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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from for land. thousands of canyons take to industries protesting government plans to raise taxes. when many are struggling to make ends meet. brian police fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators in nairobi, but protest across the country are largely peaceful. also on the program as the german government seeks to the board, asylum seekers who commit serious crimes toward torrent syria and to have gotten a son, we ask refugees and germans, what they think should happen. and one of humanity's largest gatherings,
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no ranks among its deadliest, varying heat during the harsh in saudi arabia claims the lives of more than 1000 kilograms. the welcome to the show on the call from thousands of young canyons are protesting and cities across the country against government plans to raise taxes and the capital nairobi riot. police use tear gas and water cannon to stop. the protesters from reaching parliament were lawmakers, were debating the bill canyon. president william brutal needs to raise 2500000000 years to reduce the budget deficit protests, or say the tax hikes will hurt canyon struggling with the cost of living. the government has already made some concessions following protests earlier this week. in w, corresponded felix marine. god told us more about the current situation in nairobi
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to well, it has been one of id id of its kind because so many young people turned up in the streets of nairobi and not just in the streets of nairobi, but also as a copy to us we see in kenya, we've seen people really moved by so we've seen people in come make guy to me even small a lot easier as like neary and the new key areas that have not previously experienced this kind of process. and we've seen a lot of young people coming out through the mobile phones, some feel me, but a lot of content create as a lot of influential fee guys, public fee guys, some of the media personalities. and all of them are charging towards parliament, saying it's time the vague gods for parliament and the members of parliament listens to them. that we know these protests are about tax hikes, but what exactly are so many people so angry about
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the people i agree about the continued escalation of the cost of leaving that saying that between uh the last tax bill and these tax bill life has become difficult for so many canyons and this tax bill is suggesting that life would even become more expensive for the comb on uh can on and know the difference between these products. and the previous process is because this particular process is being led by young. a lot of people, the people who are present to the bill and they're seeing that they understand the contents of the bill and they're saying it will be detrimental to them. it to be detrimental to their pocket. and we just spoke to one of the protest of and they said that the government, yes, removed the contract but ended up increasing the fuel live you. so you're moving from one key to and putting it to another kid and just going deeper into the pockets of getting them in the african union has also condemned the government
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applying to access people more by money transactions. so that they can, their revenue authority to can be able to find the talk seats, the african union questioning the government that, that goes against people's privacy and abuse us. some of the things that i've made people so angry and that thing they will no longer wait at home, they will come to the streets and the months to behind me. the deadline for passing this bill is the end of this month. what's next for the protest if it actually does? yes, that day, give me a member of parliament speaking, you know, look on television. said that wherever people want or they do not want the tax being weird, pos, now we've asked the protest as also what happens if the tax bill continues to pass . and they're saying that the same route very not leave the streets until the governmental uses to them. so as much of parliament, which is just the right behind me, we'll pass the bill then the protest, as i've said, very lot the lens and sealed the governmental, he says to them,
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they will not leave the streets until the president listens to them. they're saying that they have been cheated for so long. it's now time for the government to stop shooting them. and actually they live on its promises. so people will continue being on the streets. that's what that protest as a thing as felix moraine got from narrow we thank you so much. the leader of the has beloved militia and 11 on house on those rolla has threatened a fight with no rules. israel launch is a full scale war with his group. he also said, cypress, an e u member would be a legitimate target in any future war if it continues its military cooperation with israel. his statements followed israel's announcement that its military had approved a plan for an operation in southern lebanon. the latest strikes on lebanon is rule, and the militant group has boss, have been trading cross boulder, a tex almost date. you know,
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they have taken steps for the potential for a full scale conflict. israel has approved what it calls up the ration of plans for an offense, if in lebanon we've made absolutely clear that one way or another diplomatically all through. uh, minutes remains off a mold in bold. uh, the north of our country will uh is really silver and tara tree will be made safe for israel is population. israel's people to become has been. 6 lead to hoss on the thrall of responded by promising a fight with no risk. they have to wait for us on the ground in the and in the see we have set this before, and i would say this again today. if the balsam pie still living on the resistance was fine with control without rules,
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and without the ceiling on the cross board, the exchange of suffice began after october 7th terrorist attack. but how much do you and says small, the full 100 people were killed and level known inside strikes, including dozens of civilians. on the east really side, the reports of casualties, m onto at least 25 soldiers and civilians. has bull assessed it as a rated 2 days colleagues, but to do so, it was something that has proven difficult to achieve less than $65.00 in gaza. dw correspondence. rebecca reuters is in slow me on israel as border with lebanon. and i asked for how has we'll as warning, has gone down and israel, what is difficult to say just how seriously is riley's taking this latest statement? so it is like latest page by how selling us rela hezbollah is lita. when we look back in the 8 months tit for tat conflict that has been happening here between 11
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on and israel, between has blah and israel. there's also being a tit for tat, more of rhetoric. and that is something that we have been seeing wrapped up in recent days. now i'm in slowing me. as you mentioned, it's on the northern border behind me. you can see these hills on the top is a small army base and behind those hills 11 on and its cities and towns like this along the border villages. it communities along this entire living on israel border region that is riley taking into consideration when it can see it is whether or not to launch a full scale attack on 11 on and on his blog. it's trying to get the this area into a situation where residents would be able to return. now some 7000 residents of slowed me have been evacuated in there among the 60 to 70000 ride along the border region that have been evacuated. and it's for that reason that is really looking to launch this a potentially launch this offensive with hezbollah,
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in order for those residents to be able to return the call as rebecca river and slow me in northern israel. a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. russian presidents a lot of our food and has signed a series of deals with has getting these counterpart, including on oil gas and nuclear science building is in vietnam on the finals top of a 2 nation tour of asia, africa, including a defense packed with north korea an overnight barrow as of russian miss 1000 drones struck energy infrastructure across 4 regions of ukraine, including a power plant in the countries east. the company running the plan reported serious damage, keeps us russian attacks on energy infrastructure have knocked out around half of ukraine's energy production since march the philippines. you know, i'm a 100 percent confident that all the young people here in the center with the living conditions and the security situation back home. or however serious there. i
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wouldn't be able to just stop and speak with you. it's been this processing center is located in ice unhooking stats to as east lane in the form of east germany, the research europe and election solar bite wing populist alternative for germany or a f d strength and its base and the eastern gym and states of the promises to cub irregular migration. some of the people we spoke to here have lost trust in child life shelves, that his social democratic party and have little hope the government will address their concerns. it's all gone down the drain anyway. why not just give them a chance and let the if do you have a goal, become sink and the low anyway, no matter which party city has headed to and they've screwed up. now if these to know the, if the can give it a shot, you can send can lower, you know, with them and it's already been running to the ground yet. and this with didn't have any hope for the f d, one of the voted for them. all the parties have proven time and time again that
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they were just talking rubbish with all the promises others, the noise in hidden stats, a more welcoming of migrants in refugees coming to germany. yes, this is marilyn has the right to lead to no question. the want to help people to know question people, effective bible, but there must be limits even among refugees who have had their assign them applications approved felons. tough migration stats has gone and some support if that as well. i mean, there is no reason to stay hid the sense. so here look, anything else you can, they can put that has the gym and then use kevin by the rule of law. those who invited by the law have nothing to fear and will not be deported. however, those who commit a crime will do drugs need to be to push it back to that country. if you thought me, i suppose i saw on the bottom facing of record low approval rating. did you haven't?
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government is coming under increasing pressure to act according to the head of the immigration, no authority and the state of brand. and the way the reception center was located, raising the number of people taishan to go some way to cub migration. but he says it will not be enough for missing up. she been doing it for me. deportations are a mechanism named it was during legal fees, the criminals, serious offenders, people who showed the willingness to integrate kind of individuals but i trust. so i need to be deported to because that population cannot be persuaded to let them stay and collect welfare benefits. i'm sorry for custody. and as the debate continues these refugees and by grants a way to decision by jim and lawmakers about what the teacher home just the w chief political editor, mikaela cruz not is at the chancellor for us, where leaders are meeting and discussing migration. and i asked her what we can
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expect. well, we can certainly expect to a lot of statements that germany needs to be most strict in sending people back who's a side them claims have been rejected. at this debates has been raging really since 2 weeks ago. a young policeman died of injury sustained in a knife attack by an ask on mine who's assigned them, claim was rejected and now it's come up to the political surface again. also in the light of these european election results that have seen a rise of even the fall right alternative to germany, which basically has been gaining political minus here on its anti migration stones. so what we expect to hear is from the opposition, a call for the time, so to act on what he promised that he would make. so those who violate the no and
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no longer have of rights to stay, raising the huge practical question of how do you send someone back to afghanistan or syria, if you don't really have diplomatic relations with, for instance, tyler bon regime. and now this tool of put, potentially sending them back to neighboring states, and particularly the states don't want to take people back. that's the main reason why many people who are rejected remain in germany even without a permanent title, a dusty w chief political editor who is not in berlin. a searing heat wave in saudi arabia has led to the depths of over 1000 people in the city of macca during the annual hodge pilgrimage. according to italy, bind the news agency that is at least 2000 people were hospitalized as temperature as they are rows above 50 degrees celsius. the hodge is one of the largest gatherings of people in the world with an estimated 1800000 people attending this
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year. following in the footsteps of profits of religious journey in blistering heat beneath a burning sun. more than 1800000 was in his travels to saudi arabia, to make the holy pilgrimage from mecca to mount to have a fat and back again. it's a journey of more than 20 kilometers, meant to be traveled on foot over $5.00 to $6.00 day period. to the pilgrims. it's a profoundly spiritual experience that helps wiper by sin. but this year, temperatures in isms hardly as city mecca reached a scorching $51.00 degrees celsius extreme each took its toll, leading to thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of debts, many still missing. yesterday we were on our way and we saw corpses on the road. they were just covered with a sheet because the temperatures here are really high. and i'm not just talking
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about old people. young people have died to the we thought we were about to die. we didn't even have the strength to reach steals extremes. my hands were shaking. i bought, he was about to collapse and i was unable to continue. or the saudi ministry of house that deployed to thousands of power, medics and set top fields hospitals, work to stations missing systems in an attempt to manage the crisis. ready a month ago, the area around the grant mosque was developed with the animal show alcohol run path project unless to make it most suitable for walking to make transportation easy and convenient. the largest air conditioning in the world was also installed and purified the air in the grand most and cooled down the pilgrims coming to the
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holding house, he called them hodge has come to an end for this year. the climate change is set to push temperatures. still higher. so in a year's time decided you saw it. these will face a similar challenge because by then the pilgrims will be back, no matter what. so america is an expert on future proving cities and joins us from kens university school of architecture design and planning. welcome to the w. i'd like to start with your reaction to the death toll of this year's hodge. hello, good afternoon. so i think like a report made it perfectly clear. busy it's an unfortunate loss of life from the fact that it's unfortunate loss of life that's happened in large numbers and in a short period of time, i think is just shows the dangers off. what can happen when you have a combination of sorting feet, large number of people gathering in type type places and possibly not a lot of places for them to go to escape
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a crush. what is it about the landscape around mecca in saudi area, but that makes people so vulnerable to the heat it up. so somebody, because actually it's, it's the location it's of, it's probably the most popular because like a sense in the valley and actually where it's, it's about valley it's, it's surrounded by, it's owned by mountains. um it is not a problem. the problem is not the location itself. i think the other issue, which is probably a lot more serious is the nature of the urban infrastructure, but then surrounds the, anyone going to hush and that could include everything from, from the streets to possibly, i mean, we're seeing pictures of fountains of, of drinking water but actually, you know, when you have a combination of heat and so many so many people have millions of millions and millions of people on the spot. you need a different scale of infrastructure. you need
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a different scale of measures. and also you need the nerve and environment that actually makes people safe. and it looks like what's happened in this case. the combination of things not working well in the urban environment and the high heat actually creating a situation where loss of life was inevitable. yeah, and scientists expect stress for hodge kilograms to only get worse as climate change intensify, surpassing the extreme climate danger or dream heat, danger. threshold of after what we've seen this here in your opinion, what will have to be done to make the pilgrimage safer? yes. so i think you and again, your, your spot on, in terms, in terms of the nation of a, of the situation that are on the heat that we have cnn. we have seen that over a number of days across countries. all over them is the least. i think we're probably needs to happen in the longer term is rather than focus on one or 2
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particular locations where you expect large numbers of people to be coming through, particularly. and mackenzie is unique to much of course in the nature of the hush. but you also need to be really mindful offer is where these people are coming from, the roots down to where they are gathering, but also where they are staying and so on. and make sure that you create a more comprehensive, urban environment. the property looks beyond the footprint of, of the city of market itself. i think that's absolutely critical because it's how we use print those people out and actually could possibly create a bit more space for them to move. but also to escape if, if things like the things that happened this week that actually happened. no, there's probably not a lot of the city or even so do maybe a can do in terms of blooming numbers. so anything that we are doing is creating, you know, in terms of the up and then finding a more resilient and a more hush,
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frenzy, urban environment. and one that actually manages to offer the space and the comfort, but also the safety for those millions of people to avoid a tragedy like the one we have seen this year, that was summer of our game from the kind of school of architecture design and planning thank you so much for those insights. thank you so much. i a football now and a dramatic last minute goal in the group see match between sylvia and serbia means progression to the knockout stage. it's still all to play for sylvania was heading towards its 1st every european championship victory after is on carnage. 669. a minute goal, but 5 minutes into stoppage times are being substitute luca. jo, vic nodded. an equalizer literally in the last minutes. the groups, other teams, denmark in england, are playing right now with england in the lead one now. and the late game tonight as a class of giants as spain take on italy in g as in kish and france,
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has started gathering ahead of the mass in the city in germany's industrial heartland. italy might be defending champions from 3 years ago, but a confidence pain squad leaves grew b after thrashing, croatia, 3. now in the 1st game, italy also secure 3 points in their opener against albania, a win for either spain or italy. tonight we'll take them through to the round of the last 60 and let's go straight to tom, going from w sports. he's inc, as in cation or spain, or gearing up to face a believe tom, we're in for an absolute truth. what a classic tonight, what do we need to know ahead of the match as well? i mean, you said these are to absolute heavy weights of the tournament. i think when the drawer was made back in december. uh, group, be this group was uh, the group of day, very many people. nothing on paper. there's a lot to say that tonight's game is arguably the biggest of the tournament so far.
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lot you say spain started, we'd have fantastic, strident when it to the also got the campaign of to winning stopped with 3 points against albania. and yeah, as you said, you know, qualification for the group up for grabs tonight. and what we can expect in terms of an atmosphere, well, there's a lot to live up to because during this week we seen some of the most volk is atmospheres of the tournament. so far i was in don't meant on tuesday to watch tuck you take on georgia and the noise was the splitting, last night, always in cologne and watching scotland again switzerland. and once again, it felt like the roof is going to come off the stadium. anybody? um, i'm sure that the attorney in spanish simple, simple with is going to be doing their best to put on a story for us. it's not as well, but you're in good. okay. who are many fans of actually complained about the organization surrounding previous matches? long lines canceled trains. what's going on there? so yeah, so what was actually he for that game as well on sunday evening between england and
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serbia and you can see the stadium obviously behind me. what you can see is basically the only exit towards public transport that it's possible to take from the stadium. and there was a big, big crush. and the trams were very infrequent the shuttle buses were frankly inadequate as well. i was staying in nearby over housing and it took me 2 and a half hours to get back for anyone who doesn't know just how far that is would normally that's about a 2025 minutes range. i need some guys in case and a help on hold. it's not the only instance. so fall at the tournament of the organize these spacing criticism for particularly thoughtful. now i spoke to a lot of scotland supporters yesterday who was shocked about the difficulties that they faced in cologne and in munich for that opening match. so that have been quite a few problems across the board. as far as i could tell goes, inclusion was really the worst last sunday. and i reached out to the city council this week and they told me that for tonight's game, they have made some alterations to the planning. they have put on some extra
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capacity in terms of trams and buses. and of course, what they don't want to see is what they sold on sunday, which was, you know, massive crowds of supporters just in the area around where i'm standing now. not knowing when they were going to get out for us to wait for ages and ages, which eventually led to, you know, a lot of people who sold themselves basically with no other option than to just make their way into the center of goes and cation by foot and the scenes on the streets on the way back into the goals and cation, well, they were pretty chaotic. another thing of course, which is tied to role is that sunday's game, as tonight's game, have both kicked off at at 9 pm. and this isn't a place that you know at 11 pm, once the game is finished, there's much to do really then everybody needs to get out of here as quickly as possible. those are the challenges that the organizers face. um, and as i say tonight will be a bit of a test of whether they've learned the lessons of the 1st game that was hosted here and goes and get is going to quickly test your for addiction capabilities. so what do you think? who's going to take it home today?
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i don't like to do that too much. um, although just going on starting form. i think spain was so impressive in that 1st game. you know, 1st of these teams, i think eventually would probably be happy with the drawer. they beach ball game enough to play by that. if any of the time tom and tom, i hope they can explain it is by as that thursday, the
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conflict with tim sebastian, few countries of what's the war and ukraine more closely than poland, which was the time. and again, the poor thing was not film. his board is no one listening my guess this week and more so just to just estimate this. i had them both know that over to port warnings for government have to use the same complex next on d w. but we'll tell you how happy
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that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the con. the news africa in 60 minutes on d. w. the dream of resolution in 1979, the hated dictators somoza was forced out of nicaragua the people hoped for sarah's society. i received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world . and for 1000 collins had to help with reconstruction,
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but the end a dream of revolution. july 20th on d, w. the last year, poland the trends in europe and ousted the fall rights law and justice parties. so they've been in profit 8 years. but just how divided does the country remain? and how worried is the government that the far right party emerged in the european elections as the most popular among young people? my guess this week in most or is the justice minister adam, but now my opinion and we are maybe a little bit let me think this kind of, i'm a vision how to talk about liberal values, how to talk about europe to, to young to young voters few countries of what's the war and you.


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