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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the use of life from the nature of god's ready to name its new secretary. general romania is present withdrawals from the contest, leaving dutch prime minister markets up the only contest the rice to replace the install to look at. the implications for the transatlantic and milledgeville are also on the program can use parliament develops to advance to finance build as a sponsor protest across the country. administration of say, the proposed tax tax increases will hurt when so many people already struggling to make ends meet the
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. i'm feel welcome to the program. i'm going dutch fine moose and mock go to looks likely to become nato. his next secretary general is sole challenge of remaining as president has withdrawn his bed and there's not endorsing mr. up to the takeover when you install doc stands down in october as young stilton berg, hands over to mark route to it's the outgoing dutch prime minister's personal motto of go with the flow come to life. it's hard to imagine a successor, more similar in nature, to the stoic norwegian who loved the alliance for a decade. the pragmatic, likable uh, they are very capable of or foraging pollutions, and, and bring different positions together. richard is famously low key, he lives alone in a modest department in the hague. teaches weekly, at
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a local school and gets around the city by, by a few years ago, a video of him cleaning up his own spilled. coffee went viral. this image of comb, confidence, plus familiarity after more than a dozen years is the prime minister. one him early backing by most allies. dashing the hopes of a stony and prime minister kaya call us that it was finally time for a female secretary general from an eastern plank country romanian president. close . johan is, meanwhile, did throw his hat in the ring, holding up consensus until now that also allowed regular e. you consensus boiler victor or bond to exploit a personal grudge against fruit, to with whom he had clashed bitterly over the years and rule of law issues on the document. the real responsible man for home the goal is to bring home getting to the city the city of this time route to had to compromise by signing a letter confirming. he would maintain a pledge made by stilton berg to allow hungary to opt out of supporting ukraine at
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nato. that deal is a controversial start to root this term. in a way it wrote to you in an image to the consensus will of nato. so i hope the realtor will not make more of these kind of concessions to national leaders depending on the outcome of us elections in november. region may have bigger problems, allies, back in his candidacy seriously evaluated his ability to assume stilton as mantle of trump. it was for the root that has a track record to he is publicly rebuked trumps acceptance of us. he, you trade tensions separately. if we don't, it will be positive also because now we're just thinking about those cars that are far in here. we have to work side, it'll be, it'll be positive, but in a lesser known incident at the 2018 nato summit. trump's rant against here it's low defense spending was so bureau and stilton berg asked almost every one, but national leaders to leave the room. finally,
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chemo cluster was there and says route to stepped in adult donald trump that say, hey, he could actually take credit for the recent increases in spending, which was not entirely correct, but it's sort of calm down. uh, president trump. and he found a way to spin the situation as something that said he had a cheese, but the turn around the defense spending didn't start under donald trump. started under obama. true. but i think the most important task of any secretary general is to make sure that there's unity within the lines. that's going to take all root is considerable maneuvering skills was now $32.00 allies political shifts under way and a war next door that's bound to run on long into his 10 year expect it to begin october . first. a lot report from our correspondents, terry schultz and i asked terry whether the fact but mom wrote to had competition
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for the post would cost him any problems. i think mark raise it has taken care already to try to amend those fences, particularly with kind of call us because he was very aware that there were many people who would have liked to see a woman. take the lead of nato a feeling it's time. and also someone from an eastern european country, closer to russia, who maybe has more of a sense of just what's his state here with the war, a new crane. but it's clear that he has spoken with call us. i'm sure that he will be having conversations with, with close to harness. and he is well known as somebody who can, you know, comes free nerve. so i think that he's going to have pretty smooth sailing with regard to the other allies. and the, the, the big issue uh, facing nature, of course, the rushes invasion of ukraine does a change of secretary general effect, the alliances stance towards that well, i think it could have, if it had been somebody different than mark were to that was one of the things that
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came up in the consideration of kind of call us was, was in his stony and going to be perhaps, um, to vehement in their opposition to russia. something that mark route to coming from a country further from the border may not be. and so that certainly was something that was considered, and there won't be a big difference between him and young stills and berg, in fact, stills and broke himself, has been much more forward in recent months on more a, to ukraine, on more rights for ukraine with regard to weapons given by nato allies, for example. and margaret is already right out there, the 16th that the netherlands is going to give you credit, for example, will have no restrictions so which he has already made his personal position quite clear. now, of course, you'll have to represent $32.00 countries. so as of nature chunks, it's defenses against russia. because if you tried, maybe now's the time to ask, well, what is the job of the secretary general, a civilian head of a military alliance. who has to report that to suzie to national league? does, does he actually have any power as well?
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i think it's common to the defense industries in many countries. they have a political head and not a military head. there of course, is a nato military headquarters about an hour from here down at shape with us general in charge of it out of christopher coley. so it's quite normal that you'd have a political leader of nato, and his job is really to build consensus. it's to get all $32.00 countries behind one position so they can come out and show a unified front. they feel that's the best way to deter any, any further russian aggression. so that's really his job is, is really sort of hurting caps and much being made of the growth as abilities as a, as a from westborough. and that's definitely true. and as you've seen, he has on occasion to do it up to trump when trump was uh, being particularly negative toward europe. i think it will be harder to do if he's
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one of $32.00 allies, the most powerful country in nato. he may, um, uh html custer explain to me say one thing to trump behind the scenes, but of course not be confrontational with the us in public. but again, as everyone says, this is a very important issue. but it all depends on what happens in november in the united states. and of course the trump isn't selected yet. ok, thanks about the correspondent teddy shots in russell's the can you why the unpopular finance bill has passed a significant huddled on his way to becoming low after solomon voted it's through on it's the 2nd reading they propose changes would mean tax increases for lots of people already struggling with the cost of living files, those of young people have taken to the streets in opposition. as a new generation of canyons occupied the streets of the capital, nairobi as on the mountains of
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a controversial finance bill onto right, police use wall to canada onto your desk. a non attempt to dispose protest of the government continues to push them, put it through parliament, but they were false to drop some of the most contentious elements, including a 16 percent tax on bride fund, an annual tax on top ownership. despite government concessions, the sweat level position that stopped on take talk a spread to streets across the country today because i think this government has decided that they own this country. they don't own this country. we actually own 10 . i think that's what they're forgetting. so we're just here to remind them that kind of belongs to all of us, one to stand out all as says, we are the gen z. we want to determine how futile is due by we are we all it says
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that the we are not yet a to to be money related, but the so called presidential very popular goes good. know me. so really oh, so what do you do on the recalls for the president to resign? the, the, the, or the on the law make has passed the bill. second reading on thursday. the legislation is now almost certain to become law. a separate test to say they won't back down just somebody already be aware. a heat wave has led to the depths of more than a 1000 people in the city of macca during the annual hodge pilgrimage. as according to the i p news agency, at least 2000 were hospitalized as temperature as rose above 50 degrees celsius. the hodge is one of the largest gatherings in the world with an estimated 1800000
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people attending this year. following in the footsteps of profits of religious journey, in blistering heat beneath a burning sun, more than 1800000 was in his travels to saudi arabia to make the holy pilgrimage from mecca to mount to have a fat and back again. it's a journey of more than 20 kilometers, meant to be traveled on foot over $5.00 to $6.00 day period. to the pilgrims. it's a profoundly spiritual experience that helps why provides sense. but this year, temperatures in isms hardly as city mecca reached a scorching $51.00 degrees celsius. extreme heat took its toll, leading to thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of debts, many still missing. yesterday we were on our way and we saw corpses on the road. they were just covered with
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a sheet because the temperatures here are really high. and i'm not just talking about old people. young people have died to miss onto the we thought we were about to die. we didn't even have the strength to reach and steals extremes. my hands were shaking their body was about to collapse. and i was unable to continue of the saudi ministry of house that deployed to thousands of power, medics and set top fields hospitals, work to stations and missing systems in an attempt to manage the crisis. ready a month ago, the area around the grand mosque was developed with the animal show alcohol run path project unless to make it most suitable for walking to make transportation easy and convenient. the largest air conditioning in the world was also installed and purified the air and the grandmother and cooled down. the pilgrims coming to
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the holy house called on hodge has come to an end for this year. the climate change is set to push temperatures still higher. so in a year's time decided you saw a diesel faces similar challenge because by then the pilgrims will be back no matter what they are playing football championships, an own goals, sale the deal when spain be defending champions s way. and one of the most anticipated matches of the tournament actually defend ricardo, a kind of for you on it was in despair after the bull bond stuff isn't the and ended up in the next 10 minutes into the 2nd half of that victory. take spring through to the last 16 topping group. be with 6 points, easily remain 2nd to have out by any and croatia. i hope that frances stop la kimmy and them back they will be fit to play when he's come to take some of the netherlands on friday. the front of the captain was printed on 1st. a wedding custom made mask after suffering
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a broken nose in his own. in game off the tournament. answers manager to the additional side, everything was moving the right direction. the french football federation was set for 25. get on the striker would not be surgery. face face, drug component coming down so shoulder, but he would have to weigh protect a son. worship is in the northern hemisphere, are leveling in the longest day of the gear. today marks the summer solstice and some people in the u. k. spend the evening at stonehenge for a historic structure synonymous with best things, no event. the longest day usually falls between june the 20th, and the 22nd amongst the official stone officer. let's set you up today to a next. a documentary explores the numerous bunkers tunnels and the form of torture chambers built during the soviet era in georgia. the,
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the untold story details going to be funded here repos every weekend on d w. the .


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