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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the business data we news line from berlin, the leader of 11 on hezbollah threatens fine with no rules. if israel launches across the border, war pos on us are all us. that's the group could also target you members. cypress is it's the 4th is really aggression. is comments com after israel reveals plans for a military operation against has also coming margaret phone line, the shore of more attaining a, waiting to take people across the sea. we talked a hopeful asylum seekers. they're eager to embark on the perilous route to here.
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and russian president vladimir putin visits vietnam on the 2nd leg of his asian tour and comes after he signed a mutual defense back of north korean leader kim jong own n p own. yeah, the welcome to the show on nicole fairly, the leader of the hezbollah militia and lebanon hoss on us raleigh has threatened a find with no rules. israel launch is a full scale war with his group. he also said cyprus and a new member would be a legitimate target in any future war if it continues its military cooperation with israel. his statement followed israel's announcement that its military had approved a plan for an operation in southern lebanon. of the latest strikes on lebanon, israel and the militant group has boss,
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have been trading cross boulder, a tex almost. they know they have taken steps for the potential for a full scale conflict. israel has approved what it calls up, irrational plans for an offense, if in lebanon we've made absolutely clear that one way or another diplomatically all through. uh, minutes remains off of mold in bold. uh, the north of our country will uh is really silver and tara tree will be made safe for israel is population. israel's people to return has been. 6 lead to hoss on the thrall of responded by promising a fight with no risk. they have to wait for us on the ground in the and in the see we have said this before, and i would say this again today. if the boss and probably still live in on the
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resistance was fine with i had control with that group and with our to see like the possible to exchange of so 5 began of to looked over 7 terrorist attack by how much do you and says small the full 100 people were killed and level known inside strikes, including dozens of civilians on the east really side, the reports of casualties among to at least $25.00 soldiers and civilians. has bull assessed it as a rated 2 days colleagues. but to do so, it's one, something that has proven difficult to achieve it less than $65.00 in gaza report responded rebecca rid, or is this the following events from showing me right on israel's northern border with lebanon. and rebecca, good to see how send us roller has warned. any potential has a lot attack on israel would be with no rules. how is israel seeing this warning is what is difficult to say. just how seriously is riley is taking this
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latest statement. so it does like latest page by house on us while as well as later when we look back in the 8 months tit for tat conflict that has been happening here between 11 on and israel, between hezbollah and israel. there's also be a tit for tat, more of rhetoric, and that is something that we have been seeing wrapped up in recent days. now i'm in showing me, as you mentioned, it's on the northern border behind me. you can see these hills on the top is a small army base and behind those hills 11 on and its cities and towns like this along the border of villages. it communities along this entire living on israel border region that is relative taking into consideration when it can see it is whether or not to launch a full scale attack on lab and on and on his blog. it's trying to get the, this area into a situation where residents would be able to return. now some 7000 residents of
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slow me have been evacuated in there among the 60 to 70000 ride along the border region that have been evacuated. and it's for that reason that is really looking to launch this potentially launch this offensive with has blocks in order for those residents to be able to return the call. if you were in haifa earlier today, which has the apparently filled with a drawing showing potential is really target. that's israel's 3rd largest city. how concerned or residents there as well. surprisingly, or perhaps surprisingly for people who have spent time in israel and i have spoken a lot to is rarely since, you know, i mean, really, you know, really got to understand these places. but they're actually not that concerned. of course, people do say that they believe a conflict of water conflict is going to break out, but it's inevitable. and in fact that it's needed. but concern isn't what i would say the people in high filled the residents there are really feeling you. they say that they feel protected by the israeli military. they feel that it is military
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that is strong and able to carry out the operation in lebanon. and that's what people were telling me today. not many people wanted to speak on camera, but the fee, the deed said that they, you know, basically that they thought that a conflict was going to happen. and i was probably even in, but that sadly was needed to so the people you know, in this northern border region could return and these really army says it has a pro, plans for and offensive against has the lot. but is there, you know, within these really establishment really any appetite to find a full blown war on another front this i think, as i just mentioned, what is reading people is saying is basically the received opinion here is that it is inevitable. it is not a case of east, but a case of when this war is going to take place. that's certainly pretty much what you hear across the board when you talk to the risk analyst. so, you know, people from the government, people from the military and citizens,
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that's basically what they tell me. they say that, you know, it isn't a matter of, if it's a matter of when and that it is necessary that has the need to be pushed back from the border so that these communities can be safe. you know, there is a resignation. a, you know, there's sent me a feeling of, um, you know, people don't really want to go to another will, but that it has really been the received opinion the for after, because of all winds down, but it is rail will really focus its attention on the threats from the northern border as dw is rebecca readers in slow me and northern. if israel, thank you so much. a regular migration to europe is on the rise and the you is attempting to bring down the numbers by courting. some of the countries were migraines, travel from or through. one path that has grown popular is known as the western african route. and more atanya is one of its transit hubs. the government there has signed a deal with the you worth 210000000 euros to manage the flow of people. we have
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a special report from the warranty and city of why the bu transit point for thousands, who set out on this hazardous journey. we've chosen not to show the faces of several people in this report who wished to remain anonymous la la, grew up in senegal, and in more atanya, where she has long dreamed of a better life. by the time she was 30, she'd saved enough to pay for a p rogue to take her from the capital, knew watch shot to spain's canary islands, and a future in the you. it's hard for her to recount the ordeal she suffered . so they were all sorts of nationalities. molly and kim rooney ends, nigerians, mauritania and senegalese. and the police themselves came to take us to the beach, is the big boat to take you to europe is waiting out of the black,
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small boats come to pick you up and take 20 people on board. 20 people 20 people not everyone to get on because there was so many of us one more than 100 or so. for example, if you define only 80, we're lucky enough to get on. i've seen people almost went mad. sometimes people thought with each other with the captains, have big knives to threaten you and tell you to shut up or they'll throw you on the page to show my before and they're not kidding. and like i put them on the ground to one us, which is a single you, we just add up flash the, you know, got a new one but, but it wasn't to be after 4 days at sea drifting without fue, they ended up on a beach in northern mauretania for nationals will be deported, but the lot as a martini and was simply released the most of those you provided me. i haven't been able to actually the, since i got back because you just see when i sleep keys,
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i feel like i'm still in the boat. could you please just i was rocking and i see my boss and mine is fed even when i closed my eyes like this. i feel i'm swinging and i saw that the crossing she attempted is one of the most dangerous migratory roots in the world. lee knows all too well. he's a fisher man who has seen the hopeful and the desperate taking their leave by night . 50 migrants, he says cramming themselves into a fishing boat designed for a crew of 6. and the sea knows little bursey. i gotta look at it for someone sent me these photos because on the dentist to because i have these a corpses for them. they gotta gain. look in 15, it is actually the baby here. so if in my such a powerful image,
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no audi boost port is full of per rogues. traditional fishing boats that the human traffickers have made into their business model. one smuggler wants to buy a per road for his next departure and degrees to tell us about the authorities and the restrictions he too wants to conceal his identity. the trust on there is a police but got yeah, yeah, that's the 2nd the coast guards. it's hard to get out of here, legally, the requests, so football, looking at the drugs that are from the top of photo. so if you can, that's a big for that you can put a lot of people in that you saw it to, of, you know, for this kind of, through the controls to see if they're going fishing or for something else is the people to visit. we know how made arrived here 2 months ago.
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he is a welder by trade and has one aim to reach europe. as a day labour he earns the equivalent of 10 year was a day which he spends on food, water, and somewhere to live. these you hours, the ideas i've seen, the people here are ballparks. you're not going to blow. we're looking for work your own grandma and grandpa. it's not an easy division. morning and nights we come on. what are we done done? i've been here 2 months. i work anyway at your job life, our tools, your girl for la la to despite everything she has suffered and the huge sums of money she has spent, she is still determined. she tells us that however horrible her memories are of being at sea. she would do it all again to get to europe, where she hopes to earn a living. in this city of 840000 inhabitants, more than 30000
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r like lala and mohammed waiting to leave. but many find themselves trapped for months, even years saving what little they earn to be able to afford a boat to europe. no, that was the west african route, but the route across the central mediterranean has long been the deadliest for migrants to take a closer look at the situation there. let me bring in voss on costello who is the u . n. refugee agency, special envoy for the region one. so welcome to the ww that we just saw on that report what we see in the mediterranean as well. people who are willing to risk their lives over and over again to get to your at this moment in time. what are the main drivers of a regular migration as well the main drivers are water secretion, but then those people not refuse doing the microwave, but you also people, as we've seen the documentary leaving for you couldn't make reason,
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is trying to improve day. i'll shoot you because there is no more chance. ready or in their country or for g. now some people just try to induce the dentures giovanni's by, by the, by see if and when they make it, their ordeal often doesn't end upon arrival in the you does it what are the biggest challenges from migraines and refugees once they've reached dry land? when they arrive in europe, well, the only chance to stay legally in europe is to apply for sign him. but more than half the do not qualified for everything she studies in europe. so eventually the, the end of the ring, you know, the in europe and on the should be able to return to the country of origin. a difficult duration was to come to be a 14 is very difficult. they don't want to take this season. so that's why we have so many programs which are not specific actually we, yes, i don't see fit bit more to the fact that dude will do not need us. i don't do not
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go back to the country for which you know, there is because of that, a lot of discussion about how to improve protection services for migrants and refugees either on the route or when they get to their destination. what do you suggest needs to be done to change the current situation? the one on the us, we can continue. we need to improve protection seriously. so don't do because he respects you. well, what do you, on like a rental way preaching your risk on you to adoption, the tool to extortion being forced into, into slain to read type of completion of reading. so we need to make sure that those roots, my grandson, the way future gauge that we are. protection savvy, sees the po for the attendance piece, tutors, people to los angeles, joyce. these we are displayed some for moving, but we should keep in mind that 70 percent of their research team to where they stay in the neighboring countries. they don't
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a marketing tool. ready that we do is, but we need to understand sometimes why people talk to them about conducive and every julie's on trying to study nice population where they all at the same time, we need to pre, if somebody your best we have to go to europe for those why need a fiction or for those web, some skills that you would need? and because that would be a risk on student business model that the traffic is a setting to do with people who currently have. and you would like to see a 3rd countries in africa like more atanya, for example, take on a bigger role in discouraging my friends from trying to reach the who in your opinion, is that an approach that can work? the way we don't mind phone says about the she was a freaking between europe on african countries, but as long as they don't read to a trans failed response, it'd be that each country should be able to discharge themselves. uh, moving the country. that leaves we still proximity or for war,
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emitting the hosting of the territory of 150000 refugees. and so they already faced the white glove trinity's we so we've got neighboring country, some other price you seem to say in region. so be making more than yes would be up . and we shouldn't be able to provide solutions for richard gene we've done yet. but do we still directed? you don't want to. but maureen, 10 years become a portfolio now for magazines coming from all the west african countries. we're trying to reach the canary islands for these food and for them that's the data in st. them. and so know that we try to. ready induce pure works at the autos we be stuck in jail for years, down the need assistance to, to return to the country. but your opinion is taking a sharp turn to the right many parties, one voter support on an anti immigration platform. how would you expect that to affect the use policies on migration?
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when do you believe she's on the migration or liking to like see to become a all her own the more difficult. but the you, you was just read a few months ago. you back from us, i know more migration in k through 2. ready proceed, you got to deal actually rate procedures under the tree aging. it's we are seeing of before the order. we know that the sweet width of the same time, it seemed it's important to explain to you in people that you know, some of those be crises. you know, free go will affect us. no, not scale eats, expand that table, but the country looks going, which has almost 10000000 people. these base. no, because of the conflict seen, say pre invest here. you know, so the only the only one country away from europe, same way that in 2015 sco yo was only one country you away from europe. so you know, you wouldn't be the line to consider that those quite cheese would not affect your
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young countries. the weed ups, i mean back when you get in countries, but it's my natural body. small numbers that about 4500 people arriving to reach any bible decimals. you know, you have about 35000 people arriving 10 minutes to chat from pseudo. so, you know, let's try to for piece with the priorities of where the emergency is all on a pretty we'd be. ready able to provide more solutions for people, so they don't, we stay alive in these journey, 1st of all, to the media. and then one of the condos boats, photos can afford a lot of political well needed for that. and so that was the you and hcr swan song, costello, thank you so much for your time. thank you. a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. poisonous alcohol has killed at least 34 people in the southern indian state. of time will not do more than a 100 others were rushed to hospital after drinking
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a local broo lease with methyl. no, it's not the 1st incident involving chief alcoholic drinks made and backstreet distilleries of government officials that arrest have been made. an overnight barrows, of russian missiles and drones struck energy infrastructure across 4 regions of ukraine, including a power plant in the countries east. the company running the planned for ported serious damage. can you says rushman attacks on energy infrastructure have knocked out around half of ukraine's energy production since march? lot in we're putting has arrived in vietnam the 2nd and last stop on his tour of age. the russian president the shoring office relationships in the east, at a time of increasing isolation in the west. he was welcome to 5 in the east presidential lamb, who expressed his desire to boost ties with russia and congratulated to him on his re election and what he called russia's domestic political stability. it is
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hooton's 1st rep to the countries of 2017 and his 5th and total, but as provoked a sharp rebuke from the u. s. embassy in hanoi, which warned against formalizing rushes violations of international law in ukraine pollutants. we have non visit follows a rare trip to north korea and a new agreement between the 2 nations trumpeted as a major upgrade and security trade and investment relations. it's $35.00 and of course want 8. our defense pledge, north gaudia, and the former soviet union signed the comprehensive treaty back in 1961. but the deed was discarded after the phone of the item garden. then in the year 2000, the 2 countries signed a new agreement. but the security assurances were somewhat weak, see more than 2 tickets on a solution from the west has struck the 2 4th allies closer than ever
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having a powerful country like russia, as a strategic partner, is an immense source of pride and a great achievement for us the fact that just new to eat, if i, the country facing submitted progression, the not go to and leaders already believe to be supplying the shop with large amounts of munitions for its work in ukraine. and return the russian president is set to be hoping not go yes mister space surveillance programs. but the state of these big for relationship even higher just because the thing is, the russian federation does not roll out the development of military technical co operation with the democratic people's republic of korea by the document signed the footage from north cordial show us the 20 does one thing at the very bus, the 11, but the partnership is also about the business. but the restaurant in north we got trying to get around west infections. dyslexia, the russian mid august limousine was gifted with the north korean leader. but it's
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the military alliance between government button that is causing an hour in the west, j o. c. my not scanner ego has more, is a gauze vietnam is born and 2nd stop on is asia tour after north korea y vietnam to oh, that's right nicole, this is because both north korea and vietnam have historically had good relations with the soviet union and with russia now, so put in wants to praise the loyalty and also show to the world if he still has partners and options in asia. now, in north korea, his focus was on securing weapons for his war against ukraine and, but in vietnam, the focus was more diplomatic. i would say putting really wanted to praise the congress loyalty to russia. vietnam has not confirmed russia over its war against ukraine. and the timing of this visit is also important. that is happening right after the ukraine peace summit that took place over the last weekend in switzerland
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and ukraine managed to gather over 90 countries to and then efforts to set an agenda for a future peace. now for future peace negotiations, no rush. i was not invited, so what she, what is russia was criticizing this summit and, and trying to play it down. but now if we wanted to go out with a show of its own supports in vietnam has was not represented in switzerland. so this was a goods, an option, a good possibility for inviting me to put in to show that she still has a partners your interest region. until now, vietnam has taken a neutral stance in the war and ukraine. how likely is that to change now? or? i wouldn't expect a big change in disregard also during this visit and there was little on the agenda regarding ukraine, the, the, the russian. and if i'm these leaders were speaking more about bilateral and cooperation and regional topics. and they talked about corporation on energy
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finance, and when they were discussing security, they concentrated on the asia pacific region. they didn't really talk about ukraine or europe does not indicate that an interest in the defense cooperation. but this is because victim has historically been a big buyer of russian rapids. so we know that the vietnam is trying to keep its ocean. it's options open a good relations with all major super powers. just last year, joe biden and shooting pink visit to vietnam. and separate the visits now logging and putting that came with yet another visit. so i don't think give them would change its status on ukraine if you can get them read, you would like to keep the options open as they all know. yeah. let's talk about optics. here, because this visit also has a huge propaganda value doesn't have the international criminal court has issued an arrest warrant for booting over alleged war crimes in ukraine. now he's walking down the red carpet and not one, but 2 countries. are we likely to see more trips like this?
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of course there is the, this aspect is also very important to the that you mentioned. and we know often one trips in blackness put an item to really that's been made public already. it's in 2 weeks, but she will go to cause us down to the, to attend the summit of the show high cooperation organization. but there was no more bilateral trips made public it. earlier this year there was talk of a possible visit to 30 a turkey is also not a member to the i c c, but it is a nato member. so such a visit would definitely be a big deal, but nothing has come out of this so far. what we expect russia to try to organize more trips like that, especially in this context of the ongoing settings of the agenda for the future peace negotiations possibly. and about the ukraine jayla she manascale following from re got the travels of flooding near food. and thank you so much i
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and that's your news round up for now. stay with us up. next focus on your up looks at french president the money on my calls, gamble in calling snap elections on the code fairly. thank you so much for watching by the
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can see, we'd say for killing that's the residence of the i love sky. believe so, because this island, cultivating sustainable algae is the future as assessing live the animal feed. because the sky is the limit. focus on next. on d, w. 3 young immigrants from zimbabwe support the family
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because the state cons the siblings live in england. and so that's because and send as much money as possible. but the financial obligations are an enormous transaction. a 45 minutes on d w. the dream of resolution in 1979, the hated dictators somoza was forced out of nicaragua the people hoped for sarah's society. i received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world . ends of 1000 collins had to help with reconstruction.
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but the end the dream of revolution does july 20th on d, w. the . this is focus on europe. i'm laura babylon, welcome. campaigning is heating up in france after the president dissolved parliament and called for snap elections. manual mat crowns party suffered a bruising to feed and the recent european parliament elections in which the right wing populace national rally, one residing victory. this prompted hundreds of thousands to take to the streets across france to the.


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