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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news long from bergland, russia and north korea sign, a strategic partnership on security side of your equipment, kim jones, and also agree to expand their trade and cultural time as, as food and makes this 1st official visit into north korea in 24 years, also coming up, boeing's boss, public, we apologize as to relatives of victims, kills and crashes involving the companies players. but many are not convinced the companies culture will improve any time soon. the,
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i'm gonna come for at least welcome to the show rushes, put in the north korean leader kim jong in have signed a new agreement that details, mutual aid of either country were to be attacked. the also includes partnerships on trade investment and cultural and humanitarian ties. is comes as food and made his 1st visit to joe young in 24 years and as both countries face escalating stand also with the west. a welcome 790 filled with fun fab pomp and circumstance. north korea pulled up the oldest stump sweets, most high profile visit to in years. and it's the 1st trip pay for the russian president vladimir putin since the year. 2000 and much has changed since then. the visit to reflect smells, career is growing strategic importance for russia. since its full scad invasion of ukraine, russia has been, have a section by the west. this increased international isolation is that puting
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district, some ties was of the provide states. many believe p. m young will provide more weapons and munitions for russia's grade. this is banned under un sanctions, and something both sides denied must go, could reciprocate his food and energy assistance, as well as help for the middle school. he is miss out in space surveillance programs. it's a situation that's making many in the west anxious. russia try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that it started against to craig. so we are pretty much concerned about this because this is what's keeping the we're going after the 7, many the to need to set down for tullocks fusion. thank to came to his country support gun and he said the new agreement they signed would form the basis of long term relations going forward. and i was like, what's in my skin,
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which is very much appreciate. north korea is consistent and permanent support to russian policy, including in ukraine, national labels. also our struggle against the imperialist policy is the symposium for decades by the united states and it satellites. it is in relation to the russian federation, the machine that actually is configured. it's a kim jones who responded to by pledging his countries full backings of russia in ukraine. the situation in the world is becoming more complicated and changing rapidly. north korea will continue to strengthen and close the engage in strategic communication with russia and will continue to support order for us as policies unconditionally. west infections support these to form a codes well, allies close it together not makes many in the westfield extremely an easy journalist to you and say and has been following pollutants visit some of the south
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korean capital. so, and i asked her how the increase cooperation between feel young and moscow is being seen there as well as folders to assets that south korea is really keeping a close eye on. the 1st is the timing. so let's start with when this visit is coming at, the 2 liters happen being in tongue. yeah. and what can be considered a peak of intercooler good intentions? early on this month. so korea suspended the 2018 inter creating the one straight agreement. the us border military packing that using tensions off and that's a lot. now officials have the time having to sort create not deliberately and repeat me by lead a tour by firing artillery shells off the coast part of the missiles beyond the l. l and king john, these thoughts have conducted more military publications this year than ever before . surpassing 2020 to record 48 complications. maybe recall so also terminate. the 2018 is a korean military reading. when we responsive to that 1st, 1st leads for me to seem to bring it in november of last year and adding on how
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sensitive the climate is for why were due to the visiting your fridge needs to join himself just yesterday. so officially, jesus sat for 40 some $43.00 or 3 soldiers for being treated over the military to marquise in mind. this is the 2nd piece within 10 days. and what's really concerning is that the south street military did say that the previous incident seats, the accidental, undoubtedly the routine has been active with the points, 2 frontline for various construction companies, including dozens, if not hundreds of construction projects such as install mines or ads, interiors and along the border we see the resumption of worst outside logical warfare. and i'm talking about self pre of learning now. speaker asking you to pop standards for the 1st 96 years. now i'd like to talk about the 2nd aspect of self. pretty media is worried about is this, is this a post objective of pollutants? this is north korea. and how soon is predicting potential outcomes?
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to, to explicitly said the key is we're creating a transfer. it can domain have side b, u branch or of a document. and it's been over place the previous you'll find the 90 is it's one to dallas in a 2001. and the vernacular recruiting news was he signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, john, that includes the military defense collaboration in the past to come, you search for comprehensive to describe as a why is this would be a non injured mongolia in south africa on south korea. the criminal usage for strategic partnership which adds onto versus the lines would work for you is to be much stronger and expansive in terms of an interaction. an expert are concerned that russia, me leverage it's lee, just copy and strategic partnership with home. yeah. based on health, so 3 of will be at, on the whole page. yeah. how do you see this comprehensive strategic partnership impact and global security? i mean, we are looking towards 8 potential warfare agreement between team domain and add it
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content. as this i would suggest if kim is likely to your russian workshop in definitely find a for us to keep refreshing. some sort of self. 3 of the world though is like to tennis given to dylan every time it is highly unlikely that came what i just signed it was, comes in only for the positive and fuel. and that may have to trade off that for 2023. but now we're talking about came one more, it vs format for your icbm missile technology, military satellite technology. and we've been seeing how it is that especially with his needs, are some research. so adding on to your work, there is a pressing concern to global society. and south korean journalist view and shame in salt. thank you so much for those very, very interesting insights. and we can take a quick look now and some other stories making headlines around the world. south africa, serial from a post has been sworn in for a 2nd term as president. last ones, the elections are rental place as parties, the amc lose, it's absolute majority in parliament for the very 1st time. but it has now struck
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a deal to form what it calls a government of national unity. a blistering heat, topping 48 degrees celsius has caused the deaths of hundreds of worshippers. during this years, hodge pilgrimage to saudi arabia. thousands more were affected by heat stroke. nearly 2000000 muslims from 22 countries took part in the pilgrimage this year, which ended with the ritual of circling the car wash wine and mca. a fire at a military munition depot in chads capital in germane has triggered a series of explosions. government officials say at least 9 people have been killed and 46 injured. the president has promised an investigation into the fire and heavy rainfall has triggered widespread flooding in bangladesh. the incessant rain caused the serv river near bangladesh,
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north eastern border to rise in updating the surrounding areas. local officials say some 37000 people are stranded in a rural areas. in the united states, the head of aircraft rancor, boeing has apologize to the relatives of victims, killed in crashes involving as plains in 20182019 chief executive dave cologne was giving testimony and hearings in the senate and all 346 people were killed in the accidents caused by problems with the flight control software. i think the families of victims who were killed into playing crashes involving boeing 737 max jets, got the on capital hill. they are cooling for justice for boeing. c o. david calhoun, to take responsibility for what they say would known problems with a cross to that were in service. my being here is so that co home can see my
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father's face and see the cost of his decisions. i mean, if we all here living in this nightmare that doesn't seem to end of what has now become our lives, why should the people who made decisions continue to not face the people that they let down? all i could think is the 6 minutes and 4 seconds. oh my daughter on the boeing 37 months. it's a great for me to know that will be there's lots of rough. it's don't hold your hands. so go home, bowling. c, e o management. did you hear my daughter? cried the hearing begun by calhoun, addressing the family members present. i would like to apologize on behalf of all of our goal and associates spread throughout the world. have to impress for
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your last, before he thought to face the grinning by senators will come door. i think the truth is mr. calhoun, you're not focused on safety. you're not focused on quality, you're not focused on transparency. all of this is in the record. boeing's ongoing production problems within the spotlight again in january this year, off to a dual panel fellow from the alaska airlines. boeing 737 plane made to flight the cow, who defends burying safety records and denies obligations that the company ignored concerns of whistle blowers. but little make to say there is overwhelming evidence that the us justice department should pass to prosecution against boeing and some football. now, jeremy take on hungry later and the host nation 2nd group. stage mats at the euro.
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fans has started arriving at the stadium installed. got the german squad house for a repeat other opening game and they thrashed scotland to 51 hungry for its part last against switzerland to over the weekend, leaving them 3rd in the group. only had of scotland on goal difference for spawn and dynamic price. alona is that the fans on amberlynn. we asked her to tell us about the atmosphere there before the game. well, it could be better because as you know, in berlin right now, the weather is not very good. is it raining all day? so that's kind of hanford people from coming out as you know, actually, yesterday the vandals were totally closed because of the weather. now i did talk to the organizers, they said that there's no way they're going to close it tonight because jeremy's playing and a lot of people are starting to come in. and the ones that i talked to said he doesn't matter how many periods they're going to be here for jeremy's game, because the excitement grows with every window they get. so hold sir high and the
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spirits are pretty good despite the rain and the german timberland. they're used to doing we are we are. that is true and we didn't hear people tearing behind you. so germany are up against hungry and pretty tough aside. what can we expect from the game? so this is a very important game for germany. of course they're coming off of fantastic performance and when in their 1st game, which is very important for them because they were criticized coming into the tournament about their form over the team or out and the player confidence that was a very important win. now that being said hungry will not be an easy game. these 2 teams noise had a very well alive the players play in the bonus we got together. germany has its story. we struggled against hungry julian novels with himself even said that hungry will be an uncomfortable opponent for germany. so really looking to build on their 1st performance definitely will not take the hungarians lightly. and we should be in for a fantastic match tonight. fantastic mass and germany,
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of course the holes are they also in tournament favorites at this stage? i mean after their 1st performance it's definitely looking like it. but that being said, it is, it is a long tournament. now what happens tonight will definitely solidify their place as favorites for to go also i was that the game yesterday looking very strong as a team. you can't talk about favorites without mentioning also england and france. however, they didn't look so strong in their 1st 2 outings. so we're going to have to see what that being said. this tournament has some great teams in it and we're in for a great summer football. hm. we'll have to let you go in a 2nd, but now before you give us your attempt for tonight, what do you think? i think germany will take this one. i mean, the whole crowd. fantastic. the spirit of the euro is a lot of people looking forward to it. i think that gives germany the edge here and this one was daniel garza, lo not, not willing to go with the concrete results,
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but you know, we'll check back in with you later. and that, that you're up to date, stay with us for a documentary on housing documents depend heavily on money send by family members working abroad. i'm really thank you so much for your company. the, the coming 0. same 6 o 3 trans people. stories is kind items that feed us complex stores $0.10 a sort of additional $2.00 to $3.00 generations. one journey starts july 7th on dw, the, the.


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