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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:29pm CEST

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the, the business even when you use line from berlin, russia and north korea, selling a strategic partnership on security software approval and kim jong and also agreed to expand their trade and cultural ties. this as food makes us 1st official visits or north korea in 24 years, also coming up south africa as president 01 on post sworn. and for a 2nd term, he and his weakened amc party returned to office after entering into a power sharing deal with old political faults and firefighters in california and new mexico battle massive blazes as temperature sore across the united states. authorities issue an extreme heat warning for some $70000000.00 americans and the
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1st wave of the season. the welcome to the show. um nicole fairly, russia is flooding, recruiting and north korean leader kim jong own have signed a new agreement that details. mutual aid is either country were to be attacked. the deal also includes partnerships on trades investment and cultural and human interior and ties. this comes up button makes his 1st visit to appear on young and 24 years. and as both countries face escalating stand offs with the west, a welcome 7 night a filled with sun, fat, pomp and circumstance. north korea pulled up the oldest stone suites most high profile visit to in years the. it's the 1st trip paid for the russian president
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vladimir putin since the year, 2000 and much has changed since then. the visit to select snows, career is growing strategic importance for russia. since its full scale invasion of ukraine, russia has been heavily sections by the west. this increased international isolation is that puting district, some ties was of the bias states. many believe the own yang will provide more weapons and munitions for russia's trade. this is banned under un sanctions, and something both sides denied must go good reciprocate is food and energy assistance, as well as help for the middle school is miss in spite surveillance programs. it's a situation that's making many in the west anxious. russia try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that started against to craig. so we are pretty much concerned about this because this is what's keeping the we're going
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after the 7, many the to lead is set down for tullocks fusion. st came to his country support and gone. and he said the new agreement they signed would form the basis of long term relations going forward. and i was like, what's a good way to be very much appreciate north korea's consistent and permanent support to russian policy, including in ukraine and i for my boss. also are struggle against the imperialist policy. the symposium for decades by the united states and its satellites. it is in relation to the russian federation, the machine that actually is configured. it's a kim jones who responded to by pledging his countries full backings of russia in ukraine. the situation in the world is becoming more complicated and changing rapidly. north korea will continue to strengthen and close the engage in strategic communication with russia and will continue to support order for us has policies
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unconditionally west infections support these to form a codes well, allies close it together not makes many in the westfield extremely, an easy trellis do and she and has been following pollutants visiting some of the south korean capital sole. and i asked her how the increase cooperation between killing young and most count as being seen, where she's as well as builders to assets that south korea is really keeping a close eye on. the 1st is the timing. so let's start with when this visit is coming at, the 2 liters happening. be to intone on what could be considered a peak of intercooler good intentions. earlier this, my cell korea suspended the meeting is recreating military agreement the pos, border military packing that these intentions off and it's a lot. now, officials at the time how to sort create, have deliberately repeat me by lead a tour by firing artillery shells off the coast for an missile beyond the l. l and
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king john and his thoughts had conducted more military publications this year than ever before. surpassing 2020 to record 48 complications for immediate worried about this. and it's just a post objective of concerns physics, north korea, and how soon is predicting potential outcomes to to explicitly said that he is work . creating a transfer team domain has signed a new branch or of a document, and it's been over place the previous you'll find in 1961, 2002001. and for national recruiting news was he signed a comprehensive, strategic partnership with 3 teams. all that includes both military defense collaboration in the past to come to be such for comprehensive to describe is why is is would be a non injured mongolia in south africa. so the south korea, the criminal usage for strategic partnership, which adds on to russia's lines, would work for you, seems to be much stronger and expansive in terms of interaction. an expert are
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concerned that russia may leverage it's lee, just copy and strategic partnership with tanya. based on how south korea will be at all. huge. yeah. how do you see this comprehensive strategic partnership impacting global security? i mean, we are looking towards a potential warfare. remember catching jolen added, pretend as to summit suggestive, tim is likely to your russian war stop is definitely fun for us to keep refreshing concert to south 3 of the world though is led to tennis given to dylan. in return, it is highly unlikely that came what a just cited was personally for the cause of the fuel that may have to trade off that for free trade for free. but now we're talking about him wanting more gas for mastery or icbm missile technology, military satellite technology. and we've been seeing how his satisfaction with his needs. there's some repairs. so added onto your work. there is a pressing concern. it's the global society and south korean journalist, you and sion insult. thank you so much for those very,
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very interesting insights into the caucasus now we're moscow's influence is very present, but armenia says it wants to reduce is dependency on russia, which has been a strategic partner for decades here of on once russian soldiers out of the country and was looking for security guarantees elsewhere, especially in the west. the use funding for shar, travel to the city of jewelry near the turkish armenian border. there is a large russian military base in the city with thousands of soldiers who aren't going anywhere just yet. russia is withdrawing from other parts of the country because of the war in ukraine, but that is leaving many concerned about their security. the best sellers here are these badges, including those with those in the tour use simple afresh as the invasion of ukraine . many of the customers are russian soldiers from the nearby military base,
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which we are noting russia. this is armenia. the shopkeepers, i'm worried about their business. they don't want to be filled. simon denied. after the warning ukraine began, our business dropped slightly because the soldiers were taken from here to ukraine . as more russian soldiers entered the shop, we have tools to lead. there are many store shops here in humoring the 2nd biggest city of armenia. this is where russia maintains a military base, its a vulnerable spot for armenia. we are only about 10 kilometers from the border with turkey. historically, a hostile neighbor. we are not allowed to film here, but we can get close enough to see pollutants message at the entrance. it says rushes, growing military power guarantees peace on the planet. and for armenia,
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it has felt true. it long depended on russia as a strategic partner to protect against us or by john and cherokee. but now they are not sure it is nothing less to what's last year for security starting to turn to the west effect. armenia is 5 minutes cynical. pushing on, criticize russia for failing to stop also by john taking over and i've gone to colorado last year. he said, depending on, on the roster for secure, they had been a strategic mistake and it's telling russian soldiers truly there is no plan to close to to my base yet. soldiers have been here since 1941 house just across the road. but the russian troops have started to withdrawal from the east for they have been strengthening the border with azerbaijan. some people here are concerned that us escape waistcoat we do. if the russian army leaves us will be attacked
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right away. you do both by turkey and as are by john. thank god they're here level . so we live freely and well me. so you will have to but after us or by john took over in the garden, a car boss last year, many lost its trust in russia and liked our government. our looking was for answers to not do is look, if there were nato soldiers, it would be better. our opponents would be more afraid for some russians living here. that change of heart is a great many like to it's shawna came here after russia invaded ukraine to save their men from being drafted to find a useful then i say, yeah, she's an english teacher who fled with her husband and son. but she's concerned the
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complicated situation here may mean they have to leave a gap. i very know which hides this for that can come. i have no idea. i wish i knew that. but it's so such a milk area. try not to think about that much because of. 2 it is a lot and i realize that i don't have a simple solution. so what's next for the people in armenia as it attempts to diversify foreign policy and looks towards the west. gosh, if it will imagine that thought, mean in any time. well, it would be much more closer to the you to be a candidate for the you members. shape ought to be a member of the you. of course, in such moments or i'll show will the, the side to make offered to see if against i mean a government or not to take the power here by the weapon, the, by the media to the troops to make for that our not now or will decide to remove
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troops from here. as armenia looks for a new partners. it's future will depend on geo political shift in the region and its ability to balance the demands of different powers. or in south africa, presidents serial rela, pulse that has been sworn in for a 2nd full term, but buying the country's chief justice in pretoria for the next 5 years from impulse that will preside over a coalition government after his african national congress party lost its absolute majority and elections last month. this marked a historic turning point ending 3 decades of dominance buying the amc, the party of the late nelson mandela. it is now struck a deal to form what it calls a government of national unity. and as a non girls speech room opposed to address the nation and called for precisely that for unity, our society remains deeply an equal and highly polarized
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the formation of a government of national unity is a moment of profound significance. it is the beginning of a new era, the w corresponding diane hawker, and gave us this assessment after this inoculation. as the lights, cameras and decorations of the new duration are packed away. the real government work begins now presidential around the posts of entity section 10. and it's issued marching orders to those in his government who says it's time to work and work hard to meet the expectations of south african votes. in the selection the ac was unable to secure a form of charts. and that he takes as a sign that they need to do better. not only from those in the amc, but also from those in the opposition benches. he says that if they put their hands up and joins these documents use for kids to with,
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with it as long as they are committed to constitution. and now what does that mean for so that we can voters while, according to the closer it means that his government will take the issue seriously . it means that they will start looking at some of the major concerns that go to. and so that's because in general, have been complaining about since before this recent election. those issues of things live the ongoing energy crisis, high levels of unemployment and the high end quality levels in south africa. south africans have said that they want this new government to act and act quickly to ensure that these issues are resolved. and the message from a post i here today was that that missions had been heard of that he's government will move forward with the to address these concepts. those diane hawk are from pretoria have a quick look now and some other stories. blistering heat, topping 40 degrees celsius has caused the death of hundreds of worshippers. during
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this years, hodge pilgrimage and saudi arabia thousands more were affected by heat stroke. nearly 2000000 muslims from 22 countries took part in the pilgrimage this year, which ended with the ritual of circling the call by shrine and mac. the police and britain have made to arrest after environmental activist sprayed when they called orange corn flower on stonehenge in southern england. members of just stop oil. do you face the 4500 year old monument? on the eve of summer solstice, when thousands gather up assigned prime minister really soon i called the incident a disgraceful active vandalism. in the us, the head of aircraft maker, boeing has apologized to the relatives of victims, killed and crashes involving its plains in 2018 and 29 team chief executive dave cohen was giving testimony of the hearings and the senate and all 346 people were killed in the accidents caused by problems with
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a flight control software. families, victims who were killed into playing crashes involving boeing 737 max jets, got the on capital hill. they are cooling for justice. for boeing, c o, david calhoun, to take responsibility for what they say would known problems with a cross to that were in service. my being here is so that call who can see my father's face and see the cost of his decisions. i mean, if we all here living in this nightmare that doesn't seem to end of what has now become our lives, why should the people who made decisions continue to not face the people that they let down? all i could think is the 6 minutes and 4 seconds. oh my daughter. on the boeing 37 months. it's a great for me to know that will be there's
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lots of rough. it's called your fans. so go home, bowling. so you all management. did you hear my daughter cried, of the hearing began by calhoun, addressing the family members present. i would like to apologize on behalf of all of our going associates spread throughout the past and present all year long before he thought to face the grinning by senators. if occasion will come door . i think the truth is mr. calhoun, you're not focused on safety. you're not focused on quality, you're not focused on transparency. all of this is in the record. boeing's ongoing production problems within the spotlight. again, in january this year, off to a dual panel fellow from the alaska airlines, boeing 737 plane, mid flight of the cow,
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who defends bearing safety records and denies obligations that the company ignored concerns of whistle blowers. but little make to say there is overwhelming evidence that the us justice department should pass to prosecution against boeing. okay, ferguson. from data when your business has been following the proceedings, he joins me now in the studio. welcome k, at. so this has been quite a remarkable hearing, has now what's that out for you? yeah, well i think this really was a moment of reckoning for boeing on for day of kaluan if you just even consider his position in physical space on one side. he had families of the victims of those 2 crashes in 2018 and 19 the family of a whistle blower who took his own life earlier this year. they were also there. and then on the other side, he had lawmakers, some of whom were really furious. in their questioning, we heard some fresh allegations about hundreds of parts that were on certified that have apparently ended up in boeing aircraft. and we also had a description of a work culture that really put so much pressure on people to up production that
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they were encouraged to cut corners on safety. so for kaluan who was brought in after the crushes, we should say to restore boeing is reputation. that has a pretty awful day. yeah. and, and boeing's problems are having repercussions on the industry as a whole. absolutely. yeah. so there's some really practical implications for airlines if you take at united for example, because air bus or because of boeing, i should say, has been fined from increasing production of its air bus 370, excuse me. yeah, of a 737 maku because of boss um, any airlines that had been planning on buying these planes has to put those funds on hold and that has invitations on profitability and on jobs of course. so that's one aspect. another. the side of this is that it has been good news for an air bus, which is clearly on my mind, doesn't boeing's rival, because a lot of airlines have chosen to buy more air bus air cup as a result of as prizes. and finally, i should say that from
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a consumer's point of view, this has just led to such a high level of mistrust. or actually some websites like kayaks, i'll let you filter out boeing aircraft. and we know that this function has been very popular, so the reputational down to just enormous here. the boeing is bound to do better, kaluan won't be there to oversee that process. what will come of all of that? yeah, so kaluan is stepping down at the end of this year that has been one named circulating as a possible success of stephanie pope's. he's currently the chief operating officer at boeing and you know, some people think she might want a job. but on the other hand, is a big argument to be made for getting somebody extra and with this point on, well, the other really significant aspect to this is that there is a chance of bowing could face criminal prosecution. and that is in relation to it's some commitment to enforce this compliance ethics program, which apparently has not done so that could be something that lines on the desk of color and successor. i would not like to be. and actually, to be honest, no mean either that was getting ferguson from the really business. thank you so
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much. thank you. as president joe biden has opened a pathway to american citizenship for up to half a 1000000 people find new plans cover immigrants married to us citizens is that new regulations will also clear the way for work. these us for some immigrants who arrived undocumented as children, those people had already been helped on the road to citizenship by a program called deca by announced the changes on the 12th anniversary of that program whose recipients are known as dreams. applause for these use, the news piece, burns move to the us. when he was on the 3, i am agreement growing up and documented was not easy. like thousands of other immigrants my parents endured hard labor in order to provide for the family
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as they are a symbol of the american dream. have yet as a recipient of the decided action for childhood arrivals, program known as deca. for the programs, 12th anniversary, the by the administration announced an additional measure. hello. he said his spouse is with us citizens to apply for permanent residents without having to leave the country for the. from the current process on the document and spouse with us, citizens must go back to the home country. for example, and mexico, for example, to fill out paperwork, obtain long term legal status. they have to leave their families in america with no assurance to the bill out back in the united states. so they stay in america, put in the shadows, live in constant fear of deportation without the ability to legally work. while the binding of ministration says that up to 500000 people would benefit republicans have criticized the announcement. but i think all of these are both him trying to
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have his cake needed to. and the one sense saying he's going to shut the motor down . but another sense, reassurance, progressive enough that, that he's still going to be sensitive to letting people in this new policy aims to balance an executive order assigned by president biden. earlier this month, tightening the us mexico board is something that drew criticism from pearl immigration, a n g o's, but also from fellow democrats. the big question now will be how this new policy will be implemented in staying in the united states already is have issued heat warnings for some 70000000 americans as temperature store across the country. the national weather service says it's the 1st significant heat wave of the season. the heat has been brought on by what's called a heat dome. that's when a high pressure system hovers over the same area for a long time and traps warm air underneath. meanwhile, firefighters bottled blazes in california and new mexico that a force thousands of people to leave their homes.
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this is just one of several wild fires currently blazing across california. a combination of hot, dry weather and powerful wins have created the perfect conditions for fires to spread, forcing thousands of people to evacuate to reach it. more than 1600 firefighters were deployed on tuesday to respond to this particular fire, north of los angeles. some travelled by boat before traversing steep clicks in order to suppress the flames. it's a pain. this is the most of the spring fire season. i record it. i think it's, it's going to be on, on average, look at our, our outlook. so we're looking at for fuel moisture content across the united states . so not just in southern california, but across the united states. it's going to be different pockets within the united states that we're going to be diverted to our resources nationally. shared resources are going to be, there were 2 new mexico is also facing similar scenes. this
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massive fire is one of the worst to hit the state in recent years. around it doesn't do that. q ration center is opened on tuesday for residents, for us to flee their homes. i experience fear because i could see flames. before all i saw with smoke. but this time i saw that to me. yes. i really got scared because i saw to flight. they look so bad. heat waves are spreading from boston to chicago and several states between driven by sweet dooms in the atmosphere. the blistering temperatures have arrived earlier than usual this year, leaving people wary of even halter days to come or. and that's it without you're
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all up to date. there is one more piece of information i want to share with you in germany is currently one now and believe in the euro. 20 and 24 and match against hungry. i'm done for the day. clarity will be here with more updates in about 30 minutes by the
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saving daily news fatalities. it is screening around the city's metropolitan areas and presents of swiss the government announced unambitious project 5 years ago to tackle the problem area made of trees. what is become of it? and greenville works really. the solution is next on d. w. after ready with nato soldiers from through india, so keep to the 393 tank battalion is the speed ahead of the rapid reaction
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it defends with the way. now, if an emergency strikes with will raging in ukraine, this danger is getting close to how is the task force set top in 60 minutes on d, w, the in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind, trusts instead of going to class. others can attend classes, the minions of children of the world. we also want to just education makes the world
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make up your own mind. made for mines the are for us really to support our existence in closer we like what do we do for them? hello and welcome. i'm sorry. got the body. i know what you we all know how important these for the software us and how much they do for us from providing sustenance to food, to livelihood, and even the oxygen is actually free. but in today's episode, let's find some inspiration on water.


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