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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  June 20, 2024 4:30am-5:00am CEST

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as soon as a wasted line, katia ended with his thoughts. june 22nd. on the w. investors are like a box of chocolates. you never know what you're going to get. a prominent example being the elf tower and hamburg. here's the vision. and here's the reality. was the story. hello. sorry. so why for the work resume? you, do we con say anything one of the various projects run into the ground if i renee thank goes signature group. so you can understand the workforce at a famous term and still make are being skeptical when another billionaire investor fancies buying a stake in their firm and their future also on this edition of made as
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a super tax, the answers of financial and equality. well, in the as new government is the big player status and what's future electric claims headed for and there might be changes i had here at germany's biggest deal maker check billionaire . daniel kuchinski is soon to buy an initial 20 percent stake in choosing crib steel division with plans to take over a further 30 percent later. a green light for the deal would give him influence over a key player in german industry with tristan group steel division struggling to stay in the black and recent years. there was widespread skepticism among its workforce . i just got not a serious partner, particularly that was possible option. i don't think it's good. all right,
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and he'll give it some installed the model, assess the situation. at some point the company will be broken up and possibly sold out. daniel kuchinski is business empire, is based in an upscale neighborhood in prague. he doesn't do interviews or generally speaking, public accepts when talking on his own sports tv channel, about football clubs, bought or prague another of his assets. christian's keys, total wealth is estimated at $9000000000.00 euros. according to company figures, his energy unit has an annual turnover of around 24000000000 bureaus. the lawyer turned business man made his 1st fortune from mistaken youth street. as the rocky and pipeline operator that transported russian gas to austria easily entered germany. the christian sky also owns around a 3rd of the check media sector,
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including the country's biggest tablet paper less. and he's harness that power and exposure to promote his commercial interest. eager for further expansion beyond is need to check republic. he purchased a number of climate damaging leak night fired power plants in germany, and elsewhere in the e. u. in 2016 risk investment in old technology with no other buyers. but the russian invasion of ukraine prompted us the prize in energy prices and billions in profits for contents can check and g o reset has been following curtain skis operations and is critical of as expansion into fossil fuel plans in the face of climate change actions. they say that will push back the development of renewable energy use for decades. they plan to build to more than 6, then you will be give us a for gas bar plans in italy. gentlemen. the
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a great britain and also he didn't take it public. and the 2nd reason is that they are trying to pro long the operation of the coal power plant. as interested in groups fuel works and to support the management has made a commitment to going green, meaning no more cold and turning to hydrogen as an energy source. but it's pretend to be the right choice on that front. union representatives are opposed to the billionaires perspective involvement, citing the lack of a viable business plan. and the works council is likewise critical up. the move into stock is just the ones that have on the board that we have expecting to see an industrial concept of how he envisions a green future of a steel agreed to come to start the part sale to pretend sky was only approved due to the vote of the supervisory board chairman counting twice, but it's still not clear whether cartoons key will actually invest fresh money.
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experts, a key could simply deliver low cost electricity to chosen groups deal to the tune of $150000000.00 euros a year. is the world we live in a fair one? the world where the richest one percent of the population, almost half of the world's wealth, where the privilege to live in luxury and celebrate their good fortunes. while millions of people around the world go starving, a situation that's prompted renewed calls for higher taxes on the old for rich, and the name of justice and the quality. the precious few who have plenty of the money, who have the preciousness of the growing divide between rich and poor is a major issue in modern society. because we have
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a situation right now. that's the which to billionaires as couple that will in just the last decade. and we've seen the cost of living crisis that has to go to the, the salaries of ordinary citizens. so, but we're seeing that which getting richer and everyone worse off. and we think that's highly unsustainable. i mean, if you have a super rich, you profit massively can society. many of them fortunate to have inherited money and they don't give anything back on line really. and just a thought by people who could i speak to each time i can understand people who feel that there are other people not paying enough taxes, but excessive taxation is not going to get companies to invest money or do research should need to be innovative. and create new jobs in the future. well enough to come to the shop. this is how the distribution of wealth breaks down worldwide. 2020 to 45.8 percent as well as in the hands of the richest one percent.
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just the house of 12 and 53 percent as well. with the remaining 1.2 percent left to move in half of the global population. the scalar, the quality that spoke to bank types, the idea of a super tax. and it's nothing new concept. 40 years ago, the wealthy, often faced for high a taxation rates been is the case today. we had an extremely high tax is actually in country after country the us as a good example. we often associate them with no taxes today. but before the eighty's, they had very, very high marginal tax rates on the rich reaching above 70 percent. and they had high growth also. but from the eighty's on words, we started seeing this war against progressive taxation. now that requiring coals for high the taxes to the state, the rich with the debate will say,
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reaching the us call them in billionaires pay an average rate of 8 percent on their total income. 8 percent, that's the average they pay. now i'm a capitalist, but uh just i want i, if you make a 1000000 bucks, great. just pay your for your share. pay a little bit. a firefighter and a teacher pay more than double double the tax rate. that a 1000000000 there pays. ringback guys out to rent teresa to pay that sasha from bill gates to warren buffett and office. you can find the healthy individuals. we say we could pay more, hence the name tax. we now text me now. to personally and government has proposed the introduction of a global minimum tax for the wells fully. and as the efforts that g 20 is trying to create now to tax the very, very rich. and that means that or teach one says that the members needs to get
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behind is the invest your, the investments that are absolutely necessary in gemini, they all have lower dividends. we have the wealth tax for main losing tax revenue somewhere else due to a wealth exodus stuff in this to be effective at global see for rich tax would be international cooperation. increasingly just how high could that tax ation rate be without causing economic damage? what other tax rates that we can go to before we start really hurting the economy and the their estimates is, is, is 6070 percent or above. take a far above what the rit just currently pay in most countries as the find tickets puppets. he continues to buy these types of fat taxation is set to intensify the gulf between rich and poor doesn't get much starker than that in india, including financial inequality between the sexes. the recent elections mean the
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rental mode is set to stay in power. but in a power sharing governments, what will the coalitions biggest economic challenges begin as it promises to create new jobs and reduce poverty? india after the election. how can the new government encourage stronger economic growth? how can i drive forward education and industrialization? the country has risen to become the 5th largest economy in the world, and it will probably move up even further in the rankings. i mean, oh, estimates the i'm asked for example, the world bank. they will tend to think, sir, and i think that, you know, one thing that con, p or the looked is that invest is globally, ah, seeing india as the next big economic power in terms of gross domestic product. india is now i'm on the big global players with
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a g d p of over 27 trillion dollars. the us is in top spot followed by china, then germany and japan. india, a 3 and a half trillion us dollars has now overtaken britain. india as economy is currently growing by 7 percent per year. but relative to its huge population of over 1400000000 people per capita income is lower than in all the other g. 20 countries so india has a lot of catching up to do to ensure more prosperity among the wider population and to fight poverty. one problem is the low employment rate in general, and especially among women just 60 percent of men are employed and only 36 percent of women female labor for us, but dissipation, g,
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it has always been loyal that international levers. and even though historically in the other countries are because the reason the economic growth in the indian case, it has been going down in the past 2 decades indeed, is new government, therefore needs to invest more in the ailey school system above all, by providing students with a good education, many of them leave school without any qualifications and teachers are often in sufficiently qualified renewal. i think we know that what you really have to do is prepare people to be lifelong. done is to be able to adjust to whatever situation and then whatever needs to be done at that time. even among the young graduates, the unemployment rate is in double figures. the previous government was not able to solve these problems. but there's a lack of jobs in the manufacturing sector,
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in particular, the country in ports, more goods than it exports. how could india's economy grow faster? economists like decides countries such as china and south korea as examples of china. the investment range between 35 to 50 percent of g d, b. and that's incredible. that almost half of gdp was invested in south korea. it was between 35 and 45. so very high investment rates and if you invest so much, yes, you will get higher growth for sure. you get better infrastructure and better facilities that does apply conditions and better do not get. but the 2nd is that they actually did manage the structure, the transformation in china, for example. it was possible to build up a broad industrial base when wages in the country for as low as they are currently in india. but that required extensive support programs for small and medium sized enterprises to actually have
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a package for these micro small and medium enterprises, which provides them the same kind of benefits we have done and leaving logical products that is collected on equal terms. access to inputs, access to knowledge, access to markets on other things, but i think are routinely provided in other countries, but we have not been provide nevertheless, india is making progress in many areas in infrastructure. for example, counselors, highways, new railroads and airports have been built the last government spent $100000000000.00 a year on infrastructure, and even more money will be needed in the future. india is also attracting more and more tech companies. investors such as apple, microsoft, samsung, and as a p one advantage, but also a challenge for the country is population growth. with over 1400000 people in the
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us population is larger than china's and will grow to 1700000000 by 2064. only then will numbers start to decline again. with an average age of $28.00, india also has one of the youngest populations in the world. an enormous potential . perhaps some analysts are right in predicting that the country will experience growth over the next few decades. similar to that which began in china over 20 years ago. but above all, huge investments will be vital in order to create enough new jobs. did you know that the world's biggest spire of aircraft last year was india. aviation is responsible for around 3 percent of global emissions. i figure forecast to increase 8 folds by 2050. how about organic fuel and it is made from
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algae or sustainable produce hydrogen electric plains are also an option. but will they ever really take off our flying reporter investigated when an aviation school in sweden with future pilots are being changed and flying electric plans we, we want to sort of me the industry into something new and so that it's possible to find new products with high quality and, and bought in a sustainable electric engine is going to be 2 times more efficient than those that he was supposed to the fields. and of course they don't degrade the equity during operation. the papers for the ballast, they fly here. it doesn't mean much electricity. it takes around an hour and a half to charge on which is going 545 minutes with the result of 30 percent, but you also get fast enough to get in. so half 1st is easier. i'm ready. all right. i've got
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the fast this is a super light plane, but it can only go to people with no have luggage to go any bigger e plans of face with a big problem. heavy batteries, even though they've been a lot of advancements in factories, we actually haven't come that far. because especially for cause, roughly for an electric chevrolet boat to drive the distance a honda civic good on a full deck, a few of the battery would need to be 17 times have you and cause to stay on the ground. so the width doesn't matter so much, but for a boeing 747 to fly from say, london to istanbul. batteries will need to be this much heavier than a full time. this just going to work, since this would be 10 times heavier than the heaviest payload. ever lifted, when you're storing energy, you need
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a very high level of energy density. that's good garry, head of the apples program of the u. s. department of energy is national renewable energy lab and petroleum and petroleum related products or petroleum. dr. products like biofuels have a really high energy density when compared to the energy density of traditional fuel batteries. they have very poorly coming in at only 2 percent. but conventional aircraft, we fly and today i've been is for jeff fuels. it all started with a design off, and the 1950s, they mean propeller plans the most popular at the time and still by an end to it looks like this. overtime this though bye and or tube and we can design, we can vast be more efficient or clear. we know if there is, but the thing is this design has peaked in the way it's very hard to become more carbon efficient unless you squeeze even more people onto already very died plans. so government's and many of the industrial going back to the drawing board to
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redesign and another 1950 style design of it's a really very interesting time in that sense because things are up for grabs. again, this is done, but in a vision expert who looks at on the ground infrastructure to support the transition by working together with detroit. but we looked at 2 main modes of operation for doing that one, which was a battery charging system. so where the battery would remain fixed within the craft, this would be the simplest way operationally speaking, but they also found the charging would waste precious time when current air traffic relies on a quick down around. the 2nd sort of mode of operation we looked at was a battery swapping system. and that would be where you would have pre charged x rays. and then when an across came in, you would remove the battery from the frame and then swap it with the one that already been pre charged. this would save space and time, but it would require a lot of specialization that was required and you don't have anywhere. and it
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wouldn't be a big risk. meddling with an airframe is always dangerous. and there's also the major risk of files from holding so many batteries in one place. the. the mean you can find you on. what do i do if you want that also go down for cystic ford. if you want to take it back to the shows with the 1st tends to be certified, but this is another huge challenge. ition has compared to cause being certified for safety. so everything takes time for r n d testing, including from battery safety and the use long certification process. all right, thank you. all those crazy sit on the equity. okay, the company, that means that the district is now working on a full cedar plan and the already big ones, a plane called olive secretary, 9 passenger, the 2 crew members seem to be close to commercialization,
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promising to fly around 400 kilometers. when you look at, if you think about their existing cargo routes that use small aircraft, their existing communities, that they're only connection is a, as a 9 senior across ambulances at axis. and small cargo plans also need only small across the child has ordered 12 plans for low emissions post of deliveries which can help local noise and quality too. but let's put this all in perspective. ready with everything that electrification can do now, based on current battery check and operational challenges, a study by the international central and team evaluation estimates. but electric aircraft good govern 9 percent of the coming to markets. that's flights with more than 19 passengers and distance is shorter than 500 kilometers. but this only accounts for 0.002 percent of global deviation. by 2050, the estimated could be up to 0.2 percent, which is still smaller. what am i talking about? carbon emissions. but this is purely electric. we're talking about
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equals, they have versions of hybrid. so you could have a series hybrid which is where essentially fuel is used to power an electric my to which then powers the aircraft. so you're using fuel to charge a battery, essentially, and then you also have local power, low hybrids, which is why you have the electric mertsa and the fuel source, so kerosene to hydrogen boats being used for propulsion. i couldn't imagine this tiny plan getting much bigger in the next 2 years, but the hybrid argument really makes sense. the idea estimates of hybrids would be the next leap. navigation of the 2030 is the new designs, replacing the tube in wing. and this will contribute to a 40 percent reduction and emissions by 2050. the position is a small step, but it gives us hold for the potential of the diversity of technologies that are going to need the do you
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sometimes feel overwhelmed and today is bigger? boulder and busier airports. operators are eager to serve and profit from rising passenger numbers around the world. the global airlines association predict so record 4700000000 people taking to the skies and 2024 demand that requires more capacity and more construction. here's what major airports of the future could look like. india estimated cost over $825000000.00 noise. our international airport is said to be in the largest. it's being developed by switch company flow coffins, irig ag and builds but thought that project once finished, the airport will have capacity for 70001000 just by yet. the 1st phase of the airport should be completed this year. single for estimated cost around
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$10000000000.00. there will be a 50 terminal, a chunky international airport, which will boost the capacity by 50000000 and passengers. the d 5 is expected to be a super low energy building, featuring solar panels, district cooling, and thermal energy storage has a lower carbon emissions. it will also support the use of alternative fuels like the sustainable aviation fuel. the 5 will be very welcome travelers by mid 2030, the vietnam, estimated cost over $16000000000.00. long sun international airport is planned to be vietnam's biggest international airport in 2026. the 1st phase of the airport should be completed. when that happens, the airport can serve $25000000.00 passengers, but yeah, but once it's fully complete, it will pour duper, it's passenger capacity. saudi arabia estimated cost
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over $50000000000.00. the king says mon, international airport will be operational in 2030. it's expected to serve 120000000 passengers and then 20 years later it's passengers capacity will increase by more than 50 percent. this applewood will generate 150000 jobs. british architecture from foster and partners are behind. it's designed, the u. e. new apple to them another for $35000000000.00. to buy has started work on a new durham and know to create the world's largest airport. with 400 gapes it will be able to process 260000000 passengers annually. the 1st phase should be completed within the next 10 years. however, it will likely take decades to complete the entire project. the
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today is the addition of made, took us from billing in error investors to affirming and the an economy ready for a lift off wishing you safe travels until next time. or do i know if you want to know the
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6 or which 2 sebastian fuel countries of what's the war and ukraine more closely than poland, which was the time and again, the poor thing was not feeling these borders. no one listened my guess this week and more so just to just explore this. i had them but not head over to port warnings for government. have to use the same conflict in 30 minutes. d, w, they're easy prey and the causative commodity. exhausted by supplies,
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the most beautiful and red traded worldwide, often illegally. the consequence, many times are in danger. conservationists are trying to save what they can inside fix those 6 by 6 nitrate in 75 minutes on d w the my name is nose available in the whole bag. save. wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud. things would have being nosy, they like good everyone to ok. so to be cheering into the microphone. sorry. check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back. so you don't
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think do the same way. you expect and more and different things from life when your parents do i just want to pursue was that's my thought desired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor to in the clubs. it's time to, to get in your generation with a sleep asked and then when generations flash watch now on, do you tune b, w? don't? you mentioned this kind of fun. it feels like therapy, the
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the this is dw use lie from berlin, the leader of 11 on says paula threatens a fight with no rules. if a broader war with israel erupt, how sudden those right are also threatens cypress, if it cooperates with the israeli military. this after israel approves plans for a minute tree operation against his paula in southern lab. and i'm also coming up russian president vladimir putin continues his tour of asia. he's arrived in vietnam after a trip to pyongyang, where he signed a mutual defense packed and.


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