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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  June 20, 2024 9:15pm-9:31pm CEST

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you as well as the, the in charlotte the currently move people the on the world wide in such a hassle. jessica middle castle josh. find out about robina story info, migraines. my name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad a lot of people do that. as soon about saying it's loud. as would have been nosy
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bay, like good everyone to king, to check out the award winning called call. don't call back the, this is the rules for a sand sponsoring. it's filled with $100.00 tons of sand. it can harness renewable energy storing us as he's and there are more in the planck time. click on a band here. i lots of sun further in the world. the sun finds for you is just one of a handful of feet. boundaries on demarcus. want to use renewable energy when a sun isn't shining or when the wind is blowing, then we need to have it stored. so we're looking at some simple, earthy materials, harnessing energy as he's on this episode of transforming vistas based on here is to send the point of the sun storage. this is the size of one,
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be the world's biggest sound battery. like it's about that they made us, it'll be toner, then it's neighboring and would ship burning times. here, in the small town of por 9 and in southern finland, we are outside to replace here about 60 percent of our district seating photos for double chips. and as on further is able to do it. that's me co put down on the head of a finished district, cheese and company that's invested in the sun battery technology. it's building the battery to store renewable electricity as he's when needed the he's will then be sent back in 2.9 and district teasing network 2 and a half. i always drive away in the west of finland. does the 1st son boss re ever built? it's 10 times smaller than the one to be built in 49, and it's a 4 major wide, 7 meters high steel silo with a 100 tons of locally source fund inside. that's about the same ways as a blue flower. sand is used here because there's lots of us in this area. sands is
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made up of lots of small particles with the large surface area because of this can store sheets very well. think of being on a beach in summer at how hot sun can feel underneath your face. the boss restores electricity in the sand as a range, $500.00 to $600.00 degrees celsius and can store it for weeks or months as a time. the sand used and base is low grade. i'm not suitable for construction. the company behind the technology is called or nice energy. we use electric progresses, toaster, heat, air, which is circulated through the sand. and then when the air is hold on, the sand is called, the heat is transferred from the s to the sand and then it sorts there when the case is needed, it's released. this some battery is connected to a district, teasing this rec, on heat homes in the area,
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or if decent keeps this local 25 me through swimming pool and a world driven by renewables. one study suggests that by 2040 storage solutions, like some batteries, will be able to store and supply up to 15 times more energy than today. otherwise, with too much wind and solar power, this reported situation in california might be repeated the world over. there is so much solar energy on the grid that electricity is sometimes actually being thrown out because of it. renewables are intermittent when the sun is science with the wind just in full force. there's lots of electricity being made. the trick is to capture that energy. when it's plentiful and not waste us on to channel that energy to people when they need us. whereas governments have agreed to triple renewables by 2030. and that's why we need large stationary storage solutions. thermal
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batteries are said to be more suitable in holding large amounts of energy last longer under cheaper compared to lithium ion batteries. they don't need where minerals. so just to recap in the thermal storage system, renewable electricity can be used a key. so for material that's especially good, a capturing he's and surrounding us with installation to make a source of joints per most. a number of companies are playing with natural materials for this. we make individual breaks that are half a ton that store each of them stores more energy than the battery pack and adjust the model x. that's john of donald head of rondo a company that makes breaks from kate, but function as heat batteries for industry. like the sun batteries to break store energy is he's to be use laser as he's but unlike to son, battery, the tech acknowledge you use for heating. the brakes can also convert the he's back
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into electricity. the bricks can store energy as a much higher temperature than this on battery, almost 3 times as high at one times and 500 degree celsius. and because ronda provides the hottest thermal storage that seem commercial operation today, only our technology can re power coal fired power stations at their original turbine efficiency. the brick is used impacts for industrial processes and bundle size. a single heat battery saves more carpet emissions per year from $8500.00 tesla electric vehicles. a report published earlier this year, i said that electric thermal energy storage solutions could reduce up to 2 percent of energy related greenhouse gas emissions by 21st and up to 14 percent globally by 2050. and it's not just cheap batteries made of sand breaks, but brooks to
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a decent art station. a battery is made by friend miller are filled with crushed trunks under already connected to serve the needs of a hospital. they have a life span of 30 years. the us think rocks have had a lot of potential because they are their natural, they're abundant. you have them as a by product quite often and they have some nice double storage properties that, that make them attract. brent miller is one of the older companies doing heat storage. they are driven by harnessing green energy. but their primary drive is to make the process of making keys less reliance on fossil fuels, especially for the industrial sector. heat generation or heating puddings over 50 percent. the energy we consume in the world that store and run miller, chief business officer of the company. in the industrial sector, the numbers are even higher, goes up to 6070 percent,
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sometimes in the nations that they used to generate this theme or sheet. this is the crucial point. if thermal energy storage solutions can help the carbonized industry, we're more likely to have a healthier promise and we'll go back to it later. for us to, to light this solar feels covering 700 headquarters has 10600 hugo stats and a 252 major high tower. this area has some of the highest levels of solar radiation in the world. the plant is over 17 hours of thermal storage capacity using mountain souls. either on the, during all the hours of sunshine, we store the energy that is storing salt at $560.00 degrees celsius. in a very large tank and boom, done paid more than the solar power is captured through the heat. here. stats ramirez, these reflects the sun's rays to the receiver, the paces at the top of the tower there. the radiation is absorbed using
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a st. was codes, melton souls, and conversing the energy back into electricity to be used when need as someone went up and we are new director cold storage plants that with sunlight can generate electricity 24 hours a day. this means that you can feed a city like kilometers. i mean, we just saw a neighboring city and we have enough capacity to feed the city of kalama, 24 hours a day. i'm a been the what the terminal boundaries are especially usefulness to kind of means of fossil fuels. remember, have the renewable energy harness to find a sign of boundary warrants, the swimming, 2 infinitives of why it's important to talk about. he's, according to the international renewable energy agency, heating and cooling, make a pulse of the world's total energy consumption. significantly more than electricity and transportation. this he's a mines to a brand 40 percent of energy related to carbon dioxide emissions in industry. peace
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is the central trying for, for example, and past drawings in future preservice. projects like milk is treated with mines, he's usually less than $100.00 degrees celsius to eliminate pathogens and extend shelf life. at the higher end, still making for instance, requires he's one times and $600.00 degrees celsius fossil fuels, current t drive, most of this. but thermal batteries are already stepping in instead. and the faster we can deploy wind and solar and put it to this purpose, we can build a future that is lower cost that is not volatile in price, and that is 0 carbon. there is a copy as however, to thermal batteries, as we know, newsom, let's look at the sun bass refreshed. this one leaves us by 30 percent of its energy and it's not you has capable of returning electricity as electricity. but as he's, as we've discussed on the bus,
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we can only be applied to less than 40 percent of industrial needs because of its lower temperature range. it's also worth remembering that sand the plentiful in this region of finland is a finite resource and govern signed extraction is driving erosion floating on the caps of coastal defenses. which is why the team and finland are exploring. sounds like materials for the new suns bass, re crushed soaps to a bite product of a finished company. that makes fireplaces will be used as the storage medium with the brakes. while they come convert the stored energy into both peach and electricity. there is a carbon cost associated with making them, but found a sense, the faster we cancelled signed the emissions generation and making us. and it's 1st month of use because of the he's of the breaks the company kings they can be used instead of fossil fuels. in 90 percent of industrial processes,
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the use of molten souls meanwhile to be used for storage, need a lot of energy to be kept toss. think back to the plant in chile, one of the places on the planet with the highest levels of solar radiation. rocks on the other hand, while they're not capable of storing cheese as high as the brakes. and therefore nose has impactful and tackling industrial he's they are plentiful. so in many ways these rocks are or more or less free and have very, i would say, minimal environmental impact or whether it's fund brakes, rocks or salt, terminal energy batteries, mike, another step forward in the move away from fossil fuels. we are entering in error when the sustainability officer and the financial officer can love each other. what do you think of thermal batteries? let us know when the comments below. and if you likes this episode, please check out the transforming business playlist. for videos on topics, just like this one, the
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see the points. strong opinions, clear position, international perspective. germany's leading industry looks to be losing speed as it's formerly venerable carmakers are overtaken by electric vehicles and aiden china are terrace the answer. find to hum, to the point, to the point. next. on d, w, the we started out to legally as a whole, and splunk has to be climbed into a band and bunker sometimes through ventilation shot. but we've always founded one golden rule. never revealing where the bunkers entrances off
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the uncanny discoveries of george and evans belong because secret under worlds of the soviet union, georgia into l is on d. w. the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in, the snow gets current, use events analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is with the weekdays on d, w. why do humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze out bodies? how much do we need to put
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a pond claim for help find the offices, get smaller on dw science out. take talk channel the is germany losing its mojo. europe's biggest economy is steadily sliding downward in international rankings. and now it's leading industry looks to be losing speed. germany's formal re venerable carmakers once responsible for more exports turnover and jobs than any other branch of the economy. risk being surpassed by electric vehicles made in china were carmakers of sleep at the wheel and our terrace like those, imposed by washington the answer. or could they put globalization into reverse? today we're asking electric shock is china overtaking car country germany.


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