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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  June 20, 2024 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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screen weapons for rushes, bore in ukraine, and also a possible threat to non proliferation. will russia now de rail global efforts to curve north korea's nuclear program? i'm quite richardson in berlin. this is the day. the total power for the treaty between 2 countries represents nothing less than a truly constructive forward looking exclusive piece loving and defensive the document was, i think we should be concerned or alternate because of the n t western coalition. that's emerging, douglas, and this is a truly breakthrough document reflecting the decides off the 2 countries and up to rest on what has been achieved about to raise our relations to a new quantity of levels. there were any critical point that has come out of this new strategic partnership is a rush or north korea say there is a mutual banker,
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dolphin mutual supports one another. if one of the countries is attacks also coming up on the day, it is the dawn of a new era in south africa and politics, but with the familiar face. so we're all remo posts that has been sworn in for a 2nd term as president. and what promises to be very different from his 1st 5 years and office. the agency is just a moment of profound significant. it is the beginning of the year where we're getting the day with a new agreement between russia, vladimir putin and north korea's leader kim jong on a promise to help each other in the event of a foreign aggression. and they signed the deal as boots and made his 1st visit to pyongyang in 24 years. and as both countries faced escalating stand offs with the
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west, the russian president has been speaking to bruce and diplomatic ties and further bolster aid for his war and ukraine. meanwhile, is seen to cultivate russia as an ally against washington. their agreement also includes partnerships on trade investments and cultural and humanitarian ties. the west and his allies believe north korea is already a major supplier of ammunition for russia and it's more and ukraine. the new agreement will further deep and military ties between the 2 nations. with this disease, i see russia and does not rule out military and technically cooperation with north korea in accordance with the document signs today. but having a powerful of countries like russia as a strategic partner, as a source of humans, pride and a great achievement for us. just
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say, gosh, i'm an old skis. are we go correspondent reporting on russia after dw wasn't kicked out of the country. good to see you. can you tell us more about this new mutual defense pledge between russia and north korea as well clara, with dogs know the details because neither of the sites have published this agreement. yet we've heard from conjunction one who said that this new agreements now elevates the relations between both countries to an alliance. if you put it but loving and putting a sound at the been a bit more nuanced on this. and she said that the agreement provides quote, for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties. now, this is, this really depends on how these 2 countries define mutual assistance. these documents. does this mean troops, material, or humanitarian aid?
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this is something you will be have. we will have to wait for a to, to know and, and so. so this really is possible that this new agreement is either an upgrade to the relationship, or it can be a formalization of what is already happening, which is this, this military technological cooperation, between russia and north korea, against the box of, of russia's aggression. it is too great. let's talk more about that. is it clear where this agreement leaves things regarding ukraine? well, we knew that what have lung vladimir put in one 5th from north korea is the continuation of this support that has been receiving from north korea out for his were effort against ukraine. and if these talks went, as well as we are being presented, then he could probably he can still count on this flow of weapons that western
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allies say russia is receding from north korea. and of course, the russian of korea deny any such flows. budget, there were also investigation from the you when that has confirmed the use of north korea made ballistic missile in and the gas ukraine. so, and then this is not a good method for ukraine and not because of the north korea will be able to provide any a weapon which will magically change the course of the war. but the war in ukraine has turned into this war of attrition. and every bits of munitions helps to get an edge against the enemy. and this is why, of letting me put a needs a munition from north korea. and this is also why this is not a good message for ukraine. so given all that, how much cause for concern does this pose for the united states and its allies? what kind of reaction have we seen from the west as we've heard a strong criticism over the,
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in the run up to those visits. we've also heard in the reports now the us secretary of states criticizing good and above and the criticism from the west, dozens concerned on the ukraine. and the other big point of concern is that our nuclear weapons and north korea is the only country the tests that conducted the nuclear test in the 21st century. and for many years, russia, a permanent member of the united nations security council has been supporting this regime sanctions imposed against north korea. and because of its nuclear program. and now the war in the west is just russia, which has a veto, right? in the united nations security council will, will use it to the shields of the kendra on and his regime from sanctions. this is something russia has already started the wing, and the worry and in the west is that's, that's the co,
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stronger cooperation with russia will, will make, came stronger and disregard. thank you so much for that update. that is j gosh schuman l scheme. very much appreciate that. the south africa is a serial run. the postal has been sworn in for a 2nd term as president. the ceremony took place in the nelson mandela amp, a theater outside the government building and pretoria. remo post i will preside over a coalition government for the next 5 years after his african national congress party . the amc last is absolute majority and elections last month. that marks the end of 3 decades of dominance by the party of the late nelson mandela. the amc has struck a deal as a form what it calls a government of national unity in his inaugural speech from a post a call for people to come together and not let themselves be divided. our society
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remains deeply on equal and highly polar lines that are toxic, give ages, often in sympathy and social for documentation that can only turn into instability. we must reject every attempt to divide or did stuck to us to so doubt, incentives is or to 10 us against one another. those who seek to stand in no way. those who seek to inflame tensions in our country will not succeed for more or less speech as k, i label got my putting a professor of african politics at least so that is the university of south africa, a very warm welcome to the show. a 2nd term here for several remo. post this one is
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going to look quite different from the 1st wanted the author. literally thank you for inviting me and the greetings to yours. um, this is an exciting historic moment for south africa. uh, given the fact that, um, this is the 1st time since 199450 years ago when philadelphia got you know like she is forced upon the date liberation or democracy and has no the 1st time when the ac has been, you know, impala obviously this time with no majority since 1994. so it is an exciting time for, for us is offering. so quite an exciting time. also a pretty strong rebuke for the amc. if i'm interpreting that correctly, can you tell us a little bit what was behind their falling numbers? it is a strongly view to the se. i agree with you. the vote this i've spoken in some, i'd say they voted with their feet to tell the n c government,
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they've got an okay. be about the number of things, mostly corruption that has been becoming one would say endemic unit throughout society, government. and especially the issue of crime which is around front. yeah. the gender base violence. that's a, he's running them of move into the country. and of course, you know, above or they think that the government and across the trustees would probably be for local governments. national provincial and was not satisfactory in terms of delivering the service these to the citizens. of course, this will be expensive mostly at the municipal con, console local government level. but everyone was pointing a finger in government that the, you know, the services are definitely very according and has on, over the years. the vote does the citizens joy have expressed. the consent menu of them has been the protesting or most days. and this was to be expected that
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eventually there was kind of, you know, the, see at the cost, which is what they have done, which is quite frankly market because every month over by. so if it gets done this because previously we know that so that we can vote gus had been very, very forgiving today is you over the past that he is not always looking pretending to voice voice doubt rather than to just that pay us pain from the costs, but this time around these different i'm curious about the fact this program apologize going into the government with the and c's rival, democratic alliance as the 2nd largest party that was once, perhaps unimaginable. how well do you think they are now going to work together? this is going to be a very, very difficult part of the committee at your convenience if one can pretty that way . because as you rightly point out, this is the party, the democratic airlines, the side of the country, 2nd largest party over the yes. bought today which could never, you know, defeat the agency of the pause,
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largely because of the stigma that the democratic allies, as it is he had no yet possessions of public possessions identity. the parties that are mostly um, tries to improve services and lives of why people are all the wide population in south africa in hands. now the majority of the people population, nobody do not want to support that party. who is a public perceptions that they each and every, you know, say they probably compete and say the research that you can find is on how we use the in sequence who'd be working with the needs for these years. the duties of the as to how they're going to make it, but i believe that is going to be about 3 things. costa taishan compromise, and i think we'll see the issue, i think compromising particularly because i think that they're going to have to make sure that they the trip very, very carefully. because this is their party and we, i mean, that will come to the guys that was so busy this when you know any pretty,
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you got any new of a see over the years and now to be going into pretty, got there with him. he's going to, uh, you know, create many, you know, challenges, especially before the support of the dyad support us will be and see why don't should also see that, that support as will be a d h for that matter that the most of the guys who are very, to escape very skeptical about this. uh, you know, uh, collaboration you, we, it's called the government because not, not yet, but some people actually believe that it's almost like a point in via top of it. so just before i let you go at one last question for you, a compromise will be name of the game. but let's talk about one of those other parties has been very skeptical of this alliance between the d. a and the amc. the m. k party came in 3rd and the election it has can it contested results also denounced the inclusion of, of the white lead free market d a. what kind of challenge do think they will pose to this coalition?
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i think they were close to many challenges already. the proving to uh, pull on on the outcome of the election. the board for the 2 days say, you know, relation or 5, but i'm a pause either you can do these things are free, go and they have posting said that they will be challenging, you know, the outcome of the election in college. and we expect that there will be quite a lot from them in terms of this kind of, you know, external kind of meant that the pressure on the government. and i think now, yeah, it's where you know that the, the democratic airlines is load them up. you know, at the official position who's going to be going into government does not know you need to be. there is therefore a new position in the form of the m k day window is usually a possible zika resume where to go. of course, a potty sauce is a beast um is going to be a week given the fact that the jacobs who myself was not going to be lady didn't
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pay and leaving it in front of me. but of course we can expect fireworks we can expect. um if anybody at you you know, i'm in the debates and so i need you to call. well, thank you ever so much for sharing your insights today and breaking that all down for us with caleb woke up my point a professor of african politics at the university of south africa. we appreciate your time. thank you. or the landmark rollings are expected this week on several historic cases of exploitation in ecuador, agricultural workers. i say they've suffered decades of abuse on plantations producing plants fiber for the japanese company for roo, cola. now the courts are set to decide on criminal sanctions and reparations. deputies, latin america correspondent, nicole research reports. so if you look at the extra bend in his lake, you can see caustic lamented chavez lives in pay. you broke it while working on
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a plantation and it says his employer didn't give him proper medical care. he was operating the machine like this when the of a call 5 is he was processing court, his leg, the injuries from that and all the accidents left him disabled. but he says the depend based company protocol which exported the product, never compensated to him. he says that was little consideration for safety and no support for those who were injured. definitely feeling i met with my legs. i only feel like i'm hot for life and then when you incapacitated, they would tend to not know you anymore. they don't help it tool because they don't know you almost, you're not with anything. if you say you incapacitated, that's the thing about photo. calico of chavez is from ecuador santo domingo region is just one of 338 was from across the country. we're suing the company in court. the accusations include negligence, lack of safe working conditions, health care, and clean drinking water is a huge case, which also includes claims of child labor and modern slavery center. can yonah says
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she started working here when she was just 6 years old and spent decades in humane conditions. she told us she gave birth to 7 children on the plantation with no medical care. my daughter, it was very tough. we had to work during pregnancy with our big valley as we got used to it. sometimes we'd be working with a fiber right up until birth pain started lowering, liking maternal leave she until the women golf back to work directly after this phone. the work is show us how they would harvest fee of a cost for to an intro paper and fibers. they claim, not only was it dangerous, they usually had no breaks or days off. if they didn't work, they wouldn't be paid this home campaign to say more than 80 percent of the work is we've been extreme poverty headquarters government to testify during the trial against photocopy. why? this is what the labor minister told us. forgetting to have video at
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a previous governments including the ministry of labor, didn't stop the situation that from my point of view is one of the most emblematic because here we are talking about slave labor. in the case of food who car was. it was all there actually for the guy was executed to of a car explored to photo car was car and manage. it insists the workers always had social security and medical care. but he says, responsibility for those things was possibly in the hands of local contractors until 2018 and you'll be ok and embrace the company. could have had a close relationship with the contractors to find out if the problems are processing the finally back in the one that is something that could have been improved due to something to the idea of life, but to speak about slavery unit, the sense of moving more is very, very, very far fetched. they know the bulk of say they lost childhood education and
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health and also to see we have suffered at this company. so we demand just at the moment at the end of the day, the judges to our fathers and mothers either requests of those judges and the penal court. and the constitutional court could make historic decisions, setting out responsibility and accountability football because right and equitable now as we've mentioned, the cases are also about forced labor here. and i'd like to talk about that aspect with joanna. you weren't james, co founder of freedom united, an organization dedicated to ending human trafficking and modern slavery and also the chair of the board of the common balls that human rights initiative is a very warm welcome to d. w. let's, let's put this into perspective for our viewers. what would you say? the likelihood is that somebody who was watching from home has as unknowingly bought a product that was made using forced labor thank you very much
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for having me today, but the likelihood is ugly, very high. but g o i and data bought something that's produced with false labor because this is a crime that is and then make it is global. and it is in the supply chains of many of the every day products that we buy from the super bowl kids from retailers and also in on occasions from services. and so i would say the trunk is a much smaller that we haven't used a product that has been produced as some point with expectation or slavery. and what are some of the industries where you see the greatest of uses in this regard of modern slavery and force labor is affecting a range of manufacturing. i've a code to industries, a map and the freedom united. the old is intransitive. and you can go and see that what it costs in is produced in countries where it says with a highlighting here,
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the 1st day, both sides as in china, in the creek region, and coffee. and then the as a heavy metals. we know for us about the conditions in eastern colored guy when children and adults are forced to mind goods that go into that tronics. and there is a long list. i definitely encourage anyone to look into it to just learn and on the spot. exactly how full save a enters into our supply chains and into the goods that we are so common. they rely upon and not in our day to day 9. i l. o says $28000000.00 men women and children around the world are experiencing forced waiver. it's just a staggering number. what has to go wrong for us to see a number that is so high? i think it is staggering. absolutely. and that number is looking to be increasing
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the estimation of our estimation. so i think realistically it could be a lot more. and why are we seeing an increase today? well, the people of, or in the situations of expectation because they're vulnerable. that means that they're taking great risks. but means that somebody is exploiting that vulnerability to benefit from for the most part that they've especially and of course in the case is a full saber. um, how does that vulnerability and stuff? the key question, and i can point see some of the changes that we've seen in recent times. they explains why some people are more vulnerable. the iowa itself is stuff for labor organization pointed out that there is a real need to focus on ensuring that that are safe rates for migrants. we need more safe regular rates. but my grounds say that there are no
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reason situations where they may take a risk. take an opportunity to ask you to as has lots of big sports, to also with the economic challenges that we've helped me in the high inflation people as a squeeze into the places where they take, but they wouldn't otherwise normally take these increases. they've under ability to for cyber about, i think with thing and the increase numbers and the estimates try that. you are james. thank you so much for your time today on d, w and s. thank you. the and soccer now with an update from the euro. 2024 tournament hosts germany have advanced to the knockout stage after defeating hungry to know, instead of scotch. and the 1st goal came of the 22nd to minute from the start card . local jamal was jala, bring the ball in the roof of the naps. and after the break in germany kept up the pressure, adding a 2nd goal and the 67th minute courtesy of captain l. kind going to one of the
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hands watching in specially designated fanzines across germany. where is static? no wonder in recent years germany has underwent and international tournaments, but now it is emerging as the team to beat to. and as fans are shuffled away from the stadium, instruct guards, here's how some of them felt about germany's victory. that would be very good. i saw the 1st much live and this was a great success to deal with my tip, the really exciting great mood. it was exciting, but we knew we would wait a minute. so we have the dodge no snag and speed. it was a strong match by germany who really went for a home. gary is we're good to well, now we're done with this chapter. we're looking forward to germany's moving on such
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subjects. hold on and that is the show for today. follow our team on social media at dw news, i'm at clare reports, and for now from the entire team on the day. thank you so much for spending part of your day with us. the
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6 done with sebastian countries of what's the war and ukraine more closely than poland, which was the time and again, the poor thing would not be on his borders. no one listened my guess this week and more so as to just listen to this. i had them both not hang over to you for wanting, since the government has to use the same complex next on d, w, they're easy prey and the causative commodity. exhausted by supplies,
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the most beautiful and red traded worldwide, often illegally. the consequence, many times are in danger. conservationists are trying to save what they can inside fix those 6 by 6 nitrate in 45 minutes on d w, the data brought together by chance and they roots in the early ninety's and independence free woman. and the mother of 10, in a strict patriarch to major lena assess team doors has been observing demise latavia and hit dorsey's ever since the to
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a wasted life. is this claudia and her daughter's stuff? june 22nd on d w. the last year, poland thought the trends in europe and of says, the saw arrived law and justice policy. so they've been in profit 8 years. but just how divided does the country remain? and how worried is the government that the far right party emerged in the european elections as the most popular among young people? my guess this week and more so there's the justice minister, adam, but now my opinion on that we are maybe a little bit let me think this kind of, i'm the vision of how to talk about liberal values. how to talk about you're up to 2 young to young voters, few countries of what's the war and ukraine more closely than poland, which was the time. and again the put in was much beyond his board.


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