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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  June 21, 2024 7:02am-7:30am CEST

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full blown complex israel has said it's approved plans for a lebanese offensive. so is this plus the unsafe a rattling or all we really about to see israel take on housing, gaza and has blah 11 on. i'm feel guideline by then. this is the day the if the goals and probably still live in on the resistance was fine with i had controlled with that group and with our to see like he's really suffering territory will be made safe for israel's population. what they're both are trying to do. they're trying to raise their rhetoric to de escalate. the situation also coming up on the day extreme hate kills hundreds of pilgrims at the hodge inside the or maybe yesterday we were on our way and we saw corpses on the road.
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they were just covered with a sheet because the temperatures here are really high. and i'm not just talking about old people. young people have died to this house. the welcome to the day, the leader of the has blah melisha and elaborate on how son industrial law has threatened a fight with no rules save. israel launch is a full scale boy against his group. he also said, a member of cyprus would be a legitimate targets in any future war if it continues its military corporation with israel. the statement following today's round announcement that it's military has approved a plan for an operation and southern level. the latest strikes on lab and on of israel and the militant group has bloss have been trading cross boulder, a tex almost dates, you know,
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they have taken steps for the potential for a full scale conflict. israel has approved what it calls up duration of plans for an offensive in lebanon. we've made absolutely clear that one way or another diplomatically all through. uh, minutes remains, uh, off uh, mold in bold. uh, the north of our country will is really silver and tara tree will be made safe for israel is population. israel's people to return has been. 6 lead to hoss on the thrall of responded by promising a fight with no risk. they have to wait for us on the ground in the and in the see we have set this before, and i would say this again today. if the wilson person living on the resistance was fine with the console without rules, and without the ceiling across the board to exchange it. so 5 began of to
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book to be 7 terrorist attack. by how much the un says small, the full 100 people were killed and level known inside strikes, including dozens of civilians on the east really side, the reports of casualties among to police $25.00 soldiers and civilians. the hezbollah says it is a rate it 2 days till 8, but to do so, it wants something that has proven difficult to achieve less than $65.00 in gaza. but let's examine this very of a highly cut off from the washington institute for near east policy. welcome to the day is a full scale military confrontation between israel and that has the law on the ground in the and in the see as house on that. and as well that push it is up more likely now. hi, how are you and thank you for having me on my short answer and i'll explain is no.
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a student, i believe still, that it's unlikely for the simple reason that both parties do not have a, an interest in the full scale war. and just let me explain why, from the left side, they have many, many challenges that make them feel that they cannot afford to pay more one. this is not their wor, their job today is to protect you don's interest. that is the energy and it's nuclear program. once that amiens' p o that they are directly threatened, they will use have the law as an insurance policy or they would and use them if they feel that it's necessary. this is not the time for it on slash council, nice war. this is accessible a loss to keep it calculated and also they do have minutes returns and they do not have to worry about you if they do not have the commencement. they do not have the proper commander with a vision that would leave the war. and this is just not,
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there were on the history of the side. this is in this, what's happening today is both parties are trying to re establish the terms after months of the con, confident the entries are definitely more interested in war. and they have more capabilities to a set box has beloved power. there are 2 important issues. 3 important issue is that for areas that are determining them so for from a full scale one, which is the most important one is that they still is not 100 percent. sure that the us, once another row with the agent and another war and the agent before the transmission actions in america in november. and the footboard is needed by is read in order to launch war. that it looked like it's tiny. where is that in front of a big lebanese word that would drag in all the shack, munitions drawn back positions under each. and i could very well develop into
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a region of war. uh that would drive us into it and they, us not want that. so i mean it to be supported by the us and the challenge to this really needs to finish the take a breather. restock re, uh, the think and today what they're doing actually they are targeting, come below is the desk of thousands of that precise just as the size of talking is really causing more displacement. so it's kind of not ideal situation, but i think it's more effective than going into a war. the retard escalation that we're seeing today is more, i think, as to re establish the parents as towards the other side to stop or to accept a certain compromise or a deal that is proposed by the americans. it's more about as the flexing must have been showing what can be done in case of a more. okay, so this, this in your analysis basically is about the, the, the best this seems 5 deal, but joe biden, an outage. so the, well, a couple of weeks ago this is,
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this is positioning. exactly. i think this is positioning business preventative measures rather than a reactive mothers. this is like we're humble as doing is trying to prevent the worst by increasing their talk, that explanation. they are trying to say that we haven't used everything that we have. we haven't targeted everything that we can car target. the baby added cyprus to the less. but it's not really just about cyprus, it's really about the eastern part of the eastern mediterranean. and it's really about europe, is that to be what he wants. this pressure to push the europeans and the international community to put more pressure on israel and order because have a lot of pos that the 3 is, are becoming more serious about war. that they are trust starting to believe that is really, mike actually is, can a, maybe not at food much more, but really explanation. and they have separate and out of damages. they cannot afford for this war between war to continue. uh, because this has,
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this has this opportunity 11 on were not targeted before october 7th, syria. it was a different scenario where it was opened for his reading and it to be a tops every day assassinating to manders, i, or just see has nothing on. was that 9 for everyone? right. okay. this has changed the theater. you have scenario and i've been on a level is an open po that have a lot suffering. a lot of the editors damage assets at 1st. so now commanders, okay. structured at that side. so they, they need to establish determinants to stop, right. let's hope you're right. thank you so much for to hear. so through that's, i mean, cut off from the washington institute for near east policy. thank you so much. thank you very much. i the heat wave in saudi arabia has led to the death of more than a 1000 people in the city of mac. has you in the annual hodge pilgrimage? that's going to be a pretty news agency. at least 2000 were hospitalized as temperatures rose above 50
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degree celsius. the hodge is one of the largest gatherings in the world with an estimated 1800000 people attending this year. following in the footsteps of profits of religious journey, in blistering heat beneath a burning sun, more than 1800000 muslims travels to saudi arabia to make the holy pilgrimage from mecca to mount to have a fat and back again. it's a journey of more than 20 kilometers, meant to be traveled on foot over $5.00 to $6.00 day period. to the pilgrims. it's a profoundly spiritual experience that helps wiper by sin. but this year, temperatures in isms hardly as city mecca reached a scorching $51.00 degrees celsius. extreme heat took its toll, leading to thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of tests. many still missing
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. yesterday we were on our way and we saw corpses on the road. they were just covered with a sheet because the temperatures here are really high. and i'm not just talking about old people. young people have died to miss onto the we thought we were about to die. we didn't even have the strength to reach and steals to speak. streaming my hands were shaking. my body was about to collapse and i was unable to continue the sound of the ministry of house that deployed to thousands of power medics in the set top field hospitals will to stations missing systems in an attempt to manage the crisis of the month. because the area around the grand mosque was developed with the animal show alcohol run path project and to make it most suitable for walking to make transportation easy and convenient. the largest air
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conditioning in the world was also installed and purified the air and the grandmother and cooled down. the pilgrims coming to the whole house called hodge has come to an end for this year. the climate change is set to push temperatures still higher. so in a year's time decided you saw a diesel faces similar challenge because by then the pilgrims will be back, no matter what is called respondents always address, has been check your thoughts in the pilgrimage and joins us from mecca. well, come the ways of how was it for you when is a very difficult situation because of the temporary chose that has gone high ad and normal because i have been attending leaving messages, but the less and the proof of marriage. i have never come to see this kind of condition where the where does has reached up to 4 to 64 to 74 to add like one day
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on data for the it was up to 49 degrees on out of class. so you see how people are suffering, how people are falling down because of dehydration because of the heat we especially don't attempted to climb the amount of funds, which is not necessarily the, the one not to do so. on a single day. we're seeing how jordanian nation of 19 of them died. and so many my mission has died because of all the age because of this purchase song that went through. and then most people advised to be taking a lot of what type, what they have not been doing that. so it was, i looked up, did an awesome speech into, you know, the whole 10 with every side and mix 2 people died the soft switch. so it's really a serious problem. a 1000 to face year 1000 small people hospitalized. the heat
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will get worse in years to come. you said you've done the harsh before. will these increasing heat? will that, is that going to put you off during the hodge again? yeah, with, with, with the coming years with the climate change. i don't see he's with $1000000000.00 . uh, zillow, this part of doors. it's really dry. part of the i was i jump from nigeria from northern nigeria where it is a bit dry, especially like circle to like kind of like them i do believe, but he is what then died on. you may just not take your truck to come to me just the coming. yes might be washed because oh but the housing is not is small. i don't think there is any nation that affect it in this been in this very much is the worst thing that was the rusty thanks to talk this through. hathaway. so dw
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corresponded with interest in makin i believe is of germany estates of hell. told swift chancellor, on our shelves on my gratian, the government is considering a new measures to more easily deport migrant soon as asylum applications. i've been rejected or who been convicted of certain serious crimes. the topic is controversial in some parts of germany, but not in parts of east germany by the anti immigration. alternative for jeremy is the strongest political policy. and the new arrived migrants that will do that no longer welcome data. so when i came here because of what i want to have a safe life, i mean on what you're going a 100 percent confidence and all the young people here in the center of living conditional in the security situation back home. however serious there,
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i wouldn't be able to just stop and speak with you. it's been this processing center is located in the items that stats to as east lane in the form of east gemini, the research bure fee, and election solar bite wing populist alternative for germany. or a f d strength, and it's based in the eastern gym and states of the promises to cub regular migration. some of the people we spoke to here have lost trust in child life shelves, that his social democratic party and have little hope. the government will address their concerns. it's all gone down the drain anyway. why not just give them a chance and let the if do you have a goal, become sink and the low any way, no matter which party the city has had it's 10 and they screwed up. now to if these to and, and now the f d a can give it a shot you consume can lower them and it's already been run into the ground yet. and this, but didn't have any hope for the f d. what to load for them all the pauses have proven time and time again that they
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were just talking rubbish with all the promises. others, the noise in hidden stats, i'm more welcoming of migrants and refugees coming to germany. yes, everyone has the right to leave. no question, the want to help people to know question people, effective bible, but there must be limits even among refugees you have had been assigned in applications approved felons. tough migration stats has gone and some support stuff that as well. i mean, there is this level of realism to stay here, the sensor here, but anything else you can, they can develop that has the gym and then just given by the rules, those who abide by the law have nothing to fear and will not be deported. however, those who commit a crime will do drugs need to be to push it back to that country if you thought me . i so cool. and i saw on the bottom facing of record low approval rating. the
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german government is coming under increasing pressure to act according to the head of the immigration, no authority in the state of brandon. but where the reception center is located, raising the number of people tensions, will go some way to cub migration. but he says it will not be enough for missing up . she been doing it for me. deportations are a mechanism named. it was during legal fees, the criminals, serious offenders, people who showed the willingness to integrate and kind of integrates ones. but i just, so i need to be to pause here because that population cannot be persuaded to let them stay and collect welfare benefits until the size of calcium. as the debate continues these refugees and by grants a way to decision by jim and lawmakers about what the future holds. very about a franca is a research, a be expert counsel on integration on to migration. welcome to the day is default
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and criminal asylum seekers. back to countries like syria and that's counting stance a realistic policy as well. um you said that you paid a tester for that rep. uh whenever there is a grave crime happening or or if it isn't. and so 1st we have to remember, this only becomes relevant once the person has done their prison term. so it's not something necessarily you when, when we have a big incident that we had in my time and something that immediately relevant. so then the question is, the, as is the situation in the country of origin actually making it possible to, to return a person. and they're at the moment for talking about african has been syria, and the assessments of the human rights conditions in these countries by our friend ministry does not allow a return at the moment. this could change, of course. and then the next question is, we can't look at returns on the installation. there's always a range of issues that hunter into the concentration of whether we should cooperate
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with these regimes with the diplomatic and all the costs will be for the cost of negotiating, the return of a criminal. it's complicated. let me look at the strongly and i solution as i understand, and i wonder, is the evidence that criminal behavior amongst people's thinking asylum is on the increase of making this a home to political topic? or does this translate shelves talking tough? because the far right asked the snapping the heels of a social democratic party as well. you have it mailed up to see, to effectors is as well, of course, the election plays a role. there is, this incident is major incident that requires a you know, the government to demonstrate the ability to act and the registered agent on directly radicalization is a phenomenon that has been ongoing since the many decades. and of course, the rise of the i s also had the advisors had to bring it back on on. this is the dismantling of isaac, i've also moved the scene online, but no, no,
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not necessarily. it is a new development itself, but for sure there is the pressure after the european elections and with the upcoming originally addictions to show some sort of talk mess. it's not, you can transfer shorts, has been very outspoken in favor of the returns where it is possible. so i would say it's not just the impact of the fire right now. right. so when we hear from people, as we did in our report that be the social democrats of screwed things up and maybe it's the f d a ton to get things that go. what is the asp be saying about what it would do about a regular migration? uh well this um evolves um there is not one policy that the i have do. you would like to contact uh, have put forward uh that do you have different parts of the data for different agendas? very uh, prominently we have the debate about this,
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the goal re migration. so big style returns. we know that's um, you know, it's through the written integration and, and being like for the re, diversity and into integrating your workforce in the labor market is not supported or across the party either. and so the question really um is what do with the voters really want and we have a lot of people that are scared of change that are scared of the appearance of, for lack of control and loss of control. and they're a big issue is that the governments that have succeeded over there, if you lost the kids of the tended to over promise what they can actually do in migration. and this is back firing. now, thank you so much for talking to us. uh many a fault, a fun cat who's a researcher from the expert council on integration and migration. thank you. thank you for having me. be outgoing dutch primarily stop mock
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groups that looks likely to become nato. his next secretary general. or maybe as president who was the sold challenge has withdrawn his bed. and these now endorsing mr. rosa, to take care of it. when consultant extends down in up to or as young stilton berg hands over to mark richard, it's the outgoing dutch prime ministers. personal motto of go with the flow come to life. it's hard to imagine a successor, more similar in nature, to the still with norwegian, who loved the alliance for a decade. the pragmatic, likable. uh, they are very capable of foraging coalitions and, and bringing difficult positions together. richard is famously low key. he lives alone in the modest department in the hague. teaches weekly at a local school and gets around the city by a few years ago, a video of him cleaning up his own skilled costs went viral. this image of com confidence, plus familiarity after more than
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a dozen years is dutch prime minister, one him early backing by most allies. dashing the hopes of a stony and prime minister kaya call us that it was finally time for a female secretary general from an eastern plank country romanian president. close . johan is, meanwhile, didn't throw his head in the ring, holding up consensus until now. that also allowed regular e. you consensus boiler victor or bond to exploit a personal grudge against fruit, with whom he had clashed bitterly over the years and rule of law issues on the document. the real responsible man for home the goal is to bring home getting to the city. this time route to had to compromise by signing a letter confirming. he would maintain a pledge made by stilton berg to allow hungary to opt out of supporting ukraine at nato. that deal is a controversial start to reach his term. in a way you wrote the unit limits, you, the consensus will of nato. so i hope realty will not make more of these kind of
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concessions to national leaders, depending on the outcome of us elections in november root. they may have bigger problems, allies backing his candidacy seriously evaluated his ability to assume stilton as mantle of trump. it was for the root that has a track record to he is publicly rebuked trumps acceptance of us. he, you trade tensions if we don't, that will be positive also, because now we're just thinking about those cars that are far in here in the south side. it'll be, it'll be positive, but in a lesser known incident at the 2018 nato summit. trump's rant against here it's low defense spending was so beer roland stilton bridge asked almost every one but national leaders to leave the room. finally, chemo cluster was there and says route to stepped in, adult donald trump, that said hey, he could actually take credit for the recent increases in spending, which was not entirely correct, but it sort of calm down. uh,
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president trump. and he found a way to spin the situation as something that said he had a cheese, but the turn around the defense spending didn't start under donald trump. started under obama. true. but i think the most important task of any secretary general is to make sure that there is unity within the lives that's going to take all root is considerable maneuvering skills was now 32 allies. political shifts underway and a war next door that's bound to run on long into his 10 year expected to begin october 1st. and that's the day of a good day by the
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to the business. but we will tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d. w. complex loan with tim sebastian, fuel countries of what's the war and ukraine more closely than poland, which was the time. and again the poor thing was not film. his board is no one.
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listen, my guess this week and more so just to just to some of this stuff. have them both know that over to 12 warnings because the government for you are the same conflict in 60 minutes on dw, the, enjoying the views and come to take a look at this out to the highlights every week. email inbox, subscribe now the 3 of your updates. green innovations for green and the super green check, the holy grail of electron mobility and green revenue since global. so there isn't
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a whole lot of climate problem pictures. i'm trying to tell the rest of those channels. we've got new videos every friday tried to plan. it's a this is the, the, the, any, is that for tech coming up on the program, special to end if she and activists in gab campaigning hod as a moving vote in parliament could see the country's ban on female genital mutilation. listed. it's a tough fights. there were strong supports in the country, it's a continuance. the home full practice post is coming up. in cameras, local fishermen tell dw big industrial phone is taking all the fish and attacking them, etc. basically the government isn't doing anything to help them less.


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