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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 20, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from berlin, the leader of lebanon's hezbollah threatens a fight with no rules, is run, launches across border wall. awesome. now some law says the group could also target cyprus if it supports, is there any aggression based comments come up to israel reveals plans for the military operation against hezbollah. also coming up russian president vladimir 13, arrived in vietnam on the 2nd leg of his ation to uh, it comes off that he signed a mutual defense, fax is not currently that came john in john yang. and the
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germany is the 1st team to advance to the knockout stage of the auto 2020 full off to the victory of a hungry the span of do welcome, how sudden the leader of the hezbollah melisha in another done has threatened to fight with no rules if he has been launch is a full scale involved with his group. he also said cyprus would be a legitimate target in any future. well, if it continues its ministry collaboration with israel, his statement followed israel's announcement, but it's ministry has approved a plan for an operation in southern lebanon. the latest strikes on lebanon, of israel and the militant group has boss,
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have been trading cross boulder, a tex almost. they know they have taken steps for the potential for a full scale conflict. israel has approved what it calls up irrational plans for an offensive in lebanon. we've made absolutely clear that one way or another diplomatically all through. uh, minutes remains uh, off of mold in bold. uh, the north of our country will, uh, is really sovereign territory will be made safe for israel's population. israel's people to attend as well as lead to hoss on the thrall of responded by promising a fight with no risk. they have to wait for us on the ground in the and in the see we have set this before and i would say this again today if the boss and probably still living on the resistance was fine with control
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without rules and without to ceiling. the cross board to exchanges, so 5 began of to book to but 7 terrorist attack. but how much do you and says small, the full 100 people were killed and level known inside strikes, including dozens of civilians on the east. really side the report of casualties among to police 25 soldiers and civilians. has bull assessed it as a rated 2 days colleagues. but to do so, it was something that has proven difficult to achieve less than $65.00 in gaza. and they don't look at a sponge, rebecca, or is this following events from hyphen? yeah, israel, northern border with 11 and rebecca. good to see you. house on national law has warned any potential hezbollah attack on ears when would be one with no rules. how is israel seeing this warning a well,
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israel takes the thread on its northern border very seriously barish, and that is why it is had a very, very large troop presence here in the north, along the border. and of course, all the military hardware that goes with that since the very beginning of this war . in fact, since his blood launched its attacks into an oven 11 on the 8th of october in the support of how much this will in gaza. so it's been taking it seriously long. i mean, the, or is there any military has been incredibly tied up in the gaza war and it hasn't wanted to open off a completely a 2nd front in the knowles, but it is the received wisdom. is that the idea would be that israel has to, in fact push back the threats of his bill or it, it's northern border. and then after it has, quote, unquote completed it's emissions in galls. and it will then turn its attention to the north that could be what we're starting to see with this ramping up of rhetoric and the height intentions here on the border now is rather,
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is not the only post. i'm not raising the rhetoric though, you're seeing that on the as riley side as well, with threats coming. and we still will the, the confirmation as you just mentioned, that they have in fact, green lift their plan and they will implemented if necessary. you're in haifa, which has been a lot better be filmed with a drawing and showing potential targets, doing residents feeding under the type of attack from his below as well. we came here to gauge that same spirit as you can see behind me a little bit of the ocean and the pool, which is there, which is one of the targets that has black, had ended sites in that drones footage. we've spoken to people here on the streets, you know, last night when we arrived on campus restaurants, everything was open. it's definitely business as usual here in high so i think residents here of feel a sense of normality still at this stage though they do uh, obviously are aware of the height and threat. they all concerned and i think
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everybody feels that a, a wider conflict or certainly a larger scale we've. hezbollah is in the future, of course, as concerns. but really when you walk around hi for, i have to say that it's, it's, it's seemingly very normal. i was just actually speaking to a military person now in downstairs, down from where we're standing now. and he was saying that he believed voice is, is really inevitable. but that is, as you look around and as i can see with my own eyes, people here, i'm not yet concerned enough to be to be making any concessions. meanwhile, across border attacks between east runner and hezbollah have actually been taken place for months. so why of tensions, particularly escalating right now? well, despite the fact that israel and lebanon have of being in a causing conflict regarding the border region of so many years, this current flare up is inexplicably linked to the war in gauls or in the longer that goes on. the more risk there is of this spilling over into
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a wider conflict and into a direct conflict with has the laurel with lab and on it. and it, seeing that as, as a move out conflict rather than the tit for tat that we have been saying. now for the 9 months so, so, so the longer this goes on without a hostage deal without an end to the will in guns and without a withdrawal of troops there where we're moving further and further closer towards some wide or complex to leave it there for the moment diagnosed back out those reporting from haifa. thanks so much quick look now its some stories making headlines around the world. humans who the rebels have released a video which they say shows that attack on a greek on cargo ship in the red sea. the vessel sank on wednesday a week after being hit by a remote control boat getting a bum. in recent months, the eating and back to caesar belongs to dozens of attacks on ships linked to israel. the us of britain. 2 people have died in
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a devastating vital fire in italy dose. so in the us stage of new mexico, the frames destroyed more than 1400 homes and other structures and thousands of residents by force to evacuated from the area. strong winds and extreme drought have fuel the spread of the fires. police in britain have made to it. our stuff. environmental activist sprayed what they said was orange calling flaw on stonehenge members of just stop on still. net stonehenge. i'm sorry. members of just up or in the face, the unesco bald headed this monument on the eve of summer solstice, when thousands gather besides, the philippines ministry has released footage of a violent confrontation with the chinese coast guard in this out, trying to see it says the video shows chinese personnel, rhyming and voting are for the navy ship with planning side items and they did weapons the footage to dump independently verified. a russian
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president vladimir, the 14 has arrived in viet nam, the 2nd the last stop on his to auto. be sure he is showing up his relationships in the east at the time of increasing i solution in the west. the visit comes as many western countries are also pushing for closer ties with the, the time the trip is poor things. first of the country since 2017 and his 5th in total. it's broke the shop rebuke from the united states embassy in hanoi, which warned against normalizing rushes, violations of international in ukraine. and this follows the russian. he does a red trip to north korea and a new pact between the 2 nations trumpeted as a major upgrade in security, trade and investment relations. it's 75 and of course what 8 our defense pledge north gloria and the former soviet union signed a comprehensive treaty back in 1961. but the deal was discarded after the fall of
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the item garden. then in the year 2000, the 2 countries signed a new agreement, but the security assurances were somewhat weak. more than 2 tickets on i felician from the west has brought the 2 or a life closer than ever having a powerful country like russia, as a strategic partner, is an immense source of pride and a great achievement for us. the fact that this new to eat, if i did country feasibility regression, the not go to leaders already believe to be supplying the shop with large amounts of munitions for it's war in ukraine. and it done, the russian president is set to be hoping not because you have smithson and space surveillance programs. but the state of these big for relationship, even higher of the news from the russian federation does not rule out the
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development of military technical co operation with a democratic people's republic of korea. buying the documents, signed the footage from north. good. yeah. show us the to the does bonding at the very best 11. but the partnership is also about the business. but the restaurant in north pole. yeah. trying to get around restaurant sanctions. dyslexia, the russian mid august limousine was gifted with the north korean leader. but it's the military alliance between him and button that is causing an hour in the west to football now and germany have advanced to the knockout stage of the autopay and jump the chip after defeating hungry to me in the 2nd group stage match in stuttgart. the 1st quarter came and the 22nd minute from jamal and messiah bedding the ball in the roof of the net. after the big germany continued on the offensive, adding a 2nd gold in the 67th minute, etc, of captain u. k. going to on. and here's how germany's fans reacted
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the goal by their team since tens of thousands of germany funds to the moon and back to berlin's run burg gates. the insurance card in the south of germany where the match took place. many funds already see their team on the path to greater glory. both great river. amazing. it was super. we came all the way by switzerland. my goats so nice . common stock is it was just a strong match. the germans really put the hob into the tongue. ariens weren't bad either on and now we're done with this chapter and we'll take one step further.
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javin is a bond singled on germany is the 1st team to reach the tournaments knockout stage after securing their 2nd victory. but the roads to the final in berlin will only get harder. the spots revolt, a heck of florida saw the game and stood god. he has his stake on germany's when to germany with another statement, when at year a 2024. this time against hungry, a team that had been quite complicated for germany. the last time the germany had one against a home during this was back in 2016. but it's not that old change would have to nail victory against hungry and convincingly winning. and booking their place to the last 16 of the home zeros here and still got this theme has brought back to believe that they can reach something big fancy or the stadium. we're chanting
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berlin, berlin, we're heading to berlin, referring to the place where the final of your 2024 will take place. so defense, believe it cost you, then i guess, month setup press conference that he expects defense to believe that. now his job is to fulfill that dream, and that's why he will try to do now and then knock out round it up those heckle slot is that important from shortcut? meanwhile, scotland fans keeping their hopes of reaching the last 16 alive hospital 11, draw again switzerland. the default of math and prolonged scottish funds. we're bringing the pots. yeah. yeah. and living up to that reputation for being some of the journey is steam support. those of the government will play the final hoops stage game again hungry on sunday the and a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you, the leader of the it on back to as well. i'm going to show say,
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is nowhere in easy read will be safe in the event of an old off war, which is really, really treat stipend on the now. so a lot also checked into a tech cypress. if it cooperates with these rep. that's it for the moment. coming up all for the break choices is looking at the story of one woman resting magenta and homes and winning. i'm british benedicts, the sometimes the raj, how that you out to the highlight every week? nothing was caused about why does that because now i'm leaving the new host of.


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