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tv   Transactions  Deutsche Welle  June 19, 2024 11:15pm-12:00am CEST

11:15 pm
a fantastic summer and maybe we might even see an upset this year. that's a dining parcel in a report from the fan zone in berlin and that is our show. i'm sorry, richardson and berlin. thank you so much for watching. the name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud, and that's what it being nosy bay like good everyone to kings to check out the award winning called. com. so hold back the
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hello mom and just so visiting the not so many model numbers are just as for the similar thing but not so is it some of the color moving into my then this is a friday. yes. with the card for the christmas. okay
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. and is that the items under cumulative number uh and mean, and then the 2 is that totally message then as far it would to this isn't gonna do much. okay. oh okay. yeah. okay. so this is a long estimate. okay. gotcha. so by the
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9 you have we have 75 of whom am i not 4 feet wasn't it was okay. if we have sending, we'll cut it's in, it still gets how we can you we and it's always business i'm if i'm on now. so if i'm, we're not thinking it's how when we thing is i need business. i mean it is i would to into core not mean ma'am, said we needed mines in such they've been placed on the flu by coup. it never would take any problem. good t e lee was easy to use when i know quite frank exclusive, let me see which one was this they want me did wednesday the one?
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well, i mean did wednesday the 1st was 11 to and the i'm not 16. okay. but the handling also seemed bumping, and i'm the only one gift here. so if all goes well, i'm not the lucy passport. the i've been, you know, one is over to me important and so on. and kind of a forwarding to your situation. this is involved with, i think when you come back out of the country and going some way, was that changing the, you know, way the income that i'm getting i so if you smoke back enough, it can cause of but it's not the amount that i can see when,
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if anything is i want to see or something i could i come see. so i'm thinking if i just try to venture into a different country, old kids and see if it works. i'm just trying to zip file. i'm just going to try something secret, twiggs. i came in the u. k. a 2015. i'm a dumb salary, kara. i helped the elderly lived their lives as normal as possible. and i go to uni as well. i haven't been mob way since i came here.
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i miss you. my family is involved with support. about 4 people. my mom, my 2 cousins, and occasionally my sister the most i've ever sent my mom with 200 pounds most of the time. so just like send her like about a 100 pounds every month because i'm still a student that don't really get lunch. i came to the u. k. in september 2015 for us to save me and my sister portia came to the u. k as well. for my job, i work as an id, consultant, and engineering schools. i do guns, solid, and african contemporary and traditional dance phones. it's my side,
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self employed business. when i 1st moved, i had to think about finding myself again in this the continent and of ridge i send home about a 150 to 200 pounds a month depending on who needs that money and why? because i don't and very much myself here. in this country as an immigrant the alex in bubble in 2008 because my life was threatened, i was threatened because of my sexual orientation.
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i work 3 jobs as an actor, hotel manager, and a freelance translator. i send money, she has them when i can i miss my family and since that i cannot go home because i would be risking my life if i did l g b t q. i less people have no legal protections from violence and discrimination in our country of the old technology to continue everything stuck on putting in dire guns. i'm not dates before you start thinking. oh was
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that send us a chance to go have i went on to a suite c, as in said the extension to as of right when you go to the 8 funds this time right there. i, so these are the $10.00 houses, you know, who's a well french living is a little quizzes. if i'm on, if i'm one that you left for you 50 minutes to move on to another out of the country. man with this when son walks going, genesis i found the foundation. let me remind you, joe, because we don't own to frontier and with that are going to submit it to copeland. joel, combine, you know, tons, there's a cough so needed with it,
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please thing i found i 12 months. and so this one would thing i did this with thing . so when was the into the old thing? i will talk to the guy is another thing. the tendencies didn't work out this been i town to do this includes oh too much. so essentially the clean up over the amount of rent on amazon for frank you might have for c a i as a. okay, i got it. and one news today which is invo birthday rough was the with this interest vehicle and this one for you to type one on 92 so so. so when the symbol use look, searching through the whole thing
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to all of a sudden cuts. yeah. honda and we have the miles millennium simmons in the past. mm hm. oh yeah. oh yeah. uh such a big thing to say that i all the uh all the time informed me for the 11th and that was it was the van dues, donovan. good question. so most of, i guess the only
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airport was the volume i would say it was even less than i was. i came by knowing it is a is a, is it the best f o n? what was his father and grand who was the site that would love to it was i tried several of the it may not be 97, a live. so is that my son is somebody my son. yeah. i know. went by noise. yeah. was it um i know now cuz she says, oh good. yes, definitely know that,
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but then it may not have to get ready from 72 months. it's getting late. i'm actually going to allow you to see my mom. it's been about 3 years without seeing my mom. it's been a while love and i might be, i'm broke. so i hope she wouldn't mind me being the last. i'm still brooke, because i haven't been paid. hopefully i'll send that it will be coming. any time this month and i just want to ship some things. one issue, of course you can look into that as much as we can to
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a pointed to kick. now i am one of the keen oaks wouldn't mind that is not going to be my phone never stops one of my friends just last wife, but she morning. so i was trying to figure out how we're gonna have assistance with and i send him some money tree and look the child for the funeral. how message from mommy
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since the t p, the internet is set out. but i think i know that the new goodness that's just to see this is danielle quin blood is a didn't take fill it out to him way and what the stand by saying is level home for the d. i and kristin and devin, i found on the line, so insurance was the route to in the portland pest political all 5, my passport and the ones on the 210, someone sending that to me as the this time for its center to is not in court artistic pay, i mean again i to send it to me. i am quarter been a and of a sending one is today. so, but she would just designs and design must be able to do cause. and mrs. more on the other things i'm gonna take for professional. i'm denied that
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a student i pressed for to see i missed you today to off was into august and bypass and i'm saying it i clicked on tend to buy 40. i've got to the dentist. yeah, we actually do those with the quality to click on the it's not just about saving, not for this constant like visits to home, but it's also about saving up to actually have money that's readily available for a family emergency is unfair municipal because we know that the systems are not the same as the systems. here it is a high demand for money, especially foreign currency. and as a whole, lot of like stigma is around being in the task or a vest as being in africa because you'd be expected to be obviously any more money
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which is true. but i and money that's relative to the economy of london. so it's, it might be more money to someone that doesn't leave here, but to me it's not very much money. you'll always have a responsibility to send money home. remington is a sort of like the backbone of so many people's lives every month. you will have someone from home that will say, oh please, i need money for these days. no months. actual go by without having to send someone something or think about sending someone some money on that now for not sure somebody's cutters. this issue that the owing us the sample and turn it, i'm not sending
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me the amount is low talk, chosen end date and time to hand them down bonum settings. in like a way to run event on that gets to the $42.00. when do i not? what is interesting on that one, twice, like oh, what to what, what phone one they fell off when i went to another. got it. my friend, 7 done that up with courtesy. they at least, but it is a, it is a reference that when gen onto one about food enough. but the one i love about what, what, what does the thing i do to cut is the civic for the for them 6 with the civic. i
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just love you so much is what i think what model kiki gets it to him at the not uh so no no no no no one of them i never i left is about weiss and stuff we knew by eli fits and but we didn't de one with the guys size, nothing you'd be level by said. so if was it was plenty if, if that went to another, but now i mean the level of things that level of prevention behind with is roughly of still a nice no, no no, no, no, i'm only on the line. she's least he is a no one to them. no, i'm nice with these leads on fine. well,
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i don't see them. well, i could actually talk to you all to so with that cuz they want, she shows you live in a different way. and i mean high, she'll need one more thing. maybe she'd be twice you and all that. but she actually allows you, is this thing up like 9 and you just do it. so by, it's actually fun the, the letter i'm trying do you know i'm 15 years older than you want. so 38619. who do i check? it just trying to killing me. that's why i don't forget to oh, nice. ready, can we go home? what do you think is your future?
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do you see yourself going back to congo? i would trust you for me. it's different. i don't see myself. i loved my country. i loved being in touch with family that are there. like there isn't an opportunity to check starting a new career, somebody that left and went so far ahead in my career to go back and be a set back. what about? she's got a lot of stake there at the moment. stuff that she's building and she's looking after the, you know, my little cousins there. just got a whole thing running and through, you know, we help support where we can if there's anything needed, i can be more useful to them and the to belie or from this side. and then being actually there myself. i mean, that's just you to assuming most communities live as well. yeah. you need to make the money, you need to do what you need to do to live. i'm getting message after message after
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message and you to another one sitting to this time. i just want to speak, search my phone off and not attend to anything besides what i wants to attend to. but it's just simply not possible the of the people who am i show no room that i would clean. i love it. and so i was like when
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a wee bit day off. okay. just to was this is in the thing i was getting from. i didn't 0187, numerous 80. so i will know what's going on with me right now. i'm send the right on to the letter to clue middle frank, low miles the i'm missing can only use it is kind of within the society or do with this. yeah, yeah, yeah. the idea that would be that normal us up with to go out. i knew sometimes you guys cause it and love e o t t as you know . so i still watch video miles on tv. so halloween. yeah, we're good on sometimes endeavors out in front of me to talk to joe about with the
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putting. yeah. was not i did with the i left the inspector no much i get i see a one is do somebody do something to lends that money back to me to know in that room closing because sick. uh if the the are busy. so the
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key yeah. i am
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the and leave me here to the the the show the i'm but it's, i can see it the assessment is the newsletter. so to, to that up uh, the setup. once i set up, we didn't go through to come buttons and doing in using changes so much so yeah.
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okay. by the
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i still lonely board. i feel like i'll go back to blue and still have some more days with mom and everyone. i'm not a new much but i believe if i go to portland, i might be a better daughter than i am now. the . oh. so was the minimum. i grew up as wide enough. i was a little slow. i'm not allowed to. oh,
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so keep local. i just didn't know my weight. so it was, i mean like i said in the tang, i'm back and i went to the commission. yeah, i mean i was calling my phone. okay, too much. this is a colonial quote there because it's not going through. boy, i wanted to find out from the land on men city. i look for the longer that i usually the way i was doing gen not for me, if i'm on the been for would be $75.00. i find out. i mean, i'm talking to the tab, but i wasn't going to apply this but in the summer to last week and the car to live with the you also need a break. i love the lead. yeah. he's our bands that he, he was look yourself setting up, put me in the book for this problem with g e,
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the modeling and about. but that is to say that the not move a lot to e g a g i j. ok. it's been so i sent in athens and java, sci fi, or later today, but when i, when this thing is the enough time. yeah. so i wish you luck who my little things are and i will finally not. uh you have to come for your birthday not to come to avoid letting yeah. law yamba funds. i yes. you did you get when did you get me? i mean i have to go and yes, i managed to learn and so i must go. what do you feel? i didn't give you a chance to talk to that. uh no, i mean did you talk to the us straight to do the party?
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okay. i, i didn't think i needed a chance to tools i cannot see any. yeah. and so we're good when i get to you a okay, man, that's perfect. the seller. thank you. now bye relationships are more important. that stuff can always just look after stuff. we gotta look at the relationships as well. so that's what this means to me at the moment. and i'll be damned if she's gonna not come because of a house that needs to be painted the
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as the number bang it c and then what was the engine loan?
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okay. we have c charging so instead of that one of your yeah, i've seen that i'm size. so let's see. mean, does it at least solve for this new scott or no, i mean i sent you one week when i need you. right? right. okay. so it was on this is on the plan. you join us on your sending in 2 minutes to alice morning, but i can 30. do my life. i'm time amount of money. tell you pretty much a 1000000 calling model is the last my the you on explain to me the 9. so getting done. so it was, that was our meeting and it was a meeting ends, a plan unbundled between a total but we $500.00 i it's all right, so moment you have on the 10s efforts and by and by nothing's totally lives in the saying the right, so good thing is to man the,
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you know, the place to rent, 50 viewing for not not put in the sense of the insurance that i'm the the, the the
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the the the, the the home. mm. how do you need if it was not fair? i know mama filled out to the dentist who, who was the number on those of
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the alternative friends, which is obviously the is the mention and you would tina's hair designs on there and the usage on got okay. use of on the one that's in french so of
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course yeah. graduation. how many how does it feel to be graduated? oh thank god knows, it seems that the the the, the, the the the, she's up by george i listened to your mother on the near passport a successful the printer and the passport. she say you need the passport.
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yeah. yeah. so what we need to do is we need to make sure we all dedicate to an amount that we're going to put together. you will have to crunch woods. the kid was of a transport. okay, i'll calculate and then i'll text you guys about digital cost and then the we'll have to go below. i are just about to know norma and then take it from there to anomaly. stop 40 and i'm sorry exhausted. yeah, i can see let's invest here. thank you guys. it was not allowed because you have to you later take care the
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me being a 49. it's something that i really don't like it portland. no one is the best landed and no one can maybe try and help me because i'll be alone. and said it wouldn't matter if anyone, i mean dentist who was a measure of i was i didn't come in as a gift card. he was at the turn i left the engine of saving it to 7. the cool i need to ask for new brands was to bring it in a pretty good deal. busy to see
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which is i'm gonna keep you might as well it does. yeah. it's as simple as are 2 of my uncles the last few times. they haven't as an talent. so i've been doing a whole lot of payments and sending money which is a little bit of a struggling a bit to to put stuff together. i just feel like i'm stressing myself more than other people. that's a little bit of a strain at the moment. the
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11:58 pm
the reading induced to send a new business upon a bayonet from the czech republic is investing big time into struggling steel manufacturer of the box speculations all make you investigate the company a fresh start a we reckon made in germany in says he minutes on d, w. m. c. we saw him at the residence of the aisle of sky believe so because his islands,
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cultivating sustainable algae is the future as assess and live the animal feed. because the sky is the limit focus on here in 90 minutes. on the w, the data drops together by chance, and they roots in the early ninety's on independence, free woman, and the mother of 10, in a strict patriarch. sylvia, can they not assess team doors has been of saving the lives of hardy on who doors has ever since the
12:00 am
wasted mind. is this claudia and her daughter's stuff? june 22nd on d w. the, this is d to be in use and these are our top stories to how sudden those are all at the meter of the hezbollah militia and elaborate on has threatened a fight with quote, no rules. it's a broader conflict with israel breaks out israel and the militant group of traded cross border fire since the october 7th, almost terrorist attacks earlier israel and 9 plans for a military operation against his butler in southern lebanon.


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