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consistent and permanent support of russian policy, including and ukrainian issue. natural labels also are struggling against the hedge him on the imperialist policy posts for decades by the united states and the satellites system, new relation to the russian federation system. so, you know, that's not the fix with any machine that actually is configured. it's kim jones own responded to by pledging his country's full backing for russia and ukraine. the situation in the world is becoming more complicated and changing rapidly. north korea will continue to strengthen and close the engage in strategic communication with russia and will continue to support order for us as policies unconditionally. west infections support these 2 full. i'm a coldwell allies closer together. not makes many in the westfield extremely, an easy to our east asia, corresponding james tater has more on this pac between russia and north korea.
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identical with russian officials say that this new strategic partnership will replace the last one sign between these 2 countries. moving it to a decades ago, russian official save that was in response to a deep evolution. all of the gerry political situation in the world. there were any critical point that has come out of this new strategic partnership is the rush or north korea say, there is a mutual banker, dolphin mutual supports to one another. if one of the countries is a tax people the truth and said that this partnership is all of a defensive nature, he did also say that military support may full within 3 minutes of this new strategic partnership. and a final points to make is that rush renewal, great. well, as i said, they stand against. will they cool politically motivated functional sanctions? and this last point is important, because when we look at what's really been putting a ceiling over russian engagement with north korea in recent years, it has been those un sanctions which russia has previously endorsed. and so if we
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seeing a lot of my parents in criticizing these types of functions, it could be a sign that he will look to act in defiance of what his human sanctions potentially offer supports to north korea is weapons programs. mm hm. the west is concerned, especially about north korea, supporting ma scales invasion of ukraine. how do you see this impacting the way both countries behave going forward? yes, absolutely. one of the lead on so this somebody to us and south korean officials are really sounding the alarm bell is about, well they, they see as north career essentially, providing millions of munitions to must go over the cost to it, to, to continue it's worth aggression against ukraine, the bigger question really was ways, what is most career essentially guessing in we're ton and i think the really important points that says 0 in on here is that's defensive in nature. over the big green english. they say that they have sign just now because when we look at the
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more belligerent behavior of russia in north korea of a recent years, they often characterize it or explain it as defending themselves against the west. whether that's russia, staying nice as expansion in europe is behind the war and ukraine, whether appeal yang, saying that the us deepening ties with allies like japan and south korea is the cause of intercontinental ballistic missile tests. and so what we're seeing here really is potentially an avenue through which rusher and north korea are trying to legitimize what could be more concrete, military supports full retail, the we don't know what that necessarily will look like in concrete terms. with assessing the learning the diplomatic groundwork to do so, can you briefly tell us how china feels about all of this when, of course, china is expressed concern about north cris mobile. it's all behavior in the past that, but the fact remains that of course, the, the 1st visit told pearson's new presidential time to see it was that red compet. welcome engaging. and the fact remains that these are the countries that are
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welcoming person and not in a sense of taking a stand on the rushes invasion of ukraine. these old countries, which whole style to what they view as a global or the dominated by the us. and they view, then deepening partnerships and alliances between each other as efforts to, to combat thoughts that we use east asia corresponding james taylor. thank you so much. i as always, you know, and take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world has south africa several where my post has been sworn in for a 2nd term as president. last month's elections on relo poses party b amc lose it's absolute majority in parliament for the 1st time. but it has now struck a deal to form what it calls a government of national unity of fire and the military. i, munitions, depot, and jobs capital in germane has triggered a series of explosions. government officials say at least 9 people have been killed
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and 46 wounded. the president has promised an investigation into the fire. heavy rainfall has triggered widespread flooding. in fact, one dash, the incessant rains cause the storm or river near bangladesh and north eastern border to rise and updating the surrounding areas. local officials say some 37000 people are stranded in rural areas. in the united states, the head of aircraft maker, boeing has apologized to relatives of victims, killed in crashes involving the company's plains in 20182019 c o dave color and was giving testimony and hearings in the us. senate, 346 people were killed in accidents involving 2 of its planes. they were caused by problems with a flight control software. i think the families of victims who were killed into playing crashes involving boeing 737 max jets got the on capital hill. they are
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cooling for justice for boeing. c o, david calhoun, to take responsibility for what they say. well known problems with across to that were in service. my being here is so that calhoun can see my father's face and the see the cost of his decisions. i mean, if we all here living in this nightmare that doesn't seem to end of what has now become our lives, why should the people who made decisions continue to not face the people that they let down? all i could think is the 6 minutes and 4 seconds. oh my daughter on the boeing 37 months. it's a great for me to know that will be there's lots of rough. did someone hold your fans? so got home bullying ceo management. did you hear my daughter?
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cried the hearing began by calhoun, addressing the family members present. i would like to apologize on behalf of all of our going associates spread throughout the past and present for your loss before he thought to face the grinning by sensitive occasions will come to order. i think the truth is mister calhoun. you're not focused on safety. you're not focused on quality, you're not focused on transparency. all of this is in the record. boeing's ongoing production problems with in the spotlight again in january this year, off to a dual panel fellow from the alaska airlines. boeing 737 plane made to flight of the house who defends bearing safety records, and denies obligations that the company ignored concerns of whistle blowers. but little make to say there is overwhelming evidence that the us justice department
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should bus to prosecution against boeing. so sports now, turkey fans and germany have celebrated a winning start for their soccer team and they are a $24.00 tournament turkey beef, georgia, $31.00 and $1.00 of the most thrilling matches so far that make the reset of juvenile ins. themes in the city of dogwood, where the match of his play, germany has a large circus community making this something of a home match for the term defense. paris, what they have to say. i think it was great. it was very entertaining. i never got bored. i thought it was great and yeah, i'm very happy we would have it week and the 1st off what we turn things around in the 2nd, then this of the 31 when wonderful such and then say number associated with this. i have to wait, go on a go uh, we could do it, we can do anything. well now that all the teams have had their 1st matches in this tournament, how strongly are from paying for their 2nd round against hungry this evening. the
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billy reporter echo flores is installed gun, where the crowds are starting to gather and we can see them. they're behind you and hack. only a few hours left until take off once the move like over there. well yeah, as you can see, it's all on the fans large here in the middle of the stuff gods really gathering. and they will make slowly their way to the ground from here in a big fan march, and probably try to bring in the atmosphere that the turkey pants did as well. and you have just been here has been positive really. yesterday we were at the hotel of the germany squad, with a lot of fans that were there to welcome to the team and there's still got and gave them really a heroes. welcome and that's easy to do after you went and startling your opening match. 51. so if jeremy can, when tonight get a positive result, they'll be qualified to the knockout and build on that moment. so in this team has really brought back base that they can get far. and this home tournament,
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that's certainly what they're hoping to do. that is what the fans are hoping to see, but hungry versus germany that isn't all time classic. what are you expecting them to match? the well hungry on paper is a stronger opponent in scotland that has to be said, and germany to record also against hungary has not been degraded in recent years. the last time that germany want to can hungry was back in 2016. so we're talking about a long time ago also in their last 3 matches. it's been 2 draws, and one last that home for germany. so a tough opponents. and it's not just me saying that it's also mine, right? no, i of a germany captain and goalkeeper said yesterday that the press conference that she was texting a tough match. it's a hard opponent. he says to play against where they're very aggressive. so it will, it will definitely not be an easy match hungry that lose their 1st match against switzerland. but it just means that they are out for it's a goal for everything really and they are desperate for
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a winter night. so tough match, but definitely in entertaining one, no matter who you are, supporting authorities across germany are on high alert these days. they want to avoid any kind of violence. how are the security measures over there? and so con, well, so far it's been, it's been quite quiet really and it's been very, very peaceful. but we do see a lot of security uh, the authorities that say this would be a higher risk match. and that is mainly due to a small but loud group from the hung darian fence. it's a group called the car patheon brigade. they were all black use, a lot of a layers at the ground and single 90 minutes, which is great atmosphere. but at the same time, they are known to be violence against police, against other sense. as mentioned so far, everything has been peaceful and we hope it stays that way. and we can just worry about the football tonight as the w heck of flores and stuff. got. thank you so much and just to make sure you got that right,
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the captain of the german team is to go on and not lot of noise with that. we're at the end of our shows through with us. thank you so much. bye bye. the . the green. you'll update the green innovations, super green and green. check the holy gray off electron mobility and green revolution, global service into a whole lot of climate problems. if it curious on the topic of price of those channels, we've got new videos every friday tried to plan. it's a son in law singing.


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