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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  June 19, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm CEST

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the one you have, you have a one, dodge, so they leave this on the spot and the unexpected side to side enjoy the as the human population grows. so those are impact on the planets and behavior affect it in all kinds of ways. many of them, no good. yes you by the notation is driving all sorts of positive changes to welcome to eco africa. i am chris a lens in lagos, nigeria. yes, we need to find ways to adopt mid communities more resilient and above all to the less than an impact in the 1st place. and we have lots of stories of both thoughts on basic show. i am some drug of homes that we know don't joining you from complex
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. right to uganda. musicians in the deal receipts, futon crushed into each cremmit savings as dani is a butterflies in their love easily and the ivory post women who met, sold on to restore mongo. but fast to is a number that much show. some of you, more than 2000000000 people was wide, don't have clean drinking water at home. is deeply afflicted by these issues. but the various creative solutions underway. lake victoria, in weston can yes. the 2nd largest, fresh water lake in the world. there's no shortage of fresh water here, but it's not clean enough to drink the people upon my
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b mainly use it for washing kills of double important when you are, you might, we used to drink this lake or to disease, was rife along the lake shore. so there are a lot of pieces, even bloody faces. you guys got a lot better since we got clean water. the disease rate a significantly dropped almost to 0 because we saw not on the come on, most of the water has been coming out of these steps for 4 years. now, the community helps the canyon set up a why plan my, he's se solutions to set up a water vending machine here. it works quite simply. lake water is sucked up into a 5 in several steps. the filter needs to be changed once a month, on average salary i'd be on board is chiefly responsible for marketing. over $100.00 villages now have such facilities. the water comes in different grades . we have 3 different type of what we have the role,
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what we have the filter do i do have them in there and what sometimes we give the role, what's up to people because of for example, the look what's a it has a lot of a so we give the look what is this plus to one for you to the real, what so you can use it to give cows or you can use it to wash it for the preferred what it is relatively good, but it is not for drinking. but you can use it to do as activities such as cooking . and i mean i don't want to know you use it for drinking on. a lucio chain only buys a water from here, the space she pays by an x, the equivalent of about 70 euro cents a fraction of what she would normally pay in a store. she still felt strive fish, but now she also has a job promoting the water purification facility and is expanding other ways to put on the assignment. now middle of a month,
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now i opened the hotel and this what helps me a lot of guys, once my customers are done 18, we can get teams drinking on what to do about that. i also cook with to prevent diseases. can you put you in regards to that will get you more so give, that'll be my letter might be more the water purification is a promising concept for to exploit can router is also convinced of that about 70 percent of kenyans live in rural areas. we're getting access to clean drinking water is difficult. this technology is a very beneficial in remote unsolved areas where traditional, what sources of various costs and sometimes at corporate, the back on terminated. well, sometimes you have to go to a long process to get it. and so i think might be meant to classic technologies can be reached, that once i got by providing communities with sustainable access to clean what else wasn't even in the capital narrow, the people cannot rely on access to key more to the goals in the school. i enjoying
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the freaks, but it's also a pleasure to have refreshing drink of 2 is the 1st floor to dispense that was installed into school last year. the main difference in 3, the main difference is that when you taste the water, it is cool. refreshing and very ok if you can quench your 1st and go back to play again. but compared to i know when the water was hardwood and you couldn't even quint yourself. so this really helps alone. does anybody have my notes? now the school has for dispense says, the french company, our able to activity self, mainly to africa and latin america. wilson couple key is in charge of maintenance in that will be the machine is be able to mix 20 meters of water every day. and it is a very simple and motion. uh, that's for household and office use. it is just like, uh, what are this best buy the only difference with that. what are the specialized that now these one will mix it so its own what i know from the most, for you,
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the special thing about this mistake. what a generator is that the water is produced from the if it is drawn into the generator, and then split into water and oxygen. 1000 liters can be collected in the tank every day to sleep, the thirst of about 400 students. and there's enough left over to be used in the chemistry lab. the water that's produced is also decently mated by the machine the m as which i used. but what does that mean we used in the lab. so that's the catch because for the schools. but using the, the ion listed, the facility costs 10000 euros, not cheap. parliamentarian donated the money much to the joy of the girls. our next report takes us to the democratic republic of congo, where a group of musicians are doing the beat. by being creative, we can sasha's west problem, they fold the city,
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looking for trash. they can now turn into music and send out a positive message to people about how to treat the environment the one months trust is another man's treasure. or in this case, a musical instrument can shift the music group can go look in the alta makes music with things they find on the street. so if the mega city caustic book draws the attendance design to find as a single string to tom made from a 10. com. and the call goes to the no tv such as a bass drum buffet that can just so yeah, there's a trend in contrast to knowing that we're musicians a go look. but there are also a visual artist who make costumes out of trash cans collected in the streets would be the one in the rivers and that law. he didn't do it easier. a, well, it's
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a kind of appeal electronic one ecological message. telling people not to throw cans and so on into the gutters because it can clog them the don't the shows that you can you football, you can take them and do something with them. we like or just recycle them. who upon the be off, i've taken the kid shows, if he likes to click with the music. can gonzalo, can you also want to raise a wireless about the must have problem is lister and voice pollution and can shop and across the country even in the scorching, often in some members, settled to the treasure hunt through the streets. and it's not long before they find something they can use this styrofoam here, done. i can put it in a bass drum. it makes it kicks on. deepest is this is thinking, rock, music before and electronic music. ok little while anything they can find can get
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the 2nd life is an instrument. no need to go to a shop to get spare parts. virginia and i just picked up a string where my buy had a problem with my base, a string broke in the middle of the concert. so when i was out on the street, i found one, and now i can replace it, go to do that. i can go look in the office music has inspired by the recur logical vision. this she had a touring america in german performing the unique blend of music with that unique instruments. the let's bring down the temperatures now and head back to europe. and the 1st the optic suckle. most specifically, we're heading on the ground to mine on a remote island where there is good news and bad news. right, chris? well, yes, you could say that to gain this mind as provided lots of jobs in the region. what
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it's set to close next summer. people worried, of course. well, it's all supposed to be part of a move towards a brighter future. smile, bob, and i'll keep kind of go above the arctic circle. yes, let us work. see it in the know region settlement of long gabby and in the mind that has been producing cold in the pen, the frost for the past half century, but not for much longer. final preparations before going on the ground. it's more than 7 kilometers to the nearest coal mining site. first by car, and then by electric call. then on foot. my number 7 is the most working you'll reach in mines in the smell about archipelago. it will close permanently next year. part of the authorities plan to switch to alternative
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energy sources. when i started working in the line, we were supposed to be doing it through 2045 around and, and just a year later i, we were told that you're a closing law school loan. yeah. be in a band and comb and switch to something the power plant to diesel. this is just the 1st stage of the energy transition, according to the math, to your own ethic. due to the use of coal, about 75000 tons of carbon dioxide. we're being admitted into the atmosphere every year and the city needed to find something more efficient. and i know it sounds a bit weird because we go from fossil fuels deposit, which is nice. so it's a good 1st step because it's more get a good, it's more flexible and we have interested in a new battery park to stabilize it that makes it also easier for us to face and we have for now renewables like wind and sun,
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the green transition and file about is being handled by moans or less telephones. who works for the state and company store in oscar. the company has be mining coal install about for a 100 years, and he's now investing in green energy. sellable projects include a solar panel puck outside, long. yeah, be in this field radio as well as solar panels in the settlement itself. the projects are now in the test phase. poland night and winter changes deponent de installed about in spring. so the solar panels are ideal for the energy transition . so behind the hair, you'll see one of the 61 of the 6 solar facilities, we have bills to last years and long have you and it's on the building called port awesome, but it's a combined hotel and office building. so we have the solar panels on almost all of the roof. curved roof is but like to me, in addition to wind and solar energy,
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the development of geothermal energy is also being discussed inside about here above the arctic circle. the project manager is something of a pioneer in the field of green energy, of course solar panels. the wind turbines and batteries are quite normal and common and the rest of the world. but we don't know how that would work compare until we actually build them. and test them in real life, but not everyone in long gabby and is happy with the environmental policy. one of also plans to make spite about green no way continues to export oil and gas, which is not helping them to fight against climate change. but there is also another problem. small bod has a special status in trying to and a treaty from 1920, along with no way. russia is also permitted to conduct economic activities. here in the town of barton's book, the russians, unlike the norwegians planned to continue developing the mines. all the coal
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production will decline there as well. at the moment, balance boat mines, $120000.00 tons per year, bought by the end of 2032 coal mining and the archipelago should be reduced to $40000.00 tons according to representatives at the new region, energy company. there were no discussions with bob french book regarding the development of renewable energy sources. the loss norwegian mine is closing a 100 years of to the status of mining in the archipelago for moans older sellable . this is a chance to realize new green projects. so me a slight to us to move on. there are many countries in the world still mining coal . i've been looking in through going through astray leah greenland. uh, because i really like mining i the way the closure of the mind and the introduction of new technologies on the island of kick started
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a green transition on slide about when many se climate change has been felt particularly strongly. in recent years. however, there is still much to be done to make the green future happen to time to get back to warmer climates. butterflies are among the world's most important pollinators, both in places such as done, zenia vap populations of declining. they could be getting some help though, from a rather unusual place. faith job monkeys, not usually a told me i eat, but things to be totally on sense. museum news if thrives in these, leaving the tory mold enough that it was. what mountains? mission of the parking tons in need of fiber optic assistant with a least 2500 plants, spaces and 40 endemic butterfly species. but these biodiversity hotspot, the threats they time youngstown to recreate it in these greenhouse is a way to save. it seems like little scorpio data sheet it um, it's uh,
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what aim is to study and get a better understanding of what's happening at the end of the beast includes deforestation, and social problems, links to environmental and species conservation instead of sooner than i'm the into the respective deforestation, and uses nick, this is for butterfly, cindy smith, it's been normal, functioning of the ecosystem means of the button that we did tons on the, on the nation on fox authority to support researching to about a positive raising awareness about scientists walk and encouraging people to take part in conservation efforts, what is the chain? don't know when we want to walk. we are cutting out as we use, but also in call operation and colleagues that are on the wall. and this demonstrates that to be facing unimportant about diversity crises, especially our grandparents would always tell us that there aren't, as many butterflies have, they used to be on different level me. and one of all is done in 6 play
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a vital role in keeping across these tempting balance and highly sensitive to environmental changes. ecologist refer to them as bio indicators, but primarily due to human activity and climate change. while that's the last 5 to 10 percent of all these exp, she's in the last $150.00, is reset the engine at all. and all in 16 general play a fundamental role in the proper functioning of our system, sits in front of being fucked. more than 50 percent of leaving a gun, it seems that populates our planet uh in sync which perform various type of rules. the pre dettori insects that 8 visitation insects that facilitate body nation insects. but the compost will gladly come out to see on the tropical mountain greenhouse, in each of these, not just a century for they've bus bought a place pieces by highlighting the importance of these beautiful on fraudulent creatures to the hands of the planet confers the public understanding of the need for conservation, sudley,
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wildlife populations declining at an alarming rate all around the globe. the tragic scene is most of that loss could have been avoided. that's why conservation east are doing what they can to inform people of the part of role every animal plays in the local ecosystem, such as the photos of the sound via limping away off to an encounter with a trap. 9 ends of the big caps often full prey to purchase even into a national park. another danger poisoned caucus is left by livestock owners at the parks. food is the way of stopping lions from eating their animals. they're going to be the best people. but the poisoned meat doesn't just kill lions vultures. they're also dying to protect the endangered birds. biologists need a little help from the voltages themselves. coordinate, kendall,
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and to team are attaching something. light truck goes to the wings when the project in zambia is headed by the north carolina zoo in the us, where kendall works as a conservation specialist. satellite tank vultures are wide ranging and they give us great information about what's happening across the landscape. most importantly, they're helping us to find poisoning which threatens walters and cardboard so like of the votes has don't exactly enjoy being tact, but it's not painful. once it's over that happy to be free. so far. 19 volts has, has been tacked with truck has and in the 2 years the projects being running the ranges have found 2 poisoned caucuses that might not seem like much. but every volt share they save is important because some species like the ones in cos who a national park are especially endangered. both white button headed vultures are critically endangered species,
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so they're actually more endangered the lions. and they've declined rapidly more than 90 percent in the last 3040 years. so we're really concerned about both species because they play such a critical role in terms of disease control and waste removal with project site. this one, the team, hope space ranges and residents will become more aware of the role volt, just play in the ecosystem, and no more poisoned carcasses would also be good news for lions and wild cats. being a way of how it goes, systems work is a big help towards improve and the way we work and leave for example, when coastal fish and community is can the long to rely on dwindling facebook for leave. it will often, it is possible to make little adjustments that have a big impact as we found out when we visited some women in ivory coast who leading
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a wave of change this women assaults produces on the way to collect their own material. see what to traditionally the domain of women in this coastal community. salt production will achieve by pointing see what of old fires into just the white crystals. one left, a website with collection has had a devastating impact on the local month before as well. that's all changed, thanks to the inputs from an alliance of environmental organizations called a free involve which helps rural communities to leave most of 10 to believe. in this case, the women have learned how to that the water if operate naturally the we will not pursue. so at 1st we thought it was a little strange. how can water in the base and turn to some of the sun that seems to be found it a bit hard to believe. but i told my friends that we had to join the project to see how it would turn out and we did about and the day we saw the salt we were. so
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please look on if you knew what to say, if that doesn't work was done for a long time, fishing was the main bees missing, the village, which lies between the ocean on the, on the edge of a sudden the national tax. but as fish stocks dwindled, the new sold top of thing technique provides a reliable source of income. it's also crucial to protect the monger baker system, which is a breeding drawn for fees on a bike the supply of food for the families here. the a free vote for the t a is coordinated by maurice. i'm a cumberland says action was i didn't really need it because as i can be, national park was under pressure from human encroachment. in addition, the local communities had to learn new skills to do with the climate change. a lot of these are the pros. when we set up the projects, it was clear that women should be involved because they end up involving everyone else. i think
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a minute more or less obliged to assist them and the children also help out if you so by involving women to a greater extent engaged the whole family in the project life. i me that if it was us, we'll see it for, for the so far they've involved 50 women, to whom has brought at least 7 more people. along with saving the money will seem to solve the puck. the land and visions in the north has been halted. a very successful tool in these calls is the keeping women of the joint forces to set up 175 b heights. the beast produced most honey when left undisturbed, which is the best argument for leaving the hobby tongue intact. has it not been? does the hives help us to protect the park? because we only come to the entrance to remove the honey without harming the bees are cutting the trees. these products aim to make communities more resilient unimpaired to 1st few challenges. to this end of free evolve is working with
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association. you know that the national park funded by the iphone office. we got both pucks and resolves, i bid them and then i needed to do it again. so we want to approach the conserves results and so, and helps communities to take charge of their own affairs. the process of training, after explaining the situation off to proposing the method, they themselves adapt the method to their own way of doing things. and we find that really remarkable. the approach is already paying off the pressure on the national park. it's a vital mangrove of people's fear and vast marshlands as modestly eased. local communities are also finding new confidence. just was seen differently through the phone. here were communities of women, women's association of the fighting for economic support and survival thing. why did the same time managing to respect the environment? the results are impressive as it is. so that has been that as long as the climate
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change and resources depletion continue as the village as concerns about the future have not altogether disappeared. but a free evolve project has shown them the become adopt beautiful, it just goes to show that when all sides are involved in sustainable solutions, everyone comes benefits including the world with leaving that state for this week. i am chris a lives in lagos, nigeria, and i am sandra at the homes that we know deal right here in uganda. thank you for joining us. don't forget to head to an equal offer go online. toxins. full is preparing stories ad drop us a line, ad eco ad due to come see you on again. next week. the
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the, the
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reading induce a new business partner, a be an ad from the czech republic is investing big time industry, struggling, steel manufacturer of the above speculations all make you investigate the company a fresh start? we reckon nate in germany, in ceci minutes on d. w. 3 young immigrants from zimbabwe, supportive family, because the states cons,
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the siblings live in england and some of africa and send as much money as possible . but the financial obligations are an enormous transaction. the 75 minutes on d w. the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you. cost about why does that? and i think i know i'm liza the new host to join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between
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moses video and audio production, 5 d w. i. who did you what you need to ask because you manyels and didn't you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't go and 65 full was while your top 5 years. 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all the topics i'm much it to you. john campbell fixed a new culture and then 15 minutes left side together. parts of our community life on the research is now on the
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this, this daily news line from berlin, russia and north korea sign, a strategic partnership on security, letting me put and i'm kim joan own, also agreed to expand their trade and cultural ties. business to make this 1st official visit to north korea and 24 years, also coming to boeing's boss, publicly apologize as to relatives of victims killed in crashes involving the companies plains, but many are not convinced the companies culture will improve any time soon. and a major.


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